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Occupational erapy International

Volume 2023, Article ID 6688222, 18 pages

Review Article
Mapping Effectiveness Studies of Occupational Therapy in Africa:
A Scoping Review

Nicola Ann Plastow , Monique de Wit , Megan Brown , Monica de Kock ,

Patricia Pretorius , Saskia Pienaar , and Wernice Venter
Division of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa

Correspondence should be addressed to Nicola Ann Plastow;

Received 26 May 2023; Revised 23 September 2023; Accepted 25 September 2023; Published 22 November 2023

Academic Editor: Claudia Hilton

Copyright © 2023 Nicola Ann Plastow et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Background. Contextual relevance is an important consideration for evidence-based practice, especially in low- and middle-income
countries where the nature of practice may differ from high-income countries. Resources and access to rehabilitation are
constrained, and service-users face a range of intersecting challenges to activity and participation. Aim. To evaluate the body of
evidence for the effectiveness of occupational therapy in Africa, and to determine if systematic reviews with meta-analysis and/or
meta-synthesis are feasible. Methods and Analysis. We conducted a systematic scoping review of published and grey literature by
following PRISMA-ScR guidelines across 13 databases and through personal contact with occupational therapists across Africa.
Covidence software was used to manage a blind review process by at least three reviewers per included article. The McMaster
Quantitative Review Form, NHMRC levels of evidence, the Cochrane PROGRESS-Plus health equity criteria, and the TIDieR
checklist informed data extraction using Microsoft Forms. Results. The search yielded 4199 articles, of which 45 were included.
Evidence in six fields of practice included paediatrics, mental health, physical rehabilitation, hand therapy, work practice, and
community development, although the evidence was largely limited to South Africa (93% studies). Levels of evidence varied but
included 13 RCTs. In all, 1957 participants were included, ranging in age from 25 days to 99 years, with a wide range of health
conditions. Most studies reported a positive outcome for occupational therapy. Conclusion. Findings suggest a moderate body of
evidence to support occupational therapy in Africa. Systematic review with meta-analysis, assessment of risk of bias, and in-depth
analysis of specific areas of practice are now required. All effectiveness studies in occupational therapy should include measures of
occupational performance or participation, minimum reporting standard checklists should be used more consistently, and effect
sizes should be consistently calculated and reported in effectiveness research.

1. Introduction The nature of occupational therapy is also shaped by the

context in which evidence-based services are provided.
The overarching role of occupational therapy in Africa is to Nevertheless, systematic reviews are widely considered the
promote participation [1]. Evidence-based practice (EBP) gold standard for evidence-based practice and are the high-
should be a foundation for enacting this role, since EBP is est in the hierarchy of evidence.
a key attribute of occupational therapy graduates [2]. Work- Occupational therapy service delivery is already informed
ing in an evidence-based way means making rehabilitation by a number of systematic reviews internationally, which have
decisions based on the experience of the service user (what provided evidence of the effectiveness of occupational therapy
works well for me), the experience of the occupational across the lifespan. For example, Novak and Honan’s [3]
therapist (what works well for my service users), and the systematic review of paediatric occupational therapy for chil-
research evidence (what has worked well for other people). dren with disabilities identified 75 systematic reviews and 54
2 Occupational Therapy International

randomised controlled trials that met their inclusion criteria. people in rural areas, those living on low incomes, and those
From these studies, 40 interventions were graded Green/Go, who speak a different language to their therapist may expe-
indicating sufficient evidence for implementation. Bennett rience inequitable access to occupational therapy services.
et al.’s [4] systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated These contextual challenges mean that it is important for
moderate effectiveness of occupational therapy at home for occupational therapists in Africa and other LMICs to have
people with dementia and their carers, across a range of out- access to research evidence that is relevant to their context.
comes. The economic value of occupational therapy in acute Using interventions that have been shown to be effective in
and subacute hospital settings was also demonstrated by similar contexts may enhance the impact of occupational
Wales et al. [5], with five studies showing value for money. therapy services. As an emerging profession in Africa, it is
Meta-analysis of 16,718 patients in seven studies also showed also important to raise the profile of the profession.
that occupational therapy reduces readmission rates for adults Evidence-based practice increases the credibility of occupa-
hospitalised for surgical and general medical care, particularly tional therapy in Africa because therapists will be able to
if the intervention focused on the transition from the hospital demonstrate their commitment to using scientifically valid
to the home [6]. Finally, for adults with depression, Christie and reliable evidence to inform their decision making. In a
et al. [7] found strong evidence for the effectiveness of resource-constrained environment, evidence-based practice
return-to-work interventions on depressive symptoms. These also helps to maximise the use of available resources. For
selected systematic reviews demonstrate the breadth of occu- example, research evidence may inform optimal treatment
pational therapy and suggest its effectiveness throughout life frequency and duration of treatment or the likelihood of fur-
for people with a range of health conditions. However, none ther functional improvement after an injury. This helps to
of these reviews specifically considered how the evidence was reduce waste or harm. A final benefit of having better access
shaped by the context of the research. to research evidence from Africa is that therapists will be
Although van Vuuren et al. [1] explored the role and able to engage more easily in continuing professional devel-
scope of occupational therapy in Africa, we were unable to opment that is the most relevant to their practice.
find any previous systematic or scoping reviews of the effec- If a systematic review has not been done, scoping reviews
tiveness of occupational therapy in Africa or other low- and can assist researchers to map the available evidence and then
middle-income country (LMIC) regions. This is problematic identify and define specific research questions for subsequent
because effectiveness studies conducted in high-income systematic reviews [10]. Scoping reviews can also promote
countries (HICs) are not always applicable to evidence- evidence-based decision-making, by evaluating the available
based practice in LMICs, for a number of reasons. First, body of evidence. This means determining the level of confi-
the nature of occupational therapy in LMICs may be differ- dence we can place in research findings, based on the quantity
ent. For example, in South America, social occupational and quality of the available evidence. This includes the size of
therapy has emerged as an area of practice that focuses on the body of evidence, the consistency of findings, and the type
the needs of people who experience structural barriers to of research conducted within a hierarchy of evidence.
participation. Social occupational therapists work to address The aim of this study was to evaluate the body of evi-
these barriers and their consequences [8]. Occupational dence for the effectiveness of occupational therapy in Africa,
therapists from 11 African countries highlighted the chal- to determine if systematic reviews with meta-analysis and/or
lenges of working with very limited resources and the need meta-synthesis are feasible. These further reviews would
for culturally appropriate occupational therapy and empha- need to evaluate the strength of the evidence, to enable
sized a focus on spirituality as a core component of service occupational therapists and policymakers in Africa to make
delivery [1]. Occupational therapy also often needs to be informed decisions about service delivery. The research
population-based or include groups in contrast to working question that guided our review was as follows: “What is
individuals [1]. Second, occupational therapists in Africa the size, scope, and characteristics of the available research
face unique intersecting challenges. These include poverty investigating the effectiveness of occupational therapy inter-
and malnutrition, violence and political instability, stigma ventions in Africa?”
and discrimination against people with disabilities, and the Using the PICOS acronym, we included participants of
need to understand cultural gender norms and their impact any age or diagnosis, any intervention provided by an occu-
on participation [1]. Third is access to rehabilitation ser- pational therapist or under the direction of an occupational
vices. In Africa, the number of occupational therapists per therapist, any comparison, any outcomes, and any study
population is eight times lower than the level recommended design included in the National Health and Medical
by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists [9]. Research Council’s (NHMRC) Levels of Evidence [11].
This means that therapists have less time available per per-
son than would typically be available in a HIC. Structural
inequities in occupational therapy service provision in Africa 2. Methods
are another potential source of difference between LMICs
and HICs. Ned and colleagues found the occupational ther- We conducted a systematic scoping review following the
apy workforce of 5180 registered with the Health Professions procedures described in the JBI Manual for Evidence Syn-
Council of South Africa in 2018 to be predominantly white thesis [12]. For reporting, we used the PRISMA extension
(66%), under age 40 (67.7%), working in urban areas, and for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explana-
employed in the private sector (74.8%) [9]. This means that tion guidelines [13]. A review protocol was completed as
Occupational Therapy International 3

