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— P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY —

2 0 2 2
U. S . I n v e s tment O p p o r tuni ties

n a l y s i s, and
I n s i g h ts, A
P H OTO : I S TO C K ; G R A P H I C S : N O U N P R OJ E C T
N E R S &

E X E C U T I V E S U M M A RY and hosted online by study also reveals a great
his report provides an overview Publishers Weekly at deal of international

T of the English-language book

publishing startup scene in the
United States and around the
world as of fall 2022. To the extent that
startups. For the next few
months, readers of the
report can access the
publishing industry
Some of the categories
are unsurprising: self-pub-
startups capture the innovative spirit of spreadsheet and perform a lishing, e-commerce for
an industry, this report is about publish- variety of sorts and searches books, subscription ser-
ing innovation. to drill down on the data vices, and fan fiction—but
There are three audiences for the and extract insights far beyond the spreadsheet also captures
report: the publishing startups them- what is documented here. activity in audio, comics, crowd-
selves, service organizations that support The listings are labeled “book pub- funding, AI, and NFTs.
the startup community, and the broad lishing startups.” Some readers may The report evaluates the sectors sup-
authoring, reading, and publishing com- assume that they cover, for example, new porting the startup universe: financial,
munities that follow publishing startups book publishing companies or their legal, mentoring, and more. It also pro-
to get insights into the future of imprints. But really they are new ven- vides insights into how the Big Five
publishing. tures looking to help readers, authors, publishers view startup opportunities,
At the center of this effort is a spread- and, to a lesser extent, publishers them- based on interviews with senior pub-
sheet of some 1,300 companies, almost selves find innovative ways to operate lishing executives, including their
all founded since Amazon launched the and grow their businesses. mergers and acquisitions teams.
Kindle in 2007. The spreadsheet is a While the majority of these startups The importance of intellectual prop-
live document, constantly updated, (more than 60%) are U.S. based, the erty is discussed, noting the failure of

40 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 2 2
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— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

many startups to embrace and monetize Of course, the publishing community publicly listed
their IP assets. has joined the startup party, attracting Just as important, the report also
The “addressable market opportuni- innovators and disruptors to this well- includes summary data that serves to
ties” are defined and quantified, based on established industry. These entrepreneurs’ define the scope of the book startup com-
available data and estimates. range of approaches is broad, from author munity, including the parameters below:
The spreadsheet contains key financial services to online marketing, from + Total funds raised by all startups
data on the startups—investments raised reading clubs to fan communities, with + Average (and median) funds raised per
and dollars earned on exits. This data is some of their endeavors extending books company
analyzed in summary form. The spread- into other media, or digital formats + The percentage of startups with
sheet identifies the markets that each seeking to replace the “bookish object.” declared funding as well as exits via
startup serves, at four levels of speci- As the saying goes: on the internet acquisition, merger, IPO, or having
ficity, and this data is also quantified and nobody knows you’re a dog. To that end, ceased business entirely
analyzed. it’s sometimes hard to tell what’s behind This provides a measure of the extent
Notable acquisitions are cataloged and the curtain of some of these web startups. of startup activity within the larger book
trends and opportunities are identified. Some are one-person efforts, with a publishing industry, and across the
The publication of the report is part of lonely dream of remaking how books are broader startup scene in the United
a broader effort by Publishers Weekly to made, discovered, or sold. Others are States.
increase its coverage of startups and multimillion-dollar companies with
publishing innovation. hundreds of employees. Success varies TRACKING DOWN
widely. Many of the startups fail in short P U B L I S H I N G S TA RT U P S
INTRODUCTION order, while others have sold for hun- began compiling this list in early

igh-profile startups are every-
where, corralling the attention
of entrepreneurs and investors
and captivating the public with
dreds of millions of dollars.
What makes each of the more than
1,300 listings in the spreadsheet par-
ticularly valuable is that it includes the
I 2012 after participating in a panel
at the Tools of Change conference
discussing where publishing start-
ups were headed. At the time, Michael
the energy and intrigue of startup following: Bashkar had posted online a list of some
culture. Think Steve Jobs and Steve + A brief mission statement and a 300 companies, covering “writing, pub-
Wozniak tinkering in a Los Altos, Calif., description of the type of product or ser- lishing, bookselling, blogging, agency
garage. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg vice provided, classified by category work, and people tangentially related to
dropping out of Harvard. Millions of + The amount of declared funding the industry.” It was a great starting point.
customers, but no revenue. Billion- and received since founding In January 2014, I published the first ver-
even trillion-dollar evaluations. It’s dif- + Whether the startup is still in busi- sion of my spreadsheet, including 600
ficult not to feel the allure. ness or has merged, been acquired, or is companies. The second edition, published
online in January 2017, featured 900
entries, with much more data about each
company. This third edition catalogs
roughly 1,300 startups. (I’ve omitted
100-plus companies that don’t include
the U.S. in their customer focus.) All of
the earlier listings have been rechecked
and updated with their current status.
I want to call the list authoritative—I
would be surprised if I’m missing more
than a couple dozen smaller companies.
But the pace of startup creation con-
tinues, and I continue to track new com-
pany formation.
How do I discover startups? Usually
there’s an article in one of the publishing
THE LOS ALTOS GARAGE WHERE STEVE industry magazines or blogs, or, fre-
JOBS AND STEVE WOZNIAK WORKED quently, in a general interest magazine or
newspaper—people never tire of reading
insider stories about the publishing

42 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 2 2
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— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

