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HeRO monitoring in the NICU: sepsis

detection and beyond
Heart rate observation (HeRO) monitoring was developed for detection of sepsis in preterm
infants. In a randomised clinical trial of 3,003 very low birthweight infants, displaying the HeRO
score to clinicians significantly reduced mortality. The HeRO monitor is now in use in many
NICUs in the USA and was approved in 2012 for use in Europe.

Jamie Fletcher Hicks eart rate patterns offer a ‘window’ into conventional NICU care and the second,
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
H autonomic nervous system function:
when they become abnormal they signal an
NICU care that includes predictive
monitoring for sepsis using the HeRO underlying pathology1. Preterm infants in monitor.
the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
Karen Fairchild are extremely vulnerable to sepsis, which is Case 1, 2003
MD often associated with decreased heart rate Baby boy D is a four-week-old, former 28-
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of variability (HRV) and transient heart rate week infant on nasal cannula oxygen and
Neonatology, University of Virginia School decelerations2. A monitor was developed – full enteral feeds. He normally has one or
of Medicine the HeRO monitor – to analyse these two self-resolved apnoea events per day but
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
abnormal heart rate characteristics (HRC) develops increased apnoea requiring
University of Virginia Health System, and display to clinicians a score, which stimulation. He looks well and a caffeine
Charlottesville, USA indicates the risk of an infant deteriorating bolus is given. Within a day, he requires
from sepsis in the next day3-5. Display of intubation and mechanical ventilation and
this HeRO score resulted in a 22% relative is lethargic with poor perfusion. A sepsis
reduction in mortality in a large evaluation is performed and antibiotics are
randomised clinical trial (RCT) of very low initiated. In spite of aggressive treatment,
birthweight (VLBW) NICU patients6. New
HRV = heart rate variability he develops septic shock and dies two days
research has elucidated various pathol-
HRC = heart rate characteristics (HRV + later. His blood culture yields Serratia
ogical conditions that can cause worsening
decelerations) marcescens.
of HRC and a rise in the HeRO score. To
HeRO monitor = heart rate observation
assist clinicians in appropriate use of the Case 2, 2013
HeRO monitor for the benefit of NICU
HRC index = HeRO score Baby girl W is a two-week-old, former 30-
patients, this article will review:
week infant on nasal CPAP. She is building
■ The physiological basis of abnormal HRC
Keywords up her feeds but develops temperature
in sepsis
instability. She looks well but her HeRO
■ Development and validation of the HeRO
neonatal sepsis; heart rate variability; score has risen from one to 2.5 in the past
heart rate characteristics; very low birth algorithm
■ Results of the RCT of HeRO monitoring
six hours, so cultures are obtained and
weight; prematurity
■ Answers to frequently asked questions
antibiotics initiated. Blood and urine
Key points about the monitor cultures yield Klebsiella pneumoniae.
■ Clinical conditions associated with a high
Antibiotics are continued for 14 days and
Hicks J.F., Fairchild K. HeRO monitoring in
the NICU: sepsis detection and beyond. HeRO score she recovers uneventfully.
Infant 2013; 9(6): 187-91. ■ Current research aimed at developing
1. Use of the HeRO monitor reduces even more sophisticated and effective The physiology of abnormal HRV
sepsis-associated mortality in preterm predictive monitoring algorithms to and HRC
infants. improve outcomes of patients in the In the healthy state there are frequent small
2. Combining HRC with other predictive NICU and elsewhere in the hospital. accelerations and decelerations in heart
monitoring strategies (eg biomarker rate in response to sympathetic and
screening and respiratory analysis) may Neonatal sepsis: past and present parasympathetic signals to cardiac
lead to further improvement in patient
The following section describes two actual pacemaker cells. Pathological processes
cases. The first case demonstrates leading to disturbances in autonomic

