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Green Technologies and Sustainability 1 (2023) 100020

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Full-length article

Changes and improvements in Industry 5.0: A strategic approach to

overcome the challenges of Industry 4.0
Moin Khan, Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid ∗
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India


Keywords: Industry 4.0 has introduced new technological advances such as Additive Manufacturing (AM), Artificial
Cyber–Physical systems Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Cyber–physical systems (CPS), Blockchain, Cybersecurity and many
Smart additive manufacturing more. It is also helping organisations to take on challenges like demand fluctuations and market volatility.
Predictive maintenance
Industry 4.0 is also the interconnection of computers, materials, and AI with minimal human intervention in
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
decision-making. Although Industry 4.0 has tremendous potential for industrial growth, it has many challenges,
Hyper Customisation
Cyber–Physical cognitive systems
such as technical integration, human resource issue, supply chain issues and data security. These challenges
are expected to be addressed in the future by Industry 5.0 Industry 5.0 introduced various new technologies
such as Predictive maintenance, Hyper customisation in the Industry, Cyber–Physical Cognitive systems, and
the introduction of Collaborative Robots. Industry 5.0, with its human-centric approach, helped overcome the
various challenges of Industry 4.0. In Industry 4.0, the focus was on sustainability and production volume,
whereas in Industry 5.0, the primary focus is on human centricity. This paper’s literature review has been
done by considering the findings and results discussed in various latest literature. We have listed various
technological developments in Industry 5.0 and the advancements to the technologies of Industry 4.0. Industry
5.0 has tackled various issues faced in Industry 4.0, such as data privacy and technical integration issues.
Resilience is also one of the critical aspects of Industry 5.0, which contributed towards hyper individualisation
and helped make individualised products with specific user needs. This study would provide a base for the
researchers and industries to get acquainted with Industry 4.0 technologies, their challenges, the technological
advances, and the ways Industry 5.0 overcame the challenges of Industry 4.0. This paper also lists the recent
application of these technologies, which would provide an idea of how these technologies can be implemented.
Further, the limitations of these studies have been listed, providing an opportunity for future research in this
domain. This paper provides a structured review of the technologies of Industry 4.0, the challenges they faced
and how they can be removed through the technological advancements of Industry 5.0.

1. Introduction machining of parts, which helps improve production volume [3]. The
modernisation of Industry 3.0 required a lot of materials and various
Before the Industrial Revolution’s introduction, production was car- resources, along with the optimisation of the existing solutions, which
ried out using conventional methods, which could have been more ef- led to the introduction of industry 4.0 [4]. Industry 4.0 integrated
ficient for high-volume production. The use of steam power and mech- the manufacturing systems with Information and Communication Tech-
anised systems brought about the First Industrial revolution, which nology to automate the processes. Industry 4.0 improved strategic
helped increase production by eight folds [1]. The second Industrial
decision-making because of its ability to analyse data in real-time [5].
revolution began with new technological advancements like the In-
Industry 4.0 introduced many new technologies, such as Additive
dustry’s electrical, mechanical and electronic devices. Frederick Taylor
manufacturing, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, blockchain
created a milestone in industry 2.0 with his publication ‘The principle
of scientific management’ [2]. The use of partial automation in Industry and cybersecurity. It also helps overcome various challenges, such as
and production led to the beginning of Industry 3.0. This made the demand fluctuations and market volatility [6]. Industry 4.0 involves the
production more reliable and efficient [1]. Computer numerical control interconnection of computers, materials and AI with the need for mini-
(CNC) was introduced, a semi-automatic software to automate the mal human intervention in decision-making [7]. The need for Industrial

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Khan), (A. Haleem), (M. Javaid).
URL: (M. Javaid).
Received 11 February 2023; Received in revised form 27 February 2023; Accepted 28 February 2023
Available online 1 March 2023
2949-7361/Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under
the CC BY license (
M. Khan, A. Haleem and M. Javaid Green Technologies and Sustainability 1 (2023) 100020

Table 1
Industrial Revolutions.
Industrial Revolution Purpose
Industrial Revolution 1.0 It began with the implementation of steam power and mechanised machines, which significantly increased efficiency
compared to traditional machining.
Industrial Revolution 2.0 It started due to the introduction electrical, mechanical and electronic devices, further improving production systems.
Industrial Revolution 3.0 The use of partial automatic systems like CNC led to the introduction of industry 3.0. It helped to improve the volume
of production.
Industrial Revolution 4.0 The interconnection of manufacturing systems with Information technology led to Industry 4.0. It led to the
introduction of many new technologies, including Additive Manufacturing, IoT and Augmented reality.
Industrial Revolution 5.0 The interconnection of human intelligence with the accuracy and precision of machines led to Industry 5.0. It
introduced even more sophisticated technologies like Network Sensor Data Interoperability and Cobots.

