Correct-by-Construction Navigation Functions With Application To Sensor Based Robot Navigation

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Correct-by-Construction Navigation Functions

with Application to Sensor Based Robot Navigation

Savvas G. Loizou1 and Elon D. Rimon2

Abstract— This paper brings together the concepts of naviga- • A correct-by-construction Navigation Function
tion transformation and harmonic functions to form navigation • On-the-fly addition of obstacles in the workspace
functions that are correct-by-construction in the sense that • A relaxed version of the Morse Property of the Navi-
no tuning is required. The form of the navigation function is
explicitly related to the number of obstacles in the environment. gation Functions that provides equivalent performance
arXiv:2103.04445v1 [cs.RO] 7 Mar 2021

This enables application of navigation functions for autonomous

robot navigation in partially or fully unknown environments, • Navigation capability with arbitrary, non-zero, sector-
with the capability of on-the-fly adjustment of the navigation bounded local sensing
function when new obstacles are discovered by the robot. • Kinematic controller whose vector field does not vanish
Appropriate navigation controllers, applicable to robots with
local, sector bounded sensing, are presented and analyzed for at the vicinity of saddle points
a kinematic point-mass robot and then for the dynamic point- • Dynamic controller with critical damping and bounded
mass robot system. The closed form nature of the proposed maximum velocity
navigation scheme provides for online, fast-feedback based navi-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section
gation. In addition to the analytic guarantees, simulation studies
are presented to verify the effectiveness of the methodology. II presents preliminary notions, sections III and IV present
the construction and analysis of the navigation function,
I. I NTRODUCTION section V presents the controller design, section VI presents
Navigation Functions [6] is an active research topic in the simulation results and section VII concludes the paper.
field of robotic navigation. There are numerous successful
examples in the literature of Navigation Function applica- II. P RELIMINARIES
tions to navigation problems of increasing complexity [5]. This section introduces navigation functions terminology, the
One of the major challenges when setting up a Navigation two mobile robot types, the robot sensor model, then the
Functions has to do with its tuning. A construction can navigation function and controller design problem.
be a candidate Navigation Function, but to actually have Basic terminology: If K is a set, then The n-dimensional
the Navigation Function properties, an appropriate selection sphere world as defined in [6] is a compact and connected set
of the k parameter has to be made. Such a k is always in Rn that is bounded by an outer (n − 1)-dimensional sphere
guaranteed to exist, however calculation of its lower bound and contains M disjoint internal spheres that represent obsta-
is not straightforward. Several solutions have appeared in cles. It serves as a topological model for robot workspaces
the literature to tackle the issue of sensor based reactive defined below.
planning, see e.g. [1], [9] however setting up a correct-by- Given a smooth function f (·) : Rn → Rn , we denote the
construction Navigation Function on an arbitrary workspace Jacobian matrix of this function as J f (·) and the Jacobian
is still an open issue. determinant by J f (·) . Given a smooth function φ : Rn → R
Recent results on the Navigation Transformation [7] and we denote the Hessian matrix of φ as Hφ (·).
Harmonic Function based Navigation Functions [8] indicated Robot workspaces: The navigation functions will be
the feasibility of a tuning controller. However the analysis constructed in the following point worlds [7].
provided in the current work demonstrates that a tuning con- Definition 1: Let Pi ∈ Rn for i = 1 . . . M be M discrete
troller is not required and that for Harmonic Function based point obstacles in Rn . Then a point world is defined as the
Navigation Functions utilizing the Navigation Transforma- set P = Rn − {P1 , . . . , PM }.
tion, parameter k, when explicitly provided as a function of We will restrict our attention to robot workspaces that are
the number of workspace obstacles is sufficient to generate topologically equivalent to sphere worlds as follows.
a correct behavior. Kinematic and dynamic controllers were Definition 2: The robot workspace W is a compact and
produced to handle environments with only partial workspace connected set in Rn topologically equivalent to a sphere
knowledge and robot sensing limited in a bounded sensing world.
sector. The contributions of the current work are summarized A valid robot workspace has an outer boundary denoted
in the list below: O0 and disjoint internal obstacles denoted Oi for i = 1 . . . M.
1 Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Science Engineering, By the nature of the underlying sphere world, the interior of
Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus. a robot workspace is diffeomorphic to a point world P. The mapping of complex robot workspaces to their point-world
2 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technol-
ogy, Haifa, Israel. models will use the following coordinate transformation.
Definition 3 ([7]): A navigation transformation is Problem statement: Construct correct-by-construction
a smooth coordinate transformation (a diffeomorphism) navigation functions and provide the corresponding feedback

