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(Single Correct Choice Type)
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A). (B),
(C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Three blocks (m1• m 2 & m3) are slid at constant velocity

across a rough surface as shown. The coefficient of kinetic
friction between each block and the surface is µ. What
would be the force due to m1 on m 2?
(A)F-(m2-m3)gµ ,,,~,,F
(B) (m2 + m3)gµ
(C) m,gµ - (m2 + m3)gµ
(D) (m1 + m2 + m3)

2. Two different masses are connected to tv.o strings as

shown in the figure. Both masses rotate about a central
fixed point with angular velocity 10 rad/s on a smooth
horizontal plane. The ratio of tension T,/T2 in the string M 1 = 0.25 kg
is M, = 1.0 kg
R, = 5 an
(A) 11/9 (B) 9/8 R, = 10 an
(C) 8/9 (D) 9/11

3. A ball is attached to a string and moves in a vertical circle. The string is always taut and
there are absolutely no resistive forces. Which of the following statements is most
(A) the net force on the ball is always vertical.
(B) the net force on the ball is always perpendicular to the velocity vector of the ball.
(C) the net force on the ball is always towards centre.
(D) the tension in the string is greatest when the ball is at its lowest point.
4. The work done by the force F = x 2 i + y 2 } around the path
shown in the figure is C
(0, a "'--- 4 - - - B(a, a)

(A) 1a3 (B) zero

(C) a3 (D) ia3 >:&..----""--__,,lj~ X

3 (0, 0) (a.0)

5. A particle moves along the y-axis of a coordinate system, with a force oomponent
Fv = (2N/m3)y3 acting on it. As the particle moves from the origin to y = 3 m, how much
work is done on it by the force?
(A) 0 J (B) 40.5 J
(C)-40.5 J (D) 162 J

6. A cannon ball of mass in m is fired with an initial velocity u"' u) + u) , which makes an
angle 0 = tan- (u/u,) with respect to the horizontal. What is the work done by gravity on
the cannon ball till it reaches the peak (i.e., highest elevation) of its trajectory?
1 1
(A) -mu! {B) -mu!
2 2
(C) _..!.mu2 {D) -
1 2
2 y 2 mu,
f t r fJ EE ltd .• North West Delhi Contre, 3 1-32-lJ, C@ntraj Market. Wesl Avenue Road, J\mjabt Bagh {Vl,est), New O@ll'II . 110026. Ph: 011--45634000
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Two YearCRP(141&) .PT-1 Paper-1.PCM-IITJEE/16

7. In the figure. the ball A is released from rest, when U,e spring is at its
natural (unstretched) length. For the block B of mass M to leave
contact with ground at s001e stage, the minimum mass of A must be
(A) 2 M (B) M
(C) M/2 (D) M/4

8. Three particles start from the origin at same lime one wi111 a velocity v, along x-axis, the
second along y - axis with a velocity v2 and third along the x = y line. The velocity of the
third, so that three may always lie on the same line is
(A) v, + V2 (B) Jv,v2

9. At a given instant, an observer stationary on the ground sees a package falling with
speed v 1 at some angle with the vertical. A 1Pilot flying at a constant horizontal speed
relative to the ground sees the package falling vertically with a speed v 2 at the same
instant. What is the speed rJ the pilot relative to the ground?
(A) V 1 + V2 (B) v, - V2
(C) Jv; - v ~ (D) Jv~ + v ~

10. An elevator is movilg upwards with constant acceleration.

The dashed curve in the figure shows the position y of the I
ceiling of the elevator as a function of time t. At the instant
Indicated by the point P a bolt breaks loose and drops from
the ceiling. Which of the solid curves shown best describes
the position of the bolt as a function of time?
(A) I (B) II
(C) Ill (D) IV

(Multi Correct Choice Type)

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B),
(C) and (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.

11. Choose the correct option(s)

(A) If only conservative forces act on a particle, the kinetic energy stays constant.
(8) If the net force acting on an object is zero, then the object is at rest.
(C) If net mechanical work is done on a body, the velocity body must change.
(D) If net mechanical work is done on a body, the speed of body must change.