Revolution arose because of the need to convert conventional ma- 3. Research objectives
chines into self-learning machines, which could improve performance,
maintenance, and management by using surrounding interactions. ‘The Industry 4.0 has shown tremendous growth in better supply chain
Internet of Things (IoT)’ involves the interconnection of systems that management, manufacturing process automation and development of
can communicate with each other using specific standard protocols in Cyber–Physical Systems. It also introduced many new technologies,
a cyber–physical manner [8]. Industry 4.0 also led to the introduc- such as smart manufacturing, smart products, IoT, AI, cloud services
tion of digital food traceability that helped prevent food-related fraud and Smart supply chains. However, Industry 4.0 should have addressed
and provided information related to food more efficiently. During the the presence of a human workforce. Also, the increase in digitalisation
Covid-19 pandemic, Industry 4.0 provided various digital solutions to made organisations vulnerable to data breaches and privacy issues. It
critical issues. It converged and established a relationship between the also created an issue for the industries to focus on technical integration
physical, digital information and bio-logical domains [9,10]. and other supply chain issues.
Industry 5.0 interconnects human intelligence with the precision Thus, this review-based research aims to find how Industry 5.0 and
and efficiency of machines using AI in industrial production. Industrial its new advancements are helping in overcoming the challenges of
5.0 developed as a means to overcome the challenges faced by industry Industry 4.0. Industry 5.0 not only led to the introduction of various
4.0 by promoting human centricity and fulfilling societal needs. It can new technologies but is also helping in overcoming the hamstrings
help eliminate the mismatch between manufacturing and the needs of of Industry 4.0. Hence, the focus would be to study the challenges
society [11]. Industrial Revolution 5.0 requires the intervention of more faced by Industry 4.0 and accordingly study the various Industry 5.0
sophisticated systems such as Network Sensor Data Interoperability, technologies to see how these technologies can be implemented and
smart houses, Cobots and other intelligent systems [12]. Operators can integrated with the human workforce in the industry to overcome the
use collaborative robots or Cobots to improve their speed and accuracy. limitations.
Industry 5.0 puts humans at the centre of manufacturing and industrial
production and provides workers with more meaningful jobs [13] (see 4. Research methodology
Table 1).
The present study is a review-based paper. Sixty-two literature
2. Need for the study
reviews have been used to review the required data and methods.
(Please see Fig. 1).
Although Industry 4.0 has tremendous potential for industrial
growth, it poses many challenges, such as, it can disturb the sus-
5. Industry 4.0
tainability of the current systems used by the industries. Industry
4.0 involves higher consumption of resources, climatic problems, and
The transformation of the industries into digital form is commonly
energy requirements. Constant automation and industrialisation leads
to degrading safety standards [14]. Even though Industry 4.0 considers referred to as Industry 4.0 [24]. Industry 4.0 is primarily based on
sustainability as one of its most important factors, there are few chances ‘Cyber–Physical systems’, based on data and its use in knowledge
that African countries will benefit as it is suggested that industrial revo- integration [25]. Industry 4.0 led to the introduction of many new
lution 4.0 would hardly benefit low to middle-income countries. There and advanced technologies. These can be divided into two main layers:
are certain instances of Industry 4.0 being more energy efficient, but front-end technology and base technology [26]. Front-end technology
still, they need to meet the expectations of Sustainable Development is explained in Table 2.
Goals [15–17]. The base technologies of Industrial Revolution 4.0 are the new
The interconnection of machines and resources produces much data, advancements in technology.
and analysing this data is one of the new challenges of Industry 4.0,
especially in quality management. The quality management domain can 5.1. Internet of things (IoT)
use this generated data in a wide variety of ways to track the quality of
products obtained from manufacturing processes. This data can also be IoT refers to the interconnection of computing capabilities and
used in virtual Quality Management, which helps optimise the virtual network connectivity with the sensors and the objects. It uses differ-
supply chain [18–20]. ent communication models, such as device-to-device and device-to-
Industry 5.0 can significantly help overcome the challenges faced gateway. The maximum potential of IoT can be used only by elimi-
in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Industry 4.0 does not provide the nating concerns about security and privacy [31].
framework required for achieving Europe’s 2030 goals since it creates a
technological monopoly in the market. Industry 5.0 considers the future 5.2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
shocks that the Industry can face, such as COVID-19 and integrates
the sustainability principles [21,22]. In Industry 4.0, the focus was on Artificial intelligence is the use of computers to imitate intelligent
sustainability (although there are certain limitations and inefficiencies behaviour with minimal need for human intervention. It is also often
related to this, as discussed earlier), whereas, in Industry 5.0, the focus defined as the scientific technique of making intelligent machines
is on human centricity [23]. capable of making decisions without human intervention [32].