Φ :W → P, that maps the interior of the robot workspace control law so that the robot systems (1) and (2) can navigate
to a point world. from any initial position to a specified destination avoiding
Robot models: This paper considers two types of mobile collisions with obstacles in the environment.
robots that navigate in planar environments populated by Note that navigation functions guarantee arrival to the des-
obstacles. The first is the trivial kinematic integrator that tination from any initial position except for a set of zero mea-
models a kinematic point-mass robot: sure, which is unstable in the sense that small disturbances
will set the robot on a path that reaches the destination.
where x ∈ R2 is the robot position and u(t) ∈ R2
wise continuous control input. The more demanding model Assume a valid robot workspace W and a navigation trans-
is the second-order dynamic integrator for a point robot of formation Φ : W → P having the additional property that
mass m: lim kΦ(x)k = ∞, where O0 is the workspace outer boundary
(see [8] for such an instance). A point obstacle harmonic
m · ẍ(t) = f (t) (2)
potential is defined as
where (x, ẋ) is the robot state and f (t) ∈ R2 is a piecewise  
continuous control input representing force applied to the φi (h) = ln kh − Pi k2 ,
Sensor model: Instead of just considering a uniform and the destination harmonic potential is defined as
sensing radius for the robot, this paper will use a more  
general robot centered symmetric sensing sector defined as φd (h) = ln kh − Pd k2

 where Pd = Φ(xd ). Note that −φi (Pi ) = +∞ while φd (Pd ) =
0 0 0 0
Sr,θ (x, ẋ) = (r , θ ) | 0 ≤ r ≤ r, θ ≤ (3) −∞. The harmonic point world potential function, φk : P →
R, is defined as
where the sensing sector’s pole is at x and the sensing sector’s
axis is aligned with the robot velocity ẋ. 1 M
Navigation function: Navigation functions were origi- φk (h) = φd (h) − ∑ φi (h)
k i=1
nally defined as analytic Morse functions [6]. This paper
introduces a smooth version that relaxes the Morse property where k a positive parameter and M is the total number of
as follows. Denote by x0 and xd the robot initial and internal obstacles in W . The function φk attains values in the
destination positions. extended real line while navigation functions are required to
Definition 4: Let W ⊂ Rn be a compact connected attain values in [0, 1]. The mapping to the unit interval is
smooth manifold with boundary representing a valid robot achieved by composition with the function
workspace. A map ϕ : W → [0, 1], forms a navigation ex
function if it is: σ (x) , . (4)
1 + ex
1) Smooth on W .
◦ that maps the extended real line to the unit interval [0, 1], such
2) Polar on W , ϕ has a unique minimum at xd ∈W such
that σ (−∞) = 0 and σ (+∞) = 1. The candidate workspace
that ϕ(xd ) = 0.
navigation function, ϕk : W → R, is obtained by composition
3) The critical points of ϕ except xd are isolated saddle
with the workspace to point-world coordinate transformation:
points with basins of attraction of zero measure.
4) Admissible on W , ϕ attains maximal value of unity
ϕk (x) = σ ◦ φk ◦ Φ(x). (5)
on ∂ W .
Problem Description: In the problem considered in this IV. NAVIGATION F UNCTION A NALYSIS
paper the workspace is assumed to contain static obstacles. This section builds up several properties of the point world
Each obstacle has a neighborhood that is disjoint from the harmonic navigation function, φk (h), that will lead to the
neighborhoods of the other obstacles. In each neighborhood conclusion that ϕk (x) = σ ◦φk ◦Φ(x) is a navigation function.
a local navigation transformation is provided that maps We start with the following result.
the obstacle neighborhood to a point-obstacle neighborhood Lemma 1: The point world harmonic potential φk : P → R
in the corresponding point world. However, the obstacle is free of any local minima.
locations are not known to the robot. As the robot navigates Proof: Since φk : P → R is a superposition of the
to the destination it detects new obstacles. The position and harmonic potentials φi (·), i ∈ {1, . . . M} and φd (·), it will also
shape of the obstacles are determined at discrete time instants be harmonic, which implies by definition that
and accumulated by the robot during navigation. We can now
state the problem considered in this paper. ∆φk (h) , 0.
Since ∆φk (h) = tr(Hφk (h)), we will have that tr(Hφk (h)) = 0. To establish that Hφk is degenerate we need to show that
The trace of a matrix is the first principal invariant of a there is a test direction v and its perpendicular J · v, such
matrix, hence I1 = tr(Hφk (h)) = λ1 + λ2 = 0 This implies that:
that at the critical points we cannot have both eigenvalues vT · Hφk · v = vT · J T · Hφk · J · v = 0.
positive, hence a local minimum is not possible.
Next consider the attractivity of φk , i.e. that the negated We will use as a test direction v = ĥd . Then:
gradient trajectories of φk do not escape to infinity in P.
Lemma 2: For k > M we have that lim φk (h) = +∞. 1 M T
khk→∞ ĥTd · Hφk · ĥd = ĥTd · Qd · Λd · QTd · ĥTd − ∑ ĥd · Qi · Λi · QTi · ĥTd
Proof: By construction k i=1
  1 M  
φk (h) = ln kh − Pd k2 − ∑ ln kh − Pi k2 .
1 M .. ..
k i=1 ĥTd · Hφk · ĥd = − − c . s ·
∑ id id i id id Λ c . s
khd k2 k i=1
lim φk (h) = ln lim khk = +∞ cid = cos(θid ) = ĥTd · ĥi
khk→∞ khk→∞