industry (“Company X Seeks to Reinvent publishers publish the results of research to education they are mostly devoted to
Book Publishing” is a common headline). in books and journals provided mainly moving well beyond the textbook. And
The article will often suggest a new cat- to libraries, scholars, and researchers by so the educational companies listed here
egory of startups, with NFTs being a aggregators and hosting services. generally have a more traditional view of
recent example. And then my online Educational publishers publish content, educational/textbook publishing.
searching begins, leading me to startup typically as textbooks augmented and
websites and funding databases. enhanced by platforms, for teaching in S TA RT U P E D N E S S
At that point, working with a schools, colleges, and universities. I hat is a startup? In theory, of
researcher (who has both a library science
degree and an MBA!), I track down the
specifics: the company website, product
offerings, money raised, operational
focused primarily on general trade pub-
lishing in compiling this list.
The children’s book side of trade pub-
lishing was relatively easy to sort out:
W course, it’s a new business of
any sort. But I also recognize
a kind of existential notion of
a startup versus just a new business
status, and so on. included are those companies that are (startupedness?). For example, dozens of
The current status of many of these explicit about rethinking children’s new indie bookstores opened in 2022, but
startups can be fiendishly difficult to print books and about providing book- they’re not included on this list. Nor are
ascertain. All it takes to look like a startup like information and entertainment to new publishing companies or imprints.
company is a half-decent website. The children in digital formats. Startups tend to see themselves as a new
company may already be long gone—the Scholarly publishing was a challenge, type of business, with new approaches to
founder forlornly renewing the annual because most of the startups in that cat- existing challenges. The definition can be
website registration, just in case. And so egory are providing new tools and services loose.
we turn also to secondary sources. Most that go beyond book publishing rather An essential aspect of startups is tech-
companies sign up for Facebook, than replacing the existing publishing nology that can scale. Think of it this
LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media, element. Some solely target journal pub- way: an editorial services company is
and we can find their last tweet or post. lishing, not books (called monographs by hands-on. Each new author and each new
The Internet Archive reveals previous many of these publishers). Only a small manuscript requires personal care. One
iterations of company websites. If we can editor might tackle two or three projects
track down the founder/CEO (usually via at a time, but if more projects arrive then
LinkedIn) we can ask them for info, but “The current status more editors need to be hired.
their answers are not always straightfor-
ward. As a matter of policy, I err on the
of many of these Meanwhile, a tool like Grammarly can
process several thousand raw manu-
side of assuming a going concern, rather startups can be scripts simultaneously, with roughly the
than prematurely issuing a death certifi-
cate to the startup. I’m always grateful to
fiendishly difficult to same number of staff. That’s scalability.
I specifically use the example of
be able to post corrections to the online ascertain. All it takes Grammarly to make another point about
to look like a startup these listings. Grammarly is not
included on this list. While the tool is
define these listings as “book pub-
company is a half- used by many writers and editors, that’s
not the primary audience for the

I lishing startups.” I want to break decent website.” product—it mostly targets students and
down both parts of that equation: businesses. And so I left it out.
book publishing and startup. I’ll number of companies on my list have a On the other hand, Scrivener is
also explore how a minority of these scholarly publishing focus—though there included, as it’s a tool specifically tar-
startups target book publishing compa- are many other startups in the space. geted to authors (and hence to editors
nies; their markets are more often writers There is also an ever-increasing number and publishers). Scrivener illustrates
and readers. of organizations, mostly nonprofit, sup- another characteristic of the list. There
Book publishing is often described as porting open source publishing. With a is no company called Scrivener—the
a single industry, but it’s in fact far more few exceptions, nonprofits are not product, introduced in 2007, is provided
diverse. I find this broad definition by included in the spreadsheet. by the U.K. startup Literature and Latte.
Bill Kasdorf, principal at Kasdorf & Educational publishing also posed a However, most people seeking informa-
Associates, to be helpful: trade pub- dilemma. Most of the startups in the tion on Scrivener would simply search
lishers publish mainly fiction and non- field of education are not intrinsically “Scrivener” in the spreadsheet, and so the
fiction books, including children’s titles, “publishing startups”. Rather than product name receives an entry here,
sold through retail channels. Scholarly bringing new types of digital publications with a reference to Literature and Latte

44 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 2 2
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— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

as the main listing. audiobook narration count? I think not. publishing, and hybrid publishing,
I wasn’t sure what to do with the big And so I’ve drawn another (fuzzy) line described below, are in themselves inno-
tech companies—such as Adobe, across this category. vative, but the companies are mainly
Google, Microsoft, and Sony—that have copycats of one another, and not particu-
played in the publishing space and have C O M I C S, G R A P H I C larly innovative beyond the core model.
provided impetus and/or enabling tech- N O V E L S, M A N G A And so I’ve listed those organizations that
nologies. But they don’t fit beside small (AND ANIME) operate at scale, with more than a couple
independent startups, and so they’re not his is another remarkable pub- of employees and a few dozen authors,
represented here. On the other hand,
Amazon is on the list, because it began
as an online book retailer.
More than 60% of these startups are
T lishing growth segment—sales
of comics and graphic novels
grew by more than 60% in
2021—and another segment with
and/or include some proprietary tech-
nology as part of their service offering.
Into this mix comes the hybrid pub-
lisher. As the name suggests, hybrid
based in the U.S. The rest are grouped blurred lines in this report. It’s easy to publishers are a cross between self-pub-
into two categories of international exclude purely print publishers from a lishing practitioners and the traditional
startups. First there’s the large group tech-focused listing. But this format is
(more than 200) from other English increasingly digital—and anime, when
countries, mostly Australia, Canada, and adapted from manga, seems close enough
the U.K. Second is the international to “publishing” to merit its inclusion.
startups, which include support for Here’s a telling example: the Japanese
English-language users in the United manga The Prince of Tennis morphed into
States, marketing their offerings beyond an anime series, and then to live action
their home country. Both India and films and TV, stage musicals, radio pro-
China are well represented on this list. grams, and video games. When did it
(Also included is a small group of cease being about “publishing”? I’ll
startups targeting Spanish-language consider the media blur further below.
readers in the U.S.)
I have used 2007 as the nominal date S E L F - P U B L I S H I N G,
for inclusion in this report, the year both INDEPENDENT
the iPhone and the Kindle were intro- P U B L I S H I N G, A N D
duced, but some of the companies were HYBRID PUBLISHING
founded before that date and are hile self-publishing first came
included because they are former
startups that continue to be relevant in
their competitive space. W to prominence through the
tireless evangelizing of Dan
Poynter (his Self-Publishing
Manual was published back in 1979), the

AUDIOBOOKS AND industry didn’t really blossom until the

PODCASTS Kindle brought e-books to the masses. publishing model. The hybrid industry
udiobooks have been a consis- While there is no official data available, has been beset by controversy, where the

