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Title:The Astrologer's Fabricated Identity

R.K. Narayan's short story, "An Astrologer's Day," delves into the complexities of human nature,
deceit, and the quest for redemption. The protagonist, an astrologer, adopts a fabricated identity
to escape his troubled past. This decision reflects his lack of courage to live a normal social life,
but it also serves as a compelling exploration of the human condition and the choices individuals
make to find meaning and purpose in their lives.

The astrologer's decision to live with a fabricated identity is rooted in his desire to escape the
guilt and consequences of a violent act in his past. As the story unfolds, it becomes evident that
he attempted to murder someone during his youth, and the burden of this action has haunted him
ever since. His choice to become an astrologer allows him to hide in plain sight, assuming a new
persona that helps him evade his past and the consequences of his actions.

The central argument here is that the astrologer's decision to live with a fabricated identity is
driven by his lack of courage to reintegrate into a normal social life. This lack of courage is
manifested in several ways throughout the story:

The astrologer is afraid of facing the consequences of his past actions. His attempt to murder
someone, even in the heat of a drunken quarrel, has left him with a profound sense of guilt and
fear. He believes that his past may come back to haunt him if he reveals his true identity.

The astrologer chooses to escape from his village and adopt a new life in a distant town. This act
of escapism is indicative of his reluctance to confront his past and seek redemption. He flees
from his responsibilities and burdens, both as a member of his community and as a perpetrator of

Becoming an astrologer allows the protagonist to hide behind a fabricated identity. By doing so,
he avoids engaging in genuine social interactions, building meaningful relationships, and facing
the scrutiny of others. His astrologer persona serves as a shield, protecting him from the
judgments and inquiries of those around him.

4. Limited Interaction: Throughout the story, the astrologer's interactions with others are
superficial and transactional. He engages with people primarily for monetary gain, focusing on
their immediate concerns and offering generic advice. This superficiality in his interactions
highlights his reluctance to connect with others on a deeper, more personal level.
The astrologer's profession thrives on deception and shrewd guesswork. He tells people what
they want to hear, offering vague predictions and advice that serve his financial interests. This
deception mirrors his own desire to conceal his true identity and avoid revealing his troubled

While the astrologer's lack of courage to live a normal social life is evident throughout the story,
it is essential to consider the possibility of redemption. His encounter with Guru Nayak, the man
he attempted to murder, becomes a turning point in the narrative. The astrologer's revelation of
Guru Nayak's supposed death not only provides closure but also offers a glimmer of redemption.

It is noteworthy that the astrologer's decision to fabricate the news of Guru Nayak's death is
ambiguous. On one hand, it may be viewed as an act of deception, perpetuating his dishonesty.
On the other hand, it can be interpreted as an attempt to spare Guru Nayak from further harm and
provide him with a semblance of peace. This ambiguity raises questions about the astrologer's
true motives and the possibility of moral growth and redemption.

R.K. Narayan's "An Astrologer's Day" explores the complex interplay of courage, deceit, and
redemption in the life of its protagonist. The astrologer's decision to live with a fabricated
identity reflects his fear of facing the consequences of his past actions and his reluctance to
reintegrate into a normal social life. However, the story also leaves room for ambiguity,
suggesting that redemption may be possible even for those who have made grave mistakes.
Ultimately, the narrative invites readers to ponder the complexities of human nature and the
choices individuals make in their quest for meaning and salvation.

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