Dehaene Et Al 2015

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second of two repeated stimuli, relative to two

distinct stimuli) in an earlier time window
(100–150 ms) is augmented in literate com-
Illiterate to literate: behavioural pared with illiterate individuals9. As repetition
suppression reflects the brain’s capacity to
and cerebral changes induced by discriminate two items, these results suggest
that literacy facilitates the fast discrimination
reading acquisition of similar-looking visual stimuli.
All of these effects occur in response to
various visual stimuli, not just to letter strings.
Stanislas Dehaene, Laurent Cohen, José Morais and Régine Kolinsky In alphabetic readers (readers of alphabetic
script), literacy even enhances the retinotopic
Abstract | The acquisition of literacy transforms the human brain. By reviewing fMRI responses to checker-boards in the
studies of illiterate subjects, we propose specific hypotheses on how the functions bilateral calcarine cortex, at the location of
of core brain systems are partially reoriented or ‘recycled’ when learning to read. primary visual area V1 (REF. 8). This effect is
Literacy acquisition improves early visual processing and reorganizes the ventral selective for horizontal over vertical checker-
boards, thus indicating that visual cortex has
occipito-temporal pathway: responses to written characters are increased in the become specifically responsive to the loca-
left occipito-temporal sulcus, whereas responses to faces shift towards the right tion at which alphabetic words appear on
hemisphere. Literacy also modifies phonological coding and strengthens the the retina.
functional and anatomical link between phonemic and graphemic representations. These effects on vision may arise, at least
Literacy acquisition therefore provides a remarkable example of how the brain in part, because readers become attuned to
frequent occurrences of letters and letter
reorganizes to accommodate a novel cultural skill.
combinations at different locations within
words, thus resulting in perceptual learn-
Abraham Lincoln called writing “the great with the script that is learned (BOX 2). Literacy ing 15; that is, a target- and location-specific
invention of the world” (REF. 1). Indeed, schol- is a graded variable; there are large variations improvement in the identification of well-
ars consider that the invention of writing in reading performance between begin- learnt stimuli16,17. Indeed, extensive train-
has profoundly transformed human culture, ners, who hesitantly decipher words letter ing to detect a specific shape (such as an
economy, science and the law 2. It is only by letter, and experts, who read more than inverted T) leads to an increased response in
recently, however, that psychology and cogni- 100 words per minute and exhibit constant human V1 on seeing that shape18, mimicking
tive neuroscience have begun to gather objec- identification times for words ranging from the effect of reading acquisition8. The Roman
tive evidence of the major positive effects of three to eight letters7. Finally, literacy is often alphabet provides an excellent stimulus for
literacy on the brain. confounded by other social variables, such perceptual learning because it comprises
Here, we review the existing knowledge of as schooling. In this Opinion article, we put only 26 letters, all of which are seen millions
the impact of literacy on the brain. Our goal a stronger emphasis on the brain-imaging of times at roughly fixed locations on the
is not to review how reading circuits operate; studies that have attempted to isolate the retina. Furthermore, words can be read in
indeed, this is far from being fully known3,4. impact of literacy itself 8–13, even though this very small print (corresponding to a visual
Rather, we focus on research on the illiter- has rarely been achieved. From an analysis angle as small as 0.2° per letter)19 — a fine
ate brain and how it changes with literacy of these studies, we hypothesize that the core visual resolution that may only be available at
acquisition. We primarily emphasize three brain systems whose function is partially early stages of the visual processing pathway.
major brain systems in which changes are reoriented or ‘recycled’ (REF. 14) when learn- In agreement with this notion, word stimuli
observed: the early visual system, the ventral ing to read are involved in early vision, letter such as
visual pathway and the phonological coding analysis, phonological analysis and their
system. We also discuss the other anatomi- reciprocal interconnections. (1)
cal, connectional and behavioural changes
reported in the literature as being associated Early visual processing evoke more fMRI-detected activation than
with learning to read. We end by briefly dis- Reading, especially in fine print, places a do well-matched scrambled controls such as
cussing the impact of literacy on higher-level strong emphasis on visual skills and may
cognitive abilities, such as working memory, therefore improve them. Indeed, when   (2)
semantic organization, reasoning and execu- compared with illiterate individuals, literate
tive functions, although these effects remain adults who have learnt the alphabet as adults in areas V1 and V2 of expert alphabetic read-
understudied. or children show increased bilateral occipital ers20,21. Interestingly, in equally expert Chinese
Literacy is a multidimensional concept, functional MRI (fMRI) activation in response readers contrasting, for instance,
the visual, phonological, motor and cultural to various visual stimuli (including letters,
dimensions of which have only begun to be faces and pictures)8. Literacy also enhances   (3)
separated experimentally 5,6 (BOX 1). Literacy the early occipital event-related potentials
implies knowledge of both reading and writ- (ERPs) that are evoked 140–180 ms after the versus
ing at a series of nested levels, ranging from presentation of the same stimuli9. Moreover,
individual letters and sound units, to words repetition suppression (that is, the reduc- (4)
and texts. This knowledge may vary in part tion of ERP amplitude in response to the