M. Khan, A. Haleem and M. Javaid Green Technologies and Sustainability 1 (2023) 100020

Fig. 1. Research methodology.

Table 2
Front-end technologies of Industry 4.0.
Technology Definitions
Smart manufacturing The constant developments in computers and machining technology has led to the introduction of
Smart Manufacturing. Automated systems do material handling. Smart manufacturing facilitates the
integration of manufacturing systems with communication technology, sensors, and simulations [27].
Smart products A smart Product may be defined as a tangible service or software constructed and capable of
self-organising into different smart environments over its lifecycle. It accomplishes this by improving
product-to-user and product-to-product interactions through contextual awareness, self-description,
proactiveness, Artificial Intelligence planning, and machine learning concepts [28].
Smart supply chain The overall performance of an organisation can be improved by improving its supply chain
management. Integration of IoT with the supply chain can help significantly as it allows the real-time
tracking of the supply chain. Location tracking can be improved significantly by integrating the
supply chain with IoT, known as Smart Supply Chain [29].
Smart working Smart working is making the work environment flexible and adjusting to various changes that may be
introduced in the working environment. Work flexibility is the centre point of Smart Working [30].

5.3. Computer Aided Designing (CAD) 5.8. Global Positioning systems (GPS)

It is a technology used for digitally designing and manufacturing a It helps the GPS receivers make accurate location calculations and
product. CAD software is used for making the geometry of an object display them. It does this using satellites responsible for transmit-
or product. The parts made using CAD software can be manufactured ting the signals [6]. It helped considerably in improving the timing
using subtractive or additive manufacturing [33]. capability and carrying out complex calculations relating to navigation.

5.4. Additive Manufacturing (AM) 5.9. Nanotechnology

The need for mass customisation of products in Industry 4.0 led The control of the individual atoms or molecules involved in form-
to the introduction of Additive Manufacturing. AM can produce more ing a macroscale object has been vastly improved due to nanotech-
sophisticated products with advanced attributes. It can also help in nology, often known as molecular nanotechnology [6]. They have
producing prototypes of products [34].
helped in improving medical facilities such as drug delivery systems.
They have also helped in improving the shelf life as well as in the
5.5. Cloud services
manufacturing processes.

