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“JnanaSangama”, Belgaum – 590014

Mini Project Report


Electronic voting machine

Submitted by

M Nikhilnaik


Koustubh kulkarni



Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore




This is to certify that M Nikhilnaik of USN :4MH22MC044 and Koustubh

Kulkarni of USN :4MH22MC041 has successfully completed the Internet of

Things lab with mini project [22MCAL37] entitled “Electronic voting machine”

as a partial fulfilment of Master of Computer Applications during the academic

year 2023 – 2024.

Signature of Internal Guide Signature of HOD

Name and Signature of External Examiners


1. Introduction:
1.1 Motivation

1.2 Aim and Objective

1.3 Problem statement/Scope of the project

2. Requirement Analysis:
2.1 Arduino Uno R3
2.2 LCD (Liquid crystal display)
2.3 I2C lcd adapter

3. Software Requirement Specification:

3.1 Hardware
3.2 Software
4. Implementation:
4.1 Working Principle

4.2 Arduino Coding

5.Analysis and Design

6. Testing:
6.1 Testing the Components

9. Future Scope/Enhancement
10. References

Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) have emerged as a cornerstone of modern electoral

systems, offering the promise of efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility in the electoral process.
This abstract provides a comprehensive examination of electronic voting machine technology,
encompassing design principles, implementation challenges, and implications for democratic
Beginning with an overview of the evolution of voting technology, this abstract traces the
transition from traditional paper-based ballots to electronic voting systems. It discusses the
rationale behind the adoption of EVMs, including the potential to reduce voting errors,
streamline the counting process, and enhance voter confidence in election outcomes.
Furthermore, this abstract explores the key components and functionalities of electronic voting
machines, including user interfaces, ballot casting mechanisms, and data encryption protocols.
It highlights the importance of usability testing, security audits, and certification processes to
ensure the reliability and integrity of EVMs in the electoral context
Moreover, the abstract examines the technical and logistical challenges associated with the
deployment of electronic voting machines, such as software vulnerabilities, hardware
malfunctions, and logistical constraints. It underscores the need for rigorous quality assurance
measures, contingency plans, and voter education initiatives to address these challenges and
mitigate potential risks to the electoral process.
Additionally, the abstract discusses the broader implications of electronic voting machine
technology for democratic governance, including issues related to transparency, verifiability,
and voter trust. It examines controversies surrounding EVMs, such as allegations of tampering,
manipulation, and electoral fraud, and explores strategies for enhancing the accountability and
transparency of electronic voting systems


Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) retains all the characteristics of voting by ballot papers,
while making polling a lot more expedient. Being fast and absolutely reliable, the EVM saves
considerable time, money and manpower. And, of course, helps maintain total voting secrecy
without the use of ballot papers. The EVM is 100 per cent tamper proof. And, at the end of the
polling, just press a button and there you have the results.

Electronic voting machine has now days become an effective tool for voting. It ensures flawless
Voting and thus has become more widespread. It ensures people about their vote being secured.
It avoids any kind of malpractice and invalid votes. Also such kind of system becomes more
economical as consequent expenditure incurred on manpower is saved. It is also convenient on
the part of voter, as he has to just press one key whichever belongs to his candidates.

voting machines are the total combination of mechanical, electro mechanical, or electronic
equipment (including software, firmware, and documentation required to program control, and
support equipment), that is used to define ballots; to cast and count votes; to report or display
election results; and to maintain and produce any audit trail information. The first voting
machines were mechanical but it is increasingly more common to use electronic voting

A voting system includes the practices and associated documentation used to identify system
components and versions of such components; to test the system during its development and
maintenance; to maintain records of system errors or defects; to determine specific changes
made after initial certification; and to make available any materials to the voter (such as notices,
instructions, forms, or paper ballots).

Traditionally, a voting machine has been defined by the mechanism the system uses to cast
votes and further categorized by the location where the system tabulates the votes.

