OM - Revision of TA DA Entitlements 2023

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‘arate url FYTA | Damodar Valley Corporation Aa fared FAT | Human Resource Department Ha TR, Hans As | DVC Towers, VIP Road ‘BAAR | Kolkata-54 No. PL-IR/TA-DA/2022/Comp No.28060/1089/- 07 July 2023 OFFICE MEMORANDUM A revision of TA-DA entitlements for regular employees including executive trainees (ETS, and other trainees had been under active consideration by the Corporation for quite a Jong time. In supersession of all earlier OMs with respect to TA-DA entitlements, the Corporation is pleased to revise the TA-DA entitlements, annexed as Annexure-]- ‘The revised entitlements will be effective for all tours undertaken on or after July 7.2023. GOI rules on TA-DA willbe refered to, for further interpretation, if required the extent of the provisions given in this OM. This issues with approval of the competent authority in concurrence with Finance, o7. 07.23 Encl: as stated. (Rakesh Ranjan) Executive Director (HR) Distribution: DVC Portal Copy to (through email): ‘The Executive Director (Finance), DVC, Kolkata, Sr. PS to the Chairman, DVC, Kolkata. Sr. PS to the Member (Technical), DVC, Kolkata. Sr. PS to the Member (Finance), DVC, Kolkata. Sr. PS to the Member-Secretary, DVC, Kolkata. Sr. PS to the Chief Vigilance Officer, DVC, Kolkata, peepee . Annexure-t Entitlement for AIR Journey Approved Rates Remarks pita Pay Level as per 7th CPC. ‘Travel entitlement 1 feo-mi0 (Paytevel 15) Business ClassiCub Class 2 [Mt toma (Paylevels 100 14) Economy Class ie Entitlement for RAIL Journgy ‘Wavelentiiernt of W1 -¥W4 evalin economy class wil be applicable Tor shortest road stances of 400 kms and above. For road Glance less than 400 Kis, ar [etilementof M1-M4 level in economy class to be granted by EDIHODIHoP based on work requiremenJenigencies. aor Ras sun Pay Lovaas perTn ope Stab Tjnwvande Brat |, RaanibuonPretun aa oor Tans 1 utandatove (aye ad sv) a Aeris AO FetCoss 2 ems ayes ATH = eT Acta ounce 2 Pavel (retin P) ‘Ao Ghar a0 Ter Acie Gaesnce 1 Poylos ow 7 Car sen Ae Te@ice [The sformentioned is of tains i iftustratve which willbe updated wth the introduction or elcomtinuaton of rain. Be Entitiement for ROAD Journey Approved Rats ] T tor cos cis sino | ay Leva spor Mh CRC xy ety | acter area + [eo ro ay ove 5) AT ACTUAL 2 [MaMa Payevel 4) [stare by any means of oad anspor subject prosicn of eoiticke ils 3 [ir Payive 126) [nut ore by any eas oad vaneporabjeetoprodulon of ecoputcevs i tom pay wrt 10019) cual ore by AC Bas Now-AC Ta 5 Payievere(ectuang cual fare by AG Bua Non AC Taw © Pavievrs a oeou Jaca fae by Besshae Tan Avo-Recahaw Notes: tn Trainees are ented for road & ralljoumey as per the entilemest forthe post at which they were reorted Ii) For journey perfarmed by AC Bus where ral conectivy exists, the admislble claim will be the expenditure incurred by AC Bus on procuction of Bil ticket (ip Allowance for road journey shall be regulated alta following rates [e) Forjourney performed by own cata through shortest route-Rs.24 per km, [b) For joumey performed by aut rickshaw or own two wheeler through shortest rule - Rs. 16 per km. (c) Above base rates for road mileage allowances wl futher inerease wih rate increment by 25% from the base rales whenever DA increases to 60% as per 7th CPC [@) The oad Wave al all cies shallbe Imled to G0 km for one way jourigy and 60 kms for fo and frojoumay In ease the distance tobe traveled is more than 30 kms in one \ray and 6D kms foto and fo, then the claim