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1) What is Class?
2) What is Object?
3) Explain various features of java in detail.
4) Explain main pillars of java in detail.
5) Explain various operators are used in java.
6) What is an array? Explain initialization of one dimensional, two dimensional and multi-
dimensional array elements in java.
7) Write a java program to find sum of n numbers of elements using an array.
8) What is method in java? How can we declare a method in java?
9) Write a java program to find power of given number using method.
10) Write a java program to perform all arithmetic operation using method.
11) Explain various loop in java with proper syntax and example.
12) Explain various data types used in java.
13) What is string? How the string is initialized in java?
14) Explain various string function in java with example.
15) What is wrapper class? Explain it in detail.
16) What is formal parameters and actual parameters? How they are passed using a method,
explain it with example.
17) Java program to print Fibonacci series using method.
18) Java program to print multiplication table using method.
19) What is inheritance? How can we generate derived class in java?
20) Explain inheritance with its all types.
21) Write a java program which illustrates single inheritance.
22) Write a java program which illustrates hierarchical inheritance.
23) Write a java program which illustrates multilevel inheritance.
24) What is token? Explain in detail.
25) Java program to swap values using method.
26) Java program to find sum of natural number using method.
27) Java program to calculate factorial of a number using recursion.
28) Explain type casting in java with proper example.
29) Java program to print arithmetic operation using method
30) Java program to make ATM transaction system using method
31) What is operator precedence and operator associativity?
32) Write difference between object and class?
33) Java program to make online ticket booking system using method
34) Java program to generate student registration form using method
35) How can we create an object in java? Also explain how to assign object reference?
36) Explain constructor in java?
37) What is difference between constructor and method?
38) Explain default constructor, no argument constructor and parameterized constructor with
39) Explain this and super keyword with example.
40) Explain constructor overloading?
41) When can we use constructor? Write advantages of constructor.
42) Write difference between JDK, JRE and JVM.

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