Easy True Stories

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two men in his neighbor's driveway. The men are carrying a big color TV. They are carrying the TV to a truck. Jim opens his window. ““Hey!’” he says to the two men. “Are you TV repairmen?”” “Yes,” the men answer. “Are you going to fix that TV?"" Jim asks. “Yes; the men answer ag: J IM is looking out his window. He sees “My TV is broken," Jim tells the men, “Gan you take my TV, too?” “'Sure," the men say. "We can take your Tw" Jim gives the men his color TV, The men put the two TVs in the truck and drive away. Jim never sees his TV again. The two men aren't TV repairmen. They are robbers, unit 3 i D Unie 1 2. VOCABULARY Match the words and the pictures. Write your answer on the line, neighbor driveway carry fix drive away robber 3. COMPREHENSION REMEMBERING DETAILS Which sentence is correct? Circle a or b. 4. a. Jim sees two cars in his neighbor's driveway. Jim sees two men in his neighbor's driveway. 2. a. The men are carrying, a big table, b. The men are carrying a big color TV. 3. a. Jim asks the men, “Are you going to fix that TV?" . fim asks the men, “Are you going to watch that TV?” 4. a. jim tells the men, “My TV is broken." Jim tells the men, “My TV is old.” 5, a. The men put the TVs on the truck and pay Jim $25.” b. The men put the TVs on the truck and drive away. REVIEWING THE STORY ‘ Write the correct word on the line. Jim sees two men in his 2edghbae'A-_ driveway. The men are 7 a big color TV. Jim thinks the men are TV 3 2 » He gives them his éolor — 7 Jim never sees his TV again bevause the men ate —/- 1 4. DISCUSSION When robbers go into a house, what do they take? Money? Jewelry? Brainstorm with your classmates. Make a list of what you think robbers take. Your teacher will write your list on the blackboard. r Now turn to page 89. You-will see a Robbers’ List. Two hundred robbers answered the question: When you go into a house, what do you take? The robbers made a list. Look at the robbers’ list. Are your list and their fist the same? 5. WRITING 1 2 4 ‘Choose one picture to write about. The man in the picture is a robber! Write four sentences about him. For example: He is thin, He has a beard, He wears glasses. He is wearing a suit. L 2. z - 3 a 4. Read your sentences to a classmate. Which robber did you write about? Can your classmate guess? Unie # 5 UNITZ 1, PRE-READING Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher tell the story. ip JN WT, &/ RS, Thompson is driving her car. M She looks in the rearview mirror. A blue car is behind her. A man is driving the blue car, The man in the blue car waves at Mrs. Thompson. He is saying something, but Mrs. Thompson can’t hear him. Mrs, Thompson turns left. The man in the blue car turns left, too. Mrs, Thompson turns right. The man in the blue car turns right, too. Mrs. Thompson drives fast. The man in the blue car drives fast, too. Mrs. Thompson is afraid of the man in the blue car. She drives to the police station. The man in the blue car follows her. Mrs, Thompson arrives at the police station and stops her car. ‘A police officer comes to Mrs. Thompson's car. The police officer says, ‘“There’s a cat ‘on the top of your car!’’ Mrs. Thompson’ cat is on the top of her car. The cat is very afraid. Mrs. Thompson looks for the man in the blue car, but he is gone. Now Mrs. Thompson understands: The man in the blue car wanted to tell her, “There's a cat on the top of your carl” i i i 2. VOCABULARY / i li Match the words and the pictures, Write your answer on the line. follow top of the car turn left wave afraid rearview mirror @ Docs) Sra 3. COMPREHENSION REMEMBERING DETAILS Which sentence is correct? Circle a ot b. 1. a, Mrs. Thompson is driving her truck. ®) Mrs. Thompson is driving her car. 2. a, A blue car is behind her. ‘b. A black car is behind her. 3. a. The man in the car follows Mrs. Thompson. 'b. The man in the car likes Mrs. Thompson. 4, a, Mrs. Thompson drives home. b. Mrs. Thompson drives to the police station. 5, a, There is a man on the top of Mrs. b. There is a cat on the top of Mrs. Thompson's car, ‘Thompson's car, Bunz Sea REVIEWING THE STORY Write the correct word on the line. A 2a __ in a blue car follows Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson is ________of the man, She drives to the station, A police —________ tells her, a cat on the top of your car!” Mrs. Thompson looks 5 for the man in the blue car, but he is 4. DISCUSSION Mrs, Thompson is driving with ten things on the top of her car. Look at the ten things for 30 seconds. Then close your book. How many things can you remember? With a small group of your classmates, make a list. Which group remembered all ten things? 