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this effect is not observed in V1 and V2, for instance, they show superior capacity a very similar location in English, French,
but in V3 and V4 (REF. 21). This is probably in connecting line segments into an overall Hebrew and Chinese readers21,24,25. This
because Chinese writing systems, unlike shape12; an ability that animal studies have region has been called the ‘visual word form
alphabets, do not comprise a restricted set linked to the function of area V1 (REF. 17). area’ (VWFA) to reflect the localized and
of shape primitives (letters). BOX 2 further reproducible response to written words
discusses how different writing systems may The ventral visual pathway and pseudowords at this site26,27, although
lead to slightly different brain changes. In all primates, further processing within it should be noted that even after read-
These changes to early visual process- the ventral visual pathway, beyond the early ing acquisition, this region continues to
ing benefit several behavioural tasks, even visual cortex, is needed to achieve visual respond, to a lesser extent, to visual stimuli
outside the reading domain. Literate adults recog­nition invariantly over changes in reti- besides script.
and ex‑illiterate adults (that is, people who nal illumination, image size and orientation. The responsivity of the VWFA to script is
learned to read as adults) are better than Because written words form a special visual clearly an outcome of literacy acquisition: the
illiterate adults at deciding whether the bot- category with its own invariances for changes VWFA responds more to a given script than
tom halves of faces or houses are the same in case or font, it should not be surprising to faces, objects or places only in people who
or different, without being distracted by that literacy acquisition results in important have learned to read that script21,28. Indeed,
the top part of the images22, suggesting that changes in the ventral visual pathway. in illiterate individuals, letter strings elicit a
literacy improves an analytical strategy of VWFA response that is much smaller than in
attending to pictures. Literate individuals The visual word form area. Whenever chil- literate individuals8 and that does not typi-
also surpass illiterate individuals in their dren or adult readers are presented with a cally exceed the activation in response to pic-
ability to detect a transposition among a readable word or pseudoword in a script tures of faces, tools or checker-boards (FIG. 1).
string of letters or non-letter symbols23, sug- that they have learned, there is a consist- In a group of participants whose reading
gesting a refined sense of relative letter posi- ent and selective functional response5,6 in a ability ranged from purely illiterate to highly
tion. Literate individuals may also be at an specific region of the left ventral occipito- literate, reading speed was monotonically
advantage when visually integrating stimuli; temporal cortex (left VOT) that is located at related to VWFA activation: approximately
half of the variability in reading fluency could
be predicted by the fMRI response to writ-
Box 1 | Methodological considerations in literacy research ten words8. ERP data revealed the timing of
this effect: the left-lateralized negative N170
Understanding how the acquisition of literacy transforms the brain is conceptually simple: it component of the ERP that arises from the
involves using brain-imaging methods such as functional MRI (fMRI), magnetoencephalography left VOT 170 ms after the presentation of a
(MEG) or electroencephalography (EEG) to scan adults or children who have or have not learned to
visual letter string is strongly enhanced in
read, everything else being equal. However, in practice, such research faces important
methodological challenges. Comparing unschooled illiterate adults with schooled literate adults93
literate and ex‑illiterate individuals com-
mixes the effects of literacy and schooling. Following children longitudinally, thereby scanning pared with illiterate individuals9. A similar
them at various stages of literacy acquisition, confounds literacy with both schooling and age57,59. effect exists in children who are learning
Cross-sectional designs can be used to compare age-matched groups of literate and pre-literate a new script 29,30. As such, the VWFA and
children95 — for instance, by taking advantage of societal variability in the age at which children its associated N170 component seem to be
enter school — but this comparison is confounded by schooling and possibly other social variables, major correlates of literacy.
such as socioeconomic status. Script-specific activity in the VWFA
In adults, a better design involves examining the pure effect of literacy by identifying two emerges rapidly during reading acquisi-
matched populations, both equally deprived of early schooling but with one population consisting tion: a strong selectivity for words is already
of individuals who eventually learnt to read (ex-illiterates) while the other population remained
observed in 9‑year-old children who have
illiterate8–10. Such a design, however, focuses exclusively on late learners, who may be unable to
achieve the same level of reading fluency and brain changes as do early learners155. Also, in all
been learning to read for 2–3 years31. Even
published studies so far, individuals were not randomly assigned to these groups, leaving open the 6‑year-old readers already show a greater
possibility that there were confounding motivational or socioeconomic variables. Following VWFA activation to words than to other vis-
reading acquisition, ex‑illiterate adults may also differ from illiterate adults in that they practice ual stimuli, whereas 6‑year-old non-readers
more demanding professions, develop better processing strategies, gain familiarity with do not 32. A study of 6‑year-old kindergarten
testing-like situations, acquire self-confidence and higher socioeconomic status, and so on. children indicated that just a few weeks
Another source of difficulty is that pre- and post-literate populations are inhomogeneous in of computerized training in letter–sound
many ways. Some illiterate adults or pre-literate children know many letters, whereas others know correspondences can establish a greater
almost none104,156. Some illiterate adults attended school for a few years as children yet still failed to VWFA response to words than to false fonts
acquire reading, raising a suspicion of dyslexia.
(symbols with the same level of graphic
One way to address such confounds is to carry out multiple regression with participants’ scores
in various reading tests together with their age, socioeconomic status and other confounding
complexity as letters)33. In adults, even a
variables6,8. To de-correlate the variables, a large number of participants is necessary. Ultimately, few days of training in associating speech
the field needs large, longitudinal studies that systematically track behavioural improvements sounds with a novel script or alphabet is suf-
and brain changes in adults or children as they learn to read57,59. Ideally, participants should be ficient to increase activation in response to
randomly assigned to a literacy training group or to a control group, and both groups should be such symbols at or very near the VWFA34–37.
exposed to equally demanding training for the same amount of time. By imposing a delay in Adult plasticity is thus sufficient to permit
literacy acquisition, however, such a design raises important ethical issues. It has therefore been the emergence of a functional response even
applied only for very short periods of time: a study in 6‑year-old kindergarten children when literacy is acquired in adulthood8;
demonstrated that 8 weeks of training was sufficient for the visual word form area (VWFA) however, there are possible limits to such
selectivity for written words to emerge33.
plasticity in adults (BOX 3).


