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Introduction of Transport services



Defined as an act of moving goods or people from an origin to a required destination.

Transport involves:
● Equipment- truck, planes, trains, boat, pipeline
● People- drivers, loaders and unloaders
● Decision- routing, timing, quantities, equipment size, transport mode

Mode of transportation
● Land
○ Road transportation- this is a transportation of passengers or good roads.
Automobiles are the most common road vehicles and other users of the road
include bicycle, motorcycle, truck and buses.
○ Rail transportation- this is the transference of passengers or goods by means of
wheeled vehicles running on rail tracks or also known as railway or railroads.
● Water
○ Maritime transportation- this is a method of transporting people and goods by
means of water transportation such as barge, ship or sailboat over sea, ocean,
lake, canal or river.
● Air
○ Aviation- this is a process of transferring people and goods by means of aircraft.

Other mode of transportation:

● Pipelines transportation- this is transporting of goods through the use of pipelines. The
most common goods are through the use of pipelines. The most common goods that are
transported are liquid and gasses.
● Cable transportation- it is an extensive category of transport modes that rely on
vehicles pulled by cable rather than having an internal power source.
● Telecommunication- it is in a grey because it does not have any physicality through iy
is considered as a transport mode.
● Space transportation- this is a transportation into the outlet space and mostly used for
space exploration nowadays space transport are used for tourism and satellite

Component of transportation
a. Transportation infrastructure
b. Vehicles and containers
c. Workforce
d. Propulsion of energy supply
e. Operation

Role of transportation
The range and location of activities and the goods and services that will be available to
Influence in the development of civilization. It reveals a close relation to style of life.

● Certain country
● This is engaged in production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
○ The place, time , quality and utility of goods- transport lengthen the range of
source of supply of goods to be consumed in an area which make it possible to
get use to resources at cheap price and high quality.
○ Changes in location of activities- the reduction of cost to transport does not
have the same effect on all locations.
Transportation has an important role in influencing the formation of society. The contribution of
transportation can be seen from the formation, size, pattern and development of the society.
● Formation of settlement- civilization first started in river banks in different junctions, a
pony or intersection of trade routes.
● Size and pattern of settlement- settlement grew its population and developed into a big
city and trade center. As the population grows more goods and food need to be
transported to the people.
● Growth of urban centers- transportation technology plays an important role in the
formation of a city.
● Formed in transportation for mutual protection, economic advantage and development of
common culture
● Administration of area- theses include the laws to be followed security and others
needed to generate awareness
● Political choices of transport- these may be classified as communication military
movement, travel of persons and movement of freight.

Most of the roles of transportation have a negative effect on the environment
● Safety- growth of transportation has extremely unfortunate impact in terms of society or
in terms of accident
● Air pollution- all transport mores consumes energy like coal, petrol and diesel
● Noise pollution- transportation is the major contributors of noise especially in urban
● Energy consumption- the past century has been directly related to an abundant supply
of extensive energy from fossil fuels caused shortage
Transportation and travel system era
● This was the period before the widespread industrialization in europe and north america

Early industrial travel system era

● Road improvement such as railways, canals and steamship

Nature railway system era

● Fhiz dra was characterized by railway by which expanded their operation by running
hotels and providing other travel related services
Express travel system era
● Express services increased
● Trains and other forms of transportation did not stop at every
Automobile based travel system era
● Car ownership boomer in north america
Modern tourism travel system era
● The period from 2

Topic 2: transportation + tourism and hospitality

● The integral part of the tourism industry is transportation.
● Transportation became more reliable and traveling became and ordinary activity in an
organized environment.
● The effect and growth of tourism is because of transportation.


