October 03 - 07, 2022

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GRADE 8 School Don Jose Integrated High School Grade Level 8

7:30AM-9:00AM, 10:30AM-12:30PM, 11:00AM-1:00PM
Teaching Dates and Time MONDAY - FRIDAY Quarter FIRST

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Date: OCTOBER 03, 2022 Date: OCTOBER 04, 2022 Date: OCTOBER 05, 2022 Date: OCTOBER 06, 2022 Date: OCTOBER 07, 2022

The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of: African literature as understanding of: African literature understanding of: African literature understanding of: African literature understanding of: African literature as
a means of exploring forces that as a means of exploring forces that as a means of exploring forces that as a means of exploring forces that a means of exploring forces that
human beings connected with; various human beings connected with; human beings connected with; human beings connected with; human beings connected with; various
reading styles vis – à -vis purposes of various reading styles vis – à -vis various reading styles vis – à -vis various reading styles vis – à -vis reading styles vis – à -vis purposes of
reading; prosodic features that serve purposes of reading; prosodic purposes of reading; prosodic purposes of reading; prosodic reading; prosodic features that serve
A. Content Standards as carriers of meaning; ways by which features that serve as carriers of features that serve as carriers of features that serve as carriers of as carriers of meaning; ways by which
information may be organized, related, meaning; ways by which meaning; ways by which meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related,
and delivered orally; and parallel information may be organized, information may be organized, information may be organized, and delivered orally; and parallel
structures and cohesive devices in related, and delivered orally; and related, and delivered orally; and related, and delivered orally; and structures and cohesive devices in
presenting information. parallel structures and cohesive parallel structures and cohesive parallel structures and cohesive presenting information.
devices in presenting information. devices in presenting information. devices in presenting information.

The learner transfers learning by The learner transfers learning by The learner transfers learning by The learner transfers learning by The learner transfers learning by
composing and delivering an composing and delivering an composing and delivering an composing and delivering an composing and delivering an
informative speech based on a specific informative speech based on a informative speech based on a informative speech based on a informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the specific topic of interest keeping in specific topic of interest keeping in specific topic of interest keeping in topic of interest keeping in mind the
B. Performance Standards proper and effective use of parallel mind the proper and effective use mind the proper and effective use mind the proper and effective use proper and effective use of parallel
structures and cohesive devices and of parallel structures and cohesive of parallel structures and cohesive of parallel structures and cohesive structures and cohesive devices and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, devices and appropriate prosodic devices and appropriate prosodic devices and appropriate prosodic appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior. features, stance, and behavior. features, stance, and behavior. features, stance, and behavior. and behavior.

C. Learning Competencies / EN8G-Ia-8: Use appropriate cohesive EN8G-Ia-8: Use appropriate EN8G-Ia-8: Use appropriate EN8G-Ia-8: Use appropriate EN8G-Ia-8: Use appropriate cohesive
Objectives devices in composing an informative cohesive devices in composing an cohesive devices in composing an cohesive devices in composing an devices in composing an informative
Write the LC Code for each speech. informative speech. informative speech. informative speech. speech.




