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Instruction to candidates:

1. This paper consists of 10 printed pages (including the cover)

2. Answer All questions

3. This is a open book examination

Materials allowed for this examination:

1. Nil



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1. The best conflict management style is

A. The avoiding style

B. The problem-solving style

C. The bargaining style

D. The smoothing style

2. When you have been experiencing conflict with someone else, you should remember

A. Always apologize

B. Always compromise

C. Compromise, if needed

D. Always argue

3. When experiencing conflict, you are always gonna build better relationships by
compromising on the issues.

A. True

B. Never true

C. Mostly true

D. True, in some cases

4. One of the most beneficial and critical skills in conflict resolution is

A. Problem-solving

B. Communication

C. Trust

D. None of these
5. The conflict can sometimes be clarified through

A. Using power

B. Argument

C. Communication

D. None of these

6. The first thing that has to be done when resolving a conflict with someone is to

A. Assertively but diplomatically state your perspective

B. Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem

C. Slap some sense into them

D. Listen to their perspective

7. When resolving conflict, it becomes essential to make eye contact (most) in which of
the following circumstances?

A. When you are brainstorming

B. When you are problem-solving

C. When you are listening

D. When you are assertively stating your point

8. You should use the forcing conflict management style when

A. You need to arrive at a workable solution under time pressure

B. A creative solution is critical

C. Quick, decisive action is important

D. People need to work through their emotions surrounding the conflict

9. What is the most useful question to ask to discover the interests of the other person?

A. Why?

B. When?

C. What?

D. Who?

10. Which conflict management styles can get you into the most trouble?

A. The avoiding style

B. The problem-solving style

C. The forcing style

D. The bargaining style

11. Which of the following is not included in the definition of conflict?

A) Perception

B) Disruption of tasks

C) Something that is cared about

D) Negative effects

12. The traditional view of conflict is the belief that conflict is ________.

A) Harmful

B) Natural

C) necessary
D) situationally-dependent

13. The traditional view of conflict argues that conflict ________.

A) Cannot be avoided

B) Helps to generate discussion

C) Can be avoided

D) Improves productivity

E) Must be avoided

14. Which of the following is not a cause of conflict, according to the

traditionalist view?

A) General poor communication between people

B) Lack of openness in the organization

C) Trust between people in the organization

D) Management failure to be responsive to employee needs

15. According to the interactionist's perspective, a group that

functions without conflict is


A) Living up to behavioural ideals

B) Prone to becoming static and apathetic

C) Likely to be responsive to the need for change and innovation

D) the most productive

16. The ________ view of conflict argues that conflict is necessary for a
group to perform effectively.

A) Human relations

B) Interactionist

C) Traditional

D) Functional

17. ________ conflict supports the goals of the group and improves its

A) Formal

B) Informal

C) Functional

D) Dysfunctional

18. Conflict that relates to the content and goals of work is termed
________ conflict.

A) Job

B) Task

C) Relationship

D) Process
19. Which of the following is not one of the problems that occurs when
conflict is encouraged?

A) Increased group viability

B) Time lost on the job

C) Lingering hurt feelings

D) Increased employee stress

20. The ________ perspective focuses on productive conflict resolution

starting both before and after the behavioural stage of conflict occurs,
in order to minimize the negative effects on the organization.

A) Interactionist conflict

B) Task conflict

C) Managed conflict

D) Process conflict
Section B [Total: 30 marks]
This section consists of FOUR (4) questions. Answer ALL the questions


a) Elaborate FIVE (5) common mistakes in negotiation.

(10 marks)
b) Discuss FIVE (5) rules of negotiation to become successful.
(10 marks)


a) Describe any FIVE (5) negotiation process. (10 marks)

b) Differentiate between extrovert and introvert personalities (10 marks)

a) Elaborate conflicts in workplace and how you negotiate with this situations:

i. Unclear job expectations

ii. Difference personality
iii. Poor work habit
iv. Poor communications
(20 marks)

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