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The pride of humanity, may God bless him and grant him peace, before and after the

blessed mission,
was full of worry and grief over the material misery and spiritual loss he saw prevailing over all of
humanity. The narrations say that before his prophethood, he would sometimes withdraw from people
and be alone with himself, contemplating the problems of humanity. As for the extent of his concern
after carrying the mission of the message, the Great Qur’an alerts him to it, saying: “Perhaps you will
rebuke your own soul in their tracks, if they do not believe in this hadith, out of regret” (Al-Kahf: 6). Isn’t
the verse with a deep meaning that shakes the heart and affects the core of the conscience? Our most
dangerous concern today is our freedom from worry. The worry that robs us of sleep, disturbs our rest,
and leaves us sleepless several days a week as we strive to implant the truths of faith and the Qur’an in
hearts and look forward to the conscience of human society responding to them. If we do not sleep with
such worry today, we will be bombarded with tasks that deprive us of sleep tomorrow. And I say the
truth; A person almost feels sorry when he does not see someone feeling sad.


Crazy people I want, a bunch of crazy people... revolting against all familiar standards, exceeding all
known standards

Saturate yourself with the love of God to the point of madness, do not be tempted by His goodness nor
be tempted by His beauty, rise above all equations and rise above all standards, raise the slogan of
revolution against everything familiar, and chant as Rumi chanted, “Come to me, O human being,” then
bury yourself in oblivion. Call, as Bedi al-Zaman called, “Oh his humanity,” then go on and do not think
about your personal happiness. Yes, forget the comfort of life, forget the house and the children, and
follow the path of the arriving eminent people to be among the survivors.

Crazy people I want, a bunch of crazy people... revolting against all familiar standards, exceeding all
known standards. While people rush to temptations, they flee from them and do not pay attention to
them. I want a handful of those who were attributed to light-mindedness due to their intense devotion
to their religion and their attachment to spreading their faith. These are the “lunatics” whom the Master
of Messengers praised, as they do not think about their own pleasures, do not aspire to position, fame,
or prestige, do not desire the pleasures of the world and its money, and are not tempted by family and
children... O Lord, I beseech You... The treasures of Your mercy are endless. Give all He asked for his
request, but as for me, my request is a bunch of crazy people... Oh Lord, oh Lord…


Fethullah Gulen

Issue 23


There is no doubt that the secret that shook the entire corners of the earth at the hands of the eleven
apostles is their deep sincerity and sincere behavior that drives people to faith. Likewise, our honorable
companions, may God be pleased with them, when they set out in various parts of the world carrying
torches of faith in their hands, the greatest secret of hearts opening up to them with acceptance
wherever they went, lay in their sincere behavior that urged hearts to respond and believe.

And so the locomotive of time moved, century after century, until it reached our present era. Suddenly,
Muslims increased in numbers, and their lands expanded in length and breadth, while the spirit lost its
flame in souls, and meanings extinguished their flame in hearts, so the balance between quantity and
quality was disturbed.

Today we have the thinking mind and we have the mastering logic, and we have surpassed our ancient
ancestors in the field of science, knowledge and technology in an enormous and incomparable way. But
there is a difference between our hearts and the hearts that were beating in their wings. Today we are
deprived of a great blessing that they possessed...the blessing of sensing God in every beat of the heart,
then that sensing is evident in the features of the face and its effects appear in behavior. Yes, the beating
and beating of the heart should have been reflected on our faces and behaviour, and our appearance
should have been a mirror of the certainty that is rippling within us; Just like a clock, when its internal
work is revealed in its external form in the form of a wondrous system, where the hands move between
seconds, minutes, and hours with extreme precision that prompts one to say, “How great and how
wonderful this creativity is!..” Be aware that the clock’s

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