for road journey willbe fied to 2 capping of, 1000 per day for one way soumay and Rs, 2000 per day for both way journey with Ihe approval of concemed EDIHODI Ho?. [iv For journey performed by own Car! Non-AG Taxi where Rail / Road connectivity is avai je shall be regulated at the folowing rates: {@) For portion ofthe travel where rail eonneciviy & nol available - Admissible rate wil be as per entitlement of road journey (b) For portion ofthe travel where rail connectwityis avaliable - Admissible amount wil be as per entitlement of ral our. {ay The LTA wavel entlfement for al Tequar employees Including dependants (waximum 4 persons induding sel), wil be ih accordance with TA enfizoments of emplayee| \Concemed in AifRallPiaad modes of travel simar to that a applicable for oficial tous. However, in case of Group BICID employees, journey performed for LTA by air between [laces not connected by train. the remioursement wil be lites to the base fare of Rajchani or equivalent trains as per ented ralway class ofthe employee up toa limit of 2000] lems (one iay) 0° actual airfare whichever slower. Employees may choose the fights having the best avaliable fare on their ented travel class Employees have to book fight Vickes at least 21 days prior tothe intended date of travel on LTA mandatorly. Employees are also encouraged to avoid unnecessary cancelations. However. cancelation charges may only be embursed in those cases where cancelation Was on account ef excumstancesiteasons beyond the cont! of the employee and shall be certified by the [EDIMoDIHo® ‘This supersedes sl. no. Sl). (h) & (v) of OM vide no, 840 dtd. 24-10-2017 and sno. 4(), (h) & (v) of OM vide no. 839 dd, 24-10-20 7 with respect to mode of wavel in LTA. [Mi The GO| revised classficaton of clles a8 par OM No. 2@)2017-EN (8) dated-07 07 207) i enclosed as Annexure (ui Incase of nor-avaliablty of seats In entitled cass, employees may ravel nthe class below ther entided cass Sale A [DAILY ALLOWANGE & HOTEL ALLOWANCE ON TOUR ‘Approved Rates (NR) ccommooxTionmove.aLLowances] FOODS mcicENTALS | cowrosiTe pa Omen TES omen omes ormen oes ‘mo poy Loves perro cre xem | vor xony |etterretentsee] xcrry _ nxn) ie cs IT 5 z z 7 1 [-Mo(Porow Ta ACTAL ATA ) 2 (ese Pope ew | eco | sm | eo | nm | iw | ooo + frPere 9) 70 [oo | ewe | amo [om ew] ae 2 hone Pajel 28m sou_[ «oo | wo | vo [| aw] am 5_|M1 t0.M3 ( Pay tevel 10 11) 3800 3000 | 2300 900 650 700 450 over racing Po) wo | oo | vo | om | om | ao | am 7 [rarer ataow vice | m0 mo | wo | sa | p00 7 Hotel chargba wil be Ined to above presoibed Wits Subject prodicion ol GST Bis RaNSOAT. 2 Above rates (Hotel charges, Food Oharges, Conposite DA) willbe automaticaly enhanced by 25% rom the Base Rates, wherever DA ralsTs eahanced 050 % as Par race, '5-Trainess ere ented for hotel accormmodaton a pore Snitemart oft pout or which Tay weve Teenie etn laces such as OVC statiorsiocatons & Nen Den where DVC Guest House Accommodation eavalable, te sara fo be aval. Holl accommadaton © prmissbie ony when OVC Guest House aoconmodton i nt avaiable subject io production of ceticate fm Offeerin Charge of the Guest house byte ou g lenployee '5. Where empoyees!trsinees are competed to stay at quest house accommodation oF cher PSU, Govt body or the private org fr ofl tour the accommodation charges wil be rembursble subject to producionof ils of guest nause wih a maximum capping of hotel accommodation rates scoring to abiemene [5 The above accomadation rates ae excuding OST & che: tres, However oa & hear Gages we WARNE