for k > M. and

Let us next verify that φk has well behaved critical sid = sin(θid ) = ĥTd · J · ĥi = −ĥTd · J T · ĥi
points in P. The following result concerns special obstacle where θid is the angle between hi and ĥd .
arrangements for which φk has degenerate critical points. We can now write:
Proposition 1: For every choice of k ≥ 0, there exist
workspace arrangements for which φk is non-Morse in P. ĥTd · Hφk · ĥd = − λ
Proof: A smooth function is called a Morse function k
iff all its critical points are non-degenerate. Degenerate and following similar analysis for the perpendicular test
critical points, are critical points where the Hessian has zero direction:
eigenvalue(s). Let C (φk ) denote the set of critical points of ĥTd · J T · Hφk · J · ĥd = λ .
φk . We will denote with hd = h − qd and hi = h − Pi . Taking k
the gradient of φk we have: where:
M c2 M s2
k id id
hd 2 M hi λ= − ∑ + ∑ . (8)
∇φk (h) = 2 − ∑ kh k2 (6) khd k2 i=1 khi k2 i=1 khi k2
2 k i=1
khd k i
So the problem now becomes one of identifying at least
Now since the Hessian is a linear operator, the Hessian of one example of a symmetry that can cause λ to vanish.
φk can be written as the superposition of the Hessians of φi One such example is the following: Assume M = 2µ + 1
and φd : obstacles where µ ∈ Z+ , placed axisymmetrically and h
Hφk (h) = Hφd (h) + ∑ Hφi (h) is placed such that θid = 135◦ , i ∈ {2, . . . µ + 1}, θ jd =
i=1 −135◦ , j ∈ {µ + 2, . . . 2µ + 1} and θ1d = 0◦ . Then the sum
M c2id M s2id
Using eigendecomposition on the Hessians of φd and φi , the −∑ 2 +∑ 2 = 0 and
i=2 khi k i=2 khi k
Hessian of φk assumes the following form:
k 1
1 M λ= −
Hφk = Qd · Λd · QTd − ∑ Qi · Λi · QTi (7) khd k 2
kh1 k2
k i=1
Requiring this to be zero we get:
where the eigenvalues of the Hessians of φd and φi form:
1 1

