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Edensor by Andrea Hirata

Actually the purpose of travel writing bring news from wide world and spread information about people
and places that haven't been known. Nevertheless, when the picture a world is written down, it
experiences change from travel experience to be travel text so accuracy and objectivity give effect to the
depiction such a place so far from that reality complex. Essentially, a trip record is fiction of factual
representation base on Carl Thompson Theory.

In Edensor's novel, the story illustrates the trip is conveyed with a viewpoint. the first person as the
narrator is 'me'as the Ikal figure (who also is the voice of the novel's author, Andrea Hirata) so
description given about a a place is someone's statement which is really present in that place pictured.
The differences are given is part of the negotiation and Andrea Hirata's subjectivity as a writer in writing
and describing what which actually experienced when he was in that place. Various uses writing style
influences depiction of an object. Figurative language and comparison in writing notes a trip can make
someone seem to be in a place visited traveler, from the previous one as a place the unknown, becomes

“Kami meninggalkan gedung yang tak bersahabat itu, terseok memanggul ransel dan menyeret koper
butut yang berat, tak keruan tujuan, yang ada dalam pikiran hanya bagaimana menyelamatkan diri dari
sengatan dingin. Dalam rumah-rumah persegi berjendela kaca, orang berkerumun di ruang tamu,
mengelilingi pohon natal, temaram, bersenda gurau, tak mau jauh dari jangkauan pemanas. Di sini tak
bisa sembarang mengetuk pintu rumah orang. Pengalaman dengan Van Der Wall sedikit banyak
mengajari kami, dan kami belum melapor pada pihak berwenang. Mengetuk pintu dalam keadaan
seperti itu sangat mungkin berurusan dengan hukum. Motel tak tampak. Brugge sama sekali bukan
tujuan wisata” (Hirata, 2008:61).

From the quotation, it explain the author's subjectivity as a person who experienced himself how the
conditions they experienced while in Brugge. He described the situation around things based on what he
saw and included his opinions based on experience he had previously obtained. His ignorance of the
culture and situation of the place where the characters (Ikal and Arai) are located, so they don't know
what to do because of the cold weather in Brugge. They see people around who do not care about the
situation outside, and there is no motel to be occupied at night, so the writer reports the contents of his
mind that Brugge is not a tourist destination.

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