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Addressing of health issues in the global south

The regions of Asia, Africa, and Latin America together known as the "global South"
have long been beset by a low state of health marked by a high rate of illness,
restricted access to medical care, and subpar health results. Though numerous and
intricate, the main causes of this difficult situation are socioeconomic, environmental,
and political considerations. To address these issues, this essay will explain the
causes of the poor health state in the global South and offer workable remedies. It is
imperative to acknowledge that the current problems are intricate and
multidimensional, necessitating all-encompassing approaches to enhancement.

There are various key factors that contribute to the health issues in the global South.
These factors include ; Contagious illnesses , economic and social factors , lack of
clean water and sanitation , lack of healthcare for a mother and child’s wellbeing ,
lack of healthcare infrastructure and conflict and lack of stability within politics

Contagious Illnesses

A major cause of the poor state of health continues to be infectious diseases,

especially in the Global South. Diseases like malaria, cholera, and other neglected
tropical illnesses are more common and spread faster due to factors including poor
sanitation, overcrowding, and restricted access to vaccines and treatments. These
illnesses not only disable physical well-being but also decrease the amount of
economic growth.

The solution to this issue is a subtle strategy is necessary for the prevention and
management of these infectious illnesses. This solution involves funding
immunization campaigns, bettering the infrastructure for improved sanitary
conditions, and creating and distributing reasonably priced healthcare. To effectively
battle these diseases, international cooperation through institutions such as the
World Health Organization (WHO) is essential.

Economic and Social Factors

Socioeconomic determinants of health are one of the main causes of the worsening
health conditions in the global South. These areas have widespread problems with
poverty, poor access to education, and a large income inequality. The necessities of
good health, clean water, wholesome food, and suitable housing are largely
unavailable to those who live in poverty. Furthermore, poor health knowledge can
result from the lack of access to high-quality education, making it more challenging
for people to make wise health decisions.

The solution to this issue is the improvement of economic opportunity, education,

and income equality should be the top priorities for governments and international
organizations working to reduce poverty, especially in rural areas. To provide a
minimal quality of life, these programs may include social safety nets and
microfinance projects.

Clean Water and Sanitation

It is a basic human right to have access to clean water to drink and to have access to
proper sanitation, yet a significant section of the Global South's population does not
have these facilities. Waterborne illnesses like cholera are developed and spread by
poor sanitation practices, which can have a harmful effect on a person’s general

The solution to this issue is for the people to have access to sanitary facilities and to
have access clean water must be the main concern. Governments and organizations
could allocate resources towards the construction of clean water sources, sanitation
infrastructure, and education on hygiene. Having access to clean water can greatly
lower the widespread of waterborne illnesses and improve the wellbeing of the

Mother and Child Well-Being

The health of mothers and children is a vital sign of a country's general well-being.
High rates of maternal and infant mortality are frequently linked to the global South's
large amount of infectious diseases, malnourishment, and restricted access to
prenatal and postnatal care. These problems are made worse by the lack of a proper

healthcare system and a shortage of trained doctors and nurses , endangering the
lives of both women and children.

The solution to this issue is to improve the access to professional doctors and
nurses, family planning services, and prenatal and postnatal care is extremely
important to promoting the health of mothers and their children. Furthermore, cultural
habits that may have a negative impact on the health of mothers and children can be
changed with the aid of education and efforts to educate mothers on the negative
impacts of their cultural habits

Lack of healthcare infrastructure

The infrastructure for providing healthcare is frequently inadequate and unfit to

satisfy the demands of the populace in many regions of the global South. It's
possible that hospitals and clinics lack the finances, medical staff, and equipment
they need. This leads to poor or delayed care, particularly in rural locations.

The solution to this is to improve the access to healthcare. This requires investments
in the improving of the infrastructure of the healthcare system. This is necessary in
developing supply chains for vital medications, training healthcare personnel, and
constructing and equipping healthcare facilities. The healthcare region should get a
large share of government funding, and governments should collaborate with
international organizations to create long-lasting healthcare systems.