part of an undergraduate research module and is available study design, research aim, sample size and type of sampling
from the authors. used, outcomes used and reporting of their psychometric prop-
erties, statistical tests used and identified level of significance,
2.1. Eligibility Criteria. We included primary research that and whether effect size was reported or not. We categorised
was published at any time, in any language, and in any writ- the field of occupational therapy inductively, according to our
ten format (journal articles, research reports, dissertation, experience of the field.
and thesis). Any intervention provided by, or under the The NHMRC’s Levels of Evidence [11] were used to clas-
supervision of, an occupational therapist in any African sify the hierarchy of evidence available. Level I included a
country was included, to people of any age, either with or systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
without a specified diagnosis, in any setting and with any Level II included RCTs. Level III included comparative stud-
measured outcomes. Details of the criteria are indicated in ies such as pseudo-RCTs (Level III-1); studies with a concur-
Table 1. rent control group (not randomised), cohort studies,
interrupted time series (ITS) with a control group, and case
2.2. Information Sources and Search Strategy. The following
control studies (Level III-2); and studies with a historical
databases were selected with the assistance of an expert
control, more than two single arm studies, or ITS without
librarian, to maximise the likelihood of finding research
control (Level III-3). Level IV included case series, posttest
conducted in Africa: Cochrane Library, PubMed, SciELO,
studies, or pretest/posttest studies.
Web of Science, Sabinet Reference, OTseeker, Africa-Wide
The generalizability of results to other populations was
Information, CINAHL, Academic Search Premier, Health
assessed using the Cochrane PROGRESS-Plus health equity
Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, MEDLINE, and ERIC.
criteria [16, 17]. This included the following 10 items: place
We emailed all the heads of occupational therapy at univer-
of residence, any indication of race/ethnicity/culture/home
sities in the 13 countries in Africa where occupational ther-
language/religion, occupation, gender or sex, level of educa-
apy training is provided, using our personal contacts and
tion, socioeconomic status, diagnosis, level of disability, HIV
email addresses available on the World Wide Web. We also
status, and marital status or living arrangements. For studies
contacted the Research Committee of the Occupational
including children, occupation and level of education were
Therapy Association of South Africa (OTASA) and individ-
considered reported if the authors reported the children
ual researchers in our personal networks. Additionally, a
went to school and their grade anywhere in the article. Liv-
hand search of the South African Journal of Occupational
ing arrangements were considered reported if the study
Therapy was performed, together with a review of the refer-
reported with whom the child lived.
ence lists of included articles, to identify additional studies
The TIDieR checklist (Template for Intervention
missed in the database search. The final search date was 30
Description and Replication) [18] was used to extract data
April 2022. The details of the search for each database are
on the nature of the intervention and evaluate the quality
included in Table 2.
of reporting. High-quality reporting enables replicability of
2.3. Study Selection. The study selection team included two an intervention. The 12-item checklist includes the name
researchers who were appointed as associate professor of the intervention, rationale, what (materials and proce-
(NAP) and lecturer (MDW) in the division of occupational dures), person delivering the intervention, how, when, where
therapy at Stellenbosch University and five undergraduate and how much, how the intervention is tailored to individual
students completing a research method module. The find- needs, changes made during the trial, quality of planning,
ings from each database search were loaded to Covidence and fidelity of implementation.
software for data management [14]. Once duplicates were To evaluate the consistency of the body of evidence, we
removed by the software, two members of the research team first identified each outcome measure used, the measure-
independently screened titles and abstracts, then full texts ment intervals used, and then the mean and standard devia-
within Covidence. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were tion for the intervention and control groups at pretest,
applied during screening. The reasons for excluding full text posttest, and follow-up.
were recorded as wrong study design, not an occupational The data extraction was completed using Microsoft
therapy intervention, not research, study not conducted in Forms. Two authors piloted the use of Microsoft Forms with
Africa, and not the primary research. The conflicts were five articles, capturing data in duplicate, and then evaluating
resolved through consensus by at least two of the three whether data had been consistently extracted. The included
authors. During data extraction, the inclusion and exclusion articles were divided between three authors based on
criteria were also applied, and additional studies that had available capacity. Data extraction was completed indepen-
been incorrectly included were then excluded. dently on allocated articles by each researcher. Queries or
concerns were discussed in regular meetings throughout
2.4. Data Collection Items and Extraction. A list of items for the time of data extraction. The final data set was checked
data extraction was developed collaboratively and included for missing data and consistency of reporting by the first
items from a variety of checklists. Two checklists were used author.
in our evaluation of study designs. The McMaster Quantita- As this was a scoping review, we did not complete a risk
tive Review Form [15] was used to identify important study of bias assessment of the included studies. We did, however,
characteristics including title, authors, year of publication, analyse for publication bias and selective reporting within
country where research was done, journal of publication, the studies.
4 Occupational Therapy International

Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Study characteristics Included Excluded

Any age or diagnosis
Participants No African country included
Receiving treatment in an African country
Provided by an occupational therapist or under the supervision
Intervention No evidence of occupational therapy
of an occupational therapist
Comparison None or any n/a
Any form of outcome demonstrating the effect or effectiveness
Outcome No measurement of outcomes
of occupational therapy
Any study that used statistical methods to evaluate the effectiveness
Study design Qualitative research
of an intervention
Publication date Any n/a
Language Any n/a
Peer-reviewed articles, unpublished postgraduate research reports,
Publication status Expert opinion
dissertations, or theses

Table 2: Database search information.

Database Search string Limits

Cochrane Library
PubMed (occupational therapy OR occupational therapist OR OT)
(effectiveness OR effect OR success∗ OR efficacy OR efficiency OR
Web of Science
benefit OR influence OR outcome OR result OR improve∗ OR
Sabinet Reference evidence OR significance OR implication OR value OR None
OTseeker consequence∗ OR impact OR usefulness OR qualit∗ OR
EBSCOhost: importance OR insight∗ OR barrier∗ OR challenge∗ OR problem)
Africa-Wide Information, CINAHL, Academic Search AND
Premier, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, (Africa)

2.5. Summary Measures. The size of the body of evidence remained for screening. This suggests substantial overlap
was determined by counting the number of unique interven- between the database findings and provides confidence that
tions evaluated; i.e., if a study was available as both a thesis we identified most eligible studies. At title and abstract
and publication, it was only counted once. The type and screening, we excluded 2111 studies. Thereafter, 280 studies
quality of study design was determined by the frequency were assessed for full-text eligibility. Of these, 230 were
and percentage of publications at each of the NHMRC’s excluded, with reasons for exclusion indicated in Figure 1.
levels of evidence. The quality of intervention reporting When data extraction commenced, a further five studies
was determined by a two-point scoring system based on were excluded.
Plastow et al. [19] to indicate if each item on the TIDieR
checklist was reported or not reported. The consistency of
the findings and the quantity of evidence was determined 3.2. Size and Scope of the Evidence. A total of 45 studies eval-
by counting the number of studies that reported a positive uating the effectiveness of occupational therapy were identi-
result, no change, or a negative result. For generalisability, fied. The earliest publication was published in 2000. The
data on the characteristics of participants were summarised overwhelming majority (80%, 36/45) were published in the
using frequencies and percentages. For age and sample size, past 10 years (see Figure 2). Published articles appeared pre-
we calculated the range and mean across studies where data dominantly in the South African Journal of Occupational
was available. Therapy (n = 19, 42%), with two articles published in the
Journal of Hand Therapy and Occupational Therapy Inter-
national. Eleven other articles (24%) were each published
3. Results in different journals. Eleven studies were unpublished mas-
ter’s theses (24%).
3.1. Study Selection. The study selection is presented in Six fields of occupational therapy were identified among
Figure 1. The initial database search yielded 4194 articles. effectiveness studies: paediatrics (n = 19), mental health
An additional five articles were identified using other (n = 10), physical rehabilitation (n = 9), hand therapy (n = 4),
methods. When duplicates were removed, 2391 articles work practice (n = 2), and community development (n = 1).
Occupational Therapy International 5

Records identified through database Additional titles identified through other

searching (EBSCOhost, SciELO, PubMed, sources (Website searching, hand searching and
Web of Science, Sabinet, OTseeker) contact with researchers in Africa)
(n = 4194) (n = 5)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 2391)

Excluded after title and abstract screening

(n = 2111)

Studies assessed for full-text eligibility

(n = 280)

Studies excluded (n = 235)

(i) Wrong study design (n = 151)


(ii) Not an OT intervention (n = 52)

(iii) No research done (n = 15)
(iv) Research not conducted in Africa (n = 9)
(v) Not primary research (n = 3)

Full-text studies included for final data extraction

(n = 50)

Studies excluded during data extraction (n = 5)


(i) Wrong study design (n = 3)

(ii) Not an OT intervention (n = 2)

Full-text studies included in final data set

(n = 45)

Figure 1: PRISMA diagram.

One study was included in both the paediatrics and hand ther- III-2), and 7 studies without concurrent controls (Level III-3).
apy categories as it included splinting for children with cere- One-third of the studies (15/45) used a pretest, posttest, or
bral palsy (n = 1). case study design (Level IV). Most of these were physical reha-
bilitation (n = 5). Table 3 illustrates the distribution of studies
3.3. Levels of Evidence. A wide range of terminology was within the various fields of occupational therapy, as well as
used to describe the study designs. We therefore classified how they are represented under the levels of evidence.
each of the studies using terminology used in the NHMRC’s
levels of evidence [11] to enable comparison. Analysis using 3.4. Reporting of Participant Characteristics. A total of 1957
the NHMRC levels of evidence found no Level I study participants aged between 25 days and 99 years were included
(systematic reviews of RCTs). At Level II, there were 13 ran- in the 45 studies. Using the PROGRESS-Plus criteria, partici-
domised controlled trials, of which two were feasibility or pant characteristics were inconsistently reported, especially
pilot trials, and one used cluster randomisation. Level II evi- in journal articles. Of the 10 PROGRESS-Plus criteria, the
dence was only available in the fields of paediatrics (n = 7), authors reported a mean of 4.8 items (range 2-8, SD = 1 62).
mental health (n = 5), and hand therapy (n = 1). At Level III, Almost all of the research was conducted in South Africa
there was 1 pseudorandomised controlled trial (Level III-1), (n = 42, 93%), with one study in Morocco, Uganda, and
9 comparative studies with a concurrent control group (Level Namibia each. Most studies reported the location of the
6 Occupational Therapy International

Number of publications

2000 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Year of publication

Figure 2: Number of publications by year (n = 45).