ACT [Compose DA wil be appicablein eu of hotel accomodation ooding and inedental charges when an employee's not Slaying WAST [5 Time restrictions for dm ssbsliy of TADA willbe as per Ol nies. Length of absence T “Aniount payatia [absonce fom Head Quarters is less thon 6 Hour OR oF Lump sum amount Ifabsence from Head Quarters between 6- 72 hous "TOE Sf Lump sum araunt ff sbence rom Hac Guanes between gestern TE 00% of Lang suns Entitlement for TA DA on Foreign TourfTraining ‘Approved Rates Purpose / Duration Daily Allowance Rates |For busness related foreign tours intemational conferenceeimesingsT fa) Executives al the avel of M8 and above - US $350 | seminarsfexhibtions\wockshops/sponsored tour under reward scheme or polcyspors levents/nvted lectures not exceeding 30 days. For period exceeding 20 days, 75% of tne applicable rates shall be apoticable. ib) Executives below MB lovel-US$ 300 1 Forthe fist 15 days -US$300 For taining in foreign counties [bi Forthe new 15 days-USS250 | \c) For the balance period - US $200 (Note: 1. Intemational Travel Entitlement ED (10) Business CassiClub Class Ma andelow Economy Glass [The rayment of Daly Atowance for tours abroad willbe made based on actual tne spent oulse nda excluding journey time. The DA willbe payable for the duration of he tourraining [pus ore Gay extra provided the employee is allowed to arrive atthe tourraining location one day prior to the start othe toutraining. During the Journey period within the domestic region, (DA shal be paid a8 per te ented DA rato for Dumests Travel 3 Whar the say abroad Ws eviended Yor oficial weatone, Ihe Concerned execuive Shall oblain por approval of ave pan fom Competent Authorly beyond the sanctioned period and OA ‘shallbe paid as per above-mentioned rate " Whare the duralion of tay abroad cimtaledreduced, tha employee shall fund the Dally Allowance i foreign exchange Tor the hurnber of days so cutaledlreduced W advances taken. 5. Ames dung fomgn tours, er ave Sly is Thvelved Gus to exgandies oF OMical work. This may ental employees fo avel across ciles ele by ar, Wan or roadmode, In orderTo stream ine the procedure when intercity travels ere involved during foreign tour. folowing is clariied- 'a) Where foreign tour involves intar-cly travel, the concerned employee shal obtain prior approval of travel plan through emai ftom competent authorty 1) Incase the journeys are performed by ar. ral or road, the employee can purchase the tickets on their oun and the same shall be reimbursed in INR on submission of TA claim 'suppored by actual bile! documentary evidencelreceitsckes I) in cese during foreign tour there isan unplannediunanticipated inter- Pay levelsa stove Inrrssen pehpadmarhaelairrale-fartecsey INR 18 perkm INR 7 5 perkm lh Actual Fox One Motor Gar Mote Cycle! Scooter Moped Bicycle By JPev levels & beiow rain + Rtonal 25% Fox Packing And Handing Charges INR 18 pork INR TS perk [row FN Warsler TA (onder Si No. A,B C&D above), as mantoned above aarissble fr wansfer on Own inerest, [2 The rates wl alomatialy be enhanced by 25% rom the base alos whenever DA creases to 50% as per 7h OPO, >. The Composite Transfer Grant wil be pad after receiving QuaterO0 vacatiowhanding over report fom preceding place of posting in DVC stations, However, those employees who stain uanerslacromodation on account of acavense seston (as defined by Corparatan OM) of thei wards can claim CTG after handing evar the quarrlaccommadstion ros! compton of he academic sosion "Insurance chargos (or neuranco dane Wom IRDA