A tent source of growth for the

publishing industry for the bet-
ter part of a decade. That growth
is flattening, but it’s still up 12.8% in
self-published book sales now account for
billions of dollars (Amazon’s Kindle
Unlimited program alone distributes
more than $500 million per year in
worst players most closely resemble the
infamous first vanity press, Vantage
Publishing (founded in 1949)—a busi-
ness model that could be summed up as
the past year. The last annual report from author royalties to independent authors, “you give us thousands of dollars and we’ll
the Association of American Publishers clearly representing a multibillion-dollar pretend to professionally publish your
clocked audiobook sales at $1.75 billion “department” within Amazon’s much book.” The Independent Book Publishers
(versus e-books’ $1.97 billion). Amid larger e-book sales efforts.) Association has been diligent in trying to
this, podcasting has blossomed. Self-publishing is now often—and bring order to this sector, and now offers
It’s easy to categorize audiobook com- better—categorized as “independent Hybrid Publisher Criteria, an unambig-
panies as publishing startups, but what publishing,” but I’ve stayed with the uous set of guidelines for professional
about podcasters? Not so much; few are more familiar term here. It was a chal- hybrid publishing. Only companies that
listed here. Audio as a broader category lenge deciding whether each new author adhere to that standard are represented
is also a fine line—does an audio produc- service provider should be included in here, but again with an eye to those that
tion company that, in part, enables this listing. There are hundreds. Self- have scaled their operations.

46 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 2 2
— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

videos.” Each of these have more influ- than to the publishing sector itself
MEDIA CONVERGENCE ence on the publishing industry than (which some besmirch as a no-growth
oday print is merely one way to many of the startups profiled here, but, industry).

“T experience storytelling. Describ-

ing our era as the ‘late age of
print,’ as some have done,
expresses the book’s waning
for the sake of rigor, do not appear in the
startup listings.
Worth noting also are several multi-
faceted startups that
Lawyers who can help publishing
startups specialize across the startup
practice area, not within a single sector.
Firms like Cooley, Fenwick & West, and
influence within a crowded defy easy categorization, Wilson Sonsini are some prominent
media ecology. Stories now mainly the e-commerce examples. There are numerous indi-
migrate across different chan- players that are also vidual attorneys serving the publishing
nels, only one of which is author publishing plat- community who are not tightly focused
books. In addition, the high forms. Take Amazon: on startups per se.
degree of media convergence it provides a dedica- There are also a cadre of advisers who
characteristic of today’s mar- ted hardware e-reader, have coached one or more publishing
ketplace makes it difficult to e-reading apps, book and startups. We could use more.
separate books, audiobooks, e-book retail, and e-book
and other media as neatly as subscriptions, as well PAT E N T S A N D
we once did. Even the divide as the leading self-pub- INTELLECTUAL
between reading a book and lishing platform—all P R O P E RT Y
watching a film is less antag- in addition to being a ntellectual property spans trade-
onistic than it was for previ-
ous generations. Literature
and the mass media are viewed by many as
co-conspirators, not mortal enemies, in today’s
publisher itself. These
products and services
were launched within Amazon in a
manner somewhat akin to startups, but
I marks, copyrights, patents, and
more. For startups, much of the
value resides in patents. Amazon,
Apple, and Google have a slew of them
literary culture.” —from The Untold Story because they aren’t separate companies— related to publishing. Most startups do
of the Talking Book by Matthew Rubery all of these programs and services appear not. Scribd has a 2014 patent for an
As I continue my focus on startups rec- on the Amazon platform—there’s just a “integrated document viewer.” Kobo has
ognizable to someone who works with single listing for Amazon in the spread- a 2015 patent for “content-based similar-
bookish authors, I also embrace the truth sheet. (Audible has its own entry, as it’s ity detection.” Storyfit’s 2021 patent
contained in the quotation above. While still operated as a standalone company.) covers “predictive analytics diagnostic
currently most obvious in the comics and So what about the Nook? Barnes & system and results on market viability
graphic novels space, publishing media is Noble isn’t a startup, and the Nook was and audience metrics for scripted media.”
constantly morphing, and the “book pub- developed internally. I’ve included it Touchpress, the onetime developer of
lishing industry” can be seen also as a because it would otherwise feel like an innovative bookish apps, held a patent—
media industry, a cultural industry, or an omission. Apple’s iBooks (now called since abandoned—for an interactive
entertainment industry. The implications Apple Books)—an app, online book- “story development tool.” There are no
will continue to play out against my store, and an authoring application doubt others.
definitions of book publishing startups. (discontinued in 2020)—appears for A 2016 study showed that “patent
the same reason. approvals have a substantial and long
I M P O RTA N T S TA RT U P S lasting impact on startups: firms whose
T H AT A R E N ’ T I N V E S TO R S, L AW Y E R S, first patent application is approved
P U B L I S H I N G S TA RT U P S AND ADVISERS create more jobs, enjoy faster sales
hile Kickstarter has raised tartups require extensive sup- growth, innovate more, and are more

W millions for publishing proj-

ects, it wasn’t established
with publishing as its core
focus. (In Kickstarter’s early messaging,
S port in many forms—including
financial, legal, and general
business counsel—at all stages of
their development, and I’ll be compiling
likely to go public or be acquired.”
Patents are expensive and time-con-
suming to document and register, and so
startups are remiss when they fail to at
it appealed to “artists, designers, film- a separate spreadsheet of these “support- least consider trademarks, which are less
makers, musicians, journalists, inventors, ers” of the publishing startup sector. onerous to establish. As attorney Lloyd
explorers.”) BookTok is currently the When researching the investors who Jassin pointed out to me in an interview,
hottest medium for book promotion, have backed publishing startups, few “having a trademark attached to a
but is part of TikTok, “the world’s lead- patterns emerge. Most of them seem to startup is a real asset; it builds
ing destination for short-form mobile have been drawn to a single pitch rather goodwill.”