Table 3: Levels of evidence for occupational therapy in Africa.

Level of evidence
OT field of practice
II III-1 III-2 III-3 IV Total
Paediatrics 7 6 2 4 19
Mental health 5 2 1 2 10
Physical rehabilitation 1 1 1 5 8
Hand therapy 1 1 2 4
Work practice 2 2
Community development 1 1
Paediatrics and hands 1 1
Grand total 13 1 9 7 15 45

research within each country (40/45). Gender was similarly dence [43]. Two studies included participants without a
well-reported, with 40 of the 45 studies reporting the gender mental health diagnosis. One addressed the needs of
of participants. People receiving occupational therapy in impoverished community-living people experiencing stress
Africa were almost evenly split between men (n = 722) and [44] and another teenagers at risk of alcohol use [45].
women (n = 771). There was, however, no report of any gen- González-Bernal et al.’s [46] community intervention for
ders beyond the male/female dichotomy. Participants’ health people with disabilities included those with unspecified
conditions were included in all 45 of the studies. However, mental disabilities and emotional difficulties in Morocco.
the level of disability or functioning of participants was People with physical disabilities were also included in the
poorly reported, with only 12 studies reporting this equity Moroccan study. The remaining participants in the nine
characteristic. studies using physical rehabilitation included people with
People with a wide range of health conditions receive stroke [47–51], diabetic foot ulcerations [52], traumatic
occupational therapy in Africa. The 20 studies within the brain injury [53], and upper and lower limb injuries [49].
field of paediatrics included children with cerebral palsy In the field of work practice, one study included nursing
[20–24], visual perceptual difficulties [25], HIV [26], ADHD auxiliaries working in a residential facility for people with
[27], learning disabilities [24, 28, 29], and very low birth intellectual disabilities [54] while another study included
weight [30]. Some studies were conducted with children participants with traumatic brain injuries [55].
without a diagnosis, but who were considered disadvantaged We identified five studies that evaluated the effectiveness
[31]; attended an ECD centre in rural Mahikeng, South of hand therapy, including children with cerebral palsy [56],
Africa [32]; were aged 4 to 6 years [33] or in Grade R (the people with mallet finger injury [57], flexor tendon injuries
year before the start of formal schooling) ([34]); and had [58, 59], and crush injuries [60].
handwriting difficulties [35]. Other demographic characteristics were less frequently
The ten studies in the field of mental health included reported. Only 29% (n = 13) of the articles reported either
people with mood disorders [36–41], psychotic disorders race, ethnicity, culture, religion, or home language of the
[36, 37, 40], conduct disorders [42], and substance depen- participants. Of these, three studies only included people
Occupational Therapy International 7

who were white. Of the 23 studies that reported employment vention delivered by teachers and nurses [61–63]. One study
status, 12 included children in education. Of the remaining used telehealth as the mode of delivery [48].
11, only five studies reported the type of work by adult par-
ticipants. These included being ECD practitioners; skilled, 3.8. Dose. There was substantial variation in the duration
semiskilled, and unskilled occupations; nursing auxiliaries; and frequency of the interventions and the number of
unqualified/casual or professional; sedentary, light, medium, sessions offered by occupational therapists. Four studies
or heavy work; and maintenance worker. Similarly, levels of evaluated the effectiveness of a single occupational therapy
education and socioeconomic status of participants were session [29, 38, 40, 41]. The remaining interventions took
poorly reported. Only nine studies (20%) reported the level place over 1 week to 102 weeks (24 months). The mean
of education of adult participants. Of these, only three stud- intervention duration was 14 weeks, although the median
ies included participants with any tertiary qualifications, and was 8 weeks. Most interventions were delivered either daily
three studies included participants with only primary school (n = 19) or weekly (n = 18). Only 6 were provided monthly.
or no formal education. Similarly, only 13 of the studies However, there was little consistency when comparing dura-
(29%) reported the socioeconomic status of the participants. tion and frequency. For example, daily interventions were
Of these, 12 used a range of terminology to describe partic- provided over 1 to 52 weeks, while weekly interventions
ipants living on low incomes. One study was conducted in a ranged between 2 and 8 weeks. The number of sessions var-
private clinic, suggesting a higher socioeconomic status of ied between 1 and 150, with a mean of 22 sessions, and a
participants. The only two studies that reported HIV status median of 10 sessions.
were Ramugondo’s feasibility RCT to improve play of chil-
dren who were HIV positive [26] and Msengana et al.’s
intervention to improve upper limb mobility and personal 3.9. Characteristics of Outcome Measures. Studies used a
management in people with stroke [51]. In addition, only mean of 2.38 measures (range 1-9, SD = 1 64), although 18
four studies reported the marital status or living arrange- studies only used one outcome measure. There was little
ments of participants. consistency in outcomes used, even within the same field
of practice. Less than half (21/45) of the studies included a
3.5. Characteristics of Intervention Reporting. Studies reported measure of quality of life, participation, or occupational per-
between one and ten of the 12 TIDieR characteristics, with a formance. The most commonly named outcomes at a partic-
mean and median of seven items reported per study. All of ipation level were the Barthel Index [47–50], level of creative
the studies provided a name for their intervention somewhere ability using the Activity Participation Outcome Measure
in the article. Interventions varied between multicomponent (APOM) or the creative participation assessment (CPA)
occupational therapy programs and specific treatment tech- [43, 52], Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development
niques. Most of the studies (n = 33) provided a rationale, goal, [30, 64], and the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand
or theory informing the intervention. Less than half of the (DASH) [49, 60]. In two studies, researchers developed their
studies described how the interventions were tailored to the own measures of participation [40, 62]. Few studies (12/45)
individual (n = 19). Only ten described any modifications reported translation of outcome measures or use of a version
made to the planned intervention, and only ten reported any in an African language. Both the reliability and validity of
plans to monitor intervention fidelity, although 14 studies pro- the measures used were reported in a third of the studies
vided at least some information on actual intervention fidelity. (15/45).

