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To negate something means to make it Truth table – is a tabular representation making a true a statement if i’m doing

the opposite or to deny its truth or of all the combination of values for both, so if i don’t eat one piece of lemon
validity. inputs and their corresponding outputs. or drink to liters of water everyday then
I’m making a false statement. Thus a
Logic: the science of reasoning is used in conjuction is only true if and only if both
proving theorems. statements are true, other wise it is

So when we say P, which is either true

or false. Then ~P is false and true,
In our daily life, we just have to Compound proposition – which is
remember that whenever we give a proposition formed by combining two or So if we were asked to construct the
statement, which is called n argument, mor simple propositions. truth table for ~p^~q, we may start with
we just have to make sure that we have a column which is ~p, which in this case
a proof. we’re just going to negate all the values
of p.
Validating Arguments: using binary
operations. So T will become F and F will become T.
Likewise, we may add additional column
Proposition – a statement that is either
fo ~q, which stands for all the negated
true or false.
value of q. So T will become F and F will
Examples of proposition: become T. And similarly T and F will
become F and T and since we we’re
 Enrique loves liza that either Examples: looking for ~p^~q then all we have to do
true or false so that is is to take a look at the last columns, ~p
I am student (p)
proposition. and ~q and using the operatot ^ which
 Smoking is addictive also a I enjoy reading books (q) tells us that this is only true when both
proposition because it’s of these are true, thus false and false
either true or false. We may combine them to form a statements will give us false, false and
 Staying late at night compund proposition using a true statements will also give us false,
increases the risk of the brain connectives, or what we call an and again both tru statements give us
cancer, is true or false so operation which is either “and”, “or”, true.
that is a proposition. “if” and “then” or other operations.
 When we say a “TWICE AN
INTEGERS” is always an
“EVEN INTEGER” is also true
or false so that is
Now a compound proposition may also
Examples of Not a proposition: be true or false depending on the simple
proposition and their connectives.
 Where do you live? Now suppose we we’re asked to
 Thrice a number Let us take a compound proposition, construct the truth table for ~(p^q), so
 Listen! which is formed by two or more we may add additional column which is
 Catriona is beautiful that is propositions, seperated by “and”, we for p^q.
either true or flase so that is call this as a “CONJUCTION” and we use
Again, which states that this is only true
proposition this symbol ^.
when both statements are true. So the
 I am smart, that is also a
Examples: first row will be true and the rest will be
proposition because that is
false. And taking a look at the last
either true or false.
I eat one piece of lemon And Drink 2 column, we just have to negate all the
liters of water everyday. Then i’m only vales of p^q. So true will be false, false
will be true, false will be true, and false with the column which is ~p, which is Similarly, the truth table for ~(p ^ q) and
will be true. just the negation of all the responses of ~p v ~q are exactly the same, which
p so this true will be false, and this false indicates that ~(p ^ q) is exactly the
Another compound proposition: will be true. Likewise, we may add same as ~p v ~q. And this is what we call
DISJUNCTION – and it is used to express addiional column for ~q which contains as the “DE MORGAN’S LAW.”
the word, “or” and we’re going to make all the negated responses of q, so this
use of this symbol v. true will become false and this false will
become true. So we may proceed with
the next column whish is ~p v ~q, in
If i say that “tomorrow i will go to the which we just have to take a look at the
mall or visit my friend”, and if i was able last two columns in which this operator
to do at least one of them then i made a tell us that this is false only when both
true statement. are false, so false ~p and false ~q is
false, and the rest are true.
Thus a DISJUNCTION is true, when at
least one proposition is true otherwise it
is false. The DE MORGAN’S LAW – simply states
that the negations of ~(p v q) is identical
to ~p ^ ~q. And likewise, the negations
of ~(p ^ q) identical to ~p v ~q. In which
you must notice that when the
negations is applied to both
Examples: propositions p and q this operations will
be just reversed. Likewise, this is
Then if we we’re asked to construct the negation when applied to the
truth table for ~(p v q), we may just propositions p and q , this operation will
proceed with p v q which again tells us be reversed.
that this is false when both are false. So
this is true, this is also true, this is true
and this is false. Then we all have to do
is to take a look at this column (p v q), in
In other words, p v q is false when both which this tell us that we just have to
p and q are false. Otherwis, it is true. negate this column. So this will be falsle,
this will also be false, this is also false,
Examples: and this is true.

