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Introducing SafeTest: A Novel Approach to

Front End Testing
Netflix Technology Blog · Follow
Published in Netflix TechBlog
7 min read · Feb 13, 2024

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by Moshe Kolodny

In this post, we’re excited to introduce SafeTest, a revolutionary library that offers a
fresh perspective on End-To-End (E2E) tests for web-based User Interface (UI)

The Challenges of Traditional UI Testing

Traditionally, UI tests have been conducted through either unit testing or
integration testing (also referred to as End-To-End (E2E) testing). However, each of
these methods presents a unique trade-off: you have to choose between controlling
the test fixture and setup, or controlling the test driver.

For instance, when using react-testing-library, a unit testing solution, you maintain
complete control over what to render and how the underlying services and imports
should behave. However, you lose the ability to interact with an actual page, which
can lead to a myriad of pain points:

Difficulty in interacting with complex UI elements like <Dropdown />


Inability to test CORS setup or GraphQL calls.

Lack of visibility into z-index issues affecting click-ability of buttons.

Complex and unintuitive authoring and debugging of tests.

Conversely, using integration testing tools like Cypress or Playwright provides

control over the page, but sacrifices the ability to instrument the bootstrapping code
for the app. These tools operate by remotely controlling a browser to visit a URL and
interact with the page. This approach has its own set of challenges:

Difficulty in making calls to an alternative API endpoint without implementing

custom network layer API rewrite rules.

Inability to make assertions on spies/mocks or execute code within the app.

Testing something like dark mode entails clicking the theme switcher or
knowing the localStorage mechanism to override.

Inability to test segments of the app, for example if a component is only visible
after clicking a button and waiting for a 60 second timer to countdown, the test
will need to run those actions and will be at least a minute long.

Recognizing these challenges, solutions like E2E Component Testing have emerged,
with offerings from Cypress and Playwright. While these tools attempt to rectify the
shortcomings of traditional integration testing methods, they have other limitations
due to their architecture. They start a dev server with bootstrapping code to load the
component and/or setup code you want, which limits their ability to handle complex
enterprise applications that might have OAuth or a complex build pipeline.
Moreover, updating TypeScript usage could break your tests until the
Cypress/Playwright team updates their runner.

Welcome to SafeTest
SafeTest aims to address these issues with a novel approach to UI testing. The main
idea is to have a snippet of code in our application bootstrapping stage that injects
hooks to run our tests (see the How Safetest Works sections for more info on what
this is doing). Note that how this works has no measurable impact on the regular
usage of your app since SafeTest leverages lazy loading to dynamically load the
tests only when running the tests (in the README example, the tests aren’t in the
production bundle at all). Once that’s in place, we can use Playwright to run regular
tests, thereby achieving the ideal browser control we want for our tests.

This approach also unlocks some exciting features:

Deep linking to a specific test without needing to run a node test server.

Two-way communication between the browser and test (node) context.

Access to all the DX features that come with Playwright (excluding the ones that
come with @playwright/test).

Video recording of tests, trace viewing, and pause page functionality for trying
out different page selectors/actions.

Ability to make assertions on spies in the browser in node, matching snapshot of

the call within the browser.

Test Examples with SafeTest

SafeTest is designed to feel familiar to anyone who has conducted UI tests before, as
it leverages the best parts of existing solutions. Here’s an example of how to test an
entire application:

import { describe, it, expect } from 'safetest/jest';

import { render } from 'safetest/react';

describe('my app', () => {

it('loads the main page', async () => {
const { page } = await render();

await expect(page.getByText('Welcome to the app')).toBeVisible();

expect(await page.screenshot()).toMatchImageSnapshot();

We can just as easily test a specific component

import { describe, it, expect, browserMock } from 'safetest/jest';

import { render } from 'safetest/react';

describe('Header component', () => {

it('has a normal mode', async () => {
const { page } = await render(<Header />);

await expect(page.getByText('Admin')).not.toBeVisible();
it('has an admin mode', async () => {
const { page } = await render(<Header admin={true} />);

await expect(page.getByText('Admin')).toBeVisible();

it('calls the logout handler when signing out', async () => {

const spy = browserMock.fn();
const { page } = await render(<Header handleLogout={fn} />);

await page.getByText('logout').click();
expect(await spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith();

Leveraging Overrides
SafeTest utilizes React Context to allow for value overrides during tests. For an
example of how this works, let’s assume we have a fetchPeople function used in a

import { useAsync } from 'react-use';

import { fetchPerson } from './api/person';

export const People: React.FC = () => {

const { data: people, loading, error } = useAsync(fetchPeople);

if (loading) return <Loader />;

if (error) return <ErrorPage error={error} />;
return <Table data={data} rows=[...] />;

We can modify the People component to use an Override:

import { fetchPerson } from './api/person';

+import { createOverride } from 'safetest/react';

