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SECTION-B (Marks 40)

Q. 2
Read the following passage carefully and answer questions?
Kathy, twenty-four, is the oldest child and the only daughter. She is now a Roman
Catholic nun doing graduate study in Dubuque, Iowa. But, like her brothers, she
grew up farming, and she still misses it. Kathy called this May during her final
exam and said, "I'd give anything to be ploughing instead!"
As the youngest, Joel has at times had more farming "teachers" than he's wanted,
One night he sat at the kitchen table listening to his dad and brothers talk about the
rewards of farming.
"It's good, independent life," said Bill. "You're your own boss".
"I wouldn't know", said Joel, grinning. "I've got bosses." "Who?" asked his dad.
Joel pointed to each one around the table. They all laughed!
Joel used to be largely at somebody's side, watching and listening, lending a hand,
or going on the run for a tractor or forgotten tool. He took the occasional bossing
he got in stride. Now, he is so busy with his own work that he is no longer
available to be everybody's "go-fer".
"If I had just one word to describe Joel, it would be enthusiasm," says Betty. He
uses his youthful energy indiscriminately. On one summer day, he jumped 15
fences, drove farm machinery 25 miles, fed 320 animals, opened and closed 8
gates, walked and ran about 8 miles, jumped on and off the tractor 26 times, lifted
900 pounds of grain, shovelled 4,000 pounds, ate about 2600 calories!
On weekends and during the summer, Joel works outdoors anywhere from eight to
fifteen hours a day. The only time he minds it is during early spring. Then the
snow melts and rain often pours down daily, turning the farmyard into a swamp.
Mud sucks at his boots, making walking itself a tedious chore. More than the
bother, though, Joel hates the ugliness. "When it rains, everything seems so awful."
Qno. (i). Write down the summary of the given passage and suggest a suitable
Ans. Summary: The passage describes the lives of Kathy and Joel, who grew up on
a farm. Kathy, now a Roman Catholic nun, misses farming despite her current
endeavors. Joel, the youngest, used to assist on the farm but is now too busy with
his own work. He is described as enthusiastic and hardworking, often working long
hours outdoors, although he dislikes working in muddy conditions during early
spring. Title suggestion: "Farming Roots: A Tale of Kathy and Joel"
Qno. (ii). How has Joel had more farming teachers than his liking?
Ans: Joel has had more farming "teachers" than he liked because he often found
himself surrounded by family members discussing farming, which sometimes felt
overwhelming or unwanted.
Qno iii). "I've got bosses", Why do all the members of his family laugh at this
response of Joel?
Ans: All the members of Joel's family laugh at his response of "I've got bosses"
because he points to each family member as his bosses, implying that they all have
authority over him in some way, which is humorous to them.
Qno. iv). When is Joel reluctant to work outdoors and why?
Ans: Joel is reluctant to work outdoors during early spring when the snow melts
and rain turns the farmyard into a swamp. He dislikes the muddy conditions and
finds everything to be ugly during this time.
Qno. v). Do you think that the word 'Enthusiasm" used by his mother, is an
apt description of Joel?
Ans: Yes, the word "enthusiasm" used by his mother is an apt description of Joel
as he is described as using his youthful energy indiscriminately, working long
hours’ outdoors with dedication and energy.
Qno. vi). 'He took the occasional bossing he got in stride'. What does it reflect
upon Joel as a teenager?
Ans: "He took the occasional bossing he got in stride" reflects upon Joel as a
teenager as someone who didn't mind being given orders occasionally. He accepted
the instructions or bossing without complaint or difficulty.
Qno. vii). Why does Kathy think that she can give away anything for the life
of a farmer?
Ans: Kathy thinks that she can give away anything for the life of a farmer because
she misses farming despite her current pursuits. She expresses her longing for
farming when she says, "I'd give anything to be ploughing instead."
Qno viii). Give the meanings of any four of the underlined words?
Ans: Meanings of the underlined words:
- Gradual study: Advanced academic study after completing undergraduate studies.
- Independent: Not relying on others for support or control; self-sufficient.
- Enthusiasm: Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
- Reluctant: Unwilling or hesitant to do something.