3.6. Location of Intervention. Occupational therapy research 3.10. Evidence of Effectiveness. Twelve of the 19 studies in
was not limited to healthcare settings. Although 15 interven- paediatrics reported a positive effect on at least one outcome.
tions were delivered in hospitals, five in specialist clinics Occupational therapy was reported to be effective in improv-
(e.g., hand clinic and diabetic foot clinic), and three in reha- ing the functional performance of self-care; reducing care-
bilitation centres, nine were delivered in the school setting, giver support for social interactions; in-seat behaviour and
and one was delivered partly in participants’ workplace. attention to tasks; visual discrimination, spatial relations,
Two of the interventions were delivered in community and figure-ground perception; gross motor proficiency,
venues such as the souk, Madrasa (Islamic school), and res- running speed and agility, upper limb coordination, and
idential homes for older adults [46]. Only two interventions strength; developmental progress; engagement; sensory pro-
were delivered exclusively in participants’ homes [21, 48], cessing; pencil grasp; physiological cost index and walking
while another two included both healthcare facility and speed; and emotional intelligence.
home-based components [50, 61]. Eight of ten studies in the field of mental health reported a
positive effect on at least one outcome. These included the
3.7. Mode of Intervention. The mode of delivery, reported in number of admissions, number of days in hospital, functional
37 studies, also varied. An equal number of interventions performance and participation (n = 5), and performance com-
were delivered in groups (n = 15) and one-to-one sessions ponents (e.g., stress, mood, attention, concentration, and
with the occupational therapist (n = 16). Two studies aggression). Function and participation were measured differ-
included both individual and group intervention compo- ently in all eight studies. One of the two studies in the field-of-
nents [36, 49]. In a small number of studies, occupational work practice demonstrated an improvement in cognition
therapists provided training and then supervised the inter- [55]. In that study, seven of 10 participants returned to work.
8 Occupational Therapy International

All three studies investigating the effectiveness of hand only one outcome measure. In addition, many of the studies
therapy reported a positive outcome. Improvements were measured performance components, rather than occupa-
noted in the upper limb function in children with cerebral tional performance. Notably, none of the studies included a
palsy [56], overall hand function and ability to work [60], child-rated outcome measure like the Canadian Occupa-
and patient satisfaction [58]. Similarly, all eight of the phys- tional Performance Measure [67] or the Child Occupational
ical rehabilitation studies demonstrated at least some level of Self-Assessment [68]. Occupational therapy for older people
effectiveness. Positive outcomes included improved func- is an important area of practice internationally that is sup-
tional independence [49, 50, 53], occupational performance ported by a strong body of evidence [69–71]. Our scoping
[48], reintegration and creative participation [52], self-care review found that no studies focused exclusively on the
[49, 51], mobility [49, 53], and knowledge of caregivers of needs of older people and no studies on the effectiveness of
people with disability [62]. occupational therapy for people with dementia. Community
development is a similarly important field of practice in
4. Discussion Africa that is not being assessed for effectiveness.
The results of this scoping review also highlight a num-
This study intended to map the evidence base for occupa- ber of inequities in this body of evidence that limit the gen-
tional therapy in Africa and to make recommendations for eralisability of the evidence base to healthcare systems across
future systematic reviews. The 45 studies we identified sug- Africa. Studies to evaluate the effectiveness of occupational
gest that future systematic reviews of the effectiveness of therapy were limited to four African countries. This is
occupational therapy in Africa are feasible. This is particu- problematic since 15 African countries are now training occu-
larly important to ensure that research findings are trans- pational therapists for their local healthcare systems. These
lated into health policy and practice [65]. The highest include Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, South
number of articles published was in the field of paediatrics, Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe [72]. More recently,
suggesting this is a good starting point. Six of these studies Cameroon, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, and
were RCTs, which suggests that a meta-analysis of outcomes Rwanda have commenced programs. Race, ethnicity, and cul-
may be feasible. The purpose of meta-analysis is to pool the ture are contested social constructs that socially group people
results of a range of studies, to determine the overall effec- together according to how they look or the traditions they
tiveness of an intervention. This requires a certain degree practice [73]. The failure to report race and ethnicity in occu-
of similarity between the studies in their design, target pop- pational therapy research in Africa disregards the reality of
ulation, outcome measures used, characteristics of the inequity, injustice, and social stratification that is a conse-
intervention, and methods of analysis [66]. Although the quence of the continent’s colonial past and that has influenced
calculation of heterogeneity is beyond the remit of this scop- population health. The low number of articles reporting race,
ing review, at face value, there are significant differences in ethnicity, culture, language, or religion also highlights the risk
the paediatric studies presented in Table 4. In addition, only of inequity in occupational therapy service provision. Of the
high-quality studies with a low risk of bias should be 13 articles that reported any of these constructs, almost a quar-
included in a meta-analysis. This suggests that researchers ter (n = 3) only included white participants. Because these
would need to carefully consider their approach to meta- descriptors may hide health disparities, and limit the generali-
analysis, under the guidance of a biostatistician. For mental sability of findings, it is important to report these participant
health, physical rehabilitation, and hand therapy, most inter- characteristics at this time [73].
national systematic reviews focus on specific diagnostic cat- The least reported health equity characteristic across the
egories. The body of evidence is not yet large enough for studies was HIV status. This is despite the fact that Africa is
meta-analysis in any of these three fields of practice. How- the continent with the largest number of HIV-positive peo-
ever, an in-depth narrative review of practice in mental ple [74]. The importance of this equity characteristic was
health and physical rehabilitation services would provide highlighted by Philip et al.’s qualitative study of the lived
useful information for clinicians establishing new services experience of people with disabilities and HIV in accessing
or enhancing existing ones. HIV services [75]. That study found that HIV status, disabil-
After establishing the size of a body of evidence, it is ity, stigma, poverty, and gender “collide in a hierarchy of
important to consider the consistency of the findings. The identities to impede accessibility to HIV services” [75]. It is
most consistent findings of effectiveness were in the fields expected that access to occupational therapy services and
of physical rehabilitation and hand therapy. The effective- the effectiveness of those services will similarly be impeded
ness of occupational therapy for people with mental health by the intersection of a range of different health equity char-
problems was also demonstrated relatively consistently. In acteristics. For example, De Klerk et al. [76] found that male
all three of these areas, there was a focus on measuring occu- gender, being unemployed, and receiving state-subsidised
pational performance or participation, which is where we healthcare because of low income were some of the factors
would expect to see the greatest gains from occupational predicting nonattendance at a regional rehabilitation centre
therapy. This contrasts with the effectiveness of occupational in Cape Town, South Africa [76]. This is why the limited
therapy for children and young people [1]. The evidence for reporting of socioeconomic status in the identified studies
this group of service users was much less consistent, with a is also problematic. A number of the PROGRESS-Plus
third of studies demonstrating no effectiveness. However, health equity characteristics point to the economic resources
this was also the group of studies that most frequently used that may be available to a person that enable them to access
Occupational Therapy International 9