Conflict and Political Instability

Conflict and political instability have affected many nations in the global south, which
had a negative impact on healthcare systems and made health issues worse.
Communities are frequently uprooted by conflict, which makes informal settlements
congested and unhygienic.

The solution to this issue is to sustain peace and political stability are critical for
improving health in conflict-affected areas. The international community may play an
important role in settling wars, provide housing , provide humanitarian relief, and
assisting with post-conflict reconstruction efforts.

In conclusion the global South's poor health is a complicated issue caused by a mix
of social, environmental, and cultural variables. To address these issues, a
complicated approach that combines targeted interventions with larger
socioeconomic development activities is required.

Solutions should prioritize lowering poverty, strengthening healthcare infrastructure,

increasing access to preventative measures and treatment, and encouraging healthy
habits to the entire population. It is equally critical to invest in education and promote
knowledge in order to enable people to make educated and proper health decisions.
Furthermore, resolving political insecurity and conflict is critical to promote an
atmosphere which is beneficial to the improved health results. The global world must
realize that improving health in the Global South is a moral and ethical duty, not
merely a charitable act.


Discuss the key assumptions of the neoclassical, reformist, and the radical
theoretical perspectives on education.

Three unique methods that provide differing viewpoints on the nature and goals of
education are neoclassical, reformist, and radical theoretical perspectives. Every
point of view bases its approach to educational policy and practice on several
fundamental presumptions.

According to Columbia university ; “Neoclassical approaches to education policy

emphasize not the end result of human capability, equality and well-being, but
instead focus on the means towards economic growth and in particular efficient
human capital development.” According to this viewpoint, people can advance
through the educational system in a meritocratic society depending on their skills and
hard work.

Reformist perspective of education operate under the premise that social and
economic inequalities can be addressed by enhancing and reforming the current
structure. They support actions and policies targeted at lessening the inequities that
are present in the educational system and admit that these disparities exist.

The radical perspective adopts a more critical stance toward education, seeing it as
a means of maintaining the status quo and societal control. According to this
viewpoint, education frequently serves to uphold the existing quo and maintain racial,
gender, and class disparities. According to a chapter on sociology by lumens ;
“Conflict theorists view education as a means of widening the gap in social inequality
through class reproduction and power imbalances.”

Discuss at least five features of culture and explain how they can contribute to
or impede development.

The DVA1502 study guide states that , “The importance of the relationship between
culture and development is therefore born from an understanding that no
developmental initiative can be successful if it does not have its roots in a people’s

• Beliefs and Values: Within a society, cultural beliefs and values establish what
is significant and direct individual behaviour. If they place an emphasis on
traits like diligence, learning, and teamwork, these can favourably impact
• Communication and Language: A vital component of culture is language.
Since it facilitates the exchange of information, ideas, and expertise, effective
communication is crucial for development.
• Belief Systems and Religion: Religion has a big impact on how society is
shaped. Religious beliefs that are assertive or extreme might block growth
even if they can offer moral advice and a sense of community.
• Art, Music, and Literature: Cultural manifestations such as these helps shape
a society's identity and can drive economic growth in the travel and creative
• Social Norms and Institutions: Within a society, people's interactions and
collaborations are shaped by cultural norms and institutions. Economic growth
depends on well-run institutions that uphold the rule of law and transparency.

Discuss at least five ways in which gender inequality can be addressed in
communities and nationally.