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The VWFA is generally agreed to Box 2 | Literacy in different cultures

intervene in the efficient identification of
orthographic stimuli38 and to enable quick The world’s writing systems vary considerably in terms of shape, number of characters and size of
association of such stimuli with phonologi- the denoted unit157: abjads comprise only consonants; abugidas consist primarily of consonants,
cal and lexical information34. However, at a with vowels being depicted by diacritical marks; alphabets contain consonants and vowels;
syllabaries, such as Japanese kana, depict syllables; and Chinese or Japanese logographic systems,
more detailed level, theories differ on how
which are sometimes described as ‘morphosyllabic’ (REF. 157), depict whole words or morphemes.
specialized the VWFA is for reading and Does this variability affect reading acquisition and its impact on brain circuitry and behaviour?
on the respective roles of bottom‑up and The bulk of the evidence suggests that, at the coarse scale provided by functional MRI (fMRI),
top-down factors in its activation3,4,39. One reading relies on similar brain circuits in all cultures24,158. In particular, the visual word form area
view 3 proposes that the VWFA contains (VWFA) plays a central role in all writing systems24, including Hebrew25,28 (which is read right to left),
specialized neuronal circuitry for ortho- Japanese kana159, Japanese kanji158,159 and Chinese writing systems21,160,161. However, when adapting
graphic coding: with alphabetic expertise, to a specific script, this universal biological circuit converges onto slightly different strategies71,162.
the VWFA, much like the face recognition Alphabetic learning, with its small inventory of letter shapes, promotes perceptual learning in the
system40, develops an efficient bottom‑up early visual areas V1 and V2, whereas Chinese characters may promote shape learning in areas V3
hierarchy of tuned cells for letters, bigrams and V4 (REF. 21). Whole-character learning (for instance, in Chinese) may induce a greater right
lateralization37,163 or greater mesial localization159 of the VWFA than does alphabetic learning.
(also known as letter pairs: for example, ‘th’,
Variability is even evident within alphabets. A greater sensitivity to letter order and morphology
‘re’ and ‘in’), morphemes (which include exists in Hebrew than in English164,165 — an effect imputed to the presence of compact three-letter
roots and suffixes such as ‘-tion’ and ‘-ing’) roots in Hebrew. Most importantly, orthographic transparency — the regularity of the
and short words41. Indeed, in expert alpha- correspondence between written symbols and the corresponding phonemes — affects the speed
betic readers, the VWFA is organized in a of reading acquisition: roughly two more years are required to learn non-transparent alphabetic
posterior-to‑anterior hierarchy 42–44: pos- codes such as English than to learn transparent ones such as Italian166. As a result, English readers
terior parts respond to individual letters43 exhibit greater activations in the VWFA in response to written words than do Italian readers167,
(irrespective of case44), whereas anterior presumably because many irregular combinations of letters (such as ‘ough’ or ‘tion’) must be stored
parts respond to letter combinations such as in English but not in Italian. Conversely, learning to read in Italian promotes a stronger activation of
bigrams42,45. An fMRI study using repetition the planum temporale than does learning to read in English, presumably reflecting a more efficient
access to phonology in Italian readers167.
suppression even suggests that some neurons
Phonological awareness varies most strongly between readers of alphabetic systems versus
in the VWFA may sharply tune to known those of logographic or morphosyllabic systems. Learning an alphabet improves performance on
words: the VWFA reduces its activation the phonological awareness tasks, such as phoneme deletion or phoneme reversal103. Chinese readers
second time a written word is presented rely on an implicit sublexical conversion procedure that statistically maps certain parts of Chinese
(repetition suppression to ‘boat–boat’), but a characters (called phonetic radicals) to their probable pronunciation160, but at an explicit level,
change in a single letter (such as ‘coat–boat’) Chinese readers who have not been exposed to any alphabet have illiterate-like behavioural
has the same effect as changing the entire responses in auditory phonological awareness tasks168–170. A recent developmental fMRI study112
word (‘fish–boat’) and suffices to eradicate showed that learning an alphabet (English) increases activation of the left superior temporal gyrus
the repetition suppression effect 46. (close to the planum temporale) and left inferior frontal and inferior parietal cortices in response to
Alternative ‘interactive’ theories of the spoken words — an effect that is absent in Chinese readers.
Finally, a left lateral and dorsal prefrontal region within Brodmann’s area 9 was proposed to be
function of the VWFA39 propose that such
selectively171 or more strongly24,161 activated in Chinese readers than in alphabetic readers.
tuning is only apparent in that it arises However, when comparable handwritten stimuli were used in both languages, no fMRI difference
solely from top-down prediction effects was found158. Brodmann’s area 9 comprises a left superior prefrontal region called ‘Exner’s area’,
in a generic circuit that bidirectionally lesions of which cause reading and writing deficits (such as alexia with agraphia). This region is
links visual areas with language areas. thought to encode handwriting gestures and to help decipher handwriting by mentally
Indeed, some studies report that during a reconstructing the intended gesture used to generate the written symbol158. In all cultures, reading
picture- and word-naming task, activation acquisition is facilitated by handwriting training172–175. This effect may be stronger for Chinese
is just as strong for pictures as for words systems because Chinese printed characters resemble handwriting and because a gesture-based
at the VWFA site47. One study reported mnemonic strategy may facilitate the learning of thousands of Chinese characters171.
bidirectional priming between pictures
and words, whereby the presentation of a
picture before a written word caused the orthographic representation at this location, although the issue remains open. First, in
same amount of repetition suppression as possibly intermixed with other non-reading- expert readers, the similarity of VWFA
the repetition of the written word, suggest- specific visual responses. Indeed, the theoret­ activation patterns in response to letters spe-
ing that an abstract, non-orthographic code ical disagreement does not revolve around cifically correlates with the orthographic sim-
was involved48. Furthermore, the specificity the existence of top-down influences on the ilarity between the tested letters51. Second, in
for words over other stimuli in the VWFA VWFA — which, as further discussed below, literate participants only, VWFA selectivity
in passive viewing is stronger during is clearly attested8,50. The issue, rather, is for the learned script is observed even in sim-
a phonological naming task than during whether such top-down inputs contact a spe- ple visual detection tasks that do not involve
a visual discrimination task, suggesting that cialized orthographic code (the orthographic naming or activation of naming circuitry8,9.
specialization for written words may be tuning hypothesis) or, instead, a generic code Third, a recent study in which participants
a task-dependent effect rather than a purely that is “not tuned selectively to orthographic learned to read a new script while electro­
stimulus-driven effect 49. inputs” (REF. 39) but is efficiently predicted corticographic signals were recorded from
Proponents of the orthographic cod- by top-down phonological information in over the VWFA has dissociated the dynam-
ing view stress that these observations do expert readers only. In this respect, several ics of orthographic training: in the first few
not refute the existence of a specialized arguments support the tuning hypothesis, days of training, learning results in a late