Table 4: Effectiveness studies from Africa by field of practice and level of evidence.

Area of practice
Level of Sample Name of Size of
Authors Study aim Outcome measures Effective
evidence size intervention effect
Community development
The aim of this research
was to verify the
Volitional questionnaire,
effectiveness of a
González- community-based OT Community
stigma consciousness Not
Bernal et al. intervention in the volition, III-3 94 occupational Yes
questionnaire, attribution reported
[46] quality of life, and perceived therapy
questionnaire, ad hoc
self-stigma of people with
interview (Likert scale)
disabilities in the Moroccan
city of Azrou.
To explore aspects of
feasibility related to the
recruitment, consent, and
retention rates in
consideration of a future
definitive randomised Total active motion, Jamar
control trial. In addition, hand dynamometer,
Naudé and Early active Not
preliminary results of an II 31 Michigan Hand Yes
de Klerk [76] mobilisation reported
early active therapy Questionnaire, Smith Hand
protocol compared to an Function Evaluation
early passive therapy
protocol were reported on,
together with patient
satisfaction and
To determine the range of Passive motion,
movement (ROM), power, controlled active Bilateral hand ROM,
Spark, et al. Not
and pinch grip strength III-3 126 motion, or early bilateral grip strength, and No
[59] reported
post-FTR and to establish active motion pinch strength
factors that may affect these protocols
To report on the sensation—monofilaments
rehabilitation and and disk criminator; muscle
functional outcomes of a strength—hydraulic
Young et al. patient who had his hand Early active dynamometer, B&L pinch Not
IV 1 Yes
[60] replanted at the distal mobilisation gauge, and manual muscle applicable
forearm in a private practice testing; hand function—nine
setting in Umhlanga, South hole peg test, Jebsen-Taylor
Africa Hand Function Test, and
To describes a technique
that utilizes a combination
of an orthosis and Kinesio
Early active Not
Devan [57] tape, thereby creating a IV 16 Goniometer Yes
mobilisation reported
treatment protocol that
shortens the immobilisation
phase for these patients
10 Occupational Therapy International

Table 4: Continued.

Area of practice
Level of Sample Name of Size of
Authors Study aim Outcome measures Effective
evidence size intervention effect
Mental health
To determine whether
participation in an eight-
week volunteer program for
Alcohol expectancy
Gandawa learners was more effective Volunteer program
II 34 questionnaire—adolescents, No None
[45] than an eight-session life vs. life skill group
alcohol timeline follow-back
skill training program in
improving alcohol use
behaviour and perceptions
Researcher developed their
own assessment of
To determine the effect of participation because “there
the tempo of music on the are no assessments to
Strauss et al. activity participation of the measure participation”; Not
II 160 Music tempo Yes
[40] inhibited and agitated included attention, reported
mental healthcare users following of instructions,
with acute psychosis directedness towards
activity, and willingness to
To determine the short-
term effect of a group
drumming intervention
Van program on aggression
Drumming Demographic questionnaire, Not
Rensburg among adolescent girls at a II 26 Yes
program aggression scale reported
et al. [42] school for girls diagnosed
with conduct disorder in
Bloemfontein in the Free
To determine the effect of a
90-minute online
Education on
intervention, to improve
knowledge of individualized Canadian Occupational
sensory processing
De Villiers sensory processing Performance Measure, Not
II 27 styles and Yes
[41] preferences and associated WHODAS 2.0, PHQ-9, and reported
modulation strategies on GAD-7
the occupational
performance of adults with
major affective disorders
To make an effective stress
management program
Questionnaire 1,
available to the
Stress management questionnaire 2—both Not
Crouch [44] impoverished rural II 120 Yes
program developed from literature reported
community of the
and contextualized
Acornhoek area of the
Limpopo province
To determine whether
attendance at an
occupational therapy-led Occupational
Engelbrecht Number of admissions, days Medium to
day treatment centre for III-2 44 therapy-led day Yes
et al. [36] in hospital large
mental healthcare users treatment centre
affects the use of inpatient
services in South Africa
Occupational Therapy International 11

Table 4: Continued.

