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Parts of a Formal Letter

An effective formal letter has the following parts:

1. Sender’s Address -It is the address of the writer .

• Hacks :It is written at the top left-hand corner of the page. If the address consists
of several parts, each part should be written in a separate line.
•Note: don’t put a comma at the end of each line

For example
House no 21
Laxmi Nagar
Parts of a Formal Letter
An effective formal letter has the following parts:
1. Sender’s Address -It is the address of the writer .

• Hacks :It is written at the top left-hand corner of the page. If the address consists
of several parts, each part should be written in a separate line.
•Note: don’t put a comma at the end of each line

For example
House no 21
Laxmi Nagar
Parts of a Formal Letter
2. Date
Hacks : Do not use abbreviations like Jan, Feb. Do not write 19 instead of 2019.
For example
15 January 20xx or January 15, 20xx.
Parts of a Formal Letter
3. Receiver's Address- All official letters are addressed to the authority/ post of the
person. Hence, we write the receiver's address after addressing the official. For
For example
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi -110091
Parts of a Formal Letter
4. Subject - It expresses the main theme or objective of the letter clearly. It
must be as brief and concise as possible.
For example
Subject – Pitiable condition of child labourers
Parts of a Formal Letter
5. Salutation -It is the greeting to the person to whom the letter is
addressed. In the official letter, we use

Hacks :
• Sir /Madam
• When writing the salutation, we have to keep in mind the gender of the
receiver if specified in the question.
Parts of a Formal Letter
6. Body of the Letter - Contains all the information that the writer wants to
convey. The body includes three main parts.

(i)An introductory paragraph - it states the purpose of writing the letter.

ii. Informative paragraph - Gives details of the problem. it causes, effects, etc.
iii. Concluding paragraph -It states your hopes, comments, request suggestions or
Editor may be requested to publish your letter.
Suggested Opening Sentences:
1. I am a resident of_________ I am writing this letter to express my views

2. Through the columns of your esteemed and widely read newspaper, I would like
to draw the attention of the concerned authorities and general public to an
important issue which ________________

3. I am a regular reader of your newspaper. I read an article on __________ in

your newspaper. I strongly feel that _________
Suggested Closing Sentences:
1. I request you to publish this letter with some relevant photographs to spread
awareness among the readers.

2. I hope some more articles and reports on this issue would be published so that
the concerned authorities would take some immediate measures to rectify the
problem .

3. I hope that you will publish my letter and help to initiate a public debate on this
Parts of a Formal Letter
7. Complimentary close -way of ending the letter

Hacks :
• largely accepted -Yours truly–editor & Yours sincerely- formal /business)
• Note: the first letter of the second word here (s /f / t) is never written in the capital
• Do not use Your's instead of yours.
Parts of a Formal Letter

8. Signature -This is the sender’s name. If applicable, the sender’s

designation may be added below the name.

For example

Drishya Ragunath
(Member of NGO)
Suggested Opening Sentences:
1. I am a resident of_________ I am writing this letter to express my views

2. Through the columns of your esteemed and widely read newspaper, I would like
to draw the attention of the concerned authorities and general public to an
important issue which ________________

3. I am a regular reader of your newspaper. I read an article on __________ in

your newspaper. I strongly feel that _________
Suggested Closing Sentences:
1. I request you to publish this letter with some relevant photographs to spread
awareness among the readers.

2. I hope some more articles and reports on this issue would be published so that
the concerned authorities would take some immediate measures to rectify the
problem .

3. I hope that you will publish my letter and help to initiate a public debate on this
Formal Letter Writing
1.The authorities have been claiming that the roads in your town have been relaid
and repaired. But no such work done is seen. Write a letter to the editor of a local
newspaper expressing your concern at the present situation and giving suggestions to
resolve the problem, in 100-120 words. You are Prabhu/ Parvati of Vivek Vihar,
Format of Formal Letter Writing
Vivek Vihar

Date : 26 Feb 2024

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject : No visibility of repaired roads

Sir /Madam
Format of Formal Letter Writing
Sir /Madam

Through the columns of your esteemed and widely read newspaper, I would like to
draw the attention of the concerned authorities and general public to an important
issue which highlights towards the nuisance because of the pathetic conditions of
the roads in our town.

The roads here are in terrible conditions, and the authorities have been claiming
that the roads have been re-laid and repaired, but there is no visibility of such
work. The potholes on the roads are a major cause of concern, as they cause
several accidents and the rains make it worse.
Format of Formal Letter Writing
I hope some more articles and reports on this issue would be published so that the
concerned authorities would take some immediate measures to rectify the
Thanking you

Yours truly
Topper’s Answersheet
Topper’s Answersheet
Analytical paragraph
An analytical paragraph is a form of descriptive writing which is written on the basis
of a given chart, graph,data, outline, cues, table, etc. When writing an analytical
paragraph,one should remember to describe the facts in the best possible manner and
to cover the information provided. The analytical paragraph has to be written in
around 100-120 words. So the paragraph must use clear and crisp language along with
providing complete details of the chart given in the question.
Analytical paragraph
An analytical paragraph is divided into three parts:
• Introduction
• Body
• Conclusion
The introduction is the first paragraph that should describe in brief what the
graph is about. It should be like an opening paragraph about what the graph is
The following phrases can be used -
• The table suggests
• The line graph shows
• The data given provides information about
• The given pie chart illustrates etc.

The three given pie charts illustrates types of food consumption in 2008 as
compared in two countries- India and China. In general, processed food is the
major type of food eaten.
• Body
This part of the analytical paragraph should contain details of the graph/chart given in
the question. It should contain all the important information .

•For describing •For establishing a •For conclusion

quantities relationship or contrast
48% of similarly Overall
Almost 80% however in a nutshell
majority, whereas In short
on an average striking difference therefore
The lowest in comparison to
Almost one -fifth
Processed food comprises as high as 41% of the global consumption. In China and India
as well, processed foods are consumed the most, the rate of consumption being 34%
and 39% respectively. On an average, vegetables and fruits constitute 29% of
consumption. In China, vegetables and fruits comprise 32% of food consumption which is
9% more than that of India. For Indians, animal food accounts for 27% of their diet,
exceeding Chinese food consumption by a striking 12%. However, nuts and seeds
comprise almost one-fifth of Chinese food habits. This is way more than the global
consumption of 4% and 11% of India.
• Conclusion
The last paragraph should summarise the idea mentioned and information in general.
It should be concluding in nature and act as the closing statement.

• Overall,
• subsequently,
• In all,
• in a nutshell,
• In short,
• striking changes,
• therefore etc..
• Conclusion

Overall, world food consumption largely comprises processed food. Chinese

consumption of nuts and seeds is unbelievably higher than the average
Topper’s Answersheet
It is distressing to see the attitude of people towards animals. The number
of cases of cruelty towards animals is increasing. The following pie chart
represents the attitude of people towards animals. Write an analytical
paragraph in 100 -120 words interpreting the data given in the pie
chart.(CBSE 2023)

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