Voting machines have different levels of usability, security, efficiency and accuracy. Certain
systems may be more or less accessible to all voters, or not accessible to those voters with
certain types of disabilities. They can also have an effect on the public's ability to oversee

Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) represent a pivotal innovation in the realm of electoral
technology, transforming the way nations conduct their democratic processes. These
sophisticated devices have replaced traditional paper-based ballots in many countries,
promising increased efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility in electoral procedures. With their
sleek interfaces and advanced functionalities, EVMs have garnered significant attention from
policymakers, electoral authorities, and citizens alike.

The adoption of EVMs stems from a desire to modernize electoral systems and address
longstanding challenges associated with manual voting methods. Historically, paper-based
ballots have been susceptible to various issues, including errors in vote counting, ballot
stuffing, and logistical inefficiencies. Electronic voting machines offer a compelling alternative
by automating key aspects of the voting process, thereby reducing human error and enhancing
the integrity of election results.

At its core, an electronic voting machine comprises a combination of hardware and software
components designed to facilitate the casting, recording, and tallying of votes. These machines
typically feature intuitive user interfaces, allowing voters to navigate through ballot options
and make their selections with ease. Behind the scenes, sophisticated algorithms and
cryptographic techniques ensure the security and confidentiality of voter data, safeguarding the
integrity of the electoral process.

The introduction of electronic voting machines has sparked widespread debate and controversy
in many jurisdictions. Critics have raised concerns about the vulnerability of EVMs to hacking,
tampering, and manipulation, highlighting the potential risks to electoral integrity and
democratic legitimacy. Additionally, questions have been raised about the accessibility of
electronic voting systems for individuals with disabilities and those lacking technological

Despite these challenges, proponents of electronic voting machines argue that they offer
numerous advantages over traditional voting methods. EVMs can expedite the voting process,
reduce administrative costs, and provide real-time access to election results. Moreover,
electronic voting systems have the potential to enhance voter turnout by offering greater
flexibility and convenience to voters, particularly in remote or underserved communities.

As nations continue to grapple with the complexities of electoral modernization, the role of
electronic voting machines will remain a subject of intense scrutiny and debate. Striking the
right balance between innovation and security is paramount to ensuring the credibility and
trustworthiness of electoral outcomes in the digital age. By leveraging advances in technology,
governance, and public engagement, stakeholders can harness the full potential of electronic
voting machines to strengthen democratic institutions and uphold the principles of free and fair

The motivation behind this EVM project is to create an electronic voting machine (EVM) that
will help overcome the challenges posed by manual voting machines.
It aims to be cost-effective and time-saving, and eliminate potential fraudulent activities within
the paper-based voting system.
In scenarios such as village elections, school elections, or college elections, this smart and
budget-friendly EVM can ensure fair and efficient electoral processes.
This Electronic Voting Machine project features eight switches that are labeled S1 to S8, each
corresponding to a candidate, and an additional switch S9 that is designated for displaying the
An LED is connected to D3 (pin 18) of Arduino Uno, while a buzzer is connected to D2 (pin
17) to indicate vote status

The task is to design and develop an electronic voting machine (EVM) using Arduino Uno,
aiming to address the limitations and challenges associated with traditional paper-based voting
systems. The primary objective is to create a secure, reliable, and user-friendly voting solution
that can be deployed in various electoral settings, such as national elections, local elections, or
organizational polls

Key aspects to consider in the problem statement include:

 Modernization of Electoral Systems: Traditional paper-based voting systems are
often prone to errors, inefficiencies, and logistical challenges. The problem statement
should emphasize the need to modernize electoral systems by adopting electronic
voting machines (EVMs) based on Arduino Uno technology.
 Enhanced Security and Integrity: Security is a critical concern in electronic voting
systems to prevent tampering, fraud, and unauthorized access. The problem statement
should address the need to implement robust security measures, including encryption,
authentication, and audit trails, to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the voting
 Usability and Accessibility: The electronic voting machine should be designed with a
user-friendly interface accessible to voters of all backgrounds, including those with
disabilities or limited technical proficiency. The problem statement should highlight the
importance of usability testing and accessibility features to facilitate a smooth and
inclusive voting experience.