infant VOLUME 9 ISSU E 6 2013 187


nervous system function may be associated FIGURE 1 Display

with depressed HRV. In some cases the screens from the
decreased HRV may be accompanied by HeRO monitor
transient heart rate decelerations. A well- showing an
known example is the asphyxiated fetus individual
with poor beat-to-beat variability and patient’s normal
and abnormal
superimposed decelerations. These
HRC. The monitor
abnormal HRC, of decreased HRV and
displays the last
decelerations, also occur in neonates with
five days of the
sepsis3. Other physiological perturbations HeRO score (top,
and several medications can also lead to orange) and the
abnormal HRC, as discussed later. last 30 minutes of
Subtle changes in HRC often occur in heart rate
the early stages of sepsis before an infant (bottom, green,
develops any clinical signs. This finding beats per minute).
raised the possibility of developing a (A) Screen shot
monitoring system to predict that an infant from an infant
would, in the near future, experience a with normal HRC
clinical deterioration from sepsis, allowing and a low HeRO
earlier interventions leading to improved score (0.88, shown
outcomes. in top right panel).
(B) Screen shot
Development and testing of the showing a large
transient ‘spike’ in
HeRO monitor
the HeRO score
Abnormal HRC cannot be discerned (arrow) with
simply by observing the electrocardiogram decreased HRV
(ECG) signal or the absolute values of and decelerations.
heart rate as they quickly pass by on
standard NICU cardiorespiratory B
monitors. Researchers at the University of
Virginia developed a monitor that analyses
ECG and heart rate signals from the
bedside monitor, for patterns that predict heart rate toward frequent large infant’s current HeRO score, the trend in
impending sepsis. The monitor presents a decelerations and few accelerations. Sample the score over the previous five days and
score to aid in the clinical decision-making entropy relates to the normal irregularity the heart rate over the previous 30
process. Using data from over 300 VLBW of heart rate7-8,10. Low HRV, high sample minutes. Clinicians can also select multi-
infants with over 100 sepsis events, a asymmetry (skewed toward decelerations) patient views that display current HeRO
mathematical algorithm was derived that and low sample entropy increase the HeRO scores and the prior five-day trends in
includes three components4-5,7-8: score, which is a multivariable logistic clusters of patients (FIGURE 2) or in all
1. Standard deviation of inter-heartbeat regression expression that represents the patients in the NICU (FIGURE 3).
(RR) intervals fold increase in risk that an infant will have
2. Sample asymmetry a clinical deterioration from sepsis within The HeRO trial
3. Sample entropy. 24 hours3, 5,11-13. After being developed on To test the utility of the HeRO monitor for
The standard deviation of RR intervals is
data from infants in one NICU, the HeRO improving outcomes of VLBW infants, a
a classic and commonly used time-series
score was externally validated for sepsis RCT was conducted from 2004 to 20106. In
measure of HRV. Further work showed
detection in VLBW infants in a second the HeRO trial, which was sponsored by
that analysis of high and low-frequency
NICU3,5. the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
HRV, which are thought to represent
The HeRO monitor (Medical Predictive VLBW infants in nine NICUs in the US
parasympathetic and sympathetic tone,
Science Corporation, Charlottesville, underwent continuous HeRO monitoring
respectively, does not improve on time-
series analysis for detection of neonatal Virginia, USA) was approved by the US and were randomised (with parental
sepsis9. Simple measurement of HRV Food and Drug Administration in 2003 for consent) to having their HeRO score
would be ineffective for predicting early measurement of HRC in infants and displayed or not displayed to clinicians.
stages of neonatal sepsis due to the children (510k clearance), and received CE Clinicians were educated on how the
occurrence of transient decelerations, marking for use in Europe in 2012. The HeRO score was developed and
which may be pathological yet would lead HeRO score is continuously calculated encouraged to evaluate infants whose score
to normalisation of HRV. Consequently from the previous 12 hours of ECG and was rising, but there were no mandated
two other measures were incorporated into heart rate recordings and is updated interventions for a particular score or rate
the HeRO score algorithm. hourly. The monitor provides individual of rise. The primary outcome was days
Sample asymmetry measures skewing of patient display (FIGURE 1) that shows the alive and not on mechanical ventilation in

188 VOLUME 9 ISSU E 6 2013 infant


infants undergoing more medical exam-

inations and receiving more antibiotics. In
the RCT, infants in the HeRO display
group had 10% more blood cultures
obtained (1.8 compared with 1.6 blood
cultures per month, p=0.05) and 5% more
days on antibiotics (15.7 compared with
15.0 days, p=0.31). In the subsequent
analysis of septicaemia cases in the clinical
trial, the infants who never experienced
septicaemia had no difference in antibiotic
days, whereas the 700 infants who had one
or more episodes of septicaemia had a 10%
increase in total antibiotic days during
their NICU stay if their HeRO score was
displayed (32 versus 29 days)14. While this
illustrates a trade-off for reduced mortality,
the rather small increase in antibiotic days
FIGURE 2 A ‘pod view’ from the HeRO monitor showing HeRO scores on multiple patients. In suggests that clinicians may have used the
this view, five-day trends for five patients are shown by orange dotted lines and current HeRO HeRO score not only in decisions to start
scores are indicated in the right hand panels. antibiotics, but also in decisions (when
infants had mild or non-specific symptoms
FIGURE 3 A ‘unit and the score was low) to either withhold
view’ from the HeRO or shorten duration of antibiotics.
monitor showing Another concern regarding HeRO
HeRO scores from all monitoring is that abnormal HRC are not
patients in the NICU.
specific to sepsis and occur in other patho-
HeRO scores may be
logical conditions in sick NICU patients.
displayed in the
This presents a challenge to clinicians and
patient care areas
and visualised
the HeRO score should not be the sole
remotely in real time. factor in decision making, but should be
considered in the context of other clinical
information. An understanding of the
various conditions that can affect HRC and
increase the HeRO score is important for
appropriate use of the HeRO monitor.