1. Car Travelling- this is an independent means of transport. Car transport is the most
dominant mode in world tourism because of its advantages Such as flexibility, price and
2. Coach Travelling- it uses the same road access as cars Local mass tourism is well suited by
the coaches but apparently it can be perceived as harm if in too large numbers.
3. Rail Travel- it was the dominant form of mass public transport before the age of automobiles.
This transport is very Fast but not too flexible because pre-established routes to be followed
4. Air Transport revolutionized the geographical aspect of distances. Business travelers are the
most users of airline facilities but now, lost cost air carriers have attracted a major segment.
5. Cruises it becomes a significant tourist industry because most of the cruises are like floating
resorts where guest can enjoy luxury and entertainment while on board towards
multiple destinations.


● Tourism implies movement.
● Transport is a product of the travel industry.
● There is overlap components of the tourism industry
● The quality of transport is important in travel and hospitality/business.
● Mass Transportation - large numbers of people are carried within a single vehicle or
Combination of vehicle.
● Mass Tourism - this is an act of visiting a destination with a large number of people at
one time.
Tourism transport can be divided in two categories
● Independent Means of Travel - Controlled by individual tourists.
● Mass travel- it is where tourists travel in groups.



three elements which are the following:

A. Tourists is the tourism commencing point and it provides momentum for the tourism
B. Destination performs as the object of tourism.
C. Tourism intermediaries aid in the connection of the destinations of the tourist.

Basic substantial component of the supply of transport system

Factors that influence the supply of transport

● Environmental Factors - the transport sector has very minimal control on the
environment. (e.g. pollution)
● Natural and Technological Factors- these include floods, change in climate, earth
slides and natural disasters.
● Supplier of tourism transport- these are the people who deal with the tourists and their
satisfactions. They are the people who offer services to tourism industry.


● Demand for travel.
● The creation of demand for transport

Demand of transport characteristics.

● Elastic if the costs of the transport are important for global transport, demand is
powerfully influenced by the fluctuation of cost and other cost- related factors, then it
could be in a high elasticity level.
● Inelastic it can be called inelastic if it is not flexible and dependent.
● Constant no change.


● This leads to the growth of tourism and improvement of infrastructures.
● Faster access to the destinations and better services.
● The customs, lifestyles and values that characterize the society dictates the demand and
supply of transport.
● The learning levels within a community as this would either improve or suppress the
effort towards demand and supply of transport.
● Attitude towards the development of transport sectors would tend to trigger higher
demand for modern transport means because of the better infrastructure
● The expansion of innovation on transport has led to reduced time schedules for tourism
as quicker means of transport have been established and therefore tourism activities can
now consume lesser time than before.
● More comfortable ways of transport that making it an interest of many to tour the world.


Driving own private vehicles puts a heavy strain on the local infrastructure. It can cause:

Congestion- public transportation serves some of the most congested regions in the country. It
eases traffic congestion as a result automobiles travelling in these regions achieve greater fuel
Environment- public transportation reduces overall greenhouse gas emissions without affecting
mobility. So it is very vital to take care of the environment for our nation’s economic health and
to improve the quality of life.
Cost- using public transportation is the quickest way to beat high fuel prices. It provides and
affordable alternative for driving.
Accessibility- public transportation provides personal mobility and freedom for people from
everyday walks of life. It also provides access to job opportunities.
Safety- public transportation provides safe travel and it will help you to enjoy a comfortable


SPEED- commuting is a frequent issue a rise among the individual which can be quick fic by
emphasizing on the speed of the transportation.
SAFETY- everyone wants their safety basically during a journey, so one expects personal
safety as well as safety of their belongings from a transportation service.
RELIABILITY- is also an element of quality in transportation. It depends on the traffic rules
diffusion of routes and availability of safety equipment
COMFORT- transportation service must ensure the comfort level of a users which can be both
psychological as well as physical like availability of seats and noise control equipment.
COST- transport systems are required to increase their capacity and maintain the transit cost so
that the users will be more encouraged to use it
CONVENIENCE- is the key to increase the usage of transportation service which includes
mobile ticketing, easy transit of the pets and the heavy objects without adding any extra cost


● Enhance personal opportunities
● Saves fuel
● Reduces congestion
● Provides economic opportunities
● Save money
● Reduce gasoline consumption

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