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b Increased response to written sentences

4 Illiterate

VWFA activation
3 Ex-illiterate
(learned to read
2 in adulthood)
Spoken language 1
Planum (learned to read
areas in childhood)
temporale 0
0 50 100
Words read per minute
c Left occipito-temporal cortex
Letter strings Faces
2 2

VWFA activation

VWFA activation
1 1

Early visual
0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Words read per minute
VWFA d Right fusiform area
Letter strings Faces

3 3
VWFA activation

VWFA activation
2 2

1 1

0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Words read per minute

Figure 1 | A pivotal role of the ventral occipito-temporal cortex in read per minute)8. A particularly strong correlation
Nature Reviewsis| Neuroscience
observed at the
reading acquisition. a | Learning to read involves developing an efficient VWFA site (indicated by an arrow in the image in part b; additional areas
interface between vision and spoken language. The regions outlined by are activated by visual or sentence content). Data points represent the
the dashed lines are all involved in processing spoken language prior to average activation of the VWFA (blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD)
reading acquisition95,178. The visual word form area (VWFA), which is signal, expressed as a percentage of the whole-brain mean) in each of six
located in the ventral left occipito-temporal sulcus, and its afferents and groups of subjects of different levels of literacy (purple, blue and red col-
efferents are thought to play a pivotal role in reading acquisition by ena- oured circles depict groups of illiterate, ex-illiterate and literate individu-
bling the rapid recognition of strings of letters and their translation into als, respectively, with lighter shades indicating higher reading ability).
sequences of sounds. The regions in green — the VWFA, early visual cor- Remarkably, the increase in VWFA response to letter strings is accompa-
tices (V1 and V2) and planum temporale are all demonstrably enhanced nied by a decrease in responses to other categories, particularly faces, at
by reading acquisition. The connections between them (shown by arrows) the VWFA location in the left hemisphere (c)8. Correspondingly, the acti-
may also be enhanced — this has been directly demonstrated in the case vation of the right hemisphere in response to faces increases at the site
of the posterior part of the arcuate fasciculus (thick arrow). b–d | The of the fusiform face area (FFA) (d). In this right-hemispheric region, letter
acquisition of literacy is reflected by important changes in ventral visual strings evoke very little or no response. Parts b–d are adapted from
responses. Brain maps indicate the cortical locations at which the activa- Dehaene, S. et al. How learning to read changes the cortical networks
tion evoked by short written sentences (b) or written pseudowords (c) is for vision and language. Science 330, 1359–1364 (2010). Reprinted with
positively correlated with literacy level (measured by the number of words permission from AAAS.

top-down effect at the VWFA site, whereas exclusively linked to the visual modality and conveys the highest-quality evidence about
faster and presumably bottom‑up tuning supports literacy acquisition in any modal- shape. Second, within the vast expanse
arises only a few days later 35. ity. This and other observations of speciali- of the ventral visual pathway, the VWFA
Although such data strongly suggest zation in congenitally blind individuals55,56, site may owe its specificity for reading to a
orthographic tuning, the term ‘visual although not fully understood, suggest two special pattern of connectivity that enables
word form area’ has been challenged by important refinements to current theories. shapes to be linked to the spoken language
recent observations that the VWFA site First, the entire ventral ‘visual’ cortex may system. This view is supported by the find-
also emerges at an identical cortical loca- actually be ‘meta-modal’ (REF. 52); that is, ing of a specific connectivity of the VWFA
tion when congenitally blind adults learn tuned to abstract shape information that to language areas57–59, as well as by the fact
to read in Braille52,53 or learn to recognize can be conveyed by various modalities. It that the VWFA systematically lateralizes to
letter shapes using an auditory sensory sub- merely becomes ‘visual’ because, in sighted the same hemisphere that supports spoken
stitution device54. Thus, the VWFA is not individuals, it is the visual modality that language60,61.


