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A study on growth formation of nano-sized

magnetite Fe3O4 via co-precipitation method

Y. S. Lim, C. W. Lai, S. B. A. Hamid*, N. Muhd Julkapli, W. A. Yehya, M. Z. Karim,
M. F. Tai and K. S. Lau
A simple and cost-effective chemical co-precipitation of aqueous ferrous and ferric salts was used
to synthesis controlled size of magnetite iron oxide nanoparticles. The titration reactions between
the aqueous Fe2+/Fe3+ salt solutions were controlled by an autotitrator unit with continuous
addition of 1 M sodium hydroxide under different heating temperatures from 30 up to 80°C in
oxidising atmosphere. Then, further investigation on the degree of crystallinity of magnetite iron
oxide nanoparticles was conducted by altering the concentration of Fe2+/Fe3+ ions in the ratio
of 1:1, 1:1·25, 1:1·5 and 1:2. The resultant magnetite iron oxide nanoparticles were
characterised by using X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy and
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The ratio of Fe2+/Fe3+ salt solutions and heating
temperatures played a crucial role in controlling the morphology, crystallinity and particle sizes
of magnetite magnetite iron oxide.
Keywords: Co-precipitation, Magnetite, Iron oxide, Titration, Crystallinity

Introduction elimination9 and magnetic resonance imaging.14 Thus, a

controlled synthesis procedure for the production of
The recent advance in the development of Fe3O4 nano- nano-sized magnetite Fe3O4 particle must be investigated
particle has gained significant interest because of its dis- and optimised in getting the right dimensions. Herein, the
tinguished properties and many potential technological formation mechanism of homogeneous Fe3O4 nanoparti-
applications. Among different phases of Fe3O4, the cles with a high degree of crystallinity was reported.
magnetite phase has exhibited interesting properties of
superparamagnetism, large surface area, low toxicity
and bio-compatibility. These special characteristics have Materials and methodology
been intensively studied. To date, magnetite Fe3O4 nano- In this part of the experiment, different reactions for the
particle has been widely explored in different areas, such formation of Fe3O4 particles were conducted by adjusting
as magnetic storage area,1,2 ferrofluids3,4 and biomedi- the reaction temperature and Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio. The
cine.5–9 Likewise, synthesis of homogenous Fe3O4 nano- reagents were used for the synthesis including iron (II)
particles (size variation < 5%) with high crystallinity sulphate heptahydrate (FeSO4·7H2O, 99·5%, Merck),
and surface area is a crucial task. The desired dimension iron (III) nitrate nonahydrate [Fe(NO3)3·7H2O, 98%,
and crystallinity of Fe3O4 will strongly affect their proper- Sigma Aldrich] and sodium hydroxide (NaOH, pellet,
ties in those applications.10 Sigma Aldrich). In the typical synthesis, 0·005 mol of
The most favourable synthetic route for Fe3O4 nano- FeSO4 and Fe(NO3)3 were mixed and dissolved in
particles is conducting co-precipitation technique 100 mL deionised water for 5 minutes using a magnetic
because of easier and higher yields compared to other stirrer. Reaction temperature of co-precipitation process
techniques.11,12 To date, there is still often a large ranged from 30°C to 80°C. Further investigation on the
variation in size and shape of the magnetite degree of crystallinity of magnetite Fe3O4 nanoparticles
Fe3O4 nanoparticles produced.9,13 However, the for- was studied by changing the ratio of salt mixture from
mation of nano-sized magnetite Fe3O4 particle remains 1:1 to 1:2. Subsequently, excess 0·5 M NaOH solution
a challenge in developing a promising candidate in the was titrated into the aqueous salt mixture under vigorous
biological system, including in vivo drug delivery,14 bio- stirring, gradually generating black precipitate. The
titrant was delivered at a fixed rate of 5 mL min−1 until
the pH reached 12 and reaction stopped. Finally, the
Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT), 3rd Floor, resultant black precipitates were washed several times
Block A, Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS), University of Malaya, and dried at 50°C for 24 hours for further characteris-
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR,
*Corresponding author, email Perkin Elmer-1600 Series) in the range of 400–2000 was

© W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2014

DOI 10.1179/1432891714Z.0000000001028 Materials Research Innovations 2014 VOL 18 SUPPL 6 S6-457
Lim et al. A study on growth formation of nano-sized magnetite Fe 3 O 4

carried out to identify infrared (IR) absorption spectrum curves show that the reaction between Fe precursors
of our samples to identify the presence of iron oxide spec- and NaOH is taking place in two different stages. First
trum (Fe–O bond) with minimum residue compound in derivative of the respective titration curves indicates that
the final samples. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data there are two equivalence points at which the pH
of the samples are collected on (Philips PW 1729) with changes rapidly with base titration until the end-point is
powder diffractometer with CuKα radiation sources of reached.
40 kV in the 2θ range of 20–70°. The surface morphology The occurrence of two equivalent points can be
and size of final products were characterised using the explained by the reaction of two different salts [FeSO4
scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Zeiss SUPRA and Fe(NO3)3] with different solubility at different con-
35VP). ditions ( pH value). Fe salt solution that contained diva-
The formation mechanism of Fe3O4 nanoparticle was lent (2+) and trivalent (3+) cations was initially acidic
proposed by the study of the titration curve of pH in nature. Generally, titration with 5 mL min−1 NaOH
change versus volume. The first derivative of the titration base solution triggered two important reactions. The
curve was calculated and plotted, with pH change during first reaction occurred at pH 2–4 while the second reac-
titration process. tion occurred at pH 8–9. A reddish brown precipitate
was observed during the first reaction, suggesting that
Fe may be oxidised to ferric hydroxide [Fe(OH)3] inter-
Results and discussion mediate compound.15 However, the resultant brown pre-
Solutions of Fe2+ and Fe3+ titrated with different ratio cipitation turned into black colour precipitation when
and reaction temperatures are presented in Fig. 1. pH of the solution reached the second equivalent point
Figure 1a and b shows the group of titration curves ( pH = 9), implying the formation of Fe3O4 nanoparticles
with different Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio and reaction temperatures, by co-precipitation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. The reaction
while Fig. 1c shows an example of individual titration stopped at pH 12 to ensure that the precursors were
curve with calculated first derivative. Figure 1d shows fully reacted.
the respective field emission scanning electron Precipitation of divalent and trivalent Fe salts occurred
microscopy surface morphology of Fe3O4 particles syn- in alkaline medium forming black precipitate (Fe2O3
thesised with the ratio of 1:1 at 45°C. The plotted titration nanoparticle). The overall chemical reaction to synthesise

