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Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

What is chemical

• Different substances can serve different functions as they have different

• This is due to their chemical composition.

• Chemical composition is the chemical components that make up a

• Matter can be classified as elements and non-elements according to
their chemical composition.
• Non-elements can be classified as or mixtures.
At the end of this section, you should be able to answer the following question:

What are How many ways

elements? to classify of

What are
symbols of
What are common
examples of
• Matter in its simplest form is called an element.

• All matter is made of elements. Elements are the building blocks of all
………………….and ……………………….. non-living things.

• ……………………………………………………………………....
Elements are the building blocks of all matter and are characterized by their unique atomic number, which corresponds to the number of protons
in their nucleus.

Where are elements found?
• Elements can be found
everywhere, including the
ground and the human

• Scientists have discovered over 100 elements. Of these, over 90

are found in the earth and the rest made artificially.
Common uses of some elements
Classification of elements

• We classify elements to understand them better.

• There are 3 ways used by scientists to classify the
• They are:
1) By their states:…………….., …………….or
2) As metals or ……………………..
3) Using the ………………… Table
1) Classifying elements by state of matter

A simple way to classify elements is to observe their

physical states at room temperature.
2) Classifying elements as metals and non-
• Most elements are…………………………………...
• Metals, except for mercury, are ………………………at room temperature.
• Non-metals may be solids, liquids or gases at room temperature.
Examples are carbon (solid), bromine (liquid) and chlorine (gas).
Differences between metals and non-metals
physical properties metal non-metal

lustre / shiny

boiling and melting points
heat and electrical conductivity
3) Classification of elements

- using the Periodic Table

All the known elements are organized in a special table called the periodic
table according to the ……………………numbers
of elements.
A periodic table is an arrangement of elements in which the elements are
separated into groups based on a set of repeating properties.
Periodic table
• Horizontal rows of elements are called ………………….
• Vertical columns of elements are called ………………...
Elements in the same column have similar …………………properties.

elements gradually
change from those …………………
of …………………
to those of

elements in the same group have similar ………………………
Each horizontal row of the periodic table is called a
- There are seven periods in the periodic table.
- The number of elements per period ranges from 2
(hydrogen and helium) in Period 1 to 32 in Period 6.

- Within a period, the properties of the elements vary

from metals to non-metals across the period.

Each vertical column of the periodic table is called a

…………………, or family.

- Elements within a group have similar ………………. and

…………………… properties.
The periodic table allows us to easily compare the properties of one
element(or a group of elements) to another element (or group of
Representation of elements

- writing symbols of elements

Chemical Symbols
• There are more than 110 elements.
• Every element is given a name and a …………………………………….
Chemical symbols

If one letter, it is If two letters, the first is

always ………………., the second is
capitalized. ……………….. case.
• An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into two or
more simpler substances by chemical methods.

• Thus, elements are the basic building blocks of all matter.

• Elements can occur naturally on their own as solids, liquids or gases.
• They can also combine with other elements.

• When an electric current is passed through water, water breaks down into hydrogen
and oxygen. Since water can be broken down into simpler substance, it is not an
• Hydrogen and oxygen cannot be further broken down, they are
considered to be elements.
1 What is the meaning of ‘element’? …………………………………………………………..
2 What is the most abundant element on the Earth? …………………………………..…….

3 Give the uses of three elements. ……………………………………………………….......

4 List three differences between metals and non-metals. ……………………………………
5 Refer to the Periodic table:
(a) What are the symbols for the following elements-helium, silicon, silver and
gold? …………………………………………………………………………………
(b) What are the names of the elements having the following symbols- Ne, Br, Sn
and K?

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