 = (9)
Qx = ĥx .. J · ĥx , x ∈ {d, i}
khd k k kh1 k2
  Now that we have identified a symmetry, we need to
0 −1 investigate whether this symmetry can render the point h
with J = . Observe that Q−1 T
x = Qx . Now the
1 0 under investigation to be a critical point. To this end, we
eigenvalues of the Hessians of φd and φi form the following will project ∇φk (h) across two perpendicular directions, ĥd
diagonal matrix: and ĥ⊥
2 d = J · ĥd and investigate whether the projection is
Λx = L zero for both. Define the sets R = {2, . . . µ + 1} and L =
khx k2 {µ + 2, . . . M}. We have that:
−1 0 !
where L = . Since φk is a harmonic function it will T T 2 1 1
0 1 ĥd · J · ∇φk (h) = √ ∑ −∑
have two eigenvalues of equal magnitude and opposite signs. k 2 i∈R khi k i∈L khi k
where we have substituted sid = −s jd for i ∈ R and j ∈ L. elements. Pick one of them, lets say `i ∈ L such that k`i k →
Since hi and h j for i ∈ R and j ∈ L are symmetrically placed ∞. Then we have that φk (`i ) = φk (hc ). However from Lemma
the sums in the above equation will cancel each other and 2 we have that φk (`i ) → ∞ which is a contradiction since for
ĥTd · J T · ∇φk (h) = 0. Now taking the projection across hd , we a valid workspace φk (hc ) is finite. Hence the assumed case
have: ! (b) is not possible.
2 √ M
1 1 Since cases (a) and (b) were shown to not be possible,
ĥTd · ∇φk (h) = 2 k−∑ √ (10)
k i=2 2 khi k
then by contradiction the assumption that the critical point
is not isolated is false and consequently all the critical points
where we have made use of Eq. (9) and that cid = − √12 for of φk are isolated.
i ∈ {2, . . . M}. As can be seen from Eq. (10) for every choice Degenerate critical points are atypical for analytical func-
of k there is an appropriate choice of obstacle positions in tions in the sense that the set of Morse functions is dense and
the symmetry such that ĥTd · ∇φk (h) := 0. Hence h ∈ C (φk ) any non-Morse smooth function can be approximated by a
and the selected configuration will be a degenerate critical Morse function [2]. Nevertheless the nature of a critical point
point. is not clear when the Hessian becomes degenerate (in our
This tells us that there is no universal k that depends only case its rank may become zero). The following establishes
upon abstract information about the workspace such as the the nature of the critical points.
number of obstacles used in Lemma 2 that would enable us to Lemma 3: The critical points of φk are saddle points.
establish on-the-fly that for a workspace with a given number Proof: For the case of non-degenerate critical points
of obstacles, φk will be Morse. Hence, ensuring on-the-fly this is trivial since from the proof of Lemma 1 we have
that φk has the Morse property seems unrealistic. However, that λ1 = −λ2 6= 0 at a critical points. For the case of
the following proposition and two lemmas establish the degenerate critical points, let hd ∈ C (φk ) be a degenerate
”nice” behaviour of φk in P. critical point and θd = φk (hd ). Then by the Mean Value
Proposition 2: The critical points of φk are isolated Property of Harmonic Functions [3] we have that:
Proof: Since the logarithmic function is an analytic
θd = φk (hd + rζ )dσ (ζ )
function, the sum of logarithmic functions will also be
analytic. Hence φk is an analytic function. This implies that S