Q.3 A.
Read the following poetic extract carefully and answer the questions.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Qno.1: Why will the poet be telling it with a sigh?
Ans: The poet will be telling it with a sigh because the decision he made at the
fork in the road has had a significant impact on his life, and he reflects upon it with
a mixture of nostalgia, regret, or perhaps even contentment.
Qno.2: What does the poet mean by the phrase 'the one less traveled by'?
Ans: By the phrase "the one less traveled by," the poet means that he chose the
path that fewer people had taken. It symbolizes choosing a less conventional or
popular route, possibly representing making unconventional choices or taking
paths less followed by society.
Qno.3 How has it made all the difference?
Ans: The decision to take the road less traveled by has made all the difference in
the poet's life because it has led him down a unique path, distinct from the more
common or conventional choices others might have made. This choice has likely
influenced the course of his life, shaping his experiences, perspectives, and perhaps
even his character or destiny.
Qno 3. B
Read the following poetic extract carefully and answer the questions?
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow
Find us farther than to-day
Qno. i) How is enjoyment or sorrow, not our destined end?
Ans: Enjoyment or sorrow is not our destined end because life is not solely about
experiencing pleasure or pain. Instead, the poet suggests that our purpose is to act
and strive for progress, moving forward each day.
Qno. ii) What should we do to make each tomorrow better than today?
Ans: To make each tomorrow better than today, we should engage in action. This
implies that we should strive to achieve progress, growth, and improvement in our
lives, whether it be in personal development, relationships, or pursuits of our goals.
Qno. iii) Describe briefly the main theme of these lines?
Ans: The main theme of these lines revolves around the idea of progress and
action. The poet suggests that the purpose of life is not merely to experience
pleasure or pain but to actively strive for improvement and advancement, ensuring
that each day brings us closer to our goals or a better version of ourselves.
Qno 4. Write your resume' for the post of a 'data operator' in a well reputed

Personal Information:
Daughter Of X.Y.Z
Date of Birth: Fed.29.2000
1234. A.E.C. Rawalpindi.
A self-motivated individual seeking to work diligently in the field of poultry in any
organization to help achieve and meet its targets by promoting self-learning and
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, D.E University Islamabad. 2022
Master’s Degree in Computer Science, D.E University Islamabad. 2024
Data Entry Clerk
October 2023 to date.
Proficient in data entry and data management software such as Microsoft Excel,
Access, and SQL.
Excellent typing speed and accuracy.
Strong attention to detail and ability to maintain data integrity.
Familiarity with database management systems.
Certification in Data Entry and Information Processing.
Available upon request.
Qno.4 B
Write an application to the District Health Officer to ensure
the availability of life saving drugs in the Public Sector Hospitals?
Health Officer
Government Hospital,

Subject: Request to Ensure Availability of Life-Saving Drugs in Public Sector


Dear Sir,
I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of significant concern regarding the
availability of life-saving drugs in our public sector hospitals. As a resident of this
district and a concerned citizen, I have observed instances where patients have
faced challenges in accessing essential medications, which has potentially
compromised their health and well-being.
Ensuring the availability of life-saving drugs in our public sector hospitals is
imperative to safeguard the health and lives of our community members.
Therefore, I respectfully urge you to take immediate action to address this issue
and implement measures to enhance the availability and accessibility of essential
medications in public sector healthcare facilities.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am hopeful that you will take
proactive measures to address this critical issue and improve the accessibility of
life-saving drugs in our public sector hospitals.
Qno.5 A
Illustrate the correct use of tenses in any Six of the following sentences by
correctly re-writing them?