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 47
— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

I’ve not uncovered many registered pay a premium for a tool that they should at a host of smaller startups in this
trademarks at the startups studied here. be building in-house? At the same time, spreadsheet that are building their
Jassin suggests that the similarity of the a publisher doesn’t have to own a startup businesses on the subscription model.
names of several of the startups indicate to license its technology. Are NFTs disruptive? Is AI? The
that trademark registration may have But it’s not that these publishers aren’t metaverse? Where will the next dis-
been overlooked, and further, that some paying attention to what’s going on in ruption come from?
of these firms could be inviting the startup community. Each of the large
litigation. publishers has executives charged with VULNERABILITIES
evaluating acquisitions (though most ne in five of the startups in this
here was a flurry of startup
frequently of other publishing compa-
nies and their backlists).
Clayton Christensen’s classic The
Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies
O spreadsheet has declared fund-
ing; the companies are mostly
bootstrapped. Many of these
publishing startups are not just lean,

T activity when e-commerce

became increasingly dominant
in book retail, e-books took hold
in the market, and self-publishing blos-
Cause Great Firms to Fail is one of the
cornerstones for understanding the
importance of reinvention within estab-
lished industries. Christensen studied
they’re emaciated. In numerous cases
there is no startup, per se—just a website
and some good intentions. The market-
ing and promotion are scant.
somed. Each of the Big Five publishers companies that either collapsed or lost Too many of these startups are trying
got their feet wet in the startup pond— significant market share through their to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.
some through internal startup gestation, failure to embrace external innovation “Room for innovation” is quite different
others through external investment. that was essential to their growth. The from “ripe for disruption.” While few of
Some of the publishers were burned impact of Amazon on department stores the startups aim to disrupt the entire
when their investments went astray. and book retail is an obvious example. publishing business, several make claims
In preparing this report, I sought Do the startups cataloged here threaten to disrupting the editor’s role, the agent’s
insights from within those companies, to disrupt the existing order of the pub- role, or the balance of power between
and several were generous with their lishing industry? Have they already done writers and publishers or publishers and
time, in particular if their remarks could so? Publisher Ken Whyte, analyzing the resellers. We shall see.
remain anonymous. I felt that under- transcripts of the recent Penguin Random As Elizabeth Spiers puts it, too many
standing how the compa- House–Simon & Schuster startups “think incumbent companies
nies approach startup trial, points to how hard are using broken models because they’re
innovation was far more self-publishing has hit idiots and not because the problems are
important than putting PRH’s bottom line: its not easily solved.” Startups might better
anyone on the spot. income from fantasy, mys- seek to innovate, not re-create.
One executive refer- tery, romance, and science Book publishing has never been a
enced a frequent and per- fiction titles fell from technology-adept industry, rather it is
haps accurate criticism of $349.2 million to $86.9 historically technology-averse. This is a
the publishing industry: million between 2011 and challenge for the (minority of) tech-
it is neither agile nor 2019, “big chunks of focused startups targeting existing pub-
innovative. Publishing which migrated to the lishing operations. Selling technology to
can move at a glacial self-publishing universe.” publishing companies demands lots of
pace, and publishers are That’s disruption. costly hand-holding. Authors, too, are
not early adopters. Hybrid publishers notoriously clumsy around technology,
Another executive attract an increasing and there are limits to the complexity of
observed that there have number of high-profile products and services that can be directed
been bursts of enthusiasm for startups public figures with offers of better roy- their way. The availability and quality of
over the last dozen years, but when an alty splits and greater publishing con- customer support becomes a competitive
investment didn’t work out, it was per- trol, siphoning off bestsellers that would advantage.
ceived as a failure, not as a learning ordinarily have landed with the larger
opportunity. Cynicism follows failure. trade publishers. MARKET SIZE
Often remarked was that the larger The subscription model, which is art of the investor pitch for every
publishers feel that process innovation
should be developed internally, not
acquired from an outside startup. Why
kryptonite to trade publishers, continues
to gain ground at Amazon, Scribd,
Sweden’s Storytel (internationally), and P startup is the total addressable
market opportunity. The three
principal markets these startups

48 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 2 2
— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

target are publishers, authors, and readers. The U.S. Census Bureau reported industry sales data is never canonical.
I’ll focus on some key data for the bookstore sales at $9.03 billion in The pandemic proved to be a boon,
U.S. market, not the global opportu- 2021, essentially flat against 2019 sales-wise, for publishing companies,
nity—though many of these startups (2020 being an outlier because of and while some of the gains have been
attract international customers and rev- Covid). With most stores also selling lost in 2022, sales are generally higher
enue. Sizing the U.S. book market leads ancillary products, books of all types than they were pre-Covid. But the pan-
to various estimates from varying make up roughly 70% of the reported demic has also led to supply chain prob-
sources. My interest here is largely trade sales, and textbooks represent about lems, which, along with paper shortages,
publishing. 40% of book sales. The bureau sepa- are driving up costs for publishers
The Association of American rately noted that sales for “book pub- everywhere.
Publishers recorded 2021 sales of $15.4 lishers” in 2020 were $25.6 billion (not How many book publishers are there in
billion, up 12.2% from 2020. This is far off the AAP model), without detail the U.S.? If one defines book publishing
based on their reporting publishers: the of the individual publishing sectors. broadly—including, for example, associa-
association then models the overall Bookstat is the go-to source for tions and governmental organizations,
industry as roughly 65% larger than “below-the-radar” book sales, estimating where publishing is but one activity—the
their core data, to some $25.4 billion. that existing industry data misses 37% number is in the tens of thousands. A
Total modeled trade sales were reported of e-book and audiobook sales and 60% Book Industry Study Group presentation
at $8.8 billion, up 11.9% from 2020. of books purchased online (“untracked at BookExpo 2008 estimated that there
NPD reports unit sales of print books sales worth $1.25 billion a year”). The were 102,634 U.S. publishing entities at
at retail (it estimates that its BookScan company, recently acquired by Podium that time (based on active ISBNs), while
captures 85% of trade print sales). Sales Audio, doesn’t release its data to nonsub- its 2005 “Under the Radar” report esti-
were 825.7 million units in 2021, up scribers, so the value is limited here, mated that there were approximately
from 757.9 million in 2020. other than as a reminder that U.S. book 63,000 publishers then.

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— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