So suppose we’re asked to construct the

truth table for p v ~q which we may
begin with adding additional column
which is ~q. Which tells us that we just
have to negate all the values of q. So
true will be false, false will be true, true
will be false, and false will be true. And EXCLUSIVE CONJUNCTION (exclusive-or
to find p v ~q, we just have to take a ) – which is only true when the exatly
look at the columns of p and ~q, and one of p and q is true, otherwise it is
Examples: false.
this operation tell us that this is false
only when both statements are false. So Now what you must notice that the
false p and false ~q give us false in truth table for ~p ^ ~q and the truth
which the rest are true. table for ~(p v q) have the same results.
So this indicates that ~p ^ ~q is exactly
the same as ~(p v q).

Similarly, if you’re asked to construct
the truth table for ~P v ~q, we may start Examples:
So if we we’re asked to construct the become false and all false will become take a look at these last two columns,
truth table for ~p  q, we may begin true.
with additional column which is ~p,
which contain all the negation of p. In
which true will become false, and false
will become true. Then all we have to do
is to take a look at ~p and q columns to
determine what is ~p  q, in which this
is true if exactly one of the two
propositions is true. So this indicates
that this is true, this is false, this is also
false, and this is true. And remember that this operation tells
us that this is only true when both of
them are true so since both of these are
Next is we may add additionnal column true this become true, and the rest are
which is p  ~q, in which this operation false, so that’s how we arrive with the
implies that this is only true when last column here.
exactly one of them is true. So since this
is true and this is false this become true,
both of them are true so this is false,
these are both false so this is false, this
NOT AND (NAND) – symbolize as |, so is exactly one true so this is true,
we say that p | q is false, when both likewise this is true and false so this is
statements are true, otherwise it is true. true, both of these are true so this is
false, both of these are false so this is
false, and exactly one of thm is true so
this is true.
NOT OR (NOR) – symbolize as , and
this is a proposition which is true when
both p and q are false, otherwise it is


So if we we’re asked to construct the

truth table for p | ~q then we may start Next is we may add additional column
with a column which is ~q which for the negation of this ~ (p  ~q). So
contains all the negation of q and taking negating p  ~q, so all the true here will
a look at the columns p and ~q we may become false and all the false here will
find p | ~q in which this | operation become true. Which lead to this
implies that this is only false when both column.
statements are true. And the rest are


Construct the truth table for ~p  q, tthe

first thing we have to do is to add
additional column for ~p, which
contains the negation of p, so all true
here will become false, and these false
will become true.
And finally we may add additional
column which is r, which is iether true
or false. And adding a last column fir
Construct the truth table for ~(p ~q) ^r, this proposition all we have ti do is to
we may begin with an additional column
which is the ~q, which is simple the
negation of q in which all true will
And taking a look at the last columns Now we may check if we’re going to say that these two compound
here to find (~p and q column) in which arrive with the same truth table using propositions are identical.
this operation tell us that this ~p  q this operation (p ^ r) v (q ^ r) we may
true when both statements here are start with p ^ r, which concerns these CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS – in this
false, so this will be true andd the rest two columns (p and r) here. Remeber statements ‘if p then q’ (p q), p is
are false. taht this operation ^ tell us that this is what we call the hypothesis, antecedent
true when both of them are true. Since or a premise. And q here is what we call
both of these are true we know that this the consequence or the conclusion.
is true and the rest of these are false.