1. He has asked for trouble by creating all that mess. (Asked for, asked after).
2. You should not try to bear down your opponent in such a rude manner. (bear
with, bear down).
3. He knows how to break in the wild horses. (break into, break in)
4. Every party is trying its level best to bring over as many members as possible.
(bring off, bring over).
5. Despite every effort, the crime rate has not yet fallen off in Karachi. (fallen
down, fallen off)
6. The man got off the horse and started walking with us. (got off, got over).
7. The officer was instructed to look into the matter thoroughly. (look down upon,
look into).
8. He ran through his huge fortune in a matter of months. (ran through, ran over).

B. Use the correct form of verbs given in parentheses.

Qno. (i) The train (leave) five minutes ago.
Ans: The train left five minutes ago.
Qno. ii) Someone (take) away my pen.
Ans: Someone took away my pen.
Qno. iii) If he repeats the mistake, he (suffer).
Ans: If he repeats the mistake, he will suffer.
Qno. (iv) The doctor (treated) him for malaria.
Ans: The doctor treated him for malaria.
Qno. v) He (composed) a tune since evening.
Ans: He has been composing a tune since evening.
Qno vi) The power broke down and the machine (stop) working.
Ans: The power broke down and the machine stopped working.
Qno vii) You shall stay here until he (come) back.
Ans: You shall stay here until he comes back.

C. Punctuate the following lines/paragraph:

Arshak has come home, I've finally lived to see the day, Navasard said to himself
and untethered the lamb. Let's go fellow. He said come on, Arshak home.
"Arshak has come home! I've finally lived to see the day," Navasard said to
himself, and untethered the lamb. "Let's go, fellow," he said. "Come on, Arshak,
Qno. 6
Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper, highlighting the issue of reckless
driving and road accidents?
Examination Hall
City ABC
9th March, 2024.

The Editor,
The News,
J327+CWP, Marir Hasan,
Rawalpindi, Punjab 46000

Subject: Concern Over Reckless Driving and Road Accidents

Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my deep concern over the alarming rise in reckless driving
and road accidents in our community. It has become increasingly evident that these
incidents are posing a serious threat to public safety and claiming far too many
lives unnecessarily. In recent months, there has been a noticeable surge in reports
of road accidents, many of which have resulted in severe injuries and fatalities. It is
distressing to witness the devastating impact of these accidents on individuals and
families, leaving behind a trail of pain, suffering, and grief.
I urge you to use the platform of your esteemed newspaper to raise awareness
about the dangers of reckless driving and advocate for meaningful action to
improve road safety in our community.
Thank you for your attention to these critical issues.
X.Y. Z
Translate the following passage from English to Urdu.
In reality, the Muslims are a trusting nation. They are always ready to follow
anyone who promises to get their dreams realized and they provide unconditional
support and loyalty to such a person and forgive many of his weaknesses. But they
do so only for a brief period. Their real standard is the conduct and practice of the
Muslims of the early Islamic period.
‫و ان‬P‫تے ہیں ج‬P‫ار رہ‬P‫یے تی‬P‫یروی کے ل‬P‫خص کی پ‬P‫درحقیقت مسلمان ایک امانت دار قوم ہیں۔ وہ ہر اس ش‬
‫اداری‬PP‫کے خوابوں کو پورا کرنے کا وعدہ کرتا ہے اور وہ ایسے شخص کی غیر مشروط حمایت اور وف‬
‫ک‬PP‫رف ای‬PP‫ا ص‬PP‫تے ہیں۔ لیکن وہ ایس‬PP‫ر دی‬PP‫اف ک‬PP‫و مع‬PP‫وں ک‬PP‫ی کمزوری‬PP‫رتے ہیں اور اس کی بہت س‬PP‫فراہم ک‬
‫مختصر مدت کے لیے کرتے ہیں۔ ان کا اصل معیار ابتدائی اسالمی دور کے مسلمانوں کا طرز عمل اور‬
‫طرز عمل ہے۔‬

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