significant portion of the investment

went to a dozen or so companies—
MAJOR ACQUISITIONS OF STARTUPS ($ IN MILLIONS) Wattpad garnered $118 million;
Inkitt, a competitor, has raised $80
COMPANY BUYER TOTAL PRICE million; and Scribd now boasts over
$100 million in outside funding. The
OverDrive.................Rakuten/KKR.............................. $1,185 average investment for all funded com-
Wattpad...................Naver. ..........................................$600 panies is $12.9 million. The median is
Tapas Media.............Kakao.......................................... $510 $2.3 million.
Epic.........................Byju’s..........................................$500 If counting just the smaller invest-
Radish.....................Kakao..........................................$440 ments—those at $10 million or less—
some $425 million has been committed
Kobo........................Rakuten....................................... $315
(up from $218 million in 2017), an
Wondery..................Amazon . .....................................$300 average of just above $2 million per
Audible....................Amazon. .......................................$300 company. The median investment for
Goodreads................Amazon. ....................................... $150 those companies is $1.2 million, a 20%
Findaway.................Spotify......................................... $123 increase from previous reporting. Nearly
21% of companies have received at least
some funding, up from 15% in 2017.
Of the companies listed here, 37% are
no longer in business, up from 31% in
But most analysts suggest a far lower And how many readers are there? In 2017. That’s an increase, but given that
number, closer to around 3,000. More to 2021, Pew estimated that 77% of this is a much larger spreadsheet, it does
the point is the number of publishers Americans read at least one book the pre- not indicate a trend line.
that would buy specialized technology vious year (Gallup pegs the number at Nearly 10% of the companies have
from an outside vendor. I don’t know 83%). While most of those books were managed an exit of some sort, be it via
how to pin that down with any precision, not purchased new, that’s still a huge merger, acquisition, or being listed on a
but it’s certainly closer to 3,000 than market. Add to that the readers of stock exchange (6.1% had exited in
100,000. English-language books residing in 2017).
The stats on the global publishing other countries (over a billion people There have been three IPOs: Chegg,
market are spotty, but several estimates speak English as a second language), Digimarc, and, of course, Amazon.
rank U.S. book sales at about 25% of the most of whom can be reached online. Within the past year, amid a broader
world total. The total number of book Beyond total industry sales figures, market decline, Chegg’s shares have
publishing companies worldwide might there’s not a lot of data on how much decreased by some 8%, Digimarc’s by
follow from that. consumers actually spend on books. The 55%, and Amazon’s by more than 45%.
How many authors are active in Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that Legible came to market in Toronto in
English-language publishing? The U.S. each American spent $92 on “reading” December 2021 (and then in Frankfurt
Bureau of Labor Statistics identified in 2019 (down from $118 in 2016)— in 2022), via a reverse takeover, at a price
143,200 full-time “writers and authors” presumably that includes periodicals. of C$1 per share, reached a high of
in 2020, but few of those were writers of C$1.40 per share, but as of mid-
books. And relatively few self-published T H E S U M M A RY D ATA November is trading for about C$0.10
authors rely on writing as their main ere are a few observations about per share.
source of income. But surely the active
author pool must be closer to 500,000
than 150,000. It could be much higher—
a million new books are published each
H the summary data collected for
this report. There are more than
40% more listings in 2022 than
in the 2017 edition, and many more
College bookstore operator Barnes &
Noble Education was spun out from
Barnes & Noble in 2015, and so doesn’t
qualify as a startup. It has had a rocky
year on Amazon. It’s fair to say that most countries are represented. financial road and trades at 20% of its
authors recognize that they need at least The total funds raised by all the initial listed share price.
some help with editing, publishing, and startups is more than $3.4 billion, over Where acquisition price data is avail-
marketing their books. But how much are three-and-a-half times more than what able, an analysis of the ROI for invest-
they willing to pay for the assistance? had been raised five years ago. (The ments in companies that went on to be
Many of the startups profiled here are actual total is larger, but not all of the acquired shows a 12.3 times return on
learning answers to that question. investments have been disclosed.) A invested dollars.

50 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 2 2
— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —
ast year was by far the most active year for large-scale
L acquisitions of publishing startups. Wattpad’s purchase
by South Korea’s Naver in January 2021 was the biggest
earner, at $600 million.
In response, in May 2021, Kakao Entertainment, also from
South Korea, bought online comic app Tapas and serialized
fiction app Radish, for $510 million and $440 million, respec-
tively. By all accounts, Naver and Kakao are fierce competitors
in the international online cartoon, serialized fiction, and
e-book markets; there’s nothing like competition for goosing
acquisition target pricing.
In July 2021, Epic, a digital reading platform for kids, was
acquired by India’s Byju’s, an educational technology company,
for $500 million in cash and stock. (Byju’s has recently
announced companywide layoffs.)
OverDrive has had the honor of being purchased twice, each
time with a hefty price tag. Acquired first by Rakuten for $410
million in 2015, it was passed along to KKR for $775 million
in 2019. (KKR is one of few players with multiple publishing-
related investments, including Inkling and RBMedia—not to
mention its multibillion-dollar acquisition of no-longer-depen-
dent-on-legacy-print-media publishing company Axel Springer.)
Kobo was an early venture-backed success; Rakuten acquired
the company in 2012 for $315 million, providing investors
with a 4.5x return on their investment. The company seemed
initially to land as an albatross at Rakuten (in 2015, Rakuten
reported a $68 million impairment charge for Kobo), but the
Japanese e-commerce superstar now reports that Kobo “is close
to profitability.”

n the past two years, the most successful startup catego-

I ries have been serialized/fan fiction reader communities.

Wattpad, Inkitt, and Radish have proven that short serial
fiction from mostly young novice writers works extremely
well on mobile devices and can drive huge audiences. Readers
have direct input regarding what gets promoted. Authors are
earning real dollars.
Between comics, graphic novels, and manga, narrative is GET THE
also becoming more of a visual medium, driving the success
of Tapas and others. PW APP TODAY
The extraordinary growth of audiobooks and podcasts
continues to augur an industry surrounded by sound. Spotify’s
$123 million purchase of Findaway, completed in 2022,
reaffirms this.
Children’s books startups are always hot, whether the inten-
tion is entertainment or education; the $500 million Epic sale,
mentioned above, being the latest example.
Book clubs and book discovery remain very active sectors.
Tertulia garnered the most press attention this year, although
— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

