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: 2 HOURS, sider When selecting sn igation system under ge proces of iigation (7 marks) op and 1 tached (Table 9) Compete ap er ons niin watson Te 3) Atamininum how mck shld te ‘Seasonal irrigation needs per ha? 7 “se (mais) ouESTION TWO (4) Discuss the soil-waterplant factors that influence irgation projects generally andthe salem, ‘haracteristies of irrigation water determining its quality for we in igation? (10 macks) b) With the help of neat sketch, discuss the following tems of soi moisture ranges and state how they reiate with saturation capacity, feld capacity ani pemnanent wilting point as key soil ‘moisture constants: ) Total available water (TAW), i) Management allowed deficit (MAD), and Bl) Soil moisture deficit (SMD). (10 marks) QUESTION THREE (2) Define the following terms as used in irigation prties: ) available soil moisture, (i) effective rainfall, (i) application efficiency of iigation sd (iv) based period (7 marks) (&) Name the principal ers of your region and give an vecount ofthe agricultural nd climate requirements for sowing, growth and harvesting of one of them. Also indicate the normal requirement of seed per hectare and average yield per heiae forthe erp. (6 marks) ion projects required for a certtn crop if oot fan the apparent specific gravity Assume 50% apacity (c) Compute the depth and frequency of i ‘zone depth-+ 1O0ein field capacity = 20% wilting point = 1 Ghanil 1.5 gin/ee; consumptive use =25mmi/day; efficiency of irigation = 5 depletion ofthe available moisture before aplication of iiation water at etd (7 mas) QUESTION FOUR et in Yrs oot 39 = fon system for the newly sn irgation oFLORA, a Hower Company the feasibility study of selecting dhe mos! viable ig wa engineer to ea 2iPoee ‘THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF KENYA FACULTY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND RESOURCE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL & CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING END OF SEMESTER 1 EAR 4 EXAMINATION FoR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR (OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING BECO 4142 ENGINEERIGN HYDROLOGY I CLASS CODE: BICQ 2016 & 2016? ME 2 HOI all ituated in the same climatic region, + are given below. The data of one ne tis station with the double-mass curve analy n be calculated using the following point where P is Be density of water (ky) and g (ws) n due to gravity (5 mark sr move in and out of the well fom the A yell points installed with the point (here wate P)at elevation 245.0 m above datum, The water evel inthe wel i tclevation 267.4 ‘What isthe hydraulic head at the point? (S marks ‘What isthe pressure head othe point? (5 mscks) “Whats the pressure inthe aquifer adjacent to the point? (5 marks) ‘ ¥y of @ clay soil. The experiment the experiment water was added to maintain a constant water level in OF INFRASTRUCTURES RESOURCE ENGINEERING HENT OF CIVIL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING | _ DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF eNcINEERING-c1L -ENGINERING ¥HECQ 4151: THEORY oF STRUCTURES J. Thispaper consists of five questions. Hi Attempt QUESTION ONE anc any ther TWO 2) fi Allsymbels have theirusial me QUESTION ONE (30 maris) (2) Determine the shape fctor forthe section The: 2 hours om n Fig (0) (10 Marks) Fig 0106) QUESTION TWO (20 Maris) {2} State five assumptions that are made in the (©) A beam oflength 14 m,fxed atthe ens the Eltobe constant determine: 4. Deflection at point # (omar) 4. Reactionsat supports (Guan) alysis of circular thin plates (5 marks) is carrying loads as shown in Fig, Q2) By taking 4+-—5m shown In Fig. Qs subjected to Fy = 15K and Determine the nodal displacements, the reactions, and the forces transmitted each element. 4 s0am- [QUESTION FIVE (20 Marks) (@) riety discuss the three elementary plastic analysts in portal ames (9 Marks) (B)A crear plate oF 3 m diameters an underground sump. The sas 10 fm tlle and the live and dead loads inc eight are estimated ata total ahve of 800 kg/m? Find the radial and circumieental moments of thls slab at the

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