1 Titration curves of Fe2+/Fe3+ salts solution by different parameters: a temperature and b ratio. c The example of individual
titration curve with calculated first derivative and d SEM image of sample ratio of 1:1, reacted at 45°C. Both equivalent points
at different stages can be identified from the individual curve

S6-458 Materials Research Innovations 2014 VOL 18 SUPPL 6

Lim et al. A study on growth formation of nano-sized magnetite Fe 3 O 4

other around pH 9 to form Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The

chemical reaction was presented in equation (4)

Fe(OH)2 + 2Fe(OH)3  Fe3 O4 + 4H2 O (4)

By controlling the Fe2+ and Fe3+ concentration ratio and

temperature, the size and shape of Fe3O4 particles can be
tailored.12 Representative SEM image of the synthesised
samples is shown in Fig. 1d. The SEM image depicted
that the surface morphology of the synthesised Fe3O4
nanoparticles was roughly spheroidal. The Fe3O4 nano-
particles were mainly agglomerated because of the van
deer Waal’s forces between particles.11 It could be
observed that the mean size of about ±70 nm was
obtained for the sample synthesised at a ratio of 1:1 at
In this case, IR spectroscopy was useful to detect the
occurrence of magnetite because interaction between
divalent and trivalent cations with electromagnetic radi-
ation takes place in the specific spectra. Figure 2 shows
that the existence of Fe–O stretching peak at 570 cm−1
manifests that the particles were consistent with magnetite
spectrum (570–580 cm−1). The other peak at 800 and
900 cm−1 suggests the existence of iron oxyhydroxide
(goethite) in the final products. Therefore, it could be jus-
tified that Fe(OH)2, Fe(OH)3 and FeOOH co-existed
during synthesis of magnetite Fe3O4 nanoparticles
because of the hydrolysation of ferric and ferrous reac-
tants. Meanwhile, OH− bending could be identified by
detection of a small peak at 1630 cm−1, indicating the
existence of β-FeO(OH)16 as well. The occurrence of the
OH− spectrum was believed to come from the oxidising
atmosphere during the experimental works. When the
2 Fourier transform Infrared spectroscopy spectra of
reaction temperature increased to 80°C, stronger peak at
magnetite in different processing conditions, a change of
800 and 900 cm−1 corresponded to Fe(OH)2 and
Fe2+/Fe3+ratio and b change of reaction temperature
Fe(OH)3 could be observed. This shows that at high
temperature, intermediate compound of ferrous and
ferric hydroxide was not fully reacted. Overall, the vari-
ation of Fe2+/Fe3+ concentration showed insignificant
Fe3O4 nanoparticles could be written as follows16:
changes in FTIR spectrum.
Phase identification of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles was
Fe2+ + 2Fe3+ + 8OH−  Fe3 O4 (black precipitate) done by XRD measurement. As shown in Fig. 3, the
+ 4H2 O reflection peak position and intensities relatively
(1) matched the Fe3O4 magnetite phase with JCPDS card
no. 01-089-0691. These samples had a theoretical face-
The trivalent Fe3+ in nitrate solution was hydrolysed and centred cubic spinel structure with diffraction peaks cor-
reacted to form the trivalent [Fe(OH)3] intermediate com- responding to (2 2 0), (3 1 1), (4 0 0), (5 1 1) and (4 4 0)
pound in between pH 2 and 4. According to the previous planes at around 2θ ≈ 30, 35, 43, 57 and 63°. It could
study, the reaction to form dark brown colour of trivalent be noted that further increasing the reaction temperature
Fe(OH)3 was proposed in the following chemical reac- and Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio resulted in poor crystallinity.
tion15: Besides, the intensity of magnetite peak (3 1 1) was
getting weakened and broadened as the reaction tempera-
ture and the concentration iron ions increased. These
Fe3+ + 3OH−  Fe(OH)3 (dark brown) (2) results suggested that Fe3O4 samples were in nano-size
or poor crystallised structure in oxidising atmosphere.
Then, the divalent Fe2+ in FeSO4 solution was reacted
with base to form the reddish brown precipitate of diva-
lent ferrous hydroxide [Fe(OH)2] between pH 7 and 9, Conclusion
as presented in equation (3)15 Nanoparticles were synthesised by the co-precipitation
method in oxidising atmosphere by controlling the reac-
Fe2+ + 2OH−  Fe(OH)2 (reddish brown) (3) tion temperature and Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio. The mean size of
the nanoparticles was about ±70 nm. Magnetite iron
In this case, Fe(OH)2 and Fe(OH)3 salts were likely to be oxide was obtained by Fourier transform infrared spec-
formed under a continuous titration reaction condition. troscopy analysis and X-ray diffraction diffraction
From the titration curves, both salts reacted with each pattern. It was observed that the increase of reaction

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Lim et al. A study on growth formation of nano-sized magnetite Fe 3 O 4

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