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The face recognition system. In literate people, Box 3 | Can the brain changes associated with literacy acquisition occur in adults?
the VWFA is always located next to a corti-
cal region that is selective for faces: the left Can literacy be acquired equally easily at any age, or is there a limit on adult plasticity for reading?
fusiform face area (left FFA)62–64. Remarkably, A few studies have addressed this question by comparing illiterate adults with ex‑illiterate adults.
the boundary between these two regions These studies are important not only in practice but also in theory because they dissociate literacy
from early schooling, which is absent in both groups (BOX 1).
seems to shift during reading acquisition8. In
Generally, the findings indicate that reading relies on the same brain circuit when literacy is
illiterate individuals, the VWFA is not inac- acquired in adulthood or in childhood, and that the majority of behavioural and brain changes
tive but can be strongly activated by stimuli induced by literacy can therefore occur in adulthood. Anatomically, adult literacy acquisition
such as pictures of faces, tools or checker- yields detectable changes in grey- and white-matter anatomy, particularly in the left arcuate
boards. As literacy increases, face responses fasciculus and posterior corpus callosum10,13. Functionally, ex‑illiterate adults show most of the
undergo an inter-hemispheric displacement: effects reported in this article, including increased visual word form area (VWFA) responses to
face-induced fMRI responses in the left hemi- letter strings; activation of the left-hemispheric spoken language network by written sentences;
sphere become slightly smaller but increase increased responses of the occipital and calcarine cortex to non-reading-related stimuli; and
substantially in the right fusiform gyrus, at enhanced planum temporale and top-down VWFA activation in response to spoken words and
or near the classical right-hemispheric site of pseudowords8,9. Behaviourally, adult literacy acquisition affects both visual processing11,12,22,83,86 and
phonological awareness103,108.
the FFA8 (FIG. 1).
These effects are generally smaller in ex‑illiterate adults than in literate adults who learnt to read
This face-response displacement effect and were schooled at an early age, but it is currently not possible to determine whether this arises
was initially observed in an fMRI study on simply from reduced reading experience or is due to reduced brain plasticity in adulthood or other
adults8 and was later replicated in an fMRI sociocultural factors (BOX 1). A few ex‑illiterate adults do become fluent readers and spellers,
study on children31 and ERP studies on reading in excess of 50 words per minute8. However, a common observation is that reading in
children and adults9,65. It is consistent with late-learned scripts often remains dysfluent176. Furthermore, literacy does not have the same
observations that the sizes of responses impact on the face recognition system when it is acquired in adulthood compared with when it is
to written words and faces are inversely acquired in childhood, suggesting that the adult ventral visual system cannot be as flexibly
correlated in adults60,66, and that reading reorganized: literate individuals who learnt to read at a young age showed reduced activation to
competence correlates with the extent of faces compared with illiterate adults, whereas there was no statistically significant difference
between illiterate and ex-illiterate adults8. Furthermore, even after adjusting for variations in
the left visual field advantage during a face-
reading score, ex‑illiterate adults still showed a significantly smaller reduction in face-evoked
discrimination task, a behavioural measure responses than did schooled literate individuals of matched social origin8. These findings suggest
of right-hemispheric superiority for face that face responses, which stabilize in late childhood69,70, may become entrenched in adulthood to
processing 67. There is evidence that the such an extent that they may no longer be shifted by literacy acquisition, perhaps placing
competition between symbols and faces in constraints on the ease and speed with which fluent sight-reading can be acquired in adults176.
the ventral visual cortex may start as early Interestingly, direct evidence for reduced visual plasticity in adulthood has been obtained in
as the age of four 68. The gradual emergence non-human primates: following identical and extensive symbol training, specialized
of detectable face-specific fMRI patches inferotemporal cortical patches, functionally similar to the human VWFA, emerged in juvenile
during child development extends through monkeys but not in adults155. We know of no such study in humans and, as a result, although the
adolescence69,70, and thus may be particularly plasticity of children’s brains is impressive177, it remains unknown whether there is an optimal age
for reading acquisition. Comparing learning speeds and plasticity at different ages should be a
susceptible to influences from education.
high priority for educational neuroscience.
The reason for the competition between
reading and face recognition during devel-
opment is unknown. It is possible that both Mirror invariance. Another example of com- for objects and faces78–82, but fMRI studies
functions call upon a shared operation, petition in the ventral visual cortex is provided based on repetition suppression (which can
namely the invariant visual recognition by the effect of literacy on mirror invariance. indicate which stimuli are discriminated by a
of shapes with high foveal resolution14,71. Mirror invariance is the capacity to recognize given brain area) indicate that, in expert adult
A recently identified cytoarchitectonic area, a visual image as identical after a left–right readers, this site fails to show mirror invari-
the human fusiform gyrus region known as inversion. Mirror invariance is useful in the ance specifically for words or letters78,81. This
‘FG2’, seems to afford fMRI responses both natural world because a lateral reversal usually finding, which indicates that letters escape the
to words and to faces72,73 and therefore may does not affect the identity of natural objects: mirror-invariance mechanism, was recently
be the shared neuroanatomical resource for “a tiger is equally threatening when seen in replicated using ERPs in response to mir-
which both categories of stimuli compete. right or left profile” (REF. 74). However, mirror ror images9. Furthermore, the acquisition of
Literacy studies suggest that the right- invariance is undesirable for reading, when literacy interferes demonstrably with behav-
hemispheric lateralization of the FFA may it is necessary to discriminate mirror letters ioural judgements of mirror invariance: liter-
be caused in large part by the acquisition such as ‘p’ and ‘q’, or ‘b’ and ‘d’. It has therefore ate adults are slower in judging whether two
of words and symbols in the left hemi- been suggested that learning to read requires images represent the same object if they are
sphere. Importantly, however, a slight right- the ‘unlearning’ of mirror invariance14,71. mirror images than if they are physically iden-
hemispheric dominance of face responses In humans and primates, left–right mirror tical, whereas illiterate adults do not present
exists even in illiterate adults8. More studies invariance is achieved at a specific level in the any such cost for mirrored pairs78,83,84.
are needed to understand whether this cortical hierarchy 40,75,76. A patch of infero­ Thus, literacy acquisition does inter-
effect reflects an innate right-hemisphere temporal cortex contains neurons that gen- fere with mirror invariance. This impact,
bias for faces68,69 or a partial acculturation eralize over mirror images, treating them as however, should not be exaggerated. It is
of most illiterate individuals to signs and two views of the same object40,74,77. In humans, small and occurs in the context of a general
written symbols such as numbers and a few a left occipito-temporal site overlapping improvement of visual ‘same–different’
isolated letters. with the VWFA exhibits mirror invariance judgements9,83. Furthermore, it may only