What conditions cause an increased

HeRO score?
the 120 days after randomisation. Mortality septicaemia and were more common in Sepsis (and other infection-related
was a secondary outcome. With 3,003 infants whose HeRO score was not conditions) is the leading cause of
infants enrolled, this was the largest RCT displayed. The exact time that bacteria significant increases in the HeRO score in
published to date in VLBW infants. The enter the bloodstream of an infant is of VLBW infants. In a subset of infants in the
statistically significant and clinically course not known, but it can be speculated clinical trial (those randomised to
important outcome was a 22% relative that some infants experience a sepsis clinicians blinded to their HeRO score at
reduction in mortality (from 10.2% to prodrome as their immune system works one centre), over half of large increases in
8.1%, p=0.04) for infants whose HeRO to contain pathogens. The stuttering the score (an increase of three points over
score was displayed, which translated to increases in the HeRO score prior to the prior baseline) were temporally
one extra survivor for every 48 VLBW or clinical deterioration could reflect ‘waxing associated with a suspected or proven
23 ELBW infants monitored. and waning’ of host responses or of infection-related condition, including
A subsequent analysis focusing on the bacterial burden in the bloodstream and urinary tract infection or necrotising
974 cases of septicaemia among 700 infants display of these pre-clinical HeRO spikes to enterocolitis (NEC). In some of these cases,
in the HeRO trial, revealed that mortality clinicians could represent opportunities for sepsis was initially suspected due to
within 30 days of septicaemia was reduced earlier treatment and improved outcomes. symptoms and/or abnormal laboratory
by 40% (from 19.6% to 11.8%, p<0.01) findings and subsequently ruled out with
when the HeRO score was displayed14. In HeRO frequently asked questions negative cultures. A systemic inflammatory
that analysis, another interesting finding Are there drawbacks to HeRO response or other physiological pertur-
was that large, transient increases in the monitoring? bation without infection may be respons-
HeRO score (‘spikes’) often occurred Continuously displaying a number ible for increases in the HeRO score in
several days prior to diagnosis of indicating risk for sepsis could result in some cases.