greater opportunity in selling tools to

TOTAL INVESTMENT RAISED ($ IN MILLIONS) authors or in selling services to readers.
And what types of tools and services pro-
Barnes & Noble Nook ............................ $600.0 vided such opportunities? I’ve now got
Chegg .................................................. $220.4 some preliminary insights.
Callisto Media ....................................... $169.0 Startups target readers more often
Wattpad .................................................$117.8 than authors, though both are well
Bigwords ............................................... $110.3 served. As anticipated, most startups
Scribd ................................................... $105.7 don’t see publishing companies as the
Inkling .................................................. $102.1 largest market opportunity, but pub-
Kno ........................................................ $94.9 lishers are the focus for about 15% of
Odilo ...................................................... $84.5 these ventures.
Inkitt ...................................................... $80.0 There are more services on offer than
Kobo ...................................................... $69.8 tech-based tools, by a significant margin.
Radish ................................................... $66.2 I wonder whether most of the outside
Perlego .................................................. $65.7 investment has gone toward one more
ValoreBooks ........................................... $59.2 than the other—that’s the sort of ques-
Rafter ..................................................... $56.0 tion one can answer by sorting through
Literati ................................................... $52.0 the online spreadsheet.
Epic ........................................................$51.5 I broke down the tools and services
Issuu .......................................................$51.3 into some 23 subcategories to better
Descript ................................................. $50.0 understand where the startups see their
RedShelf .................................................$43.1 greatest opportunities.
iUniverse ................................................ $39.0 Self-publishing and retail/e-commerce
Fable ......................................................$36.1 are the largest categories, but there’s
FlatWorld ............................................... $35.7 substantial focus in other product types,
Blinkist ...................................................$35.1 including business systems, marketing
BibliU ......................................................$31.2 tools, and original content. Some catego-
LibreDigital ............................................. $31.1 ries appear more crowded than the total
Chatbooks .............................................. $30.6 market opportunity might warrant,
Adaptive Studios ..................................... $27.3 including discovery, fan fiction, and
BookClub ................................................ $26.0 blockchain/NFTs.
Fingerprint ............................................. $25.0
Blurb.......................................................$24.1 CONCLUSIONS
Sidewalk .................................................$24.1 his is a report about publishing
Wonderbly .............................................. $22.8
Overleaf ................................................. $22.7
T innovation. Startups embody
innovation—if a new idea,
grounded in technology, is suf-
ficiently innovative, it can drive a new
It’s easy to get caught up in the num-
it has dozens of competitors. Publishers Weekly in October, are early bers in the startups spreadsheet: markets
In the past few years, two technologies successes in the blockchain/NFT space, targeted, products offered, and dollars
have become prominent that appear though our spreadsheet lists more than raised. But what’s the larger picture?
transformative: AI and blockchain/ 30 potential competitors. After a decade watching book pub-
NFTs. The extent of their disruptive lishing startups, I can attempt to draw
power isn’t yet clear; the startups in TA R G E T M A R K E T S some conclusions.
these sectors are still small companies. hile updating the spreadsheet It’s instructive to compare book pub-
The usage of AI-generated text (GPT-3)
and images (DALL-E) is exploding—
what this will mean to publishing
startups is not yet known. NFT startups
W for republication, we made a
substantial effort to drill
down deeper into the target
audiences for these startups. I had ques-
lishing to other media industries, specifi-
cally music, motion pictures (including
film and TV), and gaming. The first two
have essentially eschewed their “physi-
Creatokia and, profiled in tions about whether the startups saw a cality”—while one can still buy CDs, LPs,

52 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 2 2
— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

and DVDs, these are for an ever- numbers are still huge. Reading, once a It’s important not to be misled by
decreasing minority of purchasers. The solitary activity, is now increasingly the failed efforts. The bulk of the com-
gaming industry has lagged in full-dig- social, as most recently evidenced by panies in the spreadsheet are viable small
ital adoption but is not far behind the BookTok and a host of startups here. businesses. Many have exited via merger
others. And consumers increasingly If a startup wants to target book pub- or acquisition. Launching a startup
interact with the content from these lishers, it faces the challenge of B2B sales within the book publishing ecosystem is
industries via subscription services. and marketing, which generally requires a viable business endeavor.
If all books could be accessed by more investment and infrastructure But this is a marketplace begging
cost-effective Spotify- or Netflix-style than B2C. for consolidation. Some offerings, like
subscriptions, would print sales be discovery and author services, are
damaged? Surely. Eradicated? Certainly ADDITIONAL besieged with players with little product
not. As long as print books make up a O B S E R VAT I O N S differentiation.
significant percentage of overall book longside tech-sector layoffs, the
sales, the bricks-and-mortar retail and
distribution infrastructure needs to be
maintained. That means, at least in A threat of a recession has damp-
ened investor enthusiasm in
late 2022.
hen I think about disruption
part, retaining the existing industry
dynamics. Most readers still connect
with their favorite authors via ink on
paper. Invariably this has an impact on
Innovation has its peaks and valleys.
Amazon engendered a host of innovation
and then things slowed down. Enhanced
e-books and bookish apps failed to gain
W and opportunity in publish-
ing-related ventures, I often
return to Netflix CEO Reed
Hastings’s incisive evocation of his com-
the type of opportunities presented to traction. The broader publishing petition: if you think about your past 30
book publishing startups, for better and industry stalled. But, since Covid, there’s days, and analyze the evenings you did
for worse. new energy in publishing, and that’s not watch Netflix, you can understand
Self-publishing is the only part of the reflected in the startup activity. how broad our competition really is.
trade publishing industry that is nearly As with many publishing companies Whether you played video games; surfed
all digital—print makes up only a small and bookstores, people invest in pub- the web; watched a DVD, TVOD, or lin-
percentage of sales for most independent lishing startups because publishing is an ear TV; wandered through YouTube;
read a book; streamed Hulu or Amazon;
or pirated content (hopefully not), you
“Since Covid, there’s new energy can see the market for relaxation time
and disposable income is huge, and we
in publishing, and that’s reflected in are but a little boat in a vast sea.
In this same vast sea sail the 1,300
the startup activity.” book publishing startups analyzed
in this study. Their challenges go
far beyond the dynamics of books
writers. Not coincidentally, a significant industry that they love. More pragmati- and reading, but so too do their
portion of those sales come from sub- cally, they understand the dynamics of opportunities.
scription platforms, mostly via Amazon the industry, and even if the financial I hope this report will stimulate some
Kindle Unlimited and Prime Reading, opportunity is modest, they at least ideas, some conversation, and even some
and via Audible for their audiobooks. understand the startup’s potential and new investment. If it can help sharpen a
(Scribd, meanwhile, had annual revenues the challenges it might face. few business plans or plant a seed for
of $100 million as of 2019, a small frac- Many book publishing startups are so another startup, I’ll feel fully rewarded
tion of Amazon’s.) small that they don’t really factor into for the effort.
Self-publishing sales growth has the overall picture, other than as an entry
slowed from the heady early days, but in a spreadsheet. Their chance of raising Thad McIlroy is an electronic publishing
thousands of new authors continue to investment dollars is essentially nil, even analyst and author based in San Francisco.
join the ranks each year. Authors gener- smaller than their market opportunity. His site, The Future of Publishing, pro-
ally face greater challenges than readers, There were times when I would look at vides in-depth coverage of the publishing
mostly surrounding discovery, providing a particularly half-hearted effort and industry. He is a partner in Publishing
a wide range of opportunities for startups. think of dear Ebenezer Scrooge: “If they Technology Partners and an adjunct professor
There has been a modest decline in would rather die, they’d better do it, and in the Masters of Publishing program at Pace
reading in the last decade, but the decrease the surplus population.” University.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 53
— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

Appendix A: Understanding defined below.

