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IT IS HEREBY notified for the information of the Advocates and the parties

in-person that the following directions are issued by the Division Bench of Hon’ble
Shri Justice G.S.Patel and Hon’ble Shri Justice Kamal Khata.

All Petitions within the roster of this Bench that are still on a
lodging number must have objections removed and Petitions finally
numbered no later than by 30 March 2024, failing which all these
Petitions will stand rejected and ad-interim/interim orders, if any, will
stand automatically vacated without further reference to the Court.

Dated this 08th of March, 2024

By Order,

Sd/- Sd/-
(H.M.Bhosale) (S.B. Bhansali)
Registrar (Judicial-I) Prothonotary & Senior Master
High Court, A.S.,Bombay High Court, O.S.,Bombay

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