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Truth or Dare

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Fandom: Wolfstar - Fandom
Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Characters: James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Evans Potter, Mary
Macdonald, Peter Pettigrew, Marlene McKinnon
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-11-25 Words: 989 Chapters: 1/1
Truth or Dare
by 3_LemonBars


The maurders play a drinking game. James is taking things into his own hands.


It's the classic and overused Truth or Dare plot. My first Fic, so please give me constructive
criticism. It's basically just something I wrote because I just want Remus and Sirius to be
happy. Feel free to give me suggestions for future fics. :)
"Mamma just killed a man put a gun against. . . " Queen was blaring through the Griffindor
common room. The Quiditch victory party had been going on for hours, and it was now well
after midnight. The only people left were James, Peter, Remus, Sirius, Lily, Marlene, and
Mary. They were sitting on the couches around the fire. They weren't nearly as drunk as they
usually were at parties, mainly because they had exams that week.
Sirius was lying on rug staring into the fire listening to the conversation around him.
"We should play truth or dare!" James enthusiastic as ever, suggested.
"We play that all the time though, and you always dare me to chew Sirius' socks." Peter
"Just don't pick dare if you don't like the taste of my socks then Wormy." Sirius said, sitting
up. He loved truth or dare. It always gave him an excuse to get Moony's attention, which was
always a good thing no matter how exasperated.
"It's settled then. Truth or dare!" Mary announced ignoring Peter's objections.
Sirius looked over at Remus. He was smiling softly and the fire made his curly hair look very
fluffy and petable. His amber eyes were reflecting the firelight. Sirius thought of kissing each
of the freckles on his cheeks, and tracing the scars that lined his arms. He vaguely registered
voices, and realized he had been staring, he quickly looked away. Unfortunately, he looked
right at James' knowing smile and raised eyebrows directed towards him. Sirius flushed and
glared at him.
He hadn't told James that he liked Moony willingly.
James had confronted him in fifth year when he kept catching him staring at Remus.
"Sirius, truth or dare?" James asked him, smirking. Already flustered, Sirius blurted out the
one he always chose without much thought. "Dare!" His heart plummeted. James knew no
James smiled widely and looked Sirius right in the eyes while saying, "I dare you and Moony
to snog."
Sirius' heart was pounding, but he smiled smugly and looked at Moony. Moony was flushed
red and had his mouth slightly open. " Come on Moony! Let's show James how it's done."
"Well, alright." Moony said, "James could use some pointers."
"Hey!" James' yelled, affronted. "I'm an excellent snog. Aren't I Lily?"
"Yes James. Of course you are." Lily said, exasperated, from her spot on the couch with her
head in James' lap.
Remus smiled and kneeled on the ground next to Sirius. " Well go on then, kiss me." He said,
smile turning nervous, and Sirius' heart jumped into his throat. Moony was asking him to kiss
Sirius leaned in, looking into Remus' eyes. Remus had a slight flush on the top of his cheeks.
He was biting his lip, Sirius reached up, and gently ran his finger over Remus' bottom lip.
Remus let go, staring intently at him. He cupped Remus' cheek in his hand and closed the
distance. Moony's lips were soft. He tasted like chocolate and firewhiskey. The kiss was
gentle and tentative. Sirius nearly forgot that they were in a room full of their friends because
of the excitement swelling in his stomach. He was kissing Moony! Moony!
Remus pulled back suddenly. He was staring wide eyed at Sirius.
"Umm uh, I'm going to go to the-uh. . . the bathroom!" Moony stood up quickly, and
practically ran to their dorm room.
Sirius was confused. Had he done something wrong? If he had, he had to apologize. Maybe
Sirius was just that bad at kissing.
He stood up, "I'm going to bed" he announced to the room. And left their gaping faces
"Moony? Are you alright?" Sirius knocked gently on his bed frame.
Remus pulled back his curtains and ushered Sirius onto his bed.
"I'm fine. Just tired I guess." He was looking down and picking at his nails. Sirius put his
hand on Remus', stilling the nervous picking, and tilted his head up with the other.
"You're not fine. What's wrong? Was it the kiss?" Sirius asked. He suddenly felt vulnerable,
and pulled his arms away. Remus was still looking at him," no it wasn't the kiss. I mean
maybe it was. I just wanted to and then did, and it was just a game. I mean of course it was
just a game. It was truth or dare. I just wish I didn't want to, but I guess. Nevermind. It's not
impor-" but he couldn't finish his rambling because Sirius' lips were on his.
Sirius just brushed his lips against Moony's, allowing him to pull back if he wanted. But
Moony quickly reciprocated. It wasn't like the kiss in the common room. This one felt more
special, it meant more. This was Sirius telling Moony that it wasn't for a game. Sirius gently
put his hands on Moony's hips and pulled him closer. Remus pulled back, breathing deeply.
"This isn't a dare, is it?" He asked voice wavering slightly.
"No Moony. I um. . . " and because he was feeling brave, or reckless, there was a thin line
when it came to Sirius, he said, "I like you Moony. Like a lot." Sirius suddenly realized that
maybe Moony didn't like him back. Maybe he was just kissing him to try it out. He probably
didn't even like guys, like Sirius did.
But all those doubts were pushed put of his mind the instant Moony smiled. Moony's smile
was so bright and happy. Sirius hadn't seen him this happy since they told him they became
animagus for him. He lunged forward grabbing Sirius' face, smashing their mouths together.
The kiss was electric. Full of possibilities, and unbridled joy. Moony pulled back a
centimeter, and whispered against Sirius' lips,"I like you a lot too Sirius Black."
The two boys sat together, naive to the world and what would come their way in the future. A
warm bubble of hope and love surrounded them, maybe, just maybe it would all be okay.
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