regstred insurance Sopa) wil be admssila on Warsfer o Rouse eens and conveyance wie, Subj production of receipis Inewancs Polky & ‘Recep tom te IRDA registered Insurance Company willbe required for lam ofiiswrance benef. '5 Ony vavelentimentis amisibe to te vances (Sel) (Trainees) as per be enitement for he postieve at which hey were rected, 1a cases whore the Varale of fusband and wis bath working a DVG atthe sara saben) takes place wihn sx mons, bul afer 60 days ofthe Wanster othe spouse, Wy percantofthe Tanstergrant on ers shal be aloned the spouse ransteredate: No varter rot salt admis fhe spouse tarsled ate, caso bon the Wanslers are ecered within 60 days, The exsng prowsions shal [ceive ote appeable in cate ores ater panes of exon or mow. 17 Composite Tanser Grant isnot samissbie no Ghange oesiaence ms ivehed 15 Toa coat of wanasariston of porsonal efel sal bs rexjuursed of seal Wade cTWansporaion, [a by baivioad subject ota presoibed it [3 The Ue init or submission of claim To vavaling slowarce (TA) wi be wiih ore yar om the date of compievon of te Joumey n case of TAIDA on tourtransferaining and wit one yea for oumey oh etrerent TA ENTITLEMENT FOR RETIRING EMPLOYEES. “TRAVEL ENTITLEMENT FOR SELF AND DEPENDENT (S) ‘Approved Rates Pay Level as por 7h CPC Pay lvel of 6 and above Paylovel5 Py evel 4 and below Iravel entitlements as preserved for tour as per Alf Ral Road journey except international {ravel willbe applicable in cave of journeys on transfer for self & dependents) [BL COMPOSITE TRANSFER GRANT Approved Rates Pay Level as per 7th GPC T (CTS (Composite Transfer Grant) Pay lvel of and above 1 For mre than TOOK BO of Last Manis Basic Pay (As per Th CPC) la. For more than 20 Km but upto 100 Km 60% of Last Month's Basic Pay (As por 71h CPC) Pay level 5 Pay level 4 and below a For ess than 20 Km ~2667 % af Last Month's Basic Pay (As per 7th CPC) Note: Hére Basic Pay as per 7th CPC willbe considered and NPA shal riot be considered here TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONAL EFFECTS, Approved Rates Pay Level as por 7h CPC By Tran Steamer FoR roe HD [Pay level 12 and above j6000 kg By Goods Train’ 4.Wheeler Wagor’ 1 Double Container na Pay vets 6, 10,19 sa00k9 Gy Goods Tran Wels Wapon/1 Sige Container [NR SDFerkm- fr xy Ces Pavtevas se00 KS Ina ispertn bre ches Paylevel 4 and below 16006. JR ork ora Cie Remarks: Lower rate fr transportation of goods by cad I applicable ony fr transfer within’ ‘TAENTITLEMENT FOR RETIRING EMPLOYEES TRANSPORTATION OF CONVEYANCE ‘Approved Rates By Read Level as por 7in CPC Train Pay Level as por 7th ey Easier Zieslae Jat Actua ox One Mate Car/Motor Gye Scooter By Train © ; Payievete a above atonal 25% For Packing And Handing Charges. IWR AS PER KAA JR PER KM [at Actual For One Motor Car’ Motor Cy Scoot’ Moped Bicycle wa? [Pay evel 5 & below ly ain Adatonar25% For Packing And Handing Charges, [NRT®PEREM JNK TSPER IGA ote: The ate i avlomalcaliy be e7Tanoad by 26% Fom the base fas whenever DA increases by SOW as per Tin CPC. Is rr Casas Traetes Crant il be payable ater receiving Quaterfaccomedation vacation report fom las place of posting tthe emplcyee was staying in VC provided accomodation. I Frenccct earges (or neurance done Yom IRDA registred insurance company) willbe admissible on ranfer of house had eects and conveyance etc subject 0 production of recoips, Rsruance |potey & Recaps from th IRDA registered Insurance Campary wil be requed fo claim of nsrurance benefts [foley & Recep fom enon of nasband & we (both working In