12. A person pulls a block across a rough horizontal surtace at a

constant speed by applying a force F. The arrows in the figure
correcUy indicate the directions, but not necessarily the
magnitudes cl the various forces on the block. Which of the
following relations among the force magnitudes W, fk, N and F
must be true?
(A) F = fk (B)F>fk
(C) N < W (D) N>W

FI ITJl--:F.LIO. North Wnl Oolhl Centro. 31-32-33,Centrel Mar1'ol. Wosl AYGnue Road. R,njabl Bagh (Wtsl). Now Dolh, - 110026. Ph: 0,1--45634000
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13. A block is stationary relative to a moving indined plane. No

other information is given. The frictional force on the block can
(A) zero (B) downward
(C) upward (D) >mg

14. Three blocks a, b, and c of masses 10 kg, 10 kg and 20 kg

are arranged as shown in figure. All the surfaces are
frictionless and string is inextensible. Pulleys are light. A
constant force F = 20 N is applied on block a as shown.
Pulleys and string are light. Part of the string connecting both
pulleys is vertical and part of the strings connecting pulleys
~ F
with masses m 1 and m2 are horizontal.
(A) Acceleration of mass blocks a, band c is 0.5 m/s •
(B) Acceleration of mass block bis 1.
(C) Tension in the string is 10 N.
(D) Acceleration of mass block c is 0.5

15. Choose correct option(s)

(A) It is possible for an object to accelerate (a * 0) and still have a constant speed.
(B) It is possible for an object to accelerate (a * 0) and still travel in a straight path.
(C) It is possible for an object to accelerate (a * 0) and still have a constant velocity.
(D) It is not possible for an object to have acceleration & yet have no displacement in a
time interval.
(Integer Type)
This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digit Integer,
ranging from O to 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled.

1. If the area of a parallelogram whose diagonals are represented by (Ji + + k) and J

" " " y
( i - j - k ) is ../2. then y is

2. A particle B of mass 5 kg is attached to a frictionless pivot, A ,

by a thread of length d = 0.2 m so that B hangs freely. At
some instant of time a strong wind begins to apply a constant
horizontal force F = 100 Non B, as a result it rotates about A
in a vertical plane. Find the speed (in mis) of B at the instant
when the string is horizontal.

3. A small partide slides from height H =45 cm as sho'Ml

and then loops inside the vertical loop of radius R from
where a section of angle e = 60° has been removed. If
R = (1/N) meter, such that after losing contact at A and
flying through the air, the particle will reach at the point
B. Find N. Neglect friction everywhere.

4. At what angle 80 (is 1t/n) should a shell be fired if at the top of its trajectory its path has a
radius of curvature equal to twice the maximum height of the trajectory. Then 'n' is

5. A block of mass 'M' = 2 kg rests on the top of a smooth horizontal fixed table top, resting
inside a rail car, which is moving with a constant velocity VO = 2m/s over a horizontal
Fll1'Jl:J-:. Lid.• Nonn West Oolhl Centro, 3.1-32-3.3, Contral Malti.el Wost All6nuo Road, R.Jntabi Bagi\ (V\bsl), Now DBlh1- 110026. Ph: 011◄5634000
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horizontal fixed table top, resting

5. A bk>ck of mass 'M' = 2 kg rests on the top of a smooth
a consta nt velocit y Vo = 2m/s over a horizontal
inside a rail car, which is moving with

Two YearCRP(1416)-PT-1 Paper-1.PCM-IITJEE/16

tal force F = 1 N in the

A person P riding in the car pushes the block with a horizon this interval, the kinetic
= 2 sec. Then at the end of
direction of velocit y for a time 'I'
than that computed by another
energy (in J) of the block as assessed by P is less
on the ground by a value of _ _ _ __ Joule.
person Q standing at rest
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Two YHtCRP(1416) .PT-1 Paper-1-PCM-IITJEE/1

6 6

(Sing le Corre ct Choi ce Type)
This sectio n contains 10 multi ple choic e
ques tions. Each question has four choices
(C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is corre (A), (B),
1. Whic h of the following rrolec ule has the lowes
t value of dipole moment?
(A) OF2
(B) OC'2
(C) OBr2
(D) H2O
2. Whic h of the following is an exoth ermic prore
(A) N( g) + e - N (g) (B) O (g)+ e - o ( g)
(C) S ( g}+ e- - s2· ( g)
(D) Na(g ) - Na' (g)+ e

