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CENTER NAME: Freeburg Secondary
TEACHER: Ms. Coleen Rogers
PROJECT TITLE: Street Children

The SBA would not have been completed without a number of help and suggestions from different
persons in which the researcher wishes to give credit.

Firstly, the researcher would like to thank the teacher and family members that served as a guidance
and advisory throughout the SBA along with the relevant information and understanding which helped
the SBA to be completed accurately.

Lastly, the researcher would like to thank the group members that lead the SBA to success with their
cooperation and hard work along with their different perspective and ideas that helped the group to
achieve its common goal.

The SBA will be based upon how parental neglect can lead to children being on the streets. Street are
minors who live and survive on the street. They often grow up in public landfills, train stations, or under
the bridges of the world’s major cities. Because of conflicts with their family, these children don’t want
to or can’t return home.

Title page - 1

Plan of investigation - 2

Artifacts - 3 -6

Poem # 1

Poem #2


Reflections -7- 9

Written report -10 -11

Outline of oral presentation - 12

Oral presentation – 13- 14

Reference -15

TITLE: Street Children

SUB-TOPIC: How parental neglect can lead to children being on the street.

The topic street children were chosen, because the researcher have always had an interest in wanting to
help orphans as well as children being on the streets. As student of English, studying and reading various
articles and poems will be beneficial to the researcher, because it will assist in enhancing her
comprehension skills, the researcher will also gain knowledge as to learning new words that will help to
improve her writing skill. Finally, the research intends to collect the relevant information by researching
a song and two poems online based on the topic street children.


In the dead stillness of the night,

when the mood is fair, full and bright,

On the cold cobblestone children


Butted like butts in a filthy



Alone they are left in corners


There, empty faces at them bark!

And within just a few paces,

In the clean well-lighted places,

They hear mothers softly singing,

And the bells merrily forever ringing

To children resting their small


On downy cushions in warm


And with kisses and embraces


Are showered by mothers every


The children hear the heavy


Of high-heeled shoes in dancing

They knew the rain, they knew

The cold

They feel the hope of dreams and

joy take hold

they knew too well the scorching


that roughers cheeks and burns

bare feet.

The sound of laughter of the


That mounts the building and

Towers high,

The sighs of the children and

their tears,

shot at their hearts like blinded


the woe and fear in their voices


the pain in their eyes and faces met,

and the tremble in their nimble

feet as they ran

sounded death knell music of

every man.




Dollars signs shout out from a car,

If only I could be so rich!

Living here and there,

Not a