Module 2 Pe4

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In the pre-historic times, from the Tabon man to Negritos, our ancestors hunted animals for
their food and defense (Matias. 1987). They had small amount of time to think of activities for
recreation, except for feasts done during ceremonial celebrations like rituals for rain or bounty.
Unlike the Indonesians who were more advanced compared to the Negritos. They also hunted
animals, but they practiced agriculture and planted food crops. They cooked their food and made
stones axes, adzels and chisels. They also celebrated different ceremonies and rituals.
When the Spaniards introduced Christianity to the Filipino people, religious holidays called
fiestas were celebrated. People participated in various activities for entertainment.
When the Americans came, the recreational activities of the people also changed. The
Americans brought different sports and games to the country,
Today, a lot of Filipinos value the importance of recreation. People from all walks of life allot
their free time to relax and have some fun.
In street corners, especially in the rural areas, older men do cockfighting or they are seen in
the barbershop to discussing about problems or any topic. The Older women, on the other hand,
play different card games like Panguingue (Panopio, et al, 1994). Some women also play bingo or
are gossiping as a form of socialization. Children play competitive sports and games. Most common
games include tugging games, tatsing, skipping rope, patintero or piko. Some girls are also playing
bahay bahayan, There islittle change in the lives of the people in the rural area today. Rich people
still often play mahjong while gossiping about almost everything or everyone
Today, with the advent of the new technology, most of us chat or send SMS or surf the net.
Lots of people, regardless of social status have cell phones already, People nowadays know how to
use their recreational activities wisely. Theattitude of Filipinos towards recreation is indeed
gradually chan come to realize now the value of recreation in our life.

Definition of terms:
• Recreational Games Activity are games played during leisure time, which have positive in
mental, social, educational and moral values

• Games - are activities in which minimum of two people are engaged in for the purpose of
determining superiority. This is a free activity connected with no material interest and no
profit can be gained from it.

• Contest - a simple comparison or ability along special lines requiring an opponent. There is
prize to be given after the competition

• A healthy environment,
• Abundant economies,
• Closer family ties, and
• Physically, mentally and emotionally fit individuals
• Positive outlook in life

Differences of Studying from Recreation

• It is required or essential.
• There is a specific time.
• Provides boredom or exhaustion.
• There is a specific concept.
• Task is to be done immediately.
• Output is more of mental aspect.

• It is voluntarily done.
• Occurs during free time.
• Provides enjoyment and fun.
• It is broad in concept.
• May or may not have a result.
• Contributes to physical, mental, social, moral, spiritual andemotional aspects.

Play and Recreation

Recreation is different from play. Play is regarded as an activity which is done for rivalry,
fulfilment and enjoyment. Weiskopf (1978) defined play to as an activity which is carried on within
leisure for purposes of pleasure, satisfaction and self-expression. Play is more of for rivalry or
competition rather than recreation Play therefore, is spontaneous, physical activity for children.
Recreation is re-creative, organized, relaxing activity for adults. Recreation is a broad term that
includes play (Carlson, et al, 1963). Although, today, we often see older men and women go to the
arcade or amusement parks to play, it must be stressed that they do it because they want or a use
play to have recreation.
Community Recreation denotes those recreation activities that society, through various
social institutions such as the municipal recreation department, the school, the home, and the
church, have organized to meet the interest and needs not of the few but of the many of the
beginner as well as the highly skilled, of the young and the old, of the handicapped and the
physically strong, and of the girls and of women along with the boys and men (Carlson, et al., 1963).

Difference between Games and Contest


 There is a constant and deliberate interference with his plans and plays
 Full of unexpected situations
 Filled with opportunities and emergencies for choice


 There is no interference with the contestants with his plans on the part of theopponent
 There is no strategy and deception
 No-filled with opportunities and emergencies for choice

Social Contribution of Play to Society and Its Value in Life

 It provides opportunities to develop skills in and a fondness for recreationalactivities that will
contribute to finer and better living.
 It gives man the opportunity to belong to and to be accepted by the group.
 It provides opportunities to participate developing

a. Self-direction

b. Self-control

c. Leadership

d. Followership

e Cooperation

f. Unselfishness

g. Sportsmanship

 It plays a vital role in the socialization of participants since it serves as helpingindividuals to

become better acquainted with others

Spin-off Values of Recreation activity/games

RECREATION brings refreshment to body, mind, or spirit to individuals who choose be involved.
Therefore, recreation has great value in and of itself. However, there are several secondary values
available to those who decide to becomeparticipants

 Provides for physical fitness

 Enables more social adaptability
 Gives greater appreciation of competition
 Stimulates toward creativity
 Helps in the development of a better self-concept
 Aids in the building of character
 Enhances the learning process

Basic learning's that take place as a result of an individual's participation in recreation games/activity:

 Primary learning’s, this is the area where skills may be developed (shooting the
basketball, performing as an actor, etc.);
 Associate learning’s: this is the area where knowledge may be developed (learning the rules of
the game, learning about historical character in a drama etc. ); and
 marginal learning’s: this is the area where attitudes may be developer(understanding team play
and sportsmanship, understanding that the director of the drama is the leader and the one in
charge, etc.) (While all of these are important, marginal learnings may be found to be the mos
important. And, all of these leamings will go way beyond a specific recreatic activity on one
particular occasion. They will CARRY OVER to all areas of life f an entire lifetime.)

Contribution of Plays and Recreational Games:

1. Sense Perception
a. Slight is improved
b. Reacts much faster than one who doesn't play
c. The clumsy, awkward body becomes agile and expert showing thereby a
neuromuscular development.

2. Social Training
a The timid shrinking child learns to take his turn with others.
b. The bold, selfish child learns that he may not monopolize opportunities
C. The experiences child gains self-respect and the respect of others through
some particular skills that makes him a desired partner or a respected
d. He learns to take defeat without discouragement and win without undue
e. The dominant powers of social cooperation are developed

3. Will Training
a The volitional aspect of the will and its power to endurance are plainly
seen to grow in
1. Power of initiative
2. Courage to give dares
3. Determination to capture an opponent and to make goal to win a
b. Inhibition that power for self-restraint and self-control, which is the
highestaspect of the will and latest to develop
C. To have more knowledge of right and wrong

Classification of Games

1. According to materials used 2. According to formation

a Equipment a Line
b. Non-equipment b Column
c. Circle

3. According to place of playing 4. According to type of play

a. Indoor a. Elimination
b. Outdoor b. Tag
C. Team
d. Individual

5. According to the type of athletic significance

a. Speed b. Skill
c. Accuracy d. Agility
e. Endurance f. Fee

6. According to psychic effect

a. Alertness b. Concentration
C. Self-control d. Sportsmanship

7. According to sense training

a. Sight b. Hearing
c. Feeling
8. According to functional activity
a Running b. Throwing
c. Jumping d. Climbing
e. Lifting f. Combative
9. According to nature
a. Quite game b. Moderate game
c. Active teaching

Safety Suggestion in a Game

1. Keep the play area free of stones, broken bottles and other dangerous obstacles 2. Do not use
stones or sticks for bases in games or to mark running area,
3. Have rules thoroughly understood by participants.
4. Inspect equipment regularly.
5. Teach the participants the proper way to tag so that they do not hurt each other
or tear their clothing.
6. Good organization will aid safety

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