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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu City

1ST PERIODIC EXAMINATION IN Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 11

S.Y. 2022-2023

NAME: ______________________________________ SECTION: ________ DATE: __________ SCORE: _________

TEST I. INSTRUCTIONS: Read each item very carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in your answer

1. An etymological definition states or explains the ____.

a. the origin of the term c. the object of the study
b. what it actually studies d. the importance of the study
2. We possess the capacity to reflect on our experiences, and we have a never-ending need to learn and discover.
Hence, each one of us is considered a ______.
a. philosopher b. linguists c. anthropologists d. theologians
3. Philosophy is also defined as the science that by natural light of reason studies the first cause or highest principles
a. science b. art c. Palmistry d. all things
4. “When knowledge follows procedures, structures, principles, and rules”
a. it is false c. it is seemingly false
b. it is seemingly true d. it is systematized
8. It follows certain steps or it employs certain procedures.
a. science b. art c. Palmistry d. horoscope
5. Philosophy investigates things through ____. It does not use any other laboratory instrument or investigative
tools, neither on the basis of supernatural revelation, otherwise it becomes theology.
a. science b. study of all things c. argument d. natural light of reason
6. A thing is either is or is not; everything must either be or not be; between being and not-being, there is no middle
a. principle of sufficient reason c. principle of identity
b. principle of non-contradiction d. principle of excluded middle
7. They study human beings, society, religion, language, and God among others.
a. philosopher b. linguists c. anthropologists d. theologians
8. They study and limit themselves with language.
a. philosophers b. linguists c. anthropologists d. botanists
9. A philosopher is a ___.
a. “lover of knowledge” b. “great lover” c. “lover of being” d. “lover of wisdom”
10. They study and limit themselves with language.
a. philosophers b. linguists c. anthropologists d. botanists
11. Many philosophers hold that there are three great original centers of philosophy in the world.
a. Greek, Russian, and Indian c. Greek, German, and Chinese
b. Greek, Indian, and German d. Greek, Indian, and Chinese
12. Its philosophy existed before Greek Philosophy.
a. Roman b. German c. Singaporean d. Chinese
13. He is the first known Greek philosopher
a. Plato b. Thales c. Socrates d. Aristotle
14. They started to indulge in intense philosophical assumption.
a. Western thinkers b. Eastern thinkers c. Northern thinkers d. Southern thinkers
15. Filipinos believe that life may be sorrowful, but precisely because suffering is ultimately salutary, there is _____
beyond suffering.
a. food b. money c. luck d. hope
16. What is in a Filipino that has an internal code and sanction that flows from within itself?
a. ethics b. logic c. luck d. hope
17. At present, almost all the major philosophical ideas originate from these thinkers.
a. Western thinkers b. Eastern thinkers c. Northern thinkers d. Southern thinkers

18. Generally, Filipinos believe in the innate goodness of human being. There is in every Filipino more constant
than in other legalistic moral philosophies that are rather negative.
a. ethics b. logic c. luck d. hope
19. Following the teaching of Socrates, he advanced the idea of the soul and the theory of virtue.
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Anaximander d. Protagoras
20. “In a manner of speaking, nothing actually begins absolutely or ends absolutely. A man may have been born at
a precise time and may have died at a precise time, but it cannot be said that his existence can be congealed at a
specific time, and when he dies, his life continues in another form.” Where would you attribute this line of
a. Western thinkers b. Eastern thinkers c. Northern thinkers d. Southern thinkers
21. The method for arriving at truth was to link knowing to doing, for example, to know the good is to do the good.
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Protagoras
22. Their philosophy emphasized benevolence, harmony, wisdom, and family.
a. Western thinkers b. Eastern thinkers c. Northern thinkers d. Southern thinkers
23. The first philosophers were called ___ because the birthplace of philosophy was in this coastal city, located
across the Aegean Sea on the western shores of Ionia in Asia Minor.
a. Milesians b. Myus c. Ephesians d. Colophons
24. For him, the human being’s function as a person is the proper functioning of his/her soul. So, he sought to
know the nature of the soul.
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Anaximander d. Socrates
25. They are perceived as transcending the limitations of the human intellect and treading on a no-man's land
where verification of one's premise is not possible. Their thoughts do not follow a structured mode. By its very
nature, it cannot but be intuitive and mystic.
a. Western thinkers b. Eastern thinkers c. Northern thinkers d. Southern thinkers
26. It is the science and art of correct thinking
a. Metaphysics b. Cosmology c. Logic d. Ethics
27. It is an Illogical argument.
a. fallacy b. reasoning c. syllogism d. proposition
28. It is centered in the analysis and construction of arguments.
a. Metaphysics b. Cosmology c. Logic d. Ethics
29. It refers to the manner by which the premises necessarily support for the conclusion. It is an essential attribute
of deductive argument.
a. Truth b. validity c. soundness d. probability
30. It serves as paths to freedom from half-truths and deceptions
a. Metaphysics b. Cosmology c. Logic d. Ethics
31. A valid argument which at the same time consists of all true propositions is said to be ___.
a. True b. valid c. sound d. probable
32. It distinguishes facts from opinions or personal feelings.
a. Metaphysics b. Cosmology c. Logic d. Ethics
33. This fallacy is committed when one assumes that the parts have the characteristics of the whole.
a. argumentum ad ignorantiam (argument to ignorance) b. fallacy of division
c. begging the question d. argumentum ad populum (argument to the people)
34. In this type of reasoning, the premises are said to support the conclusion necessarily or formally. Its essential
attribute is validity
a. Deductive Reasoning b. Inductive Reasoning
c. Logical Reasoning d. Illogical Reasoning
35. Superstitious beliefs are examples of this fallacy.
a. fallacy of false cause b. amphiboly c. equivocation d. Accent
36. The essential attribute of this type of reasoning is probability.
a. Deductive Reasoning b. Inductive Reasoning c. Logical Reasoning d. Illogical Reasoning
37. It is a defect in an argument other than it’s having false premises.
a. Deductive Argument b. fallacy c. sophism d. logic
38. A specific kind of appeal to emotion in which someone tries to win support for an argument or idea by
exploiting his or her opponent’s feelings of pity or guilt.
a. Appeal to pity b. Appeal to ignorance c. Appeal to force d. Appeal to the people
39. It is an argument that appeals or exploits people’s vanities, desire for esteem, and anchoring on popularity.
a. Appeal to pity b. Appeal to ignorance c. Appeal to force d. Appeal to the people
40. It is an argument where force, coercion, or the threat of force, is given as a justification for a conclusion.
a. Appeal to pity b. Appeal to ignorance c. Appeal to force d. Appeal to the people
TEST II. IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is being described in each number by decoding the scrambled words.

_______________ 41. This refers to an individual who is actively aware that he or she is perceiving and experiencing
_______________ 42. The Greek term for philosophy.
_______________ 43. These are statements which are observed to be real or truthful.
_______________ 44. This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to and makes self-determination possible.
_______________ 45. This is a series of statements that provide reasons to convince a person that a claim or opinion is
truthful. UGMTAREN
_______________ 46. It is the goal of philosophy.
_______________ 47. Name of the group consisting the three Greek philosophers
_______________ 48. Life continues in another form or cycle of rebirths: vegetative, animal and human form.
_______________ 49. These are statements that express convictions that are not easily explained by facts.
_______________ 50. It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and actions and learn from
experience. FLEEIOCTRN


50-55. Explain the role of Philosophy in addressing environmental crisis. Give example to support your answer (5pts.)

“Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don't know”

– Bertrand Russell

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