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SESSION : 2022-2023
1 (iv) 12 g He 1
2 (iv) C6H12O6 OR (iii) 14 g of N2 1
3 (i) He2+ 1
4 (i) 2 OR (i) 1
5 (i) 2s 1
6 (i) Size, shape and orientation 1
7 (iii) F < Cl > Br > I 1
8 (iv) Lanthanoids OR (i) s > p > d > f 1
9 (ii) 8 sigma 1 pi 1
10 (iii) O-H 1
11 (ii) sp3d2 OR (iv) 10928’ 1
12 (i) Absolute Entropy OR (iii) Sublimation of Naphthalene 1
13 (iv) CP – Cv = R 1
14 (i) Spontaneous at high temperature 1
15 (c) 1
16 (b) 1
17 (a) OR (e) 1
18 (a) 1
19 CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O 2
22 gm CO2=0.5 mol CO2 (g)
1 mol of CO2 obtain from 1 mol of CH4
So, 0.5 mol CO2 obtain from 0.5 mol of CH4
OR 1
Element % by mass At. mass Relative atoms Simple Whole
number ratio
Fe 69.9 55.85 1 2

O 30.1 16.00 1.5 3

Empirical formula = Fe2O3
20 The mass of HCl is (0.75×36.5×25) / 1000 = 0.684 g. 1
Since, 1 mole of CaCO3 reacts with 2 moles of HCl.
Hence, the mass of CaCO3 that will react completely with 0.684 g of HCl is =
100 1
𝑥 0.684 = 0.937 g
2 𝑥 36.5
21 From de Broglie’s equation,
ℎ ½
λ= ……(i)
Given, Kinetic energy (K.E) of the electron = 3.0 × 10–25 J
Since K.E = 2 mv2
∴Velocity(v)=√ 2K.E / m = √ 2(3.0×10−25J) / 9.1×10−31kg v=
√ 6.58×104 or v =811.58 ms−1 1
On substituting the value of v in eq. (i) :
6.62 x 10−34 Js
λ = (𝟗.𝟏𝟎𝟗𝟑𝟗×𝟏𝟎−𝟑𝟏𝐤𝐠)(𝟖𝟏𝟏.𝟓𝟖 ms−1)
λ = 8.96 ×10−7m ½
Hence, the wavelength of the electron is 8.96 × 10–7 m.

22 (i) Correct definition. 1

(ii) Correct definition. 1
23 The resultant dipole moment (vector quantity) of three N-H bonds in NH3 is in 1
the same direction as the dipole created by the nitrogen lone pair, but in NF3,
the resultant dipole moment being opposite to that of lone pair dipole, reduces
the net dipole moment.


Thus, resonating structures of ozone are:

24 (a) In ClF3 : No. of valence electrons in Cl = 7

No. of electrons contributed by surrounding atoms (F) = total no. of bonds =
Thus, total no. of electrons = 7 +3 = 10
Or total no. of electron pairs = 10/2 = 5
No. of bp = no. of bonds = 3
Thus, no. of lp = total e- pairs – no. of bp = 5-3 = 2 1
Thus, ClF3 is T-shaped.

(b) In XeF4 : No. of valence electrons in Xe= 8

No. of electrons contributed by surrounding atoms (F) = total no. of bonds = 4
Thus, total no. of electrons = 8 +4 = 12
Or total no. of electron pairs = 12/2 = 6
No. of bp = no. of bonds = 4
Thus, no. of lp = total e- pairs – no. of bp = 6-4 = 2
Thus, XeF4 is Square planar. 1

25 (a) Extensive property depends on size or amount of the system but intensive 1
depends only on the type of matter or the system.
(b) An isothermal process is a process in which the temperature of the system 1
remains constant throughout the process, and
an isobaric process is a process in which the pressure in the system remains

26 Correct definition of limiting reagent. 1

(i) Limiting reagent- B 1
(ii) No. of moles of C formed = ¾ x 6 = 4.5 moles. 1
Provided that- density of the solution = 1.40 g mL-1
1000 g of the solution will have a volume = Mass /density
=1000 / 1.40 = 714.28 ml. ½
Since, mass per cent of nitric acid is 69%.
69 1
1000 g of the solution will have =1000×100 g = 690 g of nitric acid.

