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Wandering Eyes

Starting at 6th level, you acquire the ability to send your eyes
to do your bidding. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 hit
points to detach one of your eyes and enchant it. When you
do so, you cast the arcane eye spell using no components and
without using a spell slot. Your eye itself takes on the
properties of the spell. Should the spell end early, your eyeball
becomes visible and drops where it is. When the eye is within
5 feet of you, you can use a bonus action to reattach it. If the
eye is still intact, you regain the 2 lost hit points.

Losing body parts

Intentionally dismembering yourself can be a risky
business. If you misplace both of your eyes, you are
blind. Drop a hand, you cannot use it normally until
you recover it. While the features do not have large
inherent costs, one must still be cautious in their
use to ensure that nothing irreplacable is lost.

Credit: Wizards of the Coast Esoteric Anatomy

Beginning at 10th level, your form shifts in unexpected ways.
School of the Fleshwarper When an attack against you is a critical hit, it is treated as a
normal hit instead. Furthermore, when an effect refers to
your race or creature type, you can choose to count as an
Essentially, wizards that can separate their body aberration instead of your original type.
parts and infuse them with magic as well as acquire
new grafts. More detailed flavor pending. Aberrant Form
Starting at 14th level, you finally learn to attach monstrous
features onto your own body. When you use your Arcane
Arcane Graft Graft feature to attach a body part, you are no longer limited
Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you learn to attaching humanoid parts. When attaching the body part of
to alter your physical form with eldritch chirurgery. Over the another creature, its CR rating cannot exceed one third of
course of a short rest, you can attach up to two body parts to your wizard levels (rounded down). Doing so may grant you
yourself. This could be reconnecting a part that had been an appropriate physical ability. For example, grafting a giant
severed, but you can also attach parts from a similarly-sized crab's claw to your arm would grant you the ability to use its
humanoid. The new part cannot have been separated from a claw attack. Acquiring the eyes of a creature with Darkvision
living body for more than 24 hours. In the same amount of would give that sense to you. Replacing both of your legs with
time, you can safely swap a currently attached body part for those of a quick bipedal creature may increase your walking
another. You can choose for the new limb's appearance to stay speed. You do not use your own statistics for these abilities
the same or to shift to match your own natural form. and instead use the features directly as the creature itself did.
A person's body is not meant for such unnatural additions.
Idle Hands You can only take on one such property at a time, with
Starting at 2nd level, you learn how to release your hands subsequent grafts replacing the features of the previous. You
from your body. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 hit points can maintain the appearance of previous grafts if you so wish.
to detach one of your hands and turn it into a crawling claw After you complete the rest in which you acquire the
(MM, p.44). It is entirely under your control and takes its turn monstrous graft, you are able to use a gained feature for 8
immediately after your own. When you cast a spell with a hours, after which the ability is lost. You cannot regain an
range of Touch you can deliver the spell through the crawling ability from body parts you have already used.
claw. The crawling claw becomes incapacitated whenever it is
more than 1 mile away from you. Common Borrowed Form Traits
When the crawling claw is within 5 feet of you, you can use Some sample traits that one might borrow from
a bonus action to reattach it. You can do so even if the another creature's grafted body parts:
crawling claw has been reduced to 0 hit points, and you
regain hit points equal to the number of hit points it has Legs or Wings. A movement speed.
remaining. Arms. A physical attack, such as claws or
Eyes. A special vision, such as darkvision.
Ears or Nose. The Keen Sense trait.
Jaw or Teeth. A bite attack.

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