OVC atthe same station) fakes place wthin sic months but afer 60 days ofthe retirement ofthe spouse, 60% of the Transfer grant on cas het sed fate spocse relies lair No Transfer grant shall be admissible tothe spouse relrnglaler incase both the superannuating employees rei wihia 60 days. The existing provisions shall Continue tobe appicable in case of etiees aftr a period of six months. "TAIDA to retired employees: F Thro atenting opal poasodngs ae wince or acct forthe cases which have arisen due to Bonafide execution of work during hismer service period oo eet ea iarese wi be alowed for reimbursement of Traveling Expenses and Composite Daly Allowance towards attending the legal proceedings, at me rate /enilement equal Suotoyes n te gradelpost in ies the winoss or chaged/accused employee has superennuated an fishing the documentary proof of travel alongwith the cam. Ii) For attending daparmenta proceedings instituted against rinvher (py eteed employee unos requred te ltond depatmenta proceedings wil be embursed Traveling Expenses and Compose Daly Alowance for atlerding the departmental ene ke /entement equsl otha of erang employes the grade/post mn wich he charged employee has superannuated on fisting the documentary proof of tavel along wih the [claim (subject to maximum economy clas fren sases of a rave. so ery Entitlement for Trainees on Probation sino] Pertieulars Categories & evel Entivement Remarks JAsmissibie, Executve Trainees at M2 level and above|Entiled for Air Rad Ral journey as perth entitement the post a which they were vecrutea 1+ [uring Joining in ove Admissibe Trainees below M2 Level __[entited for Road! Ral journey as per he enkitement for ne post at which they were recruited Admissible. AlrEntitement in Economy cass willbe Jepplieabie fr eistances of 400 kms and above. For Enitiementof Air | ExecutveTrainees at M2 level and above lestance less tat 400 kms fra enlement in Nourney for official leconomy cass to be ranted by HoDIMoP on Merit 2s ether than sports Baciswork exigencies, 8 cultural purposes Other level Trainees below M2 Level |Not Admissible lacinissible a [filament of Rona Entitled for Road! Rail journey 8s per the entitement or | no TA wil be payable for ey |the post at which they were recruited. transfers on own interest during tainngtprobation iAdrioae rewanina 14 [Hote Accommodation & + [Entitled for note! accommodation & composte DA as Fooding and Incidetals be the eiilement forthe post a whch they were jrecruited. Adimissibe 5 |Composite DA Enid for composite DA as per the entternent forthe post at which they ware recrltod [Travel Entitlement For Self 6 |ranster Ta “Admissiblo as por the entilement forthe post at which Ithey were recruited TA ENTITLEMENT FOR ATTENDING SPORTS EVENTS ‘Approved Rates I). TA& DA FOR ATTENDING EVENTS AT DVC STATIONS 1 4. Entitlement of journey by air Not admissible 72. Enitiement of journey by Rail In accordance with pay level of 7th CPC 13: Entitement of journey by Road fat For road joumeys commencing from residence /lace of posting to the ralway station & back and journey perlormed between places where raliconnectvty fs not available -Admiseibie at Rs. 24 per km for actual sistance imited to 20 km for one way & 60 km for both ways. 7/32 For road journeys other than mentioned at 13.1 above, porformed between places connected by rai the retbursement wll be restricted 10 fare in second (dee tell Exoress tains or at actual whichever is lower. However, AC bus face at actual wil be edmiceble subject te production of receipt |. 