• There are many different approaches that can be used to solve gender
inequality on a local and national level. Here are five approaches to solving
this issue:
• Programs for Education and Awareness: It's critical to put in place educational
efforts that dispel misconceptions and advance gender equality. To increase
awareness of the negative impacts of gender discrimination, these initiatives
can be implemented in communities, businesses, and educational institutions.
• Legal Reforms: One of the most important ways to combat gender inequality
is through legislation. Laws protecting women's rights, such as equal pay for
equal work and protection from gender-based violence, should be passed by
communities and nations and enforced.
• Economic Empowerment: Women and men may have different economic
circumstances, which can exacerbate gender inequity. Microfinance
programs, vocational training, and granting women entrepreneurs access to
financing are a few examples of efforts that can be implemented to empower
women economically.
• Supportive Workplaces: By establishing workplaces that provide equal
opportunity and a work-life balance, communities and countries may promote
gender equality. There should me an equal gender pay within work
• Healthcare Access: One of the most important components of gender equality
is women's access to healthcare, particularly those related to reproductive
health. Programs at the national and local levels should guarantee that
women have access to reasonably priced healthcare.

Discuss at least five benefits of the 4IR in developing countries.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has brought about significant technological
advancements, which offer several benefits to developing countries.

Economic Growth: Across a range of industries, the 4IR technologies—such as

automation, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT)—can improve
productivity and efficiency. This may result in more economic expansion, the
development of jobs, and higher living standards.

Better Education and Healthcare: 4IR technologies have the potential to completely
transform education and healthcare in underdeveloped nations. In order to alleviate
the scarcity of healthcare workers, telemedicine and mobile health apps offer access
to medical knowledge in rural areas.

Expanded Digital Infrastructure: Broadband internet and mobile networks are two
examples of the digital infrastructure that the 4IR promotes growing. The ability to
access markets, information, and government services can be beneficial for those
living in remote places. In addition, it enhances the quality of life for urban dwellers
by easing traffic and opening the door for smart cities and better urban planning.

Advances in agricultural: Precision farming, data analytics, and remote sensing

technology can be used by the 4IR to revolutionize agricultural in impoverished
nations. To improve crop yields and make well-informed decisions, farmers can
obtain up-to-date information on crop health, soil conditions, and weather. This may
lessen problems with food security and poverty in rural areas.

Environmental Sustainability: To tackle environmental issues, the 4IR provides

resources and methods. Greenhouse gas emissions can be decreased, for instance,
by using smart grids and advanced data analytics to more effectively utilize
renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.

Discuss the aims and the potential benefits of the National Health Insurance
(NHI) of South Africa

Ensuring that all South Africans, irrespective of their financial standing, have
equitable access to basic healthcare services is one of the main objectives of the
NHI. The government hopes to accomplish these goals via promoting social justice,
lowering health inequities, and enhancing general public health. For example, people
will have access to a variety of medical services under the NHI, such as primary
healthcare, preventative care, and hospital services, which can lessen the burden of
disease and encourage early intervention.

The second goal of the NHI is to raise the standard of healthcare services as a
whole. The NHI can more effectively distribute resources and advance a higher
standard of care by combining funding and healthcare resources. This might result in
more highly skilled medical personnel, better-equipped healthcare facilities, and
enhanced healthcare infrastructure, all of which would enhance population health


• (n.d.). Global Health. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 1 Nov. 2023].

• Kim, J.U., Oleribe, O., Njie, R. and Taylor-Robinson, S. (2017). A time for new
north–south relationships in global health. International Journal of General
Medicine, Volume 10, pp.401–408. doi:

• DVA 1502 Study Guide

• Menashy, F. (n.d.). Theorizing Privatization in Education: Comparing

Conceptual Frameworks and the Value of the Capability Approach. Current
Issues in Comparative Education, [online] 16(1), pp.13–25. Available at:
[Accessed 1 Nov. 2023].

• (n.d.). Theoretical Perspectives on Education |

Introduction to Sociology. [online] Available at:

• Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Gender inequality. [online] Wikipedia.

Available at:

• Black, M. (2019). How can developing countries take advantage of the fourth
industrial revolution? - Geospatial World. [online] Geospatial World. Available

• Department of Health (2020). National Health Insurance (NHI). [online]

Available at:

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