Mass of nitric acid ½

Thus, Molarity = Molar mass of nitric acid ×Volume of solution
= 63 𝑥 714.28 = 0.015 M. 1

27 Cr (Z=24) [Ar] 4s1 3d5 & Cu(Z=29) [Ar] 4s1 3d10 1+1
Reason: (i) Symmetrical distribution of e-s , & ½+½
(ii) Exchange energy.
28 Correct B.O. & stability, 3 x ½ = 1.5
Correct magnetic nature. 3 x ½ = 1.5
MO configuration of N2 is- σ1s2, σ∗1s2, σ2s2, σ∗2s2, π2px2 = π2py2, σ2pz2
Here, Nb = 10, Na = 4, Hence, B.O.= ½ (Nb – Na) = ½ (10 – 4) = 3 ½
M.O. diagram of N2 1

MO configuration of Ne2 is-

σ1s2, σ∗1s2, σ2s2, σ∗2s2, σ2pz2, π2px2 = π2py2, π*2px2 = π*2py2, σ*2pz2 ,
Here, Nb = 10, Na = 10, Hence, B.O. = ½ (Nb – Na) = ½ (10 – 10) = 0 ½
M.O. diagram of Ne2. 1

29 Correct equation (G = H – T. S). Correct explanation. 1+2

30 Correct statement of first law of thermodynamics. 1
Mathematical expression-  U = q + w. 1
q = +701 J, w = -394 J,  U=?
By 1st law of thermodynamics-  U = q + w = +701 J + (-394 J) = +307 J. Thus, ½
internal energy of the system increases by 307 J. ½

31 (1) (b), (2) (c) OR (a) (3) (a) , (4) (c) 1+1+1+1
32 (1) (iv), (2) (i) OR (iv) (3) (ii) , (4) (iii) 1+1+1+1
33 (a) Correct statement. 1
Correct eq.- Δx . Δp ≥ h/4π or Δx. m.Δv ≥ h/4π 1
Since, Δx . Δp ≥ h/4π,
And given that, Δx = 10 -10 m

∴ Δp ≥ 4π × Δx
6.63×10−34 ½
⇒ Δp ≥ 4 × 3.14

⇒ Δp ≥. 5.27×10−25 g ms−1 ½
(b) Correct derivation. 2
(a) Correct configuration and correct reason 1+1
(b) Correct Definition with suitable example 1+1+1

34 (a) Correct definition. 1

Correct explanation of shape of PCl5 (trigonal bipyramidal) and BF3 (trigonal 2
planar) with orbital diagram.

(b) Correct inc. order of electronegativity- sp3 < sp2 < sp 1

Correct reason (greater % s character higher the electronegativity). 1
(a) Any two points of difference. 2
(b) Correct definition of H-bond. 1
High electronegativity & small size of the element (i.e., F, O & N) bonded with 1
hydrogen in the molecule.
(c) Boiling point of HCl < HF : due to intermolecular H-bond in HF & Boiling ½+½
point of HCl < HBr : due to increase in size of halogen and thus magnitude of
Vander Waal’s forces.

35 (a) Correct point of difference. 2

(b) State function: enthalpy, entropy, temperature. ½+½+½
Path function: heat. ½
(c) Correct explanation. 1
(a) Correct statement. 1
Solution: ΔHo = ΔHo(products) − ΔHo(reactants)
ΔHo = [ΔHo(CO2) + 2 X ΔHo(H2O)] − [ΔHo(CH4) + 2 X ΔHo(O2)]
ΔH = [− 393.5 + 2 X (−286.2)] − [−74.8 + 2 X 0]
o ½
ΔHo = − 393.5 – 572.4 + 74.8
ΔHo = − 891.1 kJ 1
(b) Correct definition and example. 1+1

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