its Taylor expansion converges on any open set of its domain. where S is the boundary of a ball centered at θd with radius r
Let E be an open set containing a critical point hc of φk . and σ the normalized perimeter measure. Since hd is isolated,
Assume that the critical point is not isolated. This implies φk on S cannot be identically θd . In particular for the mean
that there is either (a) an open neighborhood Z around hc value on S to be θd , φk needs to take both higher and lower
where ∀hz ∈ Z : φk (hz ) = φk (hc ) or (b) there is a 1-D manifold values than θd which implies that hd is a saddle point.
L , where ∀hL ∈ L : φk (hL ) = φk (hc ). The next Lemma establishes the nature of the basins of
Let us now examine case (a) where ”there is an open attraction of the critical points:
neighborhood Z around hc where ∀hz ∈ Z : φk (hz ) = φk (hc ) ”. Lemma 4: The basin of attraction of the saddle points of
Then the Taylor expansion of φk around hc will be: φk is a set of measure zero.
( ) Proof: Since Φ(·) is a diffeomorphism, it is sufficient
1 n
n to prove this for φk . Assume a basin of attraction Ω of the
φk (h) = φk (hc ) + ∑ ∑ m Dn,m |hc hn−m m
cx hcy
critical point hc ∈ C (φ ) such that µ(Ω) > 0 and hc ∈ ∂ Ω,
n=1 n! m=0
where µ(·) is the Lebesque measure of a set. Then Ω is a
where Dn,m = ∂ xn−m ∂ φk
∂ ym
and h − hc = [hcx hcy ]T . Since positively invariant set with respect to the negated gradient
φk (hz ) = φk (hc ), ∀hz ∈ Z, this necessarily implies that ∀n > flows of φk , which will be pointing inward along ∂ Ω, i.e.
0, m ≥ 0 : Dn,m = 0. Since φk is analytic, for any open ∇φk (hω ) · n̂ ≥ 0, ∀hω ∈ ∂ Ω, where n̂ the outward pointing
connected component G of the domain of φk containing Z normal to set’s boundary. Take Ωn ⊆ Ω to be the largest
as a subset, it will hold φk (hg ) = φk (hc ), ∀hg ∈ G, which subset of Ω that contains hc and for which ∇φk (hω ) · n̂ > 0,
according to the Principle of Permanence implies that φk ∀hω ∈ ∂ Ωn \ hc . Such a set is guaranteed to exist as long as
will be identically constant. However this is not true and by φk is not flat in Ω. Hence
contradiction case (a) is not possible. I
Let us now proceed to examining case (b) where ”there is a ∇φk · n̂ dl > 0 (11)
∂ Ωn
1-D manifold L , where ∀hL ∈ L : φk (hL ) = φk (hc )”. We can
Using the 2-dimensional Divergence Theorem we have that:
now construct an analytic function λ : R≥0 → L with λ (0) = I Z
hc and such that λ (`) = h` where ` is the length of the curve ∇φk · n̂ dl = ∇ · ∇φk dA (12)
from hc to h` . Define the function φ L (·) , (φk ◦ λ )(·). Since ∂ Ωn Ωn
φ L : R≥0 → R is a composition of analytic functions, it will where dA the area differential. Since φk is a Harmonic func-
also be analytic. However by construction φ L (`) = φk (hc ), tion,
then by definition ∇ · ∇φk = ∆φk = 0 and consequently
and this will be true for its whole domain ` ∈ R≥0 according ∂ Ωn ∇φ k · n̂ dl = 0. This is in contradiction with eq. (11) and
to the Principle of Permanence. This implies that L will since φk in Ω is non-flat, Ω reduces to a set of measure zero.
have an infinite length. Then L will have infinitely large
Theorem 1: Given a smooth navigation transformation V. NAVIGATION F UNCTION C ONTROLLER D ESIGN
Φ(·), the function ϕk (x) = σ ◦ φk ◦ Φ(x) is a navigation A. Setup
function on W as per Definition 4 for k > M.
In the previous section we have shown that ϕk where
Proof: Let us examine the properties of Definition 4.
k ≥ M + 1 is a Navigation Function where M is the number
Property 1: The function ϕk (·) is smooth since it is a
of workspace obstacles. As the robot moves in the environ-
composition of smooth functions.
ment, the number M of obstacles encountered is increasing.
Property 2: From Lemma 1 we have that φk is free of
Let d be the detection radius of the robot. Any obstacle
local minima. From (5), using the chain rule, we have that
entering this radius is registered as a new obstacle and the
∇ϕk = ( dσ T
dφ ◦ φk ◦ Φ)JΦ (∇φ ◦ Φ), where JΦ is the Jacobian number of obstacles M increases when fist detected. Let
of Φ. Since Φ is a diffeomorphism, JΦ is non-singular and
T = {T1 , . . . , TN } be the time instants where new obstacles
since σ is strictly increasing, away from the destination xd
are discovered during the navigation of the robot and assume
the set of critical points in W and the corresponding point
that N is the total number of obstacles that are discovered
world match, C (φk ) = Φ(C (ϕk ) − {xd }). Also at the critical
during a navigation instance. Let n(t) denote the number of
points away from xd we have that: ∇2 ϕk = ( dσ
dφ ◦ φk ◦