HO W TO U S E T H E the Publishing Startups Many companies provide products and
S P RE AD S H E E T Spreadsheet services that bridge multiple categories.
he online spreadsheet that The previous edition of this report used In every case we have tried to identify the

T accompanies this report can be

used in several ways. It’s a rich
canvas for anyone interested in
publishing innovation. Start on the left-
a simple classification system with just
15 categories. That proved to be too
broad to be useful.
For this new version of the report, we
primary category, though some of these
choices are debatable.
There is in fact a fourth classification
category, a fourth column, used in a few
hand side and find a name that intrigues. have significantly expanded the system specific instances to add another level of
Inferkit. What could that be? Click on to include three main types of classifica- specificity.
the URL for more. Inferkit “offers a web tion, such that there are more than 200 Because of the size and continuing
interface and API for AI-based text gen- combinations of categories that a com- growth of the audiobook market, when
erators. Whether you’re a novelist or an pany may fall into. The purpose here is the tool or service is directly primarily to
app developer, there’s something for to allow readers to better analyze startup audio, this is noted, regardless of target
you.” Within the “authors” category, I activity by type, and to help entrepre- market or the specifics of the offering.
classify it as an authoring tool, featuring neurs and investors to identify the com- Artificial intelligence and machine
AI. There are a half dozen similar tools peting players within a particular space. learning remain an intriguing part of
that you can discover by searching The methodology is relatively some of the newest startup offerings, and
through those categories. straightforward. so “AI” is recorded when the company
For startups, the ability to drill down The first category specifies the pri- claims that their product or service is
within multiple categories is a key fea- mary audience for each offering. By far thus enabled or enhanced.
ture. Who is your competition? I’ve been the majority are authors or readers, fol- “Bargain” gets a notation because,
surprised by how few startups can answer lowed by publishers, and with a small following on the success of BookBub,
that question clearly. number directed to bookstores or there are now nearly 20 startups com-
For investors interested in particular libraries. Some startups target audiences peting in this space. Crowdfunding is an
types of startups, that information is at of both authors and readers, fan fiction important feature of more than a dozen
hand. Want to consider an investment in being the most notable example. startups, which is noteworthy in itself.
one of the startups focused on crowd- The second category defines whether Lastly, the novelty of blockchain and
funding? There are a dozen options to the business provides a tool (aka a NFTs is drawing a lot of attention from
choose from. Interested in finding chil- “product”) or a service. A tool is gener- entrepreneurs, and it’s now possible to
dren’s publishing startups that have ally a piece of software, usually hosted identify “Blockchain/NFTs” startups via
raised between $1 million and $10 mil- online (rather than downloadable), such this fourth column.
lion? The spreadsheet can be searched at as a book formatting tool or an app for
this level of detail. organizing one’s personal library. Category Definitions
The failed businesses can be as fasci- Services directed to authors usually aid AI
nating as those that are still in opera- in some aspect of self-publishing. Reader A fourth-column subcategory, AI (arti-
tion. What went wrong? There have services include online book clubs and ficial intelligence) is a buzzy feature that
been some very interesting ideas that discovery apps. many startups will claim enables some
failed to gain traction—several of As described above, most of the ser- aspect of their tool or service. If this is
which I think could be resuscitated. vices listed here are enabled by tech- noted on the company website, it’s
When I see in the Status column that a nology; they are not strictly hands-on. recorded on the spreadsheet, without an
startup is no longer in business, I’ll Some offerings straddle the line between attempt to verify the claim.
often click on the URL to see if the tools and services, but we’ve attempted
now-dormant website offers clues about to classify them by their primary Audio
the deceased. The Internet Archive can characteristic. A fourth-column subcategory, this
provide earlier versions of the site. Or The third category drills down one designation is for all tools and services
I’ll google the name of the firm, and old more level, to reveal the type of tool or primarily directed toward the audio
articles and posts usually appear. (If service on offer. A book formatting tool market (though not always to audio-
there’s a company whose origins can’t is classified under “Production,” while books specifically), whether they target
be excavated, send me an email.) an app for organizing a personal library authors, readers, or publishers.
Specific instructions on how to is classified under “E-reading.” “Book
understand and use the spreadsheet are clubs” have their own category, as does Authors/Readers
contained in Appendix A. “Discovery.” Each of these categories is Most of the startups have a specific focus

53a P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 2 2
— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

