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internal engines are the true direction of its external system. .

The sources of vitality lie within man; In his heart, in his divine kindness, in his secret, in his secrets, in his
secrets, in his infinite depths. When these sources explode from the depths, their repercussions appear
in behavior on the limbs, features, and limbs.

Therefore, what is lacking in the Islamic world today is not science, technology, or money - there is no
doubt that each of these elements has an important role - but our real deficiency is honest behavior, a
pure state, and a deep and broad heart life that guides us in our standing and sitting and guides us in our
solution and travel. What we lack is an honest behavioral model that stimulates the sources of faith in
people's hearts and encourages them to believe in our eternal message.


As much as a person needs the Qur’an, the Qur’an requires, in order to express itself and its essence,
sincere and pure people whose hearts have been tinged with the dye of the Qur’an and who have read
Qur’an. When the Book of God is placed in beautiful velvet pendants on high, ornate shelves, it does not
see the light except from time to time for hands to touch it in reverence, and lips to kiss it in blessing,
and return it to its place as an orphan, this means that he is a prisoner who cannot express himself and
reveal his truths, and how can he do that? And there is no one to represent his lofty message?!

The Qur’an has been present and active in life throughout the centuries, and has been the guiding guide
and spirit for all of humanity since the first moment it was revealed on earth. Sometimes his call went
out in all parts of the world, echoing and resounding in time and place. At times his voice became
hoarse, his light faded, and he shrank into a depressing silence, when he was restrained from speaking,
placed in velvet shackles, shackled, and thrown into the dressing rooms as a miserable prisoner.

For God’s sake, how can you expect to attain what the hard-working and suffering people attained with
hearts that crumbled and melted for the sake of the Qur’an, while your heart never crumbled for its sake
once and never melted for its sake? It is true that kindness and compassion may be shown to his servant
with gifts that he did not expect and kindnesses that he did not expect, but the rule says that with the
amount of effort and suffering, the gift and the reward are earned. So, hasten to revive the nights with
supplication and supplication. Dye the darkness of your night with the dye and light of the day. You will
find that God has dyed the darkness of your life and its nights with the brightest lights of the day. And
turn the nights of your world into white days, and you will find that God has transformed the darkness of
your hereafter into light. And know that the faces that wallow on the thresholds of the Most Merciful,
God will never let them down, nor disgrace them, nor allow them to be trampled underfoot. But on the
condition that you approach him with all your heart, and go to his door with all your senses and chant: O
Lord, who do I have except you?! Take my hand... O Lord, O Lord...


Fethullah Gulen
Issue 24


We were lost, lost and displaced here and there, so God reached us with His mercy and brought us to us,
through His grace and generosity, areas of goodness and generosity that were impossible for us to reach
with our own strength and strength. We firmly believe that we are reveling in the shade of divine
providence. After emphasizing this fact, it is useful for me to draw attention to important matters that
must be adhered to so that the divine support and blessings that continue to fall on our heads like rain
these days do not cease:


We must convince “ourselves” that we have no hand in the occurrence of this great good. All success is a
kindness from God, a favor from Him, and benevolence. If we believe in this, we will protect ourselves
from the impurities of polytheism and save us from the illusions that the soul keeps pumping into us in
order to exaggerate our selfishness. Rather, it is better to say: “In fact, if I had not involved myself in this
matter, he would have found men better than me in their loyalty and sincerity in their representation,
and the caravan would have traveled great distances many times what it has traveled until today.” Alas,
had it not been for my soul’s failure, the divine support would have been

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