The aim of an electronic voting machine (EVM) is to modernize and streamline the electoral
process by replacing traditional paper-based voting methods with a secure, efficient, and user-
friendly electronic system. The primary objectives of electronic voting machines are as follows:
 Accuracy: Ensure the accurate recording and tallying of votes to uphold the integrity
of the electoral process and provide reliable election results.
 Efficiency: Expedite the voting process by eliminating the need for manual counting
of paper ballots, reducing waiting times at polling stations, and enabling faster
dissemination of election results.
 Transparency: Enhance transparency in the electoral process by providing real-time
or near-real-time access to voting data and election results to stakeholders, including
voters, election officials, political parties, and observers
 Security: Implement robust security measures to safeguard against tampering, fraud,
and unauthorized access, thereby ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and
authenticity of voting transactions and outcomes.



Arduino is a widely used open-source prototyping platform which is based on software and
hardware that are easy to use. It is made up of a programmable microcontroller unit and the Arduino
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which is used to write and upload codes to the Arduino
board. The Arduino board is the physical microcontroller boards used for making electronic
projects. Arduino boards are capable of reading inputs and converting them into outputs. You can
send instructions to the microcontroller on the Arduino board and tell it what to do using the
Arduino programming language (based on Wiring). Due to the open-source nature of the Arduino
environment, codes are easily written and uploaded to the Arduino board. Arduino is written in
Java so it can be run on Linux, Mac OSX and windows.
 External power supply voltage: 7V to 12V DC
 USB power or externally via barrel jack connector

The key features of Arduino include:

 The Microcontroller boards are capable of detecting signals (analog or digital) from
different sensors and convert the input into an output by triggering a response such as
activating a motor, turning a LED on or off, and many other actions.
 The microcontroller board functions can be controlled by sending instructions to the
microcontroller using the Arduino Integrated Development Environment.
 An external piece of hardware for loading code into the board is not requires unlike in some
other circuit boards. Just a USB cable is required.
 It is simple to learn the Arduino programming language as it is a simplified version of C++.
 Arduino allows for a standard form factor, which breaks the functions of the board to a
more accessible package

2.2.LCD (Liquid crystal display):

Liquid Crystal Display which is commonly known as LCD is an Alphanumeric Display
it means that it can display Alphabets, Numbers as well as special symbols thus LCD is a user
friendly Display device which can be used for displaying various messages unlike seven
segment display which can display only numbers and some of the alphabets. The only
disadvantage of LCD over seven segment is that seven segment is robust display and be
visualized from a longer distance as compared to LCD. Here I have used 16 x 2 Alphanumeric
Display which means on this display I can display two lines with maximum of16 characters in
one line.

The key features of LCD:

 High Resolution: LCDs can display images and text with high resolution, providing
sharp and clear visuals, which is essential for displaying ballot options and voting
instructions accurately.
 Low Power Consumption: LCDs consume significantly less power compared to other
display technologies, making them suitable for battery-operated devices like electronic
voting machines. This feature ensures prolonged operation without draining the power
source quickly.
 Thin and Lightweight: LCD panels are thin and lightweight, making them ideal for
applications where space and weight are constraints. This feature enables the design of
compact and portable electronic voting machines that can be easily deployed in various


I2C lcd adapter is a device containing a micro-controller PCF8574 chip. This micro-controller
is a I/O expander, which communicates with other micro-controller chip with two wire
communication protocol. Using this adapter anyone can control an 16x2 LCD with only two
wire(SDA, SCL). It saves many pins of arduino or other micro-controller. It has an built in
potentiometer for control lcd contrast. The default I2C address is 0x27. You can change this
address by connecting A0, A1, A2
The I2C serial adapter can be connected to 16x2 or 20x4 LCD displays via breakout pins. Once
it fits perfectly onto the LCD, we can connect the module to any MCU/MPU using I2C protocol
The power points VCC and GND can be connected to the 5V and the ground terminal of the
MCU/MPU, respectively. Also, connect the SDA, SCL pins of the module to the MCU/MPU
I2C pins respectively to send the data
The key features:
 Resolution: 12-bit resolution allows for the representation of analog signals with high
precision, offering a wide dynamic range and fine granularity in digital output values.
 Accuracy: 12-bit ADCs are designed to achieve high levels of accuracy in converting
analog signals to digital values, with low integral and differential non-linearity,
minimal offset and gain errors, and low noise levels.
 Sampling Rate: The sampling rate of a 12-bit ADC determines the maximum
frequency of the input signal that can be accurately digitized. Higher sampling rates
enable the capture of fast-changing analog signals with greater fidelity