Cloud computing is an emerging technology that can eliminate

5.10. Sensors and actuators
the need for the Industry to maintain computer hardware. Through
virtualisation and time-sharing between the resources, clouds address
a large user base with more diverse needs with the need for a single They are devices capable of responding to external stimuli in light,
set of physical resources. Thus, clouds have the potential to provide sound, heat, exposure to magnetism and many others and, in turn,
their owners with economies of scale and become an alternative to produce a response [6]. Sensors take up the physical gestures from
self-owned clusters and parallel production environments for both the the surroundings and are converted into electrical signals. In contrast,
Industry as well as the scientific community [35]. actuators the up the electrical signals and facilitate the conversion of
this signal into some physical gesture.
5.6. Cyber–physical systems
6. Challenges of Industry 4.0
Cyber–physical systems (CPS) are a new generation of systems
integrated by computational and physical capabilities capable of inter- • One of the significant challenges that Industry 4.0 faces is tech-
acting with humans in various novel ways. Through computation, the nical integration. Using technologies that do not have the po-
capacity to interact with and expands the physical world’s capabilities tential to cope with digitalisation can lead to the production
by applying computation and communication. Communication and of low-quality products. Moreover, the implementation of new
control are crucial for future technological advances [36]. IT technologies requires extra input. Also, standard protocols
must be devised to ensure smooth communication between the
5.7. Augmented reality machines [37].
• Security of data and information is yet another major challenge
It is a technology that focuses on improving the real-life experiences organisations face. IoT can make industries vulnerable to indus-
of a display by making the display environment more interactive and trial spying and unauthorised access [37]. In 2016 about 75% of
based on reality. It also focuses on enhancing sound quality [6]. It helps companies involved in the oil, gas, and power sectors faced at
in combining objects that are either virtual or real. least one cyber-attack [38]. Monitoring patients in the healthcare

M. Khan, A. Haleem and M. Javaid Green Technologies and Sustainability 1 (2023) 100020

Fig. 2. Principles of cybersecurity.

sector and maintaining their data are prone to threats to Data Pri- 7. Industry 5.0
vacy. Data privacy is one of the significant challenges in the cargo
industry [39]. Systems based on the internet, especially IOT-based Industry 5.0 is an attempt to revive the presence of the human
systems, are more prone to cyber-attacks [39,40]. Fig. 2 shows workforce in the factories, where man and machine would work in
the principles of cybersecurity, such as non-repudiation (it is an conjunction to increase the efficiency of the process by making full use
assurance that proof of delivery is provided to the sender and the of human brainpower and creativity through their integration with the
recipient is provided with the sender’s identity) (see Fig. 2). present intelligent systems [44]. One of the main aims of Industry 5.0 is
• Another challenge that Industry 4.0 face is human resource waste management by using Industry upcycling. Industry 5.0 includes
issue. The employees require adequate training to work in such the interoperability of Network sensor data, an improved version of
Industry 4.0 with newly added features. Some of them are Smart
an environment [37]. This requires good management practices
Additive Manufacturing, Predictive maintenance, Hyper customisation
so these intelligent employees can cope with the smart factories.
in the Industry, Cyber–Physical Cognitive systems, and the introduction
Good policies can enhance dynamic capabilities, leading to more
of Collaborative Robots [45].
innovations [41].
• Industry 4.0 also gave rise to specific supply chain issues. Sup-
7.1. Smart additive manufacturing
ply chains are becoming more digitalised and automated. The
increase in precision with which the market forecasting was done
Because of the potential of AI, its use has been extended to Additive
has improved considerably and has also improved the traceability
Manufacturing. AM implementation is a complex process involving
of products [42]. This has led to a reduction in planning cycles. design involvement, parameter selection, planning, and control. Infor-
Data privacy and integration management is the biggest challenge mation and communication technologies have majorly driven Additive
faced in supply chain management [37,43]. Manufacturing. Smart AM can be understood at three levels [46].
• An increase in system complexity and the use of technologies that First is the Market level, AM can be combined with cloud com-
need more capabilities is another issue the organisations face. puting, and several companies have began selling 3D printing services
This creates a threat to product safety and quality [37]. through online mode. The AM resources can be accessed by customers
directly through the internet. However, this requires the customer to

