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Regie G.

BSIT 3, Section 1


Read the lesson 2 and answer the questions (2 pts each)

1) Define integrative programming?

 Deals with an integration approaches and techniques that connect different components of IT
infrastructure- people, applications, platforms and databases to enable a secure, intra and inter
application collaboration.
2) Explain the architectures used in application integration?

 There are multiple methods to application integration architecture. The first method is
creating a centralized application architecture as a top-down approach. Generally
implemented in a waterfall model, data is prepared based on requirements. While it
works, making changes with this design can get expensive.
3) Describe interoperability?
 Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and
to use the information that has been exchanged. Typically interoperability will be undertaken at
two levels; semantic and technical. Semantic interoperability allows stakeholders to describe the
requirements without consideration of the technical implementation. With respect to software, the
term interoperability is used to describe the technical capability of different programs to exchange
data via a common set of exchange formats, to read and write the same file formats, and to use
the same protocols.

4) What are the challenges in application integration describe the solutions to overcome the
 Application integration is essential for business operations, but it presents challenges like
diverse technologies, data formats, security, and real-time interaction. Solutions include
middleware, data transformation tools, scalability, and managing costs. A strategic
approach combining technology, standardized practices, and proactive planning can
unlock system potential and foster efficiency.
5) Describe the difference between CORBA and RMI or remote method invocation?
 Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and Remote Method Invocation
(RMI) are technologies that facilitate communication between distributed objects.
CORBA is a language-agnostic middleware solution, while RMI is a Java-centric
approach. CORBA is suitable for heterogeneous systems with different languages, while
RMI is ideal for Java-centric environments.
6) Explain integrative technologies or methods used in application integration?
 Integrative technologies like Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), APIs, Enterprise
Service Bus (ESB), Microservices Architecture, Message Queues, Data Integration
Platforms, Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), and Containerization and Orchestration are
crucial for seamless collaboration in modern businesses. These technologies enable data
exchange, functionality sharing, scalability, agility, maintenance ease, asynchronous
communication, real-time communication, and flexibility in response to changes.
7) What is the difference between data level and function level integration model? Which model
is more complex and why?
 Integration Levels Data level integration allows data to be shared among applications
without sharing its application logic. Application level integration integrates applications
by getting both connected applications' logic aware and enablers of exchanging data.
Process level integration presents a new level of integrating applications where
integration here facilitates or presents a new business processes.
8) What is heterogeneity?
 Heterogeneity is the diversity within a system, network, or environment, encompassing
different elements, structures, or characteristics. It's essential in fields like computer
science, biology, and social sciences. It promotes resilience, adaptability, innovation, and
efficiency, but also poses challenges in integration, interoperability, and management.
Effective management is crucial for harmonious coexistence of diverse elements in
complex systems.
9) Describe different types of middleware and describe how the middleware solves problem of
 Middleware is a crucial component in distributed computing environments, facilitating
communication and interaction between systems, applications, and devices. It addresses
heterogeneity by providing standardized interfaces, managing communication, and
abstracting system details. Various types of middleware exist, including Message-
Oriented Middleware (MOM), Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Object Request Broker
(ORB), Database middleware, Web Services middleware, and Enterprise Service Bus

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