infant VOLUME 9 ISSU E 6 2013 189


NEC, like sepsis, may lead to Brain injury may be associated with Can the HeRO score be used to predict
cardiorespiratory instability and abnormal decreased HRV in ICU patients18-20. early onset neonatal sepsis?
HRC. In a study of 97 cases of NEC in Preterm infants with severe The HeRO score was developed and
infants enrolled in the HeRO RCT at three intraventricular haemorrhage may have validated for prediction of late onset sepsis
centres, the HeRO score increased chronic intermittent increases in their (LOS) at three days of age and beyond.
significantly 16 hours before clinicians HeRO score, not attributable to infection Culture-positive early onset sepsis is
diagnosed surgical NEC and six hours in the first few weeks after birth, possibly uncommon, occurring in only
before diagnosis of medical NEC, reflecting neurological dysfunction or a approximately 2% of VLBW infants
irrespective of whether septicaemia was chronic systemic inflammatory response to compared to up to 20% LOS22-23. HRC may
also present15. In contrast to sepsis, in the haemorrhage. Since a high HeRO score be abnormal in early onset sepsis, but there
which the HeRO score tends to decline can reflect both acute intracranial are many other pathophysiological
once antibiotics are started, in NEC the pathology and occurrence of adverse conditions occurring in the perinatal and
score often continues to rise for up to 24 events, such as sepsis and NEC, that can early neonatal period that could impact on
hours after treatment is initiated. This is adversely impact neurodevelopmental the HeRO score. The predictive value of
likely to reflect ongoing systemic and bowel outcomes, the average or cumulative HeRO the HeRO score for sepsis or other
inflammation. score during part or all of the NICU stay conditions in the first few days after birth
Respiratory deterioration without could serve as a prognostic marker for remains to be studied.
infection can also lead to an increase in the long-term neurological outcomes. In a
HeRO score, possibly due to apnoea, study of 65 VLBW infants enrolled in the How should we use the HeRO score for a
hypoxia, acidosis or lung inflammation. In HeRO trial, an association between a high chronically ill infant whose score is
a study of multiple cardiorespiratory cumulative HeRO score during the NICU frequently high?
measurements in VLBW NICU patients, an stay and cerebral palsy or cognitive impair- These very sick infants present a challenge,
elevated HeRO score was highly predictive ment at one year of age was reported21. since they are at high risk for infection but
of the need for non-elective intubation16. may have abnormal HRC due to respir-
Further studies are needed to determine What should clinicians do when an
infant’s HeRO score is rising?
atory, neurological or other pathological
whether predictive monitoring for conditions. In these infants it is especially
respiratory failure would improve out- 1. Look at the infant. Are there any indic-
important to carefully consider all clinical
comes of ICU patients, by alerting ations of infection on physical examin-
variables in conjunction with the HeRO
clinicians to a patient’s worsening respir- ation or in recent vital sign trends?
score trends to make judicious decisions
atory status leading to interventions to 2. Talk to the bedside caregivers. Has the
about starting and stopping antibiotics.
avoid the need for mechanical ventilation. nurse or the mother noted any change in
Laboratory tests such as leukocyte differ-
Surgery and procedures requiring the infant’s condition? Is the infant
ential, acute phase reactant levels (eg C-
anaesthetic or anticholinergic medications, having increased apnoea, feeding
reactive protein) or cytokine measure-
including treatment for retinopathy of intolerance, temperature instability,
ments may be useful in some cases.
prematurity, tend to cause decreased HRV lethargy or other signs of illness?
and an acute rise in the HeRO score. In 3. Review the HeRO score trends. What is The future of predictive monitoring
uncomplicated cases, the score rises quickly the height of the HeRO score and the
trend over the past week? Is this a The HeRO monitor is the first example of
and returns to baseline within 12 to 18
chronically ill infant with a history of predictive monitoring being taken from
Medications known to affect the HeRO score increases not related to infection bench to bedside, with a randomised trial
score include atropine, paralytics and (perhaps associated with severe lung showing lower mortality in preterm infants
dexamethasone. Premedication is disease or intraventricular when clinicians could see the HeRO score6.
increasingly used for intubation in NICU haemorrhage)? Research is underway to add analysis of
patients and atropine and paralytics 4. Decide, based on the above other vital signs to algorithms for predict-
depress HRV and raise the HeRO score. considerations, whether to: ing sepsis, NEC, and other pathological
Dexamethasone administration tends to a. Wait and watch the infant closely conditions for which early detection and
lower the HeRO score, possibly in part by b. Obtain laboratory or radiographic intervention would be expected to lead to
reducing cytokine production and systemic studies to evaluate for infection or better patient outcomes.
inflammation17. Other medications NEC
Respiratory analysis
commonly used in the NICU have not c. Start antibiotics.
been observed to affect the HeRO score. 5. There is no ‘threshold’ HeRO score that Apnoea is one of the most common signs
Cardiac arrhythmias can impact the should prompt initiation of antibiotics of late onset sepsis in preterm infants24. It is
HeRO score. The most common in every patient. A rise of 1-2 points over difficult to measure since chest impedance
arrhythmia in NICU patients, supraven- the prior baseline should at least lead to analysis of respiratory rate can be
tricular tachycardia, leads to a dramatic very close observation and consideration inaccurate leading to false positive and
decrease in HRV and, if persistent, a large of whether antibiotics are indicated, false negative monitor alarms and since
increase in the HeRO score. The impact of bearing in mind that the goal is to manual documentation of apnoea events
other cardiac conditions on the HeRO initiate therapy before the infant exper- in the medical record is inefficient and
score is less established. iences obvious clinical deterioration. inaccurate25. The researchers who

190 VOLUME 9 ISSU E 6 2013 infant


developed the HeRO monitor recently Conclusion 13. Moorman J.R., Lake D.E., Griffin M.P. Heart rate
characteristics monitoring for neonatal sepsis. IEEE
developed a computerised apnoea Predictive monitoring for early detection Trans Biomed Eng 2006;53:126-32.
detection system25-26 that is being used to of potentially catastrophic illness is the 14. Fairchild K.D., Schelonka R.L., Kaufman D.A. et al.
develop combined cardiorespiratory wave of the future in ICU medicine. The Septicemia mortality reduction in neonates in a
algorithms for early detection of sepsis and HeRO monitor has been shown to reduce heart rate characteristics monitoring trial. Pediatr
NEC. Sepsis-associated apnoea may be, not Res 2013;doi:10.1038/pr.2013.136.
sepsis-associated mortality in preterm
15. Stone M.L., Tatum P.M., Weitkamp J.H. et al.
only quantitatively but also qualitatively, infants. New algorithms incorporating Abnormal heart rate characteristics before clinical
different to physiological apnoea of other vital signs and laboratory tests may diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis. J Perinatol
prematurity and preliminary evidence enhance the diagnostic utility of this new 2013;doi:10.1038/jp.2013.63.
suggests that exaggerated periodic technology and lead to further 16. Clark M.T., Vergales B.D., Paget-Brown A.O. et al.
Predictive monitoring for respiratory
breathing may also be a harbinger of sepsis improvement in patient outcomes.
decompensation leading to urgent unplanned
or NEC in some preterm infants. intubation in the neonatal intensive care unit.
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