Flyers - How To Write A Story

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Flyers - Reading Part 7 - Writing a story

When writing a story, planning is very important. Learn to do this now and you will save yourself a lot of time later.
There are several steps to follow.

Step 1 : Look carefully at the pictures and try and name as many words as you can. The more vocabulary you
have, the more interesting your story will be.

Step 2 : No s start making a note of the words. Organise this using a table similar to this one. This will take you a
little time in the beginning but with practice, you will learn to do it automatically.


Picture 1 A boy Scared To see Desert Summer

A child Frightened To feel Sand dunes Hot
To move Sun
To imagine Strange shapes
To think

Picture 2 A boy Happy To smile A caravan of camels Summer

A child To talk Hot
A man To ask
2 men To ride

Picture 3 A boy Happy To get on Summer

A child To ride Hot
A man To smile
2 men To walk
Step 2 : Organise your ideas
Now you have all the basic vocabulary that you need to start writing. Try to write a minimum of 2 sentences for
each picture. When writing, think about these three categories : people, places, actions, feelings.
For example:
- Who is in the picture?
- Where are they?
- What are they doing?
- How are they feeling.

You can use these same questions to plan your sentences for pictures 2 and 3.

Step 3 : Use connectors and be careful of your tenses.

For your story to be easy to read, you need to use connectors. This makes it more interesting to read and shows
that you can write well. You do not need to use all of them.
Think about the tense that you are using. If you start a story in the present, make sure that all your verbs are in
the present (either present simple or present continuous).
If you are using the past simple, make sure all your verbs are in the past simple. Be careful of your IRREGULAR
VERBS here!

Connectors Tenses

First Present simple :

When - Ex. He plays / they do
Next Present continuous :
And - Ex. he is playing / they are doing
Then Past simple :
But - Ex. he played / they were doing
Later / After - Ex. He fell / they rode
Because Past continuous :
Before - Ex. he was playing / They were
So doing

Step 4 : Write your story!

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