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occur in readers of scripts that include that literacy modifies spoken-language used during perception. For instance, illiterate
mirrored characters85. Finally, the original processing by enhancing spoken-language adults discriminate between syllables such as
mirror invariance of the occipito-temporal activation in two brain regions: the planum /pa/ and /ba/ almost perfectly 105 and display
region is not entirely erased: even fluent temporale (PT) and the VWFA. the same form of categorical perception for
readers find mirror-image discrimination speech as literate individuals do; that is, they
of non-linguistic materials harder than The planum temporale. The bilateral supe- neglect irrelevant (intra-category) acoustical
non-mirror-image orientation discrimina- rior temporal regions that are just posterior variations in the stimuli when discriminating
tion11,86. Non-reversible letters such as ‘R’ to Heschl’s gyrus constitute the PT. Together between syllables such as /ba/ and /da/106. In
remain susceptible to mirror generaliza- with surrounding superior temporal and a similar way to literate individuals, illiterate
tion87, and the suppression of mirror gen- supramarginal cortices, the PT houses a neu- people exhibit a phonologically restructured
eralization for reversible letters is an active ronal representation of the consonants and auditory lexicon; that is, their internal codes
process that is vulnerable to interference vowels of spoken language96,97. It is attuned for spoken words are finely tuned to the
from mirrored letters88. to the phonological rules that are specific frequency and proximity of words in their
The small cost of literacy on mirror to the person’s native language98, and it also mother tongue107. They also use implicit
invariance does come with an advantage: responds during silent lip-reading 99. phonemic codes in spoken-word recogni-
literate individuals, unlike illiterate people, We discovered that when listening to tion108 and production109. However, in one
acquire an ability to discriminate mirror speech, the amplitude of PT activation is study, illiterate individuals presented a less
pictures and symbols11,86,89,90. Although approximately twofold higher in literate than pronounced categorical boundary between
mirror-image contrasts are registered pre- in illiterate adults8. This effect was observed phonemes, suggesting that compared with
attentively, independent of literacy 91, their both when listening passively to spoken sen- literate individuals they may be less sensitive
explicit discrimination is vastly improved tences and in an auditory lexical decision task, to changes in phoneme identity when the
by literacy: illiterate adults find it extremely in which participants have to decide whether auditory properties of the stimulus are varied
hard to intentionally discriminate mirrored a spoken item is a word (FIG. 2). A similar continuously 106.
nonsense shapes11,89 such as |– and –| or mir- enhancement of PT responses to speech was In children, PT activation correlates
rored images of familiar objects86, whereas later observed in a cross-sectional study of not only with reading level but also with
these differences become obvious both to children comparing 6‑year-old readers with vocabulary, verbal memory and phonologi-
ex‑illiterate and literate adults11,86,89. At the age-matched non-readers95. cal awareness performance31. Increases in
neural level, ERP recordings also indicate that In expert readers, activity in the PT in activation during aural rhyming judge-
an early (100–150 ms) marker of mirror-image response to spoken speech sounds (pho- ment (especially for words with conflicting
discrimination is enhanced by literacy acqui- nemes) is also enhanced when a congruent orthography, such as ‘pint–mint’) between
sition9. This adds to the evidence that literacy letter or grapheme is simultaneously pre- 8- to 12‑year-old children and adults have
enhances visual discrimination abilities, as sented100 (FIG. 2b). Interestingly, this effect is also been reported in the inferior frontal
described above. absent in children with dyslexia101, who also areas that are typically involved in phonolog-
display reduced responses to speech alone ical awareness tasks110,111 and in phonology-
Speech-processing changes in subparts of the PT31,101. It is, however, associated areas of the left superior temporal
The main purpose of reading is to recover unknown whether this is a consequence or a gyrus, near the PT112. We speculate that these
spoken language from vision. It is therefore cause of their abnormal reading acquisition. changes may also reflect the development of
not surprising that almost the whole left The literacy-associated increase in PT explicit phonological representations during
perisylvian language network (except the activation may indicate a refinement of one the acquisition of the alphabet.
primary auditory cortex and its vicinity) or more types of phonological representa-
responds just as robustly to written sentences tion. Indeed, phonological representations Top-down VWFA activation. Reading
as to spoken language in literate92 but not in vary in size (from phonetic features or pho- requires the activation of phonological
illiterate adults8. nemes to syllables and larger units) and are representations from written words but,
Perhaps more surprisingly, literacy ascribed with different levels of ‘awareness’ conversely, after literacy is acquired, does
enhances the activations evoked by spo- (the degree to which a phonological unit spoken-word processing lead to an automatic
ken language. This was first shown by a can be explicitly segregated and manipu- activation of orthographic representations?
positron emission tomography study that lated). Behaviourally, phoneme awareness is An activation of the VWFA to spoken words
compared illiterate and literate adults known to develop when children or adults is indeed observed in tasks that involve
in a spoken repetition task93. This study learn to read in an alphabetic code102,103. For an explicit conversion from phonology to
revealed that literate participants, compared instance, pre-literate children102 and illiterate orthography 113,114. Most crucially, orthogra-
with illiterate participants, had an increased adults103,104 typically cannot tell that there are phy intervenes even in purely auditory tasks:
activation of distributed cortical and sub- three sound ‘segments’ in the spoken word literate individuals show a strong activation
cortical areas in response to pseudo­words /kab/, and are unable to delete phonemes in the left fusiform gyrus (including the
relative to words; this difference between from a spoken word (for example, from VWFA) during rhyme judgements compared
groups was probably due to poorer phono- /­kab/ to give /ab/), unless they have begun to with other auditory judgements on the same
logical coding of pseudowords in illiterate acquire the phonological correspondences stimuli50, and this effect is enhanced when
individuals94. of some letters and to use them in decoding spelling conflicts with the rhyming judge-
More recently, fMRI comparisons of attempts. ment (such as in ‘pint–mint’)115–117. Activation
illiterate versus ex‑illiterate and literate Several findings show that literacy affects of the VWFA is also seen in difficult spoken-
adults8, and of pre-literate versus literate explicit phoneme manipulations much more language judgements: for instance, when
age-matched children95, have demonstrated than the implicit phonological representations deciding whether a spoken utterance is a


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a Increased response to spoken words word or not8 or whether two spoken utter-
4 ances are the ‘same’ or ‘different’ when
Illiterate stimuli require phoneme segmentation110,118.