A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2. Learner’s Material pages N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
3. Textbook pages N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4. Additional Materials pp. pp. pp. pp. pp.
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
A. Reviewing previous The teacher will call some students to The teacher will call some students The teacher will call some students The teacher will call some students to
create and recite their own sentences to create and recite their own to create and recite their own create and recite their own sentences
lesson or presenting the
that uses Transition Words. sentences that uses Transition sentences that uses Transition that uses Transition Words.
new lesson
Words. Words.
The students will present their group The students will present their The students will present their The students will present their group
B. Establishing a purpose
output in front of their classmates and group output in front of their group output in front of their output in front of their classmates and
for the lesson
teacher. classmates and teacher. classmates and teacher. teacher.
The teacher will ask probing questions The teacher will ask probing The teacher will ask probing The teacher will ask probing questions
C. Presenting
to each group in order to identify if questions to each group in order to questions to each group in order to to each group in order to identify if
examples/instances of
they really understood their own identify if they really understood identify if they really understood they really understood their own
the new lesson
output. their own output. their own output. output.
The teacher will let the students watch The teacher will let the students The teacher will let the students The teacher will let the students watch
D. Discussing new
online videos on how to recite the watch online videos on how to watch online videos on how to online videos on how to recite the
concepts and practicing
poem entitled “I Am an African Child” recite the poem entitled “I Am an recite the poem entitled “I Am an poem entitled “I Am an African Child”
new skills #1
by Eku McGred. African Child” by Eku McGred. African Child” by Eku McGred. by Eku McGred.
The teacher will ask the students to The teacher will ask the students to The teacher will ask the students to The teacher will ask the students to
recite the poem as a class and then, he recite the poem as a class and then, recite the poem as a class and then, recite the poem as a class and then, he
E. Discussing new
will take note of the commonly he will take note of the commonly he will take note of the commonly will take note of the commonly
concepts and practicing
mispronounced words by the students mispronounced words by the mispronounced words by the mispronounced words by the students
new skills #2
and correct them after they recited. students and correct them after students and correct them after and correct them after they recited.
they recited. they recited.
F. Developing Mastery The students will be given time to The students will be given time to The students will be given time to The students will be given time to
(Leads to Formative memorize the poem. memorize the poem. memorize the poem. memorize the poem.
The teacher will ask the students to The teacher will ask the students to The teacher will ask the students to The teacher will ask the students to
G. Finding practical
create their own version of poem create their own version of poem create their own version of poem create their own version of poem
applications of concepts
which will be entitled: “I Am a Filipino which will be entitled: “I Am a which will be entitled: “I Am a which will be entitled: “I Am a Filipino
and skills in daily living
Child”. Filipino Child”. Filipino Child”. Child”.
H. Making Students will be able to absorb the Students will be able to absorb the Students will be able to absorb the Students will be able to absorb the
generalizations and essence of the poem by localizing it essence of the poem by localizing it essence of the poem by localizing it essence of the poem by localizing it
abstractions about the and creating their own version of the and creating their own version of and creating their own version of and creating their own version of the
lesson poem. the poem. the poem. poem.
The teacher will individually grade the The teacher will individually grade The teacher will individually grade The teacher will individually grade the
I. Evaluating learning students’ performances and will grade the students’ performances and will students’ performances and will students’ performances and will grade
them by using a rubric. graduate them by using a rubric. grade them by using a rubric. Them by using a rubric.
J. Additional activities for
application or
The students will answer Learning The students will answer Learning The students will answer Learning The students will answer Learning
Task 9 Task 9. Task 9. Task 9

JADE- ____/_____ JADE- ____/_____ JADE- ____/_____ JADE- ____/_____ JADE- ____/_____
DIAMOND - ____/____ DIAMOND - ____/____ DIAMOND - ____/____ DIAMOND - ____/____ DIAMOND - ____/____
A. No. of learners who earned
RUBY - ______/______ RUBY - ______/______ RUBY - ______/______ RUBY - ______/______ RUBY - ______/______
80% on the formative
AMETHYST - _____/______ AMETHYST - _____/______ AMETHYST - _____/______ AMETHYST - _____/______ AMETHYST - _____/______
EMERALD - _______/_______ EMERALD- _______/_______ EMERALD - _______/_______ EMERALD - _______/_______ EMERALD - _______/_______

JADE- ____/_____ JADE- ____/_____ JADE- ____/_____ JADE- ____/_____ JADE- ____/_____
DIAMOND - ____/____ DIAMOND - ____/____ DIAMOND - ____/____ DIAMOND - ____/____ DIAMOND - ____/____
B. No. of learners who
RUBY - ______/______ RUBY - ______/______ RUBY - ______/______ RUBY - ______/______ RUBY - ______/______
require additional
AMETHYST - _____/______ AMETHYST - _____/______ AMETHYST - _____/______ AMETHYST - _____/______ AMETHYST - _____/______
activities for remediation
EMERALD - _______/_______ EMERALD - _______/_______ EMERALD - _______/_______ EMERALD - _______/_______ EMERALD - _______/_______
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of students who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Subject Coordinator Principal I

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