5. WRITING Mrs. Thompson wants to go to the police station. Here are directions to the police station. They are in the wrong order. + Turn left on Sixth Street + Turn right on Fifth Street + The police station is on the right Ga + Turn left on Park Avenue. + Turn right on Center Street, > Center St su ) es) Gas uris Potice| £, Pork Ave: Copy the directions in the right order. 1. Jann sught on Fofth Leet. Sees 2 unez 9 UNIT 3 1, PRE-READING Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher tell the story. Rw Tis three o'clock in the morning. Gladys sits up in bed and turns on alight. “John! Wake up!” she tells her husband. John wakes up and opens his eyes alittle. “What's the matter?" he asks Gladys. “Something is moving in the mattress,” Gladys says. "There! It's moving now! Do you feel it?”” "No, | don’t,” John says. “‘I'm going back to sleep’ John and Gladys go back to sleep. ‘An hour later Gladys wakes up. “John!” she says. ‘It’s moving again!” “Gladys;" John says, ‘this is a new mattress. There is nothing in the mattress.” John and Gladys go back to sleep again. An hour later John jumps.out of bed and turns on a light, ‘’Something is moving in the mattress!“’ he says. “You seel’’ Gladys says. “There is something in the mattress! Let’s cut the mattress open.” “"Cut our new mattress?"" John asks, "Yes," Gladys says. ''I want to see inside.” John and Gladys cut the mattress open, Inside the mattress, they find a snake. RES EAE 2. VOCABULARY Write the opposites. You can find the words in the story. Sethe fac (are er io Yaaro Wa 1 2 turn off go to sleep wile a lot old something close outside 3. COMPREHENSION ~ MAKING CONNECTIONS Find the best way to complete each sentence. line, 4. Gladys sits up in bed and turns ond _ 2. John wakes up and opens 3, Gladys tells her husband, 4, John and Gladys cut 5. Inside the mattress they find 12 unk Write the letter of your answer © a. a. a snake. b. . “Something is moving i the mattress. his eyes. a light. mattress!” REMEMBERING DETAILS One word in each sentence is not correct. Find the word and cross it out. Write the correct word. | 1. It is three oclock in heen d| 2. Gladys sits up in bed and turns off a light. 3. Gladys sees something in the mattress. i 4, She tells John, “Something is sleeping in the mattress!” 5. John says, “The mattress is old; there is nothing in the mattress.” 4. DISCUSSION Circle yes or no, In small groups, show your answers to your classmates. Are your answers and your classmates’ answers the same? If you have a true story about a snake, tell the story to your classmates. 1, There are big snakes in my native country. (How big? Show your ~ YES — NO classmates with your hands.) 2. Snakes in my native country sometimes kill people. YES NO 3, I ike snakes. YES NO 4, Lam afraid of snakes, YES NO 5. Thave a true story about a snake YES NO 5. WRITING Copy your yes sentences from the discussion exercise. unis 13 UNIT4 1. PRE-READING Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher tell the story. HEN works at a restaurant in the daytime. In the evening he goes to an adult school. He is learning English at the adult school, This evening Chen's class is reading a story. The story is interesting, and Chen wants to read it. But Chen is tired; he can’t read. He yawns loudly. Sofia is sitting next to Chen, She sees Chen yawn. She yawns, too. Allis sitting behind Chen. Ali hears Chen yawn. Alli yawns, too. Chen is yawning because he is tired, But Sofia and Ali aren't tired. Why are they yawning? Sofia and Ali are yawning because yawning is contagious. When one person yawns, other people yawn, too. On this page there is a photo of a woman. The woman is yawning. Look at the photo for 30 seconds. DO NOT YAWN! Ready? Gol Can you look at the picture and not yawn? Most people can’t. When most people look at the photo, they yawn. Yawning is very contagious! t { 2. VOCABULARY ‘Write the opposites. You can find the words in the story. 