+const FetchPerson = createOverride(fetchPerson);

export const People: React.FC = () => {

+ const fetchPeople = FetchPerson.useValue();
const { data: people, loading, error } = useAsync(fetchPeople);

if (loading) return <Loader />;

if (error) return <ErrorPage error={error} />;
return <Table data={data} rows=[...] />;

Now, in our test, we can override the response for this call:

const pending = new Promise(r => { /* Do nothing */ });

const resolved = [{name: 'Foo', age: 23], {name: 'Bar', age: 32]}];
const error = new Error('Whoops');

describe('People', () => {
it('has a loading state', async () => {
const { page } = await render(
<FetchPerson.Override with={() => () => pending}>
<People />

await expect(page.getByText('Loading')).toBeVisible();

it('has a loaded state', async () => {

const { page } = await render(
<FetchPerson.Override with={() => async () => resolved}>
<People />

await expect(page.getByText('User: Foo, name: 23')).toBeVisible();


it('has an error state', async () => {

const { page } = await render(
<FetchPerson.Override with={() => async () => { throw error }}>
<People />

await expect(page.getByText('Error getting users: "Whoops"')).toBeVisible()


The render function also accepts a function that will be passed the initial app
component, allowing for the injection of any desired elements anywhere in the app:
it('has a people loaded state', async () => {
const { page } = await render(app =>
<FetchPerson.Override with={() => async () => resolved}>
await expect(page.getByText('User: Foo, name: 23')).toBeVisible();

With overrides, we can write complex test cases such as ensuring a service method
which combines API requests from /foo , /bar , and /baz , has the correct retry
mechanism for just the failed API requests and still maps the return value correctly.
So if /bar takes 3 attempts to resolve the method will make a total of 5 API calls.

Overrides aren’t limited to just API calls (since we can use also use page.route ), we
can also override specific app level values like feature flags or changing some static

+const UseFlags = createOverride(useFlags);

export const Admin = () => {
+ const useFlags = UseFlags.useValue();
const { isAdmin } = useFlags();
if (!isAdmin) return <div>Permission error</div>;
// ...

+const Language = createOverride(navigator.language);

export const LanguageChanger = () => {
- const language = navigator.language;
+ const language = Language.useValue();
return <div>Current language is { language } </div>;

describe('Admin', () => {
it('works with admin flag', async () => {
const { page } = await render(
<UseIsAdmin.Override with={oldHook => {
const oldFlags = oldHook();
return { ...oldFlags, isAdmin: true };
<MyComponent />
await expect(page.getByText('Permission error')).not.toBeVisible();

describe('Language', () => {
it('displays', async () => {
const { page } = await render(
<Language.Override with={old => 'abc'}>
<MyComponent />

await expect(page.getByText('Current language is abc')).toBeVisible();


Overrides are a powerful feature of SafeTest and the examples here only scratch the
surface. For more information and examples, refer to the Overrides section on the

SafeTest comes out of the box with powerful reporting capabilities, such as
automatic linking of video replays, Playwright trace viewer, and even deep link
directly to the mounted tested component. The SafeTest repo README links to all
the example apps as well as the reports
SafeTest in Corporate Environments
Many large corporations need a form of authentication to use the app. Typically,
navigating to localhost:3000 just results in a perpetually loading page. You need to go
to a different port, like localhost:8000, which has a proxy server to check and/or
inject auth credentials into underlying service calls. This limitation is one of the
main reasons that Cypress/Playwright Component Tests aren’t suitable for use at

However, there’s usually a service that can generate test users whose credentials we
can use to log in and interact with the application. This facilitates creating a light
wrapper around SafeTest to automatically generate and assume that test user. For
instance, here’s basically how we do it at Netflix:

import { setup } from 'safetest/setup';

import { createTestUser, addCookies } from 'netflix-test-helper';

type Setup = Parameters<typeof setup>[0] & {

extraUserOptions?: UserOptions;

export const setupNetflix = (options: Setup) => {

hooks: { beforeNavigate: [async page => addCookies(page)] },

beforeAll(async () => {

After setting this up, we simply import the above package in place of where we
would have used safetest/setup.

Beyond React
While this post focused on how SafeTest works with React, it’s not limited to just
React. SafeTest also works with Vue, Svelte, Angular, and even can run on NextJS or
Gatsby. It also runs using either Jest or Vitest based on which test runner your
scaffolding started you off with. The examples folder demonstrates how to use
SafeTest with different tooling combinations, and we encourage contributions to
add more cases.

At its core, SafeTest is an intelligent glue for a test runner, a UI library, and a
browser runner. Though the most common usage at Netflix employs
Jest/React/Playwright, it’s easy to add more adapters for other options.

SafeTest is a powerful testing framework that’s being adopted within Netflix. It
allows for easy authoring of tests and provides comprehensive reports when and
how any failures occurred, complete with links to view a playback video or
manually run the test steps to see what broke. We’re excited to see how it will
revolutionize UI testing and look forward to your feedback and contributions.

Testing JavaScript React Programming Netflix

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Written by Netflix Technology Blog

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Learn more about how Netflix designs, builds, and operates our systems and engineering organizations

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