M. Khan, A. Haleem and M. Javaid Green Technologies and Sustainability 1 (2023) 100020

have enough knowledge to make the right decisions and thus print the abilities and skills to interact with the machines in a ‘Cyber–Physical
correct required parts [47]. world’ through the intelligent human and machine interface by fulfill-
Second is the System Level; the Cyber–Physical Systems (CPS) ing the physical and cognitive needs of the operator or by improving
have shown enormous potential. CPSs have been developed for various the physical sensing of humans and their cognitive capabilities [58].
3D printers. Data can be processed and optimised in real-time to
improve the printing process. 3D printers can use previous data to 7.5. Hyper customisation
adjust according to the problem and automatically generate various
Industry 4.0 has proved to meet the ever-growing customisation
solutions [48].
demands. Hyper Customisation is a concept that utilises data in real-
The third is the Technology Level; the developments in ICT, in-
time to prepare more specific products according to the user’s needs
cluding the fields of cloud computing, the introduction of 5G, IoT, and
through AI and big data. This customisation of integrating robots
edge computing, have facilitated the collection of a large amount of
with humans facilitates making products in bulk. Hyper customisation
data and its processing. It is not feasible for humans to process such
and personalisation require a shift towards agile manufacturing [45].
a vast amount of data; thus, agents based on learning must be studied
Yoram Koren et al. suggest that we are witnessing the emergence of a
and researched. These learning-based agents include data acquisition new paradigm towards manufacturing referred to as ‘Mass Individuali-
and efficient computation [46]. sation’. This is a concept where a considerable amount of individualised
products can be manufactured, and each of these products would
7.2. Predictive maintenance satisfy the needs of individuals. This would include designing the open
platform for products, with interfaces defined for each module [59,60].
Maintenance constitutes a total of about 15 to 60% of the cost Individualisation of manufacturing improves the flexibility of both the
that is involved in the operation of manufacturing [49]. Data collected hardware and the software components through the decommissioning
from the various sensors present can be used to predict an asset’s of the physical systems from the logical systems [61,62].
life. Predictive maintenance can create scheduling actions according This increase in demand for individualisation introduces the need
to the performance of equipment. Thus, it can help diminish mainte- for developing flexible systems for manufacturing. The introduction of
nance costs and improve productivity and quality [50,51]. In Industry modularisation in the production line can help in meeting these de-
5.0, human factors are also considered. Humans have required the mands. An open architecture model is used for improving modularity,
acceptance of the decisions taken by predictive maintenance. Predictive such as a relatively new class of machine tools based on fixed standard
maintenance focuses on operational decision-making and should also platforms and individualised modules, also following open architectural
focus on the implementation issues through the Work System model. models. It is also necessary to transform the paradigm of manufacturing
Predictive maintenance has five stages: signal processing, diagnosis, into a more decentralised and socialised version to improve on the
prognosis, maintenance, Decision-making and acting [52]. crowdsourcing idea [63,64].

8. Industry 5.0 as a way to overcome the challenges of Industry

7.3. Collaborative robots
Cobots or Collaborative robots can work with humans and are help-
There are different challenges of Industry 4.0 that Industry 5.0
ful when repetitive or dangerous jobs have to be done, while humans
addresses efficiently. Some of them are
can take up higher-value jobs. Instead of replacing humans, these robots
take up monotonous tasks and help manufacturers to increase their 8.1. Supply chain issue
production. Thus, Cobots help in increasing the productivity and safety
of workers. In 2014 out of the 422,000 robots installed in the Industry, Supply chain 4.0 considers aspects such as its strategies, disruptive
about 14,000 were Cobots. They can be used for automating the parts technologies and various implications in the supply chain performance.
of a production line with very minimal changes [53]. Supply chain 4.0 is highly technology-centric, whereas supply chain 5.0
The implementation of Cobots can face specific challenges as well. considers the balance between humans and technology. Supply chain
The acceptance of Cobots by the workers can only be achieved if 4.0 is based on mass customisation and better supply chain perfor-
implemented from the initial phase of a manufacturing system [54]. mance through better transparency, flexibility, waste reduction and
Another challenge that Cobots face is its design. Different aspects that responsiveness. Industry 5.0 aims to keep these benefits while adding
must be considered while designing Cobots are action, type of robots, more value through mass customisation. Supply chain 4.0 primarily
perception and sensors. The third problem that Cobots face is the uses IoT, AI, and blockchain, whereas industry 5.0 uses these technolo-
development of suitable software architectures. The fourth problem is gies with more advanced features in terms of technology, especially in
to build a human–robot interface which is user-friendly. Apart from AI and the use of Cobots. Industry 5.0 also aims at sustainability in its
these, the Cobots should be able to detect collisions and be easy supply chain management [70].
enough to manipulate according to the user’s needs. There are many
8.2. The challenge of data security
infrastructural challenges, and the Cobots should be well aware of its
workplace [55].
IoT in Industry 4.0 posed many challenges, such as data piracy,
hacking and data breaching. These problems have been addressed by
7.4. Cyber-Physical Cognitive systems
Industry 5.0. Blockchain Middleware is used for Decentralised IIOT
(Industrial Internet of Things), which integrates the data from various
Cyber–physical Cognitive systems are a subset of trusted autonomy. resources and services used in Smart Manufacturing. These discrete
Moreover, it is classified into three broad categories: physical auton- resources are then used to support the targeted value chain. This thus
omy, cyber autonomy and cognitive autonomy. It offers many benefits helps in mitigating problems of network faults and troubleshooting
to humans, like better decision-making, classification of products and issues. Proper use of blockchain in Smart Contracts can help eliminate
various defence applications [56]. the need for third-party registrations or documentation [71]. Smart
Trusted Autonomous systems can have significant positive impacts contracts implemented through blockchain technology can improve the
on society, like providing help to the elderly and helping robots, autonomy of Industry 5.0 systems and make them more sustainable
improve on how they are trusted by humans. Trust between humans since these contracts can reduce the dependence on third parties and
and machines can help enhance performance in various complex sit- the need for various documentation. Resilient manufacturing strategies
uations [57]. Cognitive cyber symbiosis can help in improving manu- can help improve data security since IIoT contains many critical and
facturing feasibility. They achieve this by either allowing the human confidential data that must be protected [72,73].