Area of practice
Level of Sample Name of Size of
Authors Study aim Outcome measures Effective
evidence size intervention effect
To compare the outcomes
of the proposed new
occupational therapy (SCO) New occupational Bay Area Functional
Ramano and Very small
group program, with the III-2 100 therapy (SCO) Performance Evaluation- Yes
de Beer [39] to medium
existing occupational group program Revised (BaFPE-R)
therapy (SCN) group
To compare an activity
program with an outcome-
based program for optimal International Classification
therapy vs. Not
Grobler [37] functioning and III-3 102 of Functioning, Disability Yes
outcome-based reported
reintegration of mental and Health
healthcare users into the
To examine the effects of an Stellenbosch Mood Scale
occupational therapist-led (STEMS), Enjoyment of
African drumming group Occupational Interaction Scale, Patient
Plastow et al.
on mental well-being IV 13 therapy-led Health Questionnaire-9 Yes Large
among adult psychiatric African drumming (PHQ-9), Generalized
inpatients with mood Anxiety Disorder-7
disorders (GAD-7)
To evaluate the change in
Silaule and activity participation of
Occupational Activity Participation Not
Casteleijn mental healthcare users IV 64 Yes
therapy program Outcome Measure (APOM) reported
[43] attending an occupational
therapy program
To investigate the effect of The Developmental Test of
ocular motor exercises, in Visual Perception, 2nd
combination with a visual Visual perceptual edition, by Hammil,
Vlok et al.
perceptual program, on the II 32 intervention Pearson, and Voress 15 No Small
visual perception of seven- program (DTVP-2) was used as the
year-old learners with visual pre- and postprogram
perceptual problems measurement
To describe the playfulness
in children with HIV and
PHE on HAART living in
challenging socioeconomic Play-informed,
areas in South Africa, and caregiver-
Test of playfulness,
Ramugondo to evaluate the feasibility implemented,
II 24 background information No Small
et al. [26] and preliminary home-based
effectiveness of a play- intervention
informed, caregiver- (PICIHBI)
implemented, home-based
intervention (PICIHBI) for
improving play
To determine the effect of a
soft neoprene thumb
Neoprene thumb
Hughes et al. abductor splint on upper Quality of Upper Extremity Very small
II 28 abduction splints No
[22] limb function in children Skills Test to large
and home program
with CP with a thumb-in-
palm deformity
12 Occupational Therapy International

Table 4: Continued.

Area of practice
Level of Sample Name of Size of
Authors Study aim Outcome measures Effective
evidence size intervention effect
To determine whether
learners with attention
deficit hyperactivity
Time seated per 20 minutes
disorder (ADHD) and
(in-seat behaviour), time in
definite difference in
Buckle et al. seconds (task completion), Not
sensory processing would II 30 Weighted vests Yes
[27] Conners’ Continuous reported
be able to improve their
Performance Test II
in-seat behaviour, task
(CPT II) (attention to task)
completion speed, and
attention-to-task as a result
of a weighted vest
To design and evaluate a
Screening Questionnaire,
postural control program
Infant postural Baby’s Day Diary©,
for infants, in which defined Not
Hewson [61] II 50 control program Peabody Developmental Yes
stimulatory activities are reported
(IPCP) Motor Scales–2nd Edition
embedded into the everyday
activities of the parents
the Infant/Toddler Sensory
To investigate the effect of
Profile (ITSP), the Test of
Ayres Sensory Integration
Lecuona Ayers Sensory Sensory Function in Infants Not
(ASI) on the development II 24 Yes
et al. [30] Integration (ASI) (TSFI), and Bayley III Scales reported
of premature infants in the
of Infant and Toddler
first 12 months of life
Development (BIII)
To establish whether a life
skill program would have a
Van Heerden Cilliers Emotional Not
short-term effect on the II 88 Life skills Yes
et al. [34] Intelligence Test reported
emotional intelligence of
children in Grade R
To assess the effectiveness
of the Developmental Developmental The Bayley Scales of Infant
Russell et al. Resource Stimulation Resource and Toddler Development, Not
III-2 30 No
[64] Programme for children Stimulation 3rd edition (Bayley reported
with DS younger than 42 Programme Scales III)
To identify whether Stetro
handwriting assessment
pencil grips, inclined
including speed and
surfaces, and splints are
Assistive devices legibility (letter formation, Not
Levin [29] effective in enhancing III-2 22 No
for pencil grasp spacing between words, reported
writing speed and legibility
letter spacing between lines,
in grade two children with
accuracy, and general
learning disabilities
ECDC (Early Childhood
Development Criteria)
To determine the level of consisting of Section A:
efficacy of the CTP on the Cognitive SRRA (School
The cross-trainer Not
Chedzey [31] development of three-to- III-2 49 Readiness Risk Areas), Yes
program (CTP) reported
four-year-old children in Section B: Fine Motor
the rural Mahikeng areas Coordination, and Section
C: Gross Motor
Occupational Therapy International 13

Table 4: Continued.

Area of practice
Level of Sample Name of Size of
Authors Study aim Outcome measures Effective
evidence size intervention effect
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of
To determine the effect of Motor Proficiency, Second
the SEMOSTI sensory- Edition (BOT-2),
SEMOSTI (sensory
Salzwedel motor program, on the questionnaires: physical Not
III-2 73 motor stimulation Yes
[33] gross motor proficiency of activity (frequency, reported
four-to-six-year-old duration, type in domains of
children vigorous, low to moderate,
and sedentary)
To determine the effect of a Lyytinen-Lund (1998)
classroom-based program Pencil grip observation schedule, pinch
Smit [35] III-2 45 Yes Large
on handwriting for children provided meter, Minnesota
with pencil grasp problems Handwriting Assessment
To establish whether a
CIMT (constraint-induced
movement therapy) course
in the home environment
Hamer- Constraint-
will result in improved Pediatric Evaluation of Not
Rohrer et al. III-3 1 induced movement Yes
hand function and Disability Inventory reported
[21] therapy
performance in functional
skills (activities of daily
living) in a young child with
asymmetrical cerebral palsy
To determine the effect of
Du Plessis 12 hippotherapy sessions on Physiological cost index Not
III-3 10 Hippotherapy Yes
et al. [23] physiological effort and (PCI) and walking speed reported
walking speed over 60 m
To establish the effect of
combined therapy
approaches (CTA) on the CTA (combined PEDI-CAT, gross motor
Russell et al.
intervention of four IV 4 therapy function measure, and goal No None
children aged 48.1 months approaches) attainment scale
to 60 months with cerebral
palsy (CP)
To investigate the
relationship between a
Demopoulos Daily behaviour assessment
sensory diet and in-seat IV 12 Sensory diet No None
[28] scale
behaviour of a learner in the
To determine the effect of a The Individual Child
nonpowered, self-initiated Engagement
Medium to
Bastable et al. mobility program on the Self-initiated Record—Revised
IV 4 Yes large (Per
[20] engagement of young mobility program (ICER–R)2, Gross Motor
children with severe Functioning Classification
mobility limitations Level (baseline only)
To explore whether 7-to-
Demographic questionnaire,
24-month-old infants with
survey questions about the
fussy behaviour would
Jorge et al. Parent education parents’ knowledge of
respond to an intervention IV 12 Yes Large
[63] and sensory diet RSPD, parent self-report
program consisting of a
Infant-Toddler Symptom
two-week sensory diet and
parent education
14 Occupational Therapy International