Hardware is a broad term that refers to all the physical parts that make up a computer.
The internal hardware devices that make up the computer and ensure that it is functional
are called components, while external hardware devices that are not essential to a
computer’s functions are called peripherals. The hardware that is used for the mini-
project work is

 Ardunio Uno
 LCD Display
 I2C Converter
 Switch
 Connecting cable
 Male to Male jump wires
 Bread Board


Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and

execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical
aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts
and programs that run on a device. The software tool used for the mini-project work is

 Ardunio IDE


4.1.Working principle:
An electronic voting machine (EVM) based on Arduino utilizes the versatility and
affordability of Arduino microcontrollers to create a simplified yet functional voting
system. In this setup, Arduino serves as the brain of the EVM, controlling the user
interface, vote recording, and data management processes. The user interface typically
comprises input devices like push buttons or a keypad and an output display such as an
LCD screen. Through this interface, voters make their selections, and Arduino records
these votes electronically, incrementing counters or updating variables associated with
each candidate or option. To ensure the integrity of the process, security measures such
as tamper-evident seals and data encryption can be implemented. After voting, the
Arduino stores the recorded votes in its memory or on external storage devices like SD
cards. The collected data can then be transmitted securely to a central tabulation system
for aggregation and analysis. Throughout this process, verification and auditing
mechanisms are crucial to validate the accuracy of the results and uphold the
transparency and trustworthiness of the electoral process. While Arduino-based EVMs

offer a cost-effective solution for small-scale elections or educational purposes,
attention to security measures and compliance with legal regulations is paramount to
ensure the credibility and fairness of the voting process.
In this project, i.e Smart Electronic Voting Machine Using Arduino, we have used
four pushbuttons for four different candidates who are taking part in the election. We can
increase the number of the candidate as per requirement. When any voter press any of four
buttons then respecting voting value will increment by one each time. After the whole voting
process, the result button can be pressed to display the result.


Assemble the circuit as shown in the figure above. Connect the 5 push buttons to digital pin
7,6,5,4,3 of Arduino. Similarly connect pin 4,6, 11, 12, 13, 14 of LCD to digital pin 13, 12,
11, 10, 9, 8 of Arduino.

LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);

#define S1 7
#define S2 6
#define S3 5

#define S4 4
#define S5 3
int vote1=0;
int vote2=0;
int vote3=0;
int vote4=0;
void setup()
pinMode(S1, INPUT);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print(" Electronic ");
lcd.print(" Voting Machine ");
digitalWrite(S1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(S2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(S3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(S4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(S5, HIGH);

void loop()

int vote=vote1+vote2+vote3+vote4;
if((vote1 > vote2 && vote1 > vote3 && vote1 > vote4))
lcd.print("A is Winner");
else if((vote2 > vote1 && vote2 > vote3 && vote2 > vote4))
lcd.print("B is Winner");
else if((vote3 > vote1 && vote3 > vote2 && vote3 > vote4))
lcd.print("C is Winner");
else if(vote4 > vote1 && vote4 > vote2 && vote4 > vote3)

lcd.print("D is Winner");

else if(vote4 > vote1 && vote4 > vote2 && vote4 > vote3)
lcd.print("D is Winner");

lcd.print(" Tie Up Or ");
lcd.print(" No Result ");


lcd.print("No Voting....");


The electronic voting machine (EVM) implemented on an Arduino Uno board offers a compact
and efficient solution for conducting voting processes. Utilizing the Arduino Uno's capabilities,
this mini project demonstrates a simple yet effective approach to electronic voting.
The project likely consists of several key components, including input devices such as push
buttons for selecting candidates or options, output devices like LEDs or an LCD screen to
display voting results, and the Arduino Uno board itself serving as the central processing unit.
In terms of functionality, the Arduino Uno would be programmed using the C language to
handle various tasks. The program would likely include sections for initializing the system,
reading inputs from the push buttons, tallying votes, and displaying results. Additionally, error
handling mechanisms might be incorporated to ensure the integrity of the voting process.