3. How many moles of C 0 ! (oxalate ions)

2 can be completely oxidiz ed by one mole of
Mn04 ions in acidic medium?
Mn04 + cp!· + H' - Mn2' + CO2 + H20
W3 ~s
(C) 2.5
(D) 10
4. Whic h of the following statement is correc
t regarding the comp ressibility factor(Z) of
gas at Boyle temperature? a
(A) Z > 1 at hgh pressure and Z < 1 at low
press ure
(B) Z = 1 at all press ure range
(C) Z = 1 at low pressure and Z > 1 at high
press ure
(D) Z = 1 at low pressure and Z < 1 at high
5. Whch of the following substance is not a produ
ct of the following reaction?
NaOH + N0 2-Pro duc t
(A) NaN03
(C) Na20

6. Whch ct the following metal oxide is not reduc

ed to the corresponding metal with
hydro gen?
(A) PbO (B) CaO
(C) CuO (D) Ag20

7. Whch of the following electron has the maxim

um value cl orbfa l angular momentum?
(A) The valen re electron of potassium (8) The unpai red electroo ct chlorine
(C) The highe st energ etic electron of zinc
(D) The lowest energeti,c electron of zinc

8. In which ct the following option, the central

atoms of the given specie s undergo same
type of hybridization?
(A) ICI; and ICl2 (B) s o ~- and NH;
(C) XeF2 and BeF2 (D) co~- and so;·

9. Whic h of the follow ing chang e takes place with

least amount ct energy?
(A) C ( 2s22p2) - C( 2s' 2p3 ) (B) Si(3s2 3p2) - 3
Si( 3s'3p )
(C) cr ( 4s 3ct ) - cr ( 4s' 3d5 ) 2
(D) Ge(4 s 4p 2 ) - 3
Ge(4 s' 4p )
J-!l rTJEE ~ NoM Wat 01iN c.nue. 31-32•33.
c.ntral Maft.61. wcm AYINIU8 Road. F\qabi, 8agh
(Wm). N6W 0th· 110026. Ph. Ol l .-1Se:)&00
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Two YearCRP(1416) .PT•1 Paper-1.PCM-IITJEE/16

1o. Which of the following acK:! has identical value of normality and molarity?
(A) H2COJ (8) H3PO3
(C) H38O3 (D) H3PO4

(Multi Correct Choice Type)

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B),
(C) and (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.

11. The bond order of which of the following molecule(s) or ion(s) is/are greater than one?
(A) BF3 (8) co~-
(C) NF3 (D) NH;

12. H3 PO4 + 2NaOH-Na2 HPO, + 2H2O

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for the above reaction?
(A) The equivalent mass of H3PO• is 49.
(8) The acK:!ity of NaOH is 2.
(C) H3 PO4 will be the limiting reactant if equal mass of H 3PO, and NaOH are taken for
the reaction.
(D) The maximum n-factor of H 3PO4 can be three.

13. Which of the following elements are correctly arranged with respect to their second
ionization energy?
(A)O > N (8) B > C
(C) Cu >Zn (D) C > Si

14. Which of the folowing substance(s) produce(s) gases on heating?

(A) Ca(HCO3)2 (8) Na2CO3
(C) NaNO3 (D) KNO2

15. Which cl the following metal(s) with their given work function(s) in the bracket, will show
photoelectric effect when light of 300 nm wavelength falls on them?
(A) Cu(4.8 eV) (B) Li(3.2 eV)
(C) Mg(4.6 eV) (D) K(2.2 eV)

(Integer Type)
This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digit integer,
ranging from Oto 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled.

1. A vessel contains SO2 and CH4 gases in molar ratio of 2: 3. If the simplest ratio of their
relative rate of effusion through a small orifice is x: y, then (x + y) is:

2. How many of the following substance(s) produce(s) gas(es) when react(s) with water?
Na2O, KO2, Ca3N2, Mg2C3, NaNQ3, CaH2. MgSO,. Na, CO, . Ca3P2 and BaO?

