High School Biology Classes Overview

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High School Biology Classes Overview


Biology, the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment, is a fundamental

subject in high school. It provides students with essential knowledge about life processes,

ecosystems, genetic information, and the evolution of life forms.

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High School Biology Classes Overview

Cellular Biology and Genetics

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High School Biology Classes Overview

High school biology typically begins with the study of the cell, the basic unit of life, including cell

structure, function, and energy transformations. Genetics, including Mendelian genetics, DNA

structure and function, and genetic engineering, is another core topic.

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High School Biology Classes Overview

Ecology and Evolution

Students learn about the relationships between organisms and their environments, as well as the

principles of evolution and natural selection. This includes studying biodiversity, ecosystems, and

environmental science.

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High School Biology Classes Overview

Human Biology and Physiology

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