Now is this compound propostion (p v
q) ^ r , and this compound proposition If i am a k-pop, then i understand
(p ^r) v (q ^ r) are identical? To answer
this we may provide a truth table for
this (p v q) ^ r and another table for this
one p ^r) v (q ^ r). And if we arrive at We may also add another column for q Which is read as ‘annyeong haseyo”.
the same truth table, then they are ^ r, which again states that this
identical. So we may begin with p v q in operation (q 6 r) tells us that this is true And given these examples we have two
which this operation implies that this is if and only q and r are both true. So propositions, which are “iam a kpop”,
false when both p and are false. So this since these are both true we know that which we may use P. And i understand
is false, and the rest are true. this is true and these are both true so
this is true, and the rest are false. , which is q.

“I am a kpop” here is a hypothesis.

And , is what we
call a conclusion.

Further we may add additional column

Next we may add additional column for for this one in which this operator (p ^ r)
r, which of course r may be true or false. v (q ^ r) tells us this is false if and only if
And having additional column for (p v q) both of these are false. And since all of
^ r in which this operatio here implies these have both false propositions then
that this is true when both of these are all of these will be false, and these are
true, so since these are true this is true, true.
Note that ‘if p then q’ is also called as
and the rest are false. the IMPLICATION, and this is also the
same as p is SUFFICIENT for q, q if p. Q is
NECESSARY for p, q only p. Q when p

And what we must notice is that these

two columns (p v q) ^ r and (p ^ r) v (q ^
r) are exactly the same. Thus, we may
and q follows p. additional column which is ~q, which
again impies all the negation of q. So
true will be false, and false will be true.

We may add also additional column for

~q, in which all true will be false, and all
false will become true.

And taking a look at these columns ( p

and ~q) and applyingthis operation 
In the conditional statement pq, which states that this is only true if anf
which is also called as the implication, q only if both statements are the same (p
here asserts that it is true on the and ~q). So since both of these are true
condition tthat p holds. Thus, if the then this is true. Likewise, these are
hypothesis is true and the conclusion is both false so this is true. And the rest
true, then the statement is true. If the And proceeding with this column are false.
hypothesis is false but the conclusion is ~p~q which implies that this is false
true, still the statement is true. If both when ~p is true and ~q is false which
statements are false, still the statement applied here, this gives us false and the
is true. But if the hypothesis is true and rest are true.
the conclusion is fale, then the
statement is false.


Next is we’re going to construct a truth

Note that ‘if q then p’ (qp) is what we
table for (p ^ q)  (p q). So we may
call the converse of pq. ‘if not q then
start with additional column for p ^ q,
not p’ (~q ~p) is what we call the
which again implies that this is only true
contrapositive of pq. And ‘if not p
when both statements are true. So this
then not q’ (~p  ~q) is what we call is true, and these are false.
the inverse of pq.
Thus, we can say that an implication
pq is false ifand only if the hypothesis
which is only true when the both
is p is true and the conclusion q is false.
statements are the same.

And proceeding with pq, in which this

operation  implies that this is false
only when this is true p and this false q.
So this statement is false, and the rest
are true.

So suppose we’re asked to construct a

truth table for ~p~q. We may begin
with a column which is ~p, which
contains again all the negation of p, in
which this true will become false and So if we we’re asked to construct a truth
this false will become true. table for p ~q, we may begin with
And proceeding with the last operation have an implication. true.
 here which is an implication, which
implies that this is only false when this is
true (p ^ q) and this is false (p q) and
since none of the statements p^q here
is true, and then false pq here, then
none of the statements (p ^ q)  (p 
q) here is false. So all of these are true.
Since the compound proposition is not
always true, it is not a tautology. Hence,
it’s not a valud argument.
Now given this hypothesis and
conclusion, Examples: is this a valid argument?