M. Khan, A. Haleem and M. Javaid Green Technologies and Sustainability 1 (2023) 100020

Table 3
Technological improvements in Industry 4.0.
Technology Definition Application
5G It is an advancement to the previous generation of • 5G technology can help significantly in providing remote healthcare
(An advancement to 4G telecommunication (4G) technology that promises facilities to patients. This is referred to as Telemedicine and proved very
technology) to provide better data speeds with low latency efficient in providing better healthcare facilities during the COVID-19
rates with increased reliability [65]. outbreak. Telesurgery has allowed doctors to carry out surgeries even
when they are not physically present in the proximity of the patient [65].
• It can also help in improving industries by providing fast access to data.
• Due to its low latency rate, it will give a significant boost to AI and IoT
technologies. Thus, helping in better automation of the industries.
Robotics A robot is an entity that shows both physical and • Physical swabbing has put Doctors a risk of getting exposed to
mental presence but cannot be considered alive COVID-19. Researchers have tried to develop Robots which are capable of
[66]. These have improved in Industry 5.0 through collecting swab samples. ‘Yumi’, a Cobot used in Italy, helped in sample
human centricity and focus on sustainability. collection and effectively reduced swab collectors’ efforts [66].
• Moreover, drones have been used widely to disinfect high-risk zones
during the COVID-19 outbreak.
• Robots were also developed to measure patients’ temperature and
oxygen levels in real-time.
Cloud storage platform It serves as the storage platform for cloud • The digital transformation during COVID-19, with the introduction of
computing. This helps in reducing the online meetings and classes, required suitable digital infrastructures. This
infrastructure required for disk storage [67]. was done by providing better cloud services. It also helped in updating the
data of newly infected COVID patients faster and more reliably [67].
• They help drastically in improving industries. They can access a vast
amount of data much faster with just one click. Almost all the data is
stored virtually and can be accessed directly through cloud services, which
further helps reduce infrastructural costs.
4D printing 4D printing technology is an advancement to 3D • It helped in providing customised protective equipment during the
(Advancement to 3D printing) printing with the need for stimulus. They work as COVID-19 period. It can also help provide a wide range of nano-structural
a function of time and show intelligent behaviour. products [68].
This facilitates self-assembly and also ensures • They can be used for printing foods which can change their colour with
self-repair capabilities [68]. storage time and varying pH levels. Thus, it could help substantially in
improving the management of food products.
• They also enable printing smart materials capable of changing their
shape, form, or function when exposed to external stimuli like wind or
Holography It is a phase imaging technique that records the • This technology helped in screening the red blood cells of the patients.
amplitude and phase of the light waves obtained Its ability to refocus and stain-free operations proved it to be an efficient
from the source. It does this by using coherent tool for investigating the samples of COVID patients. RBC morphology is
illumination and introducing a beam derived as a one of the critical parameters to determine whether a person is infected.
reference from the same source [69]. The holography technique also helped detect malaria cases and other
diseases [69].
• Holographic technologies can also display various articles to the public,
which cannot be placed directly on displays.
• These technologies are being placed in the newer generations of
smartphones to provide more enhanced and immersive gaming experiences.