1. play gst Gy epee ea CH 2. nighttime — — -y- 3, child Seer eeeee eee eec ee ec eeecae 4. teaching GbE i eae ae tse EES 5. standing EES es eer ara vet PPE 6. in front of Eee ECE eee eee dee 3. COMPREHENSION UNDERSTANDING THE MAIN IDEA. Circle the letter of the best answer: 1. Chen yawns because he is a. hungry. b. angry. tired, 2, Sofia and Ali yawn because a. the story is not interesting. b. Chen yawned. ©. they are tired 3. Yawning is contagious. When one person yawns, other people a. don't like it. b, are afraid. ©. yawn, too. REMEMBERING DETAILS Which sentence is correct? Circle a or b. 1 Chen works at a factory in the daytime. Chen works at'a restaurant in the daytime. 2, a. In the evening he goes to an adult school. b. In the afternoon he goes to an adult school. 3. a. He is learning Spanish at the adult school. b. He is learning English at the adult school. \ 16 uns 4, a. This evening Chen's class is writing a story. b. This evening Chen's class is reading a story. . Chen is tired; he yawns loudly. b. Chen is tired; he talks loudly. 6 a. Sofia and Ali yawn because yawning is interesting, b. Sofia and Ali yawn because yawning is contagious, 4. DISCUSSION How do you say “yawn” in your native language? Can you say “yawn” in your native language five times, and not yawn? Who wants to try it? 5. WRITING In Cher’s class at the adult school, the students are reading a story. What do you do in your English class? Do you read stories? Do you write? Do you practice speaking? Together with your classmates make a list. Your teacher will write the list on the blackboard. Then copy the list here. In our English class, we Look over the list. What do you like to do very much? Put a star ( « ) next to those things. Now count your classmates. How many people put a star next to 17 _ How many people put a star next to 2? ____ 3? e@ What do your classmates like to do best in English class? Unies AT UNIT 1. PRE-READING Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher tell the story. aves fl\\ NNA is talking to her father. “Papa,” A Anna says. “I'm in love, and | want to get married. | want to marry Iztok.” “Iztok!” Anna's father says. “No! You can’t marry Iztok. He's an artist. Artists don’t make a lot of money. Marry an engineer. Engineers make a lot of money.” Anna tells Iztok, “I can’t marry you. I'm going to marry an engineer.” Iztok is silent for a few minutes. Then he kisses Anna. “OK,"' he tells Anna. “Marry Your engineer. Maybe he can make money. But can he kiss?” Iztok walks away. ‘Anna marries an engineer. She and her husband have three children. But Anna is not happy with her husband. She thinks about Iztok every day. Iztok gets married, too. He and his wife have two children, But Iztok is not happy with his wife. He thinks about Anna every day. Many years later, Anna divorces her husband, and Iztok divorces his wife. Then Iztok and Anna get married. Anna is 45 years old, and Iztok is 51. They are not young. But they are in love: And they are finally happy. 20 lune 5 2. VOCABULARY Write the opposites. You can find the words in the story. 1, mother 2, can 3 alittle 4, husband divorce old COMPREHENSION REMEMBERING DETAILS Which sentence is correct? Circle @ or ‘Anna's father says, “You can’t marry Iztok!” Annas mother says, “You can’t marry Iztok!” Iztok is a teacher b. Iztok is an artist. 2. 3. a, Anna marries an engineer. b, Anna marries a doctor. 4, a. Anna is happy with her husband. b. Anna is not happy with her husband. 5. a. Iztok thinks about Anna every day. b. Iztok never thinks about Anna. 6a. Many years later, Anna divorces Iztok. b. Many years later, Anna marries Iztok. ee UNDERSTANDING PRONOUNS Who is it? What is it? Write the letter of your answer on the line. 1. C__. He says, “You can't marry a. engineers Iztok.” 7 b. Anna 2 He's an artist. c. Annas father 3 They dort make a lot of money. d. artists 4, ____ They make a lot of money. e. Iztok 8 She marries an engineer, 4, DISCUSSION FOR MEN ONLY: Brainstorm with the men in your class. Describe a good wife. Your teacher will write the words on the blackboard. FOR WOMEN ONLY: Brainstorm with the women in your class. Describe a good husband. Your teacher will write the words on the blackboard, 5. WRITING FOR MEN ONLY Look at the words on the blackboard. Which words do you think describe a good wife? Copy them here. A GOOD WIFE FOR WOMEN ONLY Look at the words on the blackboard. Which words do you think describe a good husband? Copy them here. A GOOD HUSBAND uns 21 UNIT € Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher tell the story: 1, PRE-READING but she is not happy. She has only $45. Where can she go with only $45? Nowhere! What can she do with only $457 Nothing! Then she has an idea. For $45, she can get a tattoo! She pays $45 and gets a small tattoo on her chest, It is a tattoo of a horse. Patricia likes the tattoo. A few weeks later, Patricia has some extra Money, so she gets another tattoo. It is a rainbow. Patricia likes the rainbow. She wants P ATRICIA Ball is on vacation from work, more tattoos. During the next ten years, Patri gets hundreds of tattoos. She gets a Native American on her arm. She gets the ocean on her leg, with green plants and silver fish. She gets a jungle on her back, with green trees, orange birds, and a blue waterfall. Patricia gets tattoos everywhere on her body; only her face and neck have no tattoos. Patricia wants more tattoos, but she can’t have them. There is no more space for tattoos! i unite 23 2. VOCABULARY Which colors are in the story? Find them. Write the words under COLORS. Then find the words for parts of the body, things in the ocean, and things in the jungle. Write the words on the lines. cotors PARTS OF THE BODY THINGS IN THE JUNGLE ‘THINGS IN THE OCEAN 3. COMPREHENSION REMEMBERING DETAILS Which sentence is correct? Circle a or b. 1. a, Patricia pays $450 for a small tattoo of a horse. Patricia pays $45 for a small tattoo of a horse. 2. a, During the next ten years, Patricia gets hundreds of rainbows. b. During the next ten years, Patricia gets hundreds of tattoos. 3. a. Patricia gets a Native American on her arm. b. Patricia gets a Native American on her leg. 4, a, She gets a jungle on her leg, with green plants and silver fish. b. She gets the ocean on her leg, with green plants and silver fish: 5. a. Only Patricia's face and neck have no tattoos. b. Only Patricia's face and back have no tattoos. BA uve REVIEWING THE STORY Write the correct word on the line. Patricia is on vacation from work, but she has only $45, Where can she go with only $45? Nowhere. ! What can she do with only $45? 7 1 Then Patricia has an idea. For $45, she can get a ane j————— ! Patricia likes her tattoo very much. During the next ten years, she gets of tattoos. Patricia wants more 7 tattoos, but she can’t have them, There is no more for tattoos! 4. DISCUSSION Circle yes or no. 1. Some men in my native country have tattoos, YES = NO 2, Some women in my native country have tattoos. YES 3. [like tattoos, YES NO 4, [like Patricia Ball's tattoos, YES NO 5. Maybe someday I will get a tattoo, YES NO In a small group, show your answers to your classmates. Are your answers and your classmates’ answers the same? 5. WRITING Draw some tattoos on the man. Then write about the man’s tattoos. For example: We Jae a igen on hit. cheat We has a foart on fu arm. Now write your sentences, Unie UNIT 1 1. PRE-READING Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher tell the story. Looking for Love Every day he comes home from work and eats dinner alone. Then he watches TV alone, At 11 o'clock he goes to bed alone. John is not happy. He has a good job and a nice house, but he doesn’t have love. He wants a wife. How can John find a wife? One day he has an idea. John is a painter, and he drives a small truck. He paints these words on his truck: J OHN is 52 years old. He is not married. | WANTED—A WIFE | ARE YOU 35-45 YEARS OLD? DO YOU LIKE CHILDREN, PETS, AND QUIET TIMES? PLEASE WRITE ME. | MY ADDRESS IS 307 S. SIXTH ST. | 1AM A HARD-WORKING MAN. [eee dclabidlncinhadt Hundreds of women write letters to John. He reads all the letters. He likes one letter very much. The letter is from Bobbi. Bobbi is 33 years old, and she is divorced. She has two children and a dog. John calls Bobbi, and they meet. One week later, John paints his truck white. ““V'm not looking for love now,’" John says with a smile. One year later, John and Bobbi are married. 