6.1.Testing the components:
Testing the components of an electronic voting machine (EVM) implemented using Arduino
involves verifying the functionality and reliability of each constituent part. Here's how you can
test each component:
Arduino Microcontroller:Ensure that the Arduino board is functioning properly by uploading
a simple test sketch (e.g., blinking LED) to confirm basic functionality.Test communication
with other components by sending and receiving data through different communication
interfaces (e.g., UART, I2C, SPI).
Input Devices:Test each input device (e.g., push buttons, keypad) by connecting them to the
Arduino and verifying that they trigger the expected actions when pressed.Check for debounce
issues (if applicable) by observing the response of the input devices to rapid or repeated presses.
Output Display:Connect the output display (e.g., LCD screen) to the Arduino and verify that
it initializes correctly and displays information accurately.Test various display functionalities,
such as printing text, displaying numbers, and updating information dynamically.
Vote Recording Mechanism:Implement a test scenario where simulated votes are cast using
the input devices, and verify that the Arduino records the votes accurately.Check for any errors
or inconsistencies in the recorded data and ensure that votes are counted correctly.
Security Features:Test any security measures implemented in the EVM, such as tamper
detection, encryption, or access controls.Attempt to simulate common security threats (e.g.,
physical tampering, unauthorized access) and verify that the security features effectively
mitigate these risks.
Integration Testing:Connect all components together and perform integrated testing to ensure
that they work together seamlessly.Test the end-to-end functionality of the EVM, from voter
interaction to vote recording and result display.
Usability Testing:Involve users (e.g., election officials, voters) in usability testing to evaluate
the ease of use and intuitiveness of the EVM interface.Gather feedback on any issues or areas
for improvement in the user experience.
By systematically testing each component of the Arduino-based EVM, you can identify and
address any issues or deficiencies, ensuring that the final product is reliable, accurate, and
secure for use in elections

In conclusion, electronic voting machines (EVMs) represent a significant advancement in the
electoral process, offering numerous benefits such as increased efficiency, accuracy, and
accessibility. However, their effectiveness relies heavily on robust design, thorough testing,
and stringent security measures. Through the utilization of technologies like Arduino
microcontrollers, EVMs can provide a versatile and cost-effective solution for conducting
elections. Arduino-based EVMs offer customizable features, user-friendly interfaces, and the
potential for rapid deployment in diverse electoral environments.
Nevertheless, the implementation of EVMs must be accompanied by comprehensive testing
procedures to ensure their reliability, accuracy, and security. Functional testing verifies the
proper functioning of each component, while accuracy testing confirms the correct recording
and tabulation of votes. Security testing is crucial to identify and address vulnerabilities that
could compromise the integrity of the electoral process. Usability testing ensures that EVM
interfaces are intuitive and accessible to all voters
In conclusion, while electronic voting machines hold great promise for modernizing elections,
their successful deployment requires careful consideration of design, testing, and security
considerations. By adhering to best practices and continually evaluating and improving EVM
systems, we can enhance the transparency, efficiency, and trustworthiness of democratic
processes worldwide.

 Security Enhancement: Research on implementing advanced encryption techniques
and biometric authentication to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of votes.
 Accessibility Features: Designing EVMs with features like audio ballots, tactile
interfaces, and multilingual support to make voting accessible to all citizens, including
those with disabilities.
 Blockchain Integration: Investigating the use of blockchain technology to create a
transparent and tamper-proof voting system, ensuring the immutability of voting
 Remote Voting: Exploring possibilities for secure remote voting using EVMs,
potentially leveraging technologies like blockchain and cryptographic protocols to
enable voting from anywhere.
 Environmental Impact: Assessing the environmental impact of EVMs and exploring
ways to reduce their carbon footprint through energy-efficient designs and materials.
 Mobile Integration: Investigating the integration of EVM functionalities into mobile
devices, allowing voters to cast their ballots using smartphones while maintaining
security and privacy.

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