4 Entitoment for DA: INR 400 per day as Composite DA forall lass of employees. --S-Hota accommodation, Not admissible bs accommodation is arranged by the organizers Hotel accommodation is permissible only wien accommodation at the [dct fe not avaiable. Reimbursement will be subject to production of no-aocomadation certficate obtained from Oficer in-charge ofthe Guest House/IB or lorganizers, /6. No other allowances except mentioned above will be admissible 2. TA& DA FOR ATTENDING NATIONAL LEVEL EVENTS 2.4 By Ai: In accordance with Pay level enttement of 7th CPC [22 By Rail In accordance with Pay level ontitement of 7th CPC [23.By Road For tad oureys commencing om residence [place of posting othe ralway satio/aipert & backand pumey performed between places where [st commectvity i not avalable - Admissible at INR 24 per km for actua distance limited to 30 km for one way & 69 km forboth ways, I. DA rate wil be INR 600 per day forall classes of employees. (5 Hotel accommodation: Reimbursement of Hotel accommodation! Guest house of up to INR 3600 per day for City; NR. 3000! per day for ¥-City; INR 2300 [oer day for other ces on production of receiptbils, where accornmadation is not provided by the organizer. ‘The above accomodation rates are excluding GST & other taxcs. 3. TA & DA FOR ATTENDING INTERNATIONAL LEVEL EVENTS bs.1 Travel by Air: Economy class [5 As par levelwise TA DA applicable for foreign tours Note: ret sos as mentioned above to be enhanced by 25 % whenever DA reaches 50% as per 7th CPC except sl nc. 3.1 & 32 above. TAENTITLEMENT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT PURPOSES Approved Rates (i) Journey by RailfRoad'Sea/Air-The patient (employee & of dependents) and also aftendart (wherever recommended) entitled to TA plus DA er the period of journey undertaken by rail, road, sea (Ship, steamer etc.) and air (within and outside tne country). No DA for halt {Gp Journey within same city - Actual conveyance charges limited to Admisible Rate for Road Journey for the employee and at half the tour rates ito dependents if journey is performed independently by the dependent aggravation of his/her condition. li) SPECIAL PROVISION - Reimbursement of ai fare paid in individual cases will be considered on merit if the Medical Department is satisfied [ ratair travel was absolutely essential and that travel by any other means would have endangered the life of the patient/involved a risk of serious (iv) ATTENDANTIESCORT - TA for dependents for journeys both ways, i itis cetfied that is unsafe for the patient to travel unattended and an attendantlescot is necessary to accompany him/her to the place of treatment. TA for rail journey of the attendent is as Per entitiement of Hea arconestned employee. No Separate DA alloviance & TA for Road Journey wil be admissible for the attendent/ escorts journey and so certified. |v) TA as above will also be admissible if it becomes necessany for an attendantescort to travel again fo accomapany the patient in the return lways to reach the nearest hospital ,t Note: To cater to the medical emergency/ medical treatment, the journey carned out by ne “employee! family member will be considered from Setual place of stay to the destination hospital / dispensary aod return, Ifthe traversed distance is more than 30 km in one way and 60 km both hen the admissible claim will be as per entitlement of road journey TAON TEMPORARY TRANSFER Approved Rates +. Inall cases of transfers for short petiods not exceeding 180 (ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY) DAYS, the journeys trom one station to another and to other organizations/locations for oficial work/special assigments and back to actual place of posting shall be treated as on tour for the purpose of reguiating travelling allowance and daily allowance being paid for the days of halt at that station as under FIRST 180 DAYS: FULL COMPOSITE DAILY ALLOWANCE. BEYOND 180 Days : NIL. ‘2. Temporary transfer on one’s own request shall not entitle him/her for any TA or composite Daily Allowance. ANNEXURE - [] ‘To O.M. No.2/5/2017-E.I(B) dated 07.07.2017. LIST OF CITIES/TOWNS CLASSIFIED FOR GRANT OF HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE TO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SI. [ STATES/ UNION CITIES CLASSIFIED CITIES CLASSIFIED No. | TERRITORIES ___AS "x" AS “Y" 1. [ANDAMAN & _ | — | | NICOBAR ISLANDS 7 | ~~ 2, |ANDHRA PRADESH! | Hyderabad (UA) _/ Vijayawada (UA), Warangal TELANGANA (UA), Greater Visakhapatnam (M.Corpn.), Guntur (UA), | Nellore (UA) 3. | ARUNACHAL _ _ PRADESH | ~ 4 [ASSAM | Guwahati (UA) 5. [BIHAR Patna (UA). 6.__| CHANDIGARH ‘Chandigarh (UA) 7. | CHHATTISGARH _ ‘Durg-Bhilai Nagar (UA), |: - Raipur (UA) —_ @. [DADRA & NAGAR _ i _ HAVEL _ _ — 3_[DAMAN@ DIU i — = | 10. [DELHI ____| Dethi (UA) _ _| 11. | GOA os = | 72. | GUJARAT ‘Ahmadabad (UA) | Rajkot (UA), Jamnagar (UA), | Bhavnagar (UA), | _| Vadodara (UA), Surat (UA) | 73. | HARYANA = Faridabad"(M.Corpn., "(Ui 74,_|HIMACHAL PRADESH | — — 15,_| JAMMU & KASHMIR Srinagar (L 16. | JHARKHAND _ Jamshedpur (UA), Dhanbad (UA), Ranchi (UA), ee Bokaro Steel City (UA) 77. | KARNATAKA Bengalore/Bengaluru | Belgaum (UA), Hubli-Dharwad | (UA) (M.Corpn.), Mangalore (UA), | a ____| Mysore (UA), Gulbarga (UA) _ 48. | KERALA _ Kozhikode (UA), Kochi (UA), Thiruvanathapuram (UA), Thrissur (UA), Malappuram | _ | _ | (UA), Kannur (UA), Kollam (UA) 79,_| LAKSHADWEEP = ee |20. | MADHYA PRADESH | _ “Gwalior (UA), indore (UA), Bhopal (UA), Jabalpur (UA), | Ujjain Corp No. | TERRITORIES 24. [MAHARASHTRA TATES/ UNION | | Greater Mumbai “2 CLASSIFIED AS “x” CITIES.) CITIES CLASSIFIED | as “y" | | | ‘Amravati (M.Corpn.), Nagpur (UA), (UA), Aurangabad (UA), Nashik | | Pune (UA) (UA), Bhiwandi (UA), Solapur | | (M.Corpn.), Kolhapur (UA), | Vasai-Virar City (M. Corpn.), Malegaon (UA), | Nanded-Waghala (M.Corpn.), | |__ - Sangli (UA) 22. | MANIPUR - _ 23. | MEGHALAYA 1 [ _ — (24. | MIZORAM _ a | 25, [NAGALAND _ TT = 26. | ODISHA _ Cuttack (UA), Bhubaneswar | - —_ | (UA), Raurkela (UA) | 27. | PUDUCHERRY _ |Puducherry/Pondicherry (UA) | (PONDICHERRY) _ _| 26. | PUNJAB _ ‘Amritsar (UA), Jalandhar (UA), _ ____| Ludhiana (M. opr.) | 28. | RAJASTHAN _ Bikaner (M.Corpn.), Jaipur ” (M.Corpn.), Jodhpur (UA), Kota | | _|(M.Corpn.), Ajmer (UA) | SIKKIM = - = 31, | TAMIL NADU Chennai (UA) | Salem (UA), Tiruppur (UA). ‘Coimbatore (UA), Tiruchirapalli | (UA), Madurai (UA), Erode (UA) | Moradabad (M.Corpn.), Meerut (UA), Ghaziabad"(UA), \ Aligarh(UA), Agra (UA), Bareilly (UA), Lucknow (UA), Kanpur (UA), Allahabad (UA). Gorakhpur (UA), Varanasi (UA), Saharanpur (M.Corpn.), Noida" (CT), Frozabad (NPP), Jhansi | (UA) 7 | 34,_ | UTTARAKHAND Dehradun (UA) _ _ 36, | WEST BENGAL * Only for the purpose of extending HRA on the basis of dependency. NOTE ‘The remaining cities/towns in various States/UTs which are not covered by classification as “x” or "Y", are classified as °Z" for the purpose of HRA. Kolkata (UA) / Asansol (UA), Siliguri (UA), | Durgapur (UA)

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