3. 300 ml of 0.4 N solution of MnO; exacdy oxidises 0.04 mole of a metal in +2 oxidation
state in acidic medium. If the oxidation number of the metal after oxidation Is +x, the
value of 'x' is:

4. The dipositive(2+) ions of how many of the following atoms(s) contain(s) unpaired
Li, Mg, Fe, Al, Cl, Ca, Zn, Ni, Ti, S, P and Si

Fl frJEE llcL Nonn w~ Delhi Centro, JJ.J2•33, Central Markel Wesl Avonue Road. Punjabi Bagh (Yim!), New Oolhi . f 10026. Ph: 011-15634000
20:27 ~ a ~, \;; .ill 48%.

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Two YHrCRP(1•'18) .PT-1 Paper-1.PCM-IITJEE/11

5. In how many of the folowing compound(s), the central atom(s) use(s) o-orbitals for bond
NH3, SO2, SO,. SF2 , SF,, PF,, XeF, , POCI,, CIF, and IF,

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Pep« -1.f> CM-l lTJEE/16
Two YurC RP(1 416) .PT-1

(Single Correct Ch oice Typ n has fou r cho ices (A), (8),
con tain s 10 mu ltip le cho ice que stions. Eac h que stio
This section
(C) and (D) out of which ON
LY ON E is correct.
ed by the pair s of stra ight
The equ atio ns of the diag ona ls of the squ are form
+ 8xy - 3y + 2x - 4y - 1= 0
2 2 2 are
3x + 8xy - 3y = 0 and 3x
(8) 2x + y = 0, 2x = 4y + 1
(A) x = 2y, 4x + 2y + 1 = 0
(D) 2x + y = 0, 4x + 2y + 1 = 0
(C) x = 2y, 2x = 4y + 1
2 + by2 = o is the squ are of the
s rep-esented by ax + 2hxy
2. If the slope of one cl the Ine
other, then
(A) a + b + 8h = 6
h ab
(C) a + b - 8h2 =0
h ab

es of the pair of straight line

3. The difference between the sl~ 2
a + y sin a = 0 is
2 2 2
( tan a + cos a) x - 2xy tan

(8) -1
(A) 1 (D)2
(C) 3
co, = p 1 and
represented by x cosct>1 + y sin
4. The angle between the line s
xcos1oi + ysin ro2 = p2 is
(A) 90° - ( ro1 + co2 ) (8) 180° - ( (1)1 + Cll2 )

(C) m, -ro2 (D) w, +1ui

) lies insi de the
trian gle
5. of non zero inte ger valu es of k for whi ch the points / k,k
Sy- 17 = o is
+ 14 = o. 9x + y - 12= O, 2x +
formed by the lines 11x + 6y (8) 2
(A)O (D)4
6. The area bounded by the curv
es x + 2!Yf = 1 and x = o is
(8 ) ..!
(A) ¾ 2
(D) 2
(C) 1

7. If sin/ a +13) sin( a - j3) = siny

( 2sinj3 + siny ), 0 < a . j3, y< rr then the fam ily of lines
ses through
sin a x + sinj3y + slny = 0 pas
(A) (-1 . 1) (8)( 1 . 1)
(C) (1,- 1) (D) (-1 . -1)
(x + 1) is
cl the equation log (-x) = 2Jog
8. The number of real solutions (8) one
(A) zero (0) three
(C) two

4rae.3 1..J2.33 Ceintra, 6. Ph: 011""5 63400 0

,.,rr,c 1;1.ld NonhW est 0.NC r B•gn jV,,esl.). New D&J"-o. 11002
• Matt6t. WHI A ~ Road. AJnjab
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Two Year CRP(1416) .PT-1 Paper-1.PCM-IITJEE/16

9. If cos a + cosl3 = sin a + sinl3, then cos2a + cos2l3 is equal to

(A) - 2sin( a + fi) (8) - 2cos( a + 13)
(C) 2sin( a + 13) (D) 2cos( a + 13)

10. If 2cos8 + sin8 = 1, then 7cos0 + 6sin0 equals

(A) 1 or 2 (8) 2 or 3
(C) 2 or4 (D) 2 or6

(Multi Correct Choice Type)

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (8),
(C) and (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.