PT activation
Ex-illiterate Such findings suggest that literate people can
(learned to read activate the orthographic representations in
2 in adulthood)
their VWFA from spoken words in a top-
Literate down manner. There is direct evidence that
(learned to read this top-down effect is due to literacy, as it is
in childhood)
0 proportional to reading score and absent in
L R 0 50 100 150 illiterate adults8.
Words read per minute Many behavioural studies confirm that,
b Letter–sound congruence in literate individuals, orthography affects
1.0 spoken-word recognition processes. For
0.8 Visual instance, literate people are faster to decide
Auditory whether two spoken words rhyme when
(% signal change)

0.6 Bimodal congruent spellings are similar (for example, ‘toast–

PT activation

Bimodal incongruent
0.4 roast’) than when they are not (for instance,
‘toast–ghost’)119. Furthermore, performance
on tasks of lexical decision, semantic
0.0 judgement and gender categorization (in
–0.2 languages in which words can be feminine
–1 0 2 4 6 8
Time after stimulus (s) or masculine) is enhanced in words for
which the rhyming part can be spelled just
c Increased connectivity with the VWFA one way (for example, ‘sit’) compared with
words for which the rhyming segment can
0.50 * r = 0.417* be spelled in multiple ways (for example,
posterior segment

posterior segment
FA of left arcuate

FA of left arcuate

0.56 ‘deep’ and ‘heap’)120–122. ERP recordings indi-
0.52 cate that this orthographic-consistency effect
0.47 occurs early enough following stimulus
presentation that it could modulate the core
0.46 0.44 processes of lexical access120,123,124.
Psycholinguists have long debated
0.44 0.40
rate 0 2 4 5 7 whether such behavioural effects of ortho­
te era
te PT activation in response graphy on spoken-language processing
to spoken sentences indicate that orthographic representations
Figure 2 | Impact of reading acquisition on the planum temporale. Reading acquisition trans-
are activated in a top-down manner when-
forms the left planum temporale (PT) and the surrounding superior temporal cortex (a region ever we process a spoken word122 or whether
involved in the auditory processing of speech). a | Enhanced brain Nature Reviews
responses | Neuroscience
to speech. Coloured reading acquisition refines the phonological
voxels indicate the brain locations where the functional MRI blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) representations themselves124,125. The brain-
response evoked by spoken words increases with reading ability. A strong correlation is found within imaging studies discussed above suggest
the left PT, across participants ranging from completely illiterate to expert8. This may reflect a refine- that both phenomena exist: the VWFA can
ment in phonological awareness that is induced by alphabetic literacy. Data points represent the be activated in a top-down manner only in
activation of the PT averaged across subjects in each of six groups of subjects of different levels of literate individuals, and phonological repre-
literacy, expressed as a percentage of the whole-brain BOLD signal (purple, blue and red coloured sentations of spoken language are enhanced
circles depict groups of illiterate, ex-illiterate and literate individuals, respectively, with lighter
by literacy acquisition.
shades indicating higher reading ability). Axial and sagittal slices indicate the loci of peak correla-
tion of BOLD activity with reading score. b | Letter–sound integration. Literate adults passively lis-
The bidirectional links that literacy
tened to and/or viewed unimodally or bimodally presented speech sounds and letters; bimodal establishes between speech sounds and
stimuli were either congruent or incongruent. The PT does not respond to visual letters alone orthographic codes may also help to develop
(green), but it becomes activated in response to spoken letters (red). Moreover, PT activation is verbal memory for spoken materials. In
greater in response to congruent (blue) than to incongruent (yellow) letter–sound pairs, suggesting serial recall of lists of words or digits, literate
it has a role in linking letters to sounds. c | Enhanced connectivity. The structural link between the adults exhibit a much larger verbal memory
visual orthographic (visual word form area; VWFA) and the auditory phonological (PT) systems than do illiterate individuals126,127 (non-verbal
becomes enhanced with literacy: there is an increase in fractional anisotropy (FA) in the posterior memory is less affected). This effect may
branch of the left arcuate fasciculus in literate and ex‑illiterate relative to illiterate participants (left partly reflect a benefit from spelling knowl-
histogram). This increase in FA with literacy correlates with the activation of the PT in response to
edge, which provides an additional code that
spoken sentences (right histogram). Error bars represent one standard error. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.001;
r, Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Part a is adapted from Dehaene, S. et al. How learning to read
supports memorization. One indication to
changes the cortical networks for vision and language. Science 330, 1359–1364 (2010). Reprinted support this is that, for literate adults, lists
with permission from AAAS. Part b is adapted with permission from REF. 100, Elsevier. Part c is of words with different spellings of the same
adapted from Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Cohen, L., Amemiya, E., Braga, L. W. & Dehaene, S. Learning rhyme (for example, ‘right–kite–height’) are
to read improves the structure of the arcuate fasciculus. Cereb. Cortex (2012) 24 (4), 989–995, by easier to remember than are lists of rhyming
permission of Oxford University Press. words with the same spelling 128.