on authors or readers, not both. There discover new books or helps authors with Self-publishing
are, however, instances where a startup getting their books discovered. A broad range of tools and services for
targets both groups, mostly notably in independent authors.
fan fiction, where the readers are as Education
important as the writers, and both derive Education here refers to educational Social
real value from the service. publishing. See also “Training.” Social communities that gather authors
and/or readers.
Authoring E-reading
A tool or service to aid in the authoring E-reading includes reading devices as Subscription
of any kind of creative content intended well as tools to aid in online reading, like Sites offering content primarily by sub-
for publication, be it writing, drawing, personal library organizational tools and scription rather than one-time sale.
AI-image generation, etc. text-to-speech. Traditional retail book clubs, of the
style of a “Book of the Month” club, are
Blockchain/NFTs Fan fiction classified under “Subscription,” as are
A fourth-column subcategory, this This category consists mostly of sites book boxes. The category appears some-
includes dedicated NFT publishing and that serve both writers and readers of fan times in the fourth column, where the
purchasing/reading platforms, as well as fiction. I use the term “fan fiction” subscription aspect of the product is
companies focused just on the block- broadly, to designate any original fiction secondary.
chain and those where the blockchain or uploaded to reader communities, often
NFTs are a feature within a larger by young novice writers, not intended Textbooks
offering. for initial publication in book form. This category is mainly for companies
offering used textbooks to students (or
Book club Hybrid publisher sometimes digital texts).
An online gathering place for book Hybrid publishers are segmented sepa-
readers—contrasted with “Book of the rately from strictly self-publishing orga- Training
Month”–type clubs, which are classified nizations. As the name suggests, they are Training is mostly for authors, though it
here as “Subscription” services. Some a cross between self-publishing and a includes some book services providing
book clubs emphasize their role as places traditional publishing model. training to the public. (This is distinct
for book discovery, but “Discovery” is its from “Education,” which relates more to
own category when that is the primary Marketing the professional education market.)
function of the tool or service. Another broad category, anything
intended to help an author or publisher Appendix B: Other Valuable
Business systems sell more books. Resources
Any software that helps authors or pub- John B. Thompson’s 2021 Book Wars,
lishers (or even readers!) with day-to-day Original content while tending to the academic, is the
business operations. Many sites publish original content, most comprehensive account of the
as e-books or in other digital formats, changes in publishing in the past two
Children’s and serve readers and/or authors. Where decades. The book covers Amazon’s rise,
This encompasses a range of tools and that original content is fan fiction, it is self-publishing, audiobooks, and much
services, mostly for readers, where the designated as such. more.
overriding focus is on the children’s book Joanna Penn covers publishing inno-
market. Production vation with a hands-on approach that’s
Tools or services to help authors and more thorough than any I’ve seen.
Crowdfunding production convert their creations into a For an in-depth understanding of why
A fourth-column subcategory, crowd- published format. (Editorial services are audiobooks have had such an enormous
funding identifies those tools and ser- classified as “Authoring.”) impact on the publishing industry, read
vices that include a crowdfunding feature Matthew Rubery’s The Untold Story of the
as a primary part of the service or as part Retail/e-commerce Talking Book.
of a larger product offering. Sites selling books, print or digital, As described above, this report con-
primarily to the general public. This also siders only a small number of education
Discovery includes sites with ecommerce-enabling startups, those that have explicitly
This category is broad, but ordinarily technology. focused on books. Dealroom’s Edtech
refers to a tool or service that lets readers database lists more than 21,000 startups.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 53b
— P U B L I S H I N G S TA R T U P S —

Crunchbase’s feature 1,700. become a “business”? Is it when the com- been indispensable.
The Scholarly Kitchen is an excellent pany registers to do business in its state? I want also to thank Cliff Guren, Peter
blog covering innovation in the scholarly Is a nominal amount of funding required? Hildick-Smith, David Lamb, and
publishing space, as is Clarke & The minimum qualification to appear on Lorraine Shanley for their feedback,
Esposito’s newsletter The Brief. this list is just a website, and a declared encouragement, and support of this
Michael Cairns publishes the $500 publishing focus. It’s difficult to esti- ongoing work, as well as everyone at
“Publishing Technology Software and mate the scale of each operation, and it Publishers Weekly who supported me edi-
Services Report 2021” report, describing was tough to figure out which of these torially, in gaining report sponsors, and
“200 software and services companies companies is still in business in 2022. in the production of the report and the
popular with publishers.” It includes CB Insights looks closely at startups online hosting of the database.
interviews with some of the startups on and notes that “startup death is surpris-
my list (including Consonance, ingly hard to identify. Many startups are D ISCL O SU RES
Firebrand, and Typéfi), as well as inter- essentially dead but limp along for years had McIlroy works as a journalist
views with some of their customers.
Elle Griffin’s fine article on NFTs,
“The Crypto Revolution Wants to
Reimagine Books,” is an approachable
in zombie-like fashion.” They found that
55% of failed startups raised $1 million
or less. 71% of the deceased lasted less
than two years after their last funding
T and industry analyst, and as a
consultant to publishing compa-
nies and startups. He has in the
past had business discussions with sev-
but in-depth look at this late-breaking round. eral of the companies mentioned in this
technology. Griffin also publishes a In analyzing reports of failed startups, report, though he currently has no busi-
thoughtful newsletter that often ponders CB Insights found that the top reason for ness relationships with any of these
the future of publishing. failure was the lack of a market need for companies. He is a member of Publishing
their product (42%), followed by run- Technology Partners, one of the sponsors
Appendix C: ning out of cash (29%). More generally, of this report, and has worked in the past
Startups in Context U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data with David Lamb, whose Book Advisors
How can book publishing startups be shows that 34% of businesses that fail do LLC is also a report sponsor.
contextualized against the broader so within the first two years. After four
community of business startups and years, that number rises to 56%, higher
venture capital activity? than the roughly 40% in this database
The gross domestic product of the that are no longer in business.
United States is $25 trillion, and book
publishing is a $25 billion industry (or A C CU RACY O F T H E
thereabouts). Last year, nearly 5.4 mil- R E PO RT D ATABASE
lion new companies were tallied by the very effort has been made to ver-
U.S. Census Bureau. This database cata-
logs a mere 1,300 companies formed
over a 15-year period.
The National Venture Capital
E ify the data in the report and
accompanying spreadsheet, but
additions and corrections are of
course welcome. Please contact me at
Association recorded $995 billion in
venture capital invested across the U.S.
in 2021. Under $1 billion of that went A C K NO W L ED GMENT S
to publishing startups. ichael Bashkar’s startup list

he data in this report can be
M helped seed this database, as
did a similar effort from Nina
Klein. Javier Celaya and his
team at Dosdoce provided input on

T evaluated against the broader

success and failure rates across
all startups in the U.S. But find-
ing comparable data is tough. There’s a
numerous international startups. Steffen
Meier from Germany’s Digital Publish-
ing Report shared a listing of German
challenge in differentiating between Crunchbase was a valuable source of
“success,” “failure,” “no longer in busi- data on company funding.
ness,” and so on. Anne Pashley’s tireless research efforts
At what point does “just an idea” and her support for the project have

53c P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 2 2
PUBLISHING We are a group of independent industry consultants with
complementary expertise. Each of us has over 25 years
TECHNOLOGY of experience managing publishing technology projects.
PARTNERS We’ve worked with publishers of all sizes, from large
Respected expertise. international publishers to leading scholarly societies
and university presses, as well as publishing startups and
Extensive experience. publishing technology solution providers.
Trusted consulting services. We provide a wide range of services, from content and
How can our team help you? workflow analysis, to technology implementation, to
competitive analysis and go-to-market strategies.

We tailor our services to provide the expertise you

need, in a way that best suits you.


Bill Kasdorf
Thad McIlroy
Bill Rosenblatt
Steve Sieck

To obtain timely answers to your toughest questions,
contact Publishing Technology Partners at

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