11. A line v.tiich makes an acute angle e with the positive direction of x - axis is drawn
through the point P (3, 4) to meet the line x = 6 at Randy= 8 at S, then
(A) PR = 3sec0 (8) PS = 4cosece
(C) PR + PS=2(3sin 9 + 4cosfl) (D) - 9- + ~ =1
2 2
sin20 (PR) (PS)

12. If x = seccp - tancp and y = cosecq, + cotcp, then

(A) X =1.±..! (8) x = y -
y- 1 y+1
(C) y = 1+ x (D) xy + x - y + 1= 0
1- x

13. A ray of light is sent along the line 3x + y - 9 = 0 . Upon reaching the line 2x + 7y - 8 = 0,
the ray gets reflected from it. Then.
(A) equation of the reflected ray is the form 3x + y - 9 + 11. ( 2x + 7y - 8) = O where ), is a
real number
(8) equation of the reflected ray is 129x- 107y- 269=0
(C) equation of the reflected ray is 107 x - 129y- 269 = 0
(D) the ray of light hits the line 2x - 7y - B = O at the point ( ,~ )
19 19

14. The equation of a drde in which the chord joining the points (1 , 2) and (2, - 1) subtends
an angle of i at any point on the circumference is

(A) x2 + y2 - 5 = 0 (8) x2 + y2 - 6x - 2y + 5 = 0
2 2
(C) x + y + 6x + 2y - 15= 0 (D) x 2 + y2 - 2x - 4y + 4 = 0

15. A square is inscribed in the cirde x2 + y2 - 10x - 6y + 30 = 0. One side of the square is
parallel to y = x + 3, then one vertex of the square is
(A) (5, 1) (8) (7,3)
(C)(3,3) (0)(5, 5)
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Two VearCRP(1418)-PT-1 Paper-1.PCM-IITJEE/16

(Integer Type)
This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digit integer,
ranging from Oto 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled.

1. If the lengths of drect and transverse common tangent to two circles

x 2 + y2 + 14x - 4y + 28 = 0 and x 2 + y 2 - 14x + 4y - 28 = 0 are ,, and µthe value of
,, + µ
- - must be

2. If a, b, c be the sides of a triangle ABC with right angle at C. The medians AD and BE
have slopes 1 and 2 respectively. Then ab= kc2 where 36 I k I equals_ _ _ _ __

3. A point P is selected inside an equilateral triangle. If sum of lengths of perpendicular

dropped on to sides from P is 2014, then length of altib.J de of triangle is equal to

4. If a + b =3 - cos40 and a - b =4si n20, then ab is always less than equal to

5. Tangents are drawn from P (6, 8) to the ci'de x 2 + y 2 = r 2 , then the radius of the circle
such that the area of the /J. formed by tangents and chord of contact is maximum must
-- § SC R IB D ( Se arc h

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Ba tch es : Tw o Year CRP(1416)

IIT - JEE 2016
PART - A Ans. Con.Code
Ans. Con.Code Q.N.
Con.Code Q.N.
Q.N. Ans. M110722
1. B
1. A C110304
1. B P110404
C110704. A M11 0730
B P110 414 2. C1 1070 3
3. D M110731
3. C C111 102
3. D P110414
4. C Ml 1071 0
4. C C111 203
4. B P110 507
5. C M110712
5. C C110 809
5. B P110 507
6. B M110708
6. B C11 1003
6. C P110507
7. A M110723
7. C C110 103
7. C P1 10513
8. B M110202
8. B C110 305
8. D P110 320
9. B M111 305
9. C C1 101 11
9. C P110 320
10. D M111304
10. C Cl 1020 7
10. D P110 320
11. ABCD M110715
AB C110 307
11 . co P110 502 11.
BCD M111402
ACO C111101 12.
12. BC P110404 12.
13. ACD M110723
13. ABCO C1 10703
13. ABCD P1 10404
C110 808, AB M110801
AC 14.
BC P110404 14.
14. C110 908
15. ABCD M110802
P110 413 15. BO C1 1010 3
15. AB
C111 208 1. 9 M110813
P110204 1. 4
1. 4
C110802, 8 M110 710
2. 5 2.
2. 2 P1 10502 C110902
5 C111102 3. 1 M110707
3. 5 P110 513 3.
C1 1011 2 4. 1 M111 41 1
4 P110 316 4. 8
C110 305 5. 5 M110 811
8 P110 507 5. 8

~[)eh . 11002t, Ph! 0'11-456)&000

A...,.A o..d, Fu..., Bagtt(W tll).
lre, 31..J2.J 3.c.irral Mat\91. W...
MITJl:£ Lld . Not111Wt st OetilCtn

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