Table 4: Continued.

Area of practice
Level of Sample Name of Size of
Authors Study aim Outcome measures Effective
evidence size intervention effect
To investigate the effect a Modified Ashworth scores;
supination splint on the goniometry measurements
upper limb function of of the elbow, forearm, wrist,
Delgado [56] children with cerebral palsy III-3 10 Supination splint and thumb; the Quality of Yes
for six months after they Upper Extremity Skills Test
were injected with (QUEST) and a subjective
botulinum toxin A hand assessment
Physical rehabilitation
To investigate whether
occupational therapy,
tailored to the level of Reintegration to normal
Jansen and therapy program
motivation for patients with living index, wound tracing, Not
Casteleijn III-1 10 using Vona du Toit Yes
diabetic foot complications, creative participation reported
[52] Model of Creative
has more positive treatment assessment
outcomes than occupational
therapy that is not
To evaluate the feasibility of
(i) a mobile phone
supported family-centred
ADL intervention F@ce™
and (ii) the study design for COPM, Self-Efficacy, Stroke
evaluating the effects of the Impact Scale 3.0 Uganda
Varies, but
Kamwesiga intervention on the version, Barthel Index,
III-2 30 F@ce Yes favours
et al. [48] perceived impact of stroke, Occupational Gaps
perceived participation in Questionnaire Ugandan
everyday life, and self- version
efficacy in everyday
activities among persons
with stroke and their
families in Uganda
To establish the profile of
the dysfunction with which
stroke survivors present as The Fugl-Meyer Assessment
well as the recovery their Upper Extremity (FMA UE)
Msengana Occupational Not
upper limb movement and III-3 59 and the South African Data Yes
et al. [51] therapy reported
independence in personal Functional Medicine
management on referral, at (SADFM) Beta Scale®
discharge and for two
months postdischarge
The aim of this study was to
establish the degree of
Stroke group and
Mamabolo functional independence of Not
IV 68 home-based Barthel Index Yes
et al. [50] patients with stroke at reported
discharge and more than six
weeks postdischarge
To determine the functional
Functional Mobility
mobility outcome and the
Haffejee et al. Occupational Outcomes from the Not
factors that influence it IV 60 Yes
[53] therapy Rivermead Mobility Index reported
post-TBI at discharge from
Occupational Therapy International 15

Table 4: Continued.

Area of practice
Level of Sample Name of Size of
Authors Study aim Outcome measures Effective
evidence size intervention effect
To describe the functional
Stroke Impact Scale (SIS)
Cawood and outcomes achieved by Occupational Not
IV 53 Version 3.0, Modified Yes
Visagie [47] stroke survivors in an urban therapy reported
Barthel Index (MBI)
Western Cape province
Questionnaire on
To determine the value of knowledge gained from each
CBR training, undertaken workshop, retention of Not
Graham [62] IV 20 Child care course Yes
by the Department of knowledge over one month, reported
Occupational Therapy and skills learned used in
daily handling of children
Adapted Zambian Activity
and Participation
To describe the outcomes
Rehabilitation questionnaire, Barthel
achieved by clients after
(occupational Index, Oswestry Back Pain
participating in
Kloppers therapy, questionnaire, AIMS2-SF Not
rehabilitation at the Bishop IV 78 Yes
[49] physiotherapy, and Arthritis Impact Scale, reported
Lavis Rehabilitation Centre
limited speech and DASH (Disability of the
(BLRC) over a three-month
language therapy) Arm, Shoulder, and Hand),
clinical mobility scale, carer
stress scale, and CRALM
Work practice
To determine the impact of
a staff development
program to increase
Van der Job satisfaction Not
knowledge, skills, and IV 12 Staff training No
Linde [54] questionnaire reported
attitudes to work with
PIMD on their perceived
job satisfaction over time
To determine whether
MOOSE is an effective
MOOSE (Model of
model to enhance the Montreal Cognitive Not
Soeker [55] IV 10 Occupational Self Yes
cognitive skills of Assessment reported
Efficacy) program
individuals with brain

healthcare. These include people’s level of education, reporting standard checklists are consistently used to improve
employment status, type of work, and level of income. None the quality of reporting, and that effect sizes are consistently
of these were adequately reported. calculated and reported in effectiveness research.

5. Conclusion Data Availability

Evidence-based practice is a core attribute of occupational ther- A review protocol was completed as part of an undergradu-
apy graduates (Nicola Ann [2]). The findings from this review ate research module and is available from the authors. The
indicate emerging contextually relevant evidence to support the original data from this review are available from the corre-
effectiveness of occupational therapy in Africa. A number of sponding author on request.
studies across the scope of occupational therapy practice have
been conducted. More research is needed before making a Conflicts of Interest
judgement about the strength of this evidence. Future research
should include a systematic review with meta-analysis of study The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
findings, assessment of risk of bias, an in-depth analysis of
assessments and interventions used in specific areas of practice, Acknowledgments
and an interrogation of the reasons why effectiveness is not
always demonstrated. It is also recommended that all effective- Funding was secured from the Stellenbosch University
ness studies in occupational therapy include a measure of Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences Undergraduate
occupational performance or participation, that minimum Research Fund.
16 Occupational Therapy International

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