obstacles that were discovered up to the time instant t and
Φ)JΦT (∇2 φ ◦ Φ)JΦ . Hence, using the same arguments as in define:
[6], away from xd we have index(ϕ)|Cϕ = index(φ )|Cφ . Θ(x,t) , ϕk(t) (x) (16)
k k
Since φk has no local minima in P, the same will be true where k(t) > n(t) an integer1 . Eq. (16), is a continuous
for ϕ in W . Now let us examine xd . From Eq. (5) and using (smooth) function in the state but discontinuous in time,
the notation h = Φ(x) we have that: representing in every time interval Tn(t) ≤ t < Tn(t)+1 the
Navigation Function that is applied to the discovered en-
kh − Pd k2
ϕk (h) = vironment at time t.
M 2
kh − Pd k2 + ∏ kh − Pi k k To ensure that the Navigation Transformation Φ is well
i=1 defined at any time instant, we will have the following:
2(h−Pd )D−kh−Pd k ∇D 2 Assumption 1: Sensed obstacles’ shapes and orientations
Hence ∇ϕk (h) = D2
where D = kh − Pd k2 + are known.
M 2
∏ kh − Pi k k . The Hessian of ϕk at xd is thus In addition we need to have an obstacle ”memory” in our
i=1 system as follows:
2 Assumption 2: Obstacles become part of the known
Hϕk (xd ) = I. (13)
M 4 workspace after being sensed.
∏ kPd − Pi k k
Considering the definition of the symmetric sensing sector
Sr,θ , it can be shown that the minimum distance that a robot
The destination xd is thus the unique minimum of ϕk in W . can approach to an obstacle before detecting it, is given by:
Property 3: By Proposition 2 the critical points of φk are   
isolated. As discussed in the previous, C (φk ) = Φ(C (ϕk ) −  θ ρmin
min r sin 2 , θ , θ < π
{xd }). Hence ϕk has no additional critical points except xd , dmin (θ ) = cos 2 (17)
r, π ≤ θ ≤ 2π

which was shown to be a non-degenerate global minimum.
Hence all critical points of ϕk are isolated. By Lemma 3 where ρmin is the minimum radius of curvature of the
the isolated critical points except xd are saddle points and workspace obstacles.
by Lemma 4 the basin of attraction of these critical points The following assumption is about knowledge of the
has zero measure. Since Φ(·) is a diffeomorphism, the above starting neighborhood:
properties will also hold for ϕk (x). Assumption 3: For a symmetric sensing sector Sr,θ , any
Property 4: By construction lim φk (h)=∞ for i = 1 . . . M. obstacles that are within a radius of dmin (θ ) of the initial
Moreover, we have the requirement that lim kΦ(x)k = +∞ robot configuration, are assumed known.
which in combination with Lemma 2 implies that B. Kinematic Controller Design
Let us now consider the first-order kinematic system
lim φk ◦ Φ(x) = +∞. (14) model of Eq. (1). Our motivation in setting up the control law
x→∂ W
for this system, is to create a vector field that provides kinetic
From Eq. (4) we have that energy to the system that matches (or is proportional to)
the level of the Navigation Function. We have the following
lim σ (x) = 1. (15) result:
Proposition 3: System (1) with a symmetric sensing sec-
Combining eqs. (14) and (15)) we obtain tor Sr,θ under the control law:

lim ϕ = 1 u = −K 2Θ · ∇Θ (18)
x→∂ W

which implies the admissibility property. 1 It is sufficient to set k(t) = n(t) + 1

with K > 0 a tuning parameter, is globally asymptotically Invariant sets where V̇ = 0, consists only of the critical
stable almost everywhere as long as r > 0 and θ > 0 points and the destination configuration (global minimum).
Proof: Since by Proposition 1, function Θ is a Navigation Function,
Case 1: Global Sensing, i.e. r → ∞ and θ = 2π: it has no local minima and its critical points are isolated
For the case of global sensing in an environment with M saddle points with attractive basins that are sets of measure
obstacles we have that n(t) = M, ∀t and Θ(x,t) = ϕk (x), zero. Hence by LaSalle’s Invariance Principle the system
with k ≥ M + 1, is a Navigation Function by construction. will converge to the largest invariant set that includes the
Choosing V = Θ as a Lyapunov function candidate we have destination configuration and the saddle points that are the
that: √ ω limit set
of a set of measure zero of initial conditions.
V̇ = −K 2Θ k∇Θ(x,t)k ≤ 0 Hence V̇ < 0 and the control law of Eq. (20) is globally
asymptotically stable, almost everywhere.
The set where V̇ = 0, consists only of the critical points
The following result enable us to choose the minimum
and the destination configuration (global minimum). Since
damping to avoid oscillations at the destination configuration.
by Proposition 1, function Θ is a Navigation Function, it
Corollary 1: Control law (20) with
has no local minima and its critical points are isolated
saddle points with attractive basins that are sets of measure p M −1

zero. Hence by LaSalle’s Invariance Principle the system λ = λc = 2 2µm ∏ kPd − Pi k k (21)
will converge to the largest invariant set that includes the
destination configuration and the saddle points that are the provides critical damping at the neighborhood of the desti-
ω limit set of a set of measure zero of initial conditions. nation configuration.
a.e. Proof: From Eq. (13), the Navigation Function µΘ will
Hence V̇ < 0 and the control law of Eq. (18) is globally
asymptotically stable, almost everywhere. behave locally at the destination neighborhood as an elastic
Case 2: Local sensing i.e. r is finite and 0 < θ ≤ 2π: potential, i.e. µΘ ≈ 12 ksp xT x, with spring constant:
In this case, the robot senses an obstacle’s existence before M −2
the minimum distance to the obstacle becomes dmin (θ ). ksp = 2µ ∏ kPd − Pi k k