28 sit 7 2. VOCABULARY Write the correct word on the line. hard-working pets nice calls 1, John doesn't have a wife or childret 2, John’s house has three bedro Jot of windows, It's a ———_— 3, John likes dogs and cats. He likes 4, John works every day from eight clock in # evening. He is a 5, John reads Bobbi’s letter. Then he __ her. 6 When John ——-—--_-—— says, “Hi. I'm Bobbi” alone meets sn, Every day he eats dinner coms and two bathrooms. It has a big kitchen and a __— house. he morning to six delock in the goes to the telephone and Bobbi, he says, “Hi. I'm John,” and she 3. COMPREHENSION ‘UNDERSTANDING PRONOUNS iS Who is it? What is if? Write the letter of your answer on the line. 1. bp _ Reis a painter. a. his truck 2, _____ It is 307 8. ‘Sixth Street. b. John 3, _____ John reads themt, ¢. John’s address 4, She has two children and a ds the letters on e. Bobbi 5, ___— John paints it white. REMEMBERING DETAILS Which sentence is correct? Circle 4 me and eats dinner alone. ohn comes hot i ark me and eats dinner with his family B Every day John comes hoi orb. John has a good job and a nice house, but he doesn’t have money. b. John has a good job and a nice house, but he doesn’t have love. 3, a. Johnis a painter, and he drives a small truck b. John is a repairman, and he drives a small car. 4, a. John paints these words on his truck: WANTED—A WIFE. b. John paints these words on his truck: WANTED—A JOB. a. Ten women write letters to John. b. Hundreds of women write letters to John. 4, DISCUSSION How can people find a husband or a wife? Which ideas are good ideas? Circle yes or no. IS IT A Goop IDEA? 1. Put an ad in the newspaper. YES NO 2. Tell your parents: Please find a husband (or wife) for me. YES NO 3. Tell your friends: Please find a husband (or wife) for me. YES NO 4, Go dancing, YES NO 5. Go to a church, temple, or mosque. YES NO 6. Look for a husband or wife at work or at school. YES NO Now count your classmates. How many people think 1 is a good idea? How many think 2 is a good idea? x 2 et Byaata 6? ____ Which idea is best? What do your classmates think? Do they have other good ideas? WRITING Imagine that you are not married. You are looking for a husband or a wife. You have a small truck. You paint these words on your truck: WANTED—A E YoU ________~ ___________ YEARS OLD? ? PLEASE WRITE ME. Unie 7 29 UNITS 1. PRE-READING Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher tell the story. 30 une 8 ICTORs from Guatemala, but now he V lives in New York City. Victor likes New York in the summer, but he doesn’t like New York in the winter. He feels terrible in the winter. He gets headaches and stomachaches often. He sleeps too much — 16 or 18 hours every day. He also eats too much. Sometimes he eats 20 candy bars in 15 minutes! And he is always sad. Why does Victor feel terrible in the winter? Victor feels terrible in the winter because he needs sunshine. In New York, there is only a little sunshine in the winter. So, Victor Buys a Sunbox. A Sunbox is a big light. In the winter, Victor sits under the ‘Sunbox for two or three hours every day. Then he feels fine, He doesn’t have headaches or stomachaches. He doesn’t sleep too much or eat too much. He is not sad. ‘Many people in the North have Victor's problem: They feel terrible in the winter because they need sunshine, So, they buy Sunboxes. They say, “The Sunbox is sunshine in a box.” But Victor says, “My Sunbox is Guatemala in a box!" une 31 2 2, VOCABULARY Write the co¥rect word or words on the line. sunshine stomachache headache candy bars terrible North 1. Vieto’'s head feels bad. He has a__Aadache.__. 2, Victor's stomach feels bad, He has a —________ 3. Victor likes chocolate. He eats 4, Victor feels very bad in the winter. He feels —___ 5, In New York the sun doesn’t shine much in the winter. There is only a little 6. Guatemala is in the South, and New York is in the 3. COMPREHENSION UNDERSTANDING THE MAIN IDEA Circle the letter of the best answer. 1. Victor feels terrible in the winter because a. his family is in Guatemala, b. he doesn't like his job. «. he needs sunshine. 2. Victor sits under the Sunbox because a. the Sunbox shows pictures of Guatemala, b. he likes to read every day. ¢. the Sunbox gives Victor light. REMEMBERING DETAILS ‘One word in each sentence is not correct. Find the word and cross it out. Write the comrect words Ha gtommal- 1, Victor is from Geemeny: 2. Victor doesn't like New York City in the summer. 3, Victor gets earaches and stomachaches often. 4, Victor sleeps too little—16 or 18 hours @ day. 5, Sometimes Victor eats 2 candy bars in 15 minutes. 32 unis 4. DISCUSSION Where is your native city (or town)? Put an X on the map. N ; low think about the weather in your native city. Check (, ) your answers OFTEN SOMETIMES NEVER 1. It is hot. 2. It is cold. 3. It is sunny. 4. It is cloudy. 5. It is windy, Hf 6. It rains, 7. It snows, : Show your answers to a classmate. Tell ae your classmate about the weather in your WRITING | We Aawe i Cold. (Ut oases ure 33 Look at the pictur

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