If you sleep early, thaen you wake up

Consider that if a compound proposition
is always true, it is called a tautology. If We may combine all the hypothesis with If you wake up early, then you will not
a compound proposition is always false, the conjunction operation. And since be ate in classes.
we call it contradiction or absurdity. again pq ^ q is a hypothesis and p is
conclusion, we’re going to make use of If you sleep early, then you will not be
And the compound proporistion is
the implication operation. Now, all we late in classes. In this arguments we
called CONTIGENCY if it is not a
have to do is to construct a truth table have a three propositions, which are:
tautology nor a contradiction. And the
for this argument (p q ^ q)  p. you sleep early, you wake up early, and
argument is said to be valid if it is a
you will not be late in classes.
In which we may begin with if pq in
which this operator again implies that Putting everything in symbols, we have
Examples: is this a valid argument?
this is false if this p is true and this q is p q on the first one, qr on the
If you smoke, then you have lung false. So this is false and these are true. second one, then in our conclusion we
cancer. have pr. Keep in mind again that this
are our hypothesis, and this is our
You have a lung cancer. conclusion. Remember that we may
combine the hypothesis using the
Therefore, you smoke. conjunction operation ^. And since this
is the hypothesis and our conclusion is
Note that this arguments has two
propositions. One is ‘you smoke’ and pr, so we may make use of the
another one is ‘you have lung cancer’ in Next is we may add additional column implication operation .
which assigning p for ‘you smoke’ and q for this one ^ in which this implies that
for ‘you have lung cancer’. this is true when both (pq) and q of
these are true. So since both of these
are true so this is true. Both of these are
also true so this is true and the rest are

Then we may transform this argument

Thus constructing a truth table for this
as pq for the first statement, q for the
argument, we may start with pq,
second statement and therefore p for
which implies again that this only false
the conclusion. And since we have a
And finall, we may add additional when this is true p and this is false q.
‘therefore’ here, this indicates that
column for this argument [(p q ^ q)] This is true and false so this is false, like
these two are hypothesis and this one is
 p. In which this operation  again wise this is true and this is false so this is
conclusion, which indicates that we
tell us that this is false[(p q ^ q)]  p,
when this is true[(p q ^ q), and this is
false p. In which this is true and this is
false so this is false and the rest are
false so the rest are true. this is false, so this is false. This is true when we say that the relations is not
and this is false, so this is also false. And Function:
the rest are true.
- When we say that a relation
is not a function, we mean
that it does not meet the
criteria of being a function. In
a function, every input value
from the domain must
correspond to exactly one
output value in the range.
However, not all relations
satisfy this requirement.
Some relations may have
And finally we may add additional inputs that map to multiple
We may add additional column for r,
column for this argument combining outputs or have no outputs
which is either true or false and adding
thhis [(pq) ^(qr)] and this pr. In at all, making them not
additional column (qr), which again
which this operation  tells us that this functions. These types of
implies that this is false when this is true
is only false when this is true [(pq) relations violate the
q and this is false r. So since this is true
^(qr)] and this is false (pr). And fundamental property of
and this is false, then this is false. Like
since none of these are true (second to - functions, which is why we
wise this is true and this is false, so this
the last column and when these are distinguish between
is false. And the rest are true.
false (last column) then all of these are functions and other types of
true. relations.

Since the compound propositions is

always true, then it is as tautology and
Combining these two (pq) ^(qr) hence, it is a valid argument.
using this operation we may add
additional column in which this Assignments:
operation ^ implies that this is true only
when both (pq) and (qr) of these when we say that the relations
are true. So since these are both true so isFunction;
this is true. Thee are also true so this is
- When we say that a relation
true. And the rest are false.
is a function, we're specifying
that every input has exactly
one output. This means that
for every value in the
domain, there's only one
corresponding value in the
range. However, not all
relations meet this
requirement. Some relations
may have elements in the
domain that map to multiple
elements in the range, or
they may have elements in
And further we may add additional the domain that don't map
column for pr, which implies that this to any elements in the range.
is false  only when this is true p and In such cases, the relation is
this is false r. In which this is true and not considered a function.

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