8.3. Issue of technical integration 9. Technological improvements in Industry 4.0 and their uses

Industry 5.0 improved various technologies of Industry 4.0 that

One of the significant challenges of Industry 4.0 is that the tech-
have been very useful recently. These technologies are an advancement
nologies would need to cope with the increasing digitalisation. Never- to the technologies introduced in Industry 4.0 [75]. These have been
theless, Industry 5.0 aims at human centricity and combines humans’ listed in Table 3. The Industry 5.0 Technologies and advancements in
creativity with machines’ accuracy to improve productivity and perfor- Industry 4.0 are shown in Fig. 3.
mance. It can also help improve product quality; this can be done by
using robots to carry out repetitive tasks [45]. 10. Results and discussions

The industrial revolution began with the use of steam power to

8.4. Human resource issue produce electricity, followed by the use of partial automation to com-
plete automation in Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 helped overcome many
Industry 4.0 led to the automation of existing manufacturing tech- challenges; for instance, it helped overcome supply chain issues through
proper tracking of the products, helping in carrying out precise pre-
nologies. Thus, adequate training is needed to be provided to the
dictions regarding market volatility and many others. It also helped
workers. Whereas Industry 5.0 focuses on human centricity and is
improve production efficiency with the scope of customisations and
based on proper communication between humans and robots. In this
better flexibility. However, Industry 4.0 faced many challenges, such
respect, Cobots have contributed considerably. These robots work in as technical integration, data privacy and security, management issues
collaboration with humans to achieve the defined task. Thus, they help and the inability of the workers to cope with increased digitalisation.
in improving the productivity and efficiency of the workers. Further- These issues have been addressed by Industry 5.0 by providing
more, the workers can be involved in more value-adding tasks without a human-centric approach. It introduced more advanced technology
the need to do monotonous tasks or be involved in dangerous jobs. such as Predictive maintenance, Hyper customisation in the Industry,
However, predictive maintenance has to be done on these machines Cyber–Physical Cognitive systems, and Collaborative Robots. These
to protect them from potential breakdowns [74]. technologies helped to tackle the challenges faced in Industry 4.0.

M. Khan, A. Haleem and M. Javaid Green Technologies and Sustainability 1 (2023) 100020

Fig. 3. Industry 5.0 technology and advancements in Industry 4.0.

The introduction of Cobots helped integrate humans’ creativity and objective was to create a picture of how the challenges of Industry 4.0
intelligence with the accuracy and precision of machines. However, can be overcome by implementing Industry 5.0.
there are specific challenges faced by Industry 5.0, like the acceptance Industry 4.0 is highly technology-centric, whereas Industry 5.0 im-
of Cobots by the workers can only be achieved if it is implemented from proves these technologies through human centricities, such as in the
the initial phase of a manufacturing system and several design issues.
supply chain, where, Industry 5.0 keeps the advantages of Industry
The present study can help industries and researchers to know the
4.0, such as mass customisation and also adds the benefit of Cobots
various challenges that Industry 4.0 has and how these challenges
where humans stay an integral part of the supply chain. The breaching
can be overcome by Industry 5.0. This study will also assess various
of data through piracy was yet another issue of Industry 4.0 that
technologies of Industry 4.0 along with their limitations and how
the improvements in Industry 5.0 can effectively overcome them. It may be effectively solved using Blockchain Middleware. Thus, this
will also give an insight into how these technologies have been used research has systematically listed the technologies of Industry 4.0 and
recently and their possible uses. This study also takes into consideration their challenges. As a result, researchers and organisations can use this
the fundamental advances that Industry 4.0 provided and, at the same information to improve these technologies further. It will also give an
time, mentions their challenges and limitations, and thus, researchers insight into how the implementation of Industry 5.0 can potentially
can use this to improve further on these technologies. The research help overcome the existing limitations of Industry 4.0.

M. Khan, A. Haleem and M. Javaid Green Technologies and Sustainability 1 (2023) 100020

Future work can be done to eliminate data security issues. If this [7] M. Ghobakhloo, Industry 4.0, digitisation, and opportunities for sustainability,
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