240 | APRIL 2015 | VOLUME 16

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Language-circuit anatomy Connectivity data acquired from expert liter- (such as size or colour) or shift between
As literacy establishes a functional link ate individuals suggest that these regions are alternative dimensions143. Literacy may have
between phonological and orthographic anatomically interconnected via the splenium a more specific impact on complex working-
repre­sentations, one might expect that it of the corpus callosum and are functionally memory tasks such as listening span (in
should also lead to structural changes in the correlated during reading. These areas are which listeners have to retain the final word of
connections linking the corresponding areas. all thought to contribute to the conversion of each of several sentences), but not in simpler
Indeed, recent studies have revealed changes letters into sound patterns135,136, particularly tasks, such as backward digit span, in which
in anatomical connectivity in literate com- during the early stages of reading acquisi- a memorized list of digits must be recited
pared with illiterate individuals. tion115,116,136. Dorsal occipito-parietal regions backwards127,143.
First, literacy modifies the posterior are strongly activated during word naming In the 1970s, Goody and Luria proposed
temporoparietal portion of the left arcuate compared with object naming 47, particularly that literacy is a prerequisite for syllogism res-
fasciculus (FIG. 2c) — a bundle of axons that when unschooled adults begin to acquire olution146,147. However, illiterate adults are rela-
putatively link the ventral temporal lobe reading (that is, in ex‑illiterate adults)8. tively good at solving syllogisms that are based
(including the VWFA) with inferior parietal In expert literate adults, posterior parietal on familiar information148 and, when given
and posterior superior temporal regions regions exhibit higher activity when reading is the instruction to think of unfamiliar syllogis-
(including the PT)13. In literate compared made more difficult and requires a serial pro- tic premises as pertaining to a distant planet,
with illiterate individuals, the posterior cess of letter‑by-letter processing (owing to can set aside empirical considerations and
arcuate shows an increase in fractional unusual word orientation or letter spacing)137. reason appropriately 149. It is also formal edu-
anisotropy 13, which is an MRI index of These regions also activate when subjects cation, rather than literacy per se, that influ-
white-matter organization that may reflect attend to the fine-grained differences between ences performance on ‘intelligence’ tests150.
improved fibre alignment and myelination. two letter strings in which letters are trans- After a 1‑year alphabetization course151, adults
This anatomical change correlates with posed (for example, when deciding whether who were initially almost illiterate showed
the degree of functional activation of the ‘SJTD’ and ‘STJD’ are different strings)138. an improvement in ‘crystallized’ intelligence
VWFA in response to letter strings and of Thus, these regions participate in an extended (the ability to use skills, knowledge and
the PT in response to speech13. This bundle network for effortful letter-position coding experience) but not in ‘fluid’ intelligence (the
may therefore participate in the development and/or grapheme-to-phoneme conversion capacity to think logically and solve problems
of the grapheme-to‑phoneme conversion and may be among the first brain systems to in new situations independently of acquired
route, which is one of the key functions of change during literacy acquisition136. knowledge).
literacy 129. Indeed, the fractional anisotropy
of the arcuate fasciculus changes during Beyond the language system Conclusion
reading acquisition in children, in direct Literacy provides a unique means of acquir- Given the evidence discussed above, we
correlation with reading ability 59,130. It is ing and structuring new knowledge and is reach a conclusion that literacy affects brain
strongly correlated with phonological aware- therefore likely to affect many aspects of organization primarily by creating and auto-
ness in children130, including 4- to 6‑year-old higher-level cognition. However, such effects mating an efficient interface between vision
pre-reading and early-reading kindergarten remain understudied. Only a few behavioural and language. This broad change is medi-
children131. Thus, the arcuate fasciculus may experiments have been carried out, and in ated by a reorganization of the left VOT (the
plausibly be considered as a central pathway many the effects of literacy are confounded VWFA). Its putative afferents (the bilateral
for the fast transmission of letter and sound by schooling. The absence of early schooling occipital visual cortices) and its putative
information during literacy acquisition. may indeed be the major factor explaining efferents (the left superior temporal regions,
Another change that is reliably induced the often-reported reduced cognitive abilities such as the PT for phonological analysis) are
by literacy is the thickening of the splenium of illiterate people. Owing to such caveats, also enhanced. Finally, an extended network
and/or the isthmus of the corpus callo- here we touch only briefly on this area (for of surrounding temporal and occipito-­
sum10,132,133. This physical change is consist- reviews, see REFS 139,140). parietal areas is also improved, particularly
ent with an enhanced inter-hemispheric Within the semantic domain, literacy has when effortful grapheme-to-phoneme
transfer of phonological and/or visual infor- a major impact on semantic fluency tasks: conversion is called for. Anatomically, the
mation. Indeed, lesion studies have shown when cued to generate, for instance, animal physical connections among these areas —
that these sectors of the corpus callosum are names, illiterate individuals list a much notably, the posterior corpus callosum and
involved in the rapid integration of written smaller number of words than do early- left arcuate — are changed in a detectable
information that appears in the left and right literate individuals141–143, and a similar differ- manner. Functionally, these changes result in
hemifields26,134. ence exists between pre‑literate children and fluid, bidirectional interactions between the
Literacy acquisition has also been reported age-matched 6- to 13‑year-old reading begin- internal representations of written symbols
to lead to increases in grey-matter density in ners144. This effect, however, may not reflect a and spoken language.
several regions of the angular, supramarginal distinct semantic organization, but merely the Although we suspect that future studies
and temporal gyri, which are also activated absence of graphotactic cues and strategies or may discover additional changes associ-
during reading 10,132,133. In one important study knowledge learned at school143. ated with the acquisition of literacy — par-
comparing two carefully matched groups of Regarding the executive attention system, ticularly in anterior temporal circuits for
illiterate and ex-illiterate individuals10, literacy preliminary data143,145 suggest that there is lexical meaning and syntax — at present,
was found to enhance the density of grey a general effect of schooling — but not of the main observed change concerns the
matter in the bilateral dorsal occipito-parietal literacy — on the ability to plan and organ- grapheme-to‑phoneme conversion pathway.
region, bilateral middle temporal gyri and left ize behaviour, inhibit irrelevant information, This finding corresponds with educational
supramarginal and superior temporal gyri. selectively attend to one stimulus dimension research that indicates that focused training


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