Let t = Tν be the time instant that the robot discovered the i=1

ν’th obstacle. At this time instant the control law (18) will Since λ acts as the damping coefficient for system (2) under
have a discontinuity in time. This discontinuity will be an control law (20), the damping ratio of the second order
isolated event due to Assumption 2. Hence the trajectories system will be:
of System (1) under control law (18), will flow along λ
ζ= p .
Carathéodory solutions, and following the same Lyapunov 2 mksp
analysis as the previous case, we get: Setting ζ = 1 for critical damping, we get the result in Eq.
n √ o (21)
ess sup −K 2Θ k∇Θ(x,t)k ≤ 0 We can now state the following result in the case of local
a.e. sensing:
which implies V̇ < 0 and the control law of Eq. (18) is Proposition 5: System (2), with a symmetric sensing sec-
globally asymptotically stable, almost everywhere. tor Sr,θ under the control law:
C. Dynamic Controller Design f = −µ∇Θ − λ (t)ẋ (22)
Now let us consider the case of the dynamical System (2).

 2√2µm kP − P k −1
V (t) = µΘ + mẋT ẋ (19) 
2 ∏ d i k , V <µ
λ (t) = i=1 (23)
be the total energy of the system. In this case our system 
 m
ẋ(Tn(t) ) , V ≥µ
dmin(θ )
will be converting potential energy to kinetic energy and
vice-versa while dissipating energy through an appropriate and µ > 0, r > 0 and 0 < θ ≤ 2π ensures collision avoid-
dissipation term. We have the following result: ance everywhere, critical damping at the neighborhood of
Proposition 4: System (2) with global sensing, under the the destination configuration and, almost everywhere global
control law: asymptotic stability.
f = −µ∇Θ − λ ẋ (20) Proof: System (2) under control law (22) can be
considered as a mechanical system with dissipation under
with µ, λ positive gains, is globally asymptotically stable
a conservative force field. This implies that if the system
almost everywhere.
starts from rest, then collisions are not possible as long as
the total energy of the system is bounded below µ. This is a
Using the same reasoning as in the Case 1 of the proof
direct result of the admissibility Property of the Navigation
of Proposition 3 and choosing V as a Lyapunov function
candidate we have that:
However, it is possible that the jump in the potential level
V̇ = µ∇T Θ · ẋ + ẋT · (−µ∇Θ − λ ẋ) = −λ kẋk2 ≤ 0 of Θ, right after a new obstacle is encountered, can cause the
total energy to go above µ. In this case we need to ensure In the first simulation study, the kinematic controller (18)
that, for the worst case scenario, there is sufficient dissipation was applied to the system (1). The robot started at its
in the system to absorb the energy added due to introduction initial position in a ”seemingly” empty workspace. As the
of a new obstacle. robot moved, new obstacles were discovered through the
Now assume that the robot is heading towards the newly symmetric sensing sector as shown in Fig. 1, starting from
discovered obstacle. To simplify our analysis let us not take O1 up to O6 . As can be seen the proposed controller per-
into account the repulsive force generated by the navigation formed successfully, maintaining the robot in the workspace,
function and assume that the robot is moving towards the handling the occurrence of new obstacles, avoiding collisions
obstacle with only the dissipation force slowing it down. and stabilizing at the destination configuration.
Then the differential equation describing the motion of the
robot is given by mẍ + λ ẋ = 0 where x is the distance across
the straight line connecting the robot position x(Tn(t) ) when Start
the obstacle was detected and the closest obstacle point. The Workspace
solution to the differential equation is boundary

m  O O3 O2
λ 4
x(t) = kẋ(Tn(t) )k 1 − exp− m t (24)
λ O1
and its time derivative is
ẋ(t) = kẋ(Tn(t) )k exp− m t (25) O5

Combining equations (24) and (25) we get

m  Sensing
x(t) = ẋ(Tn(t) ) − ẋ(t) O6
λ Destination
Setting the final velocity to zero and requiring that the
travelled distance is dmin(θ ) , we get requirement on the
damping coefficient: λ (t) = d m ẋ(Tn(t) ) , that ensures Fig. 1. [Kinematic Controller] Trajectory of system (1) under control law
min(θ )
that there is no collision due to the potential jump caused by (18). Symmetric sensing sector shown at destination and every instance a
new obstacle discovery. new obstacle is discovered.
Since there are finite obstacles in the workspace, and
In the second simulation study, the dynamic controller (22)
since no collision is possible, V̇ (t) = −λ (t)kẋk2 for every
was applied to the system (2). The mass of the system was
time interval Tn(t) ≤ t < Tn(t)+1 , and following the same
set as m = 1Kg. The controller parameters were chosen as
reasoning as in the proof of Proposition 4, we have that
a.e. mu = 10, ρmin = 0.05m whereas the dissipation parameter
V̇ (t) < 0 in every time interval. Now after the last workspace λ (t) was chosen as per Eq. (23). The robot started at the
obstacle is discovered, the proof follows as the proof of same position as in the first simulation study with the same
Proposition 4 and we recover global asymptotic stability, workspace. The robot moved along the trajectory as shown
almost everywhere. in Fig. 2, sequentially discovering obstacles O1 up to O6 .
The following result is useful for determining the mechan- The robot trajectory in this case follows a similar - but not
ical limits of the robot actuation system: identical - path as the kinematic system. We can observe
Corollary 2: For system (2) under control laws (20) or limited oscillatory behavior as the robot approaches O5 and
(22), it holds that: r O6 . However, as predicted by our analysis, the robot demon-
2µ strated critical damping without oscillations at the destination
kẋk <
m configuration. The maximum velocity of the robot in this
Proof: Since system (2) under control laws (20) or
case study was kẋkmax = 0.93m/s, much lower than the upper
(22) represents a mechanical system with dissipation under
bound of 4.47m/s provided by Corollary 2. As can be seen
a conservative force field the maximum velocity will occur
the proposed controller performed successfully, maintaining
at the lower potential level in the case that there is no
the robot in the workspace, handling the appearance of
dissipation and for a system that has started at the highest
new obstacles, avoiding collisions and stabilizing without
potential level. Due to the conservation of energy and from
oscillations at the destination configuration.
Eq. (19) we get the result. Please note that this represents a
conservative bound. VII. C ONCLUSIONS
This paper presents a correct-by-construction methodology
VI. S IMULATION R ESULTS to create Navigation Functions, without the need for tuning.
The effectiveness of the methodology was verified through The methodology builds on the concepts of Navigation
a set of non-trivial simulations. A symmetric sensing sector Transformation [7], Harmonic Function Based Navigation
with θ = 60o and r = 1m was used. The Navigation Trans- Functions [8] and of course the Navigation Functions [6].
formation was built based on [7] and [4]. Without the need for tuning, on-the-fly addition of new
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O6 Sector

Fig. 2. [Dynamic Controller] Trajectory of system (2) under control law

(22). Symmetric sensing sector shown at destination and every instance a
new obstacle is discovered.

obstacles to the workspace is possible, while maintaining

the convergence and stability properties. Considering issues
from sensor based robot navigation, the concept of sym-
metric sensing sector is introduced, modelling typical robot
sensors like the laser scanner. It is shown that navigation
is possible for any non-zero symmetric sensing sector. A
kinematic controller that creates a vector field with kinetic
energy that matches the level of the Navigation Function is
proposed, in order to avoid the slowdowns close to the saddle
points. The proposed dynamic controller, in addition to the
stability and collision avoidance guarantees, provides critical
damping at the destination configuration and bounds on the
maximum velocity of the system. In addition to the analytical
guarantees, simulation results verify the performance of the
Future work includes extending the methodology to handle
moving obstacles, obstacle and workspace mapping, multi-
agent scenarios and 3D navigation.

The first author would like to acknowledge the contri-
bution of European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation program under grant agreements 824990 (RIMA),
767642 (L4MS) and by the Cyprus Research and Innova-
tion Foundation grants EXCELLENCE/1216/0365 (HOD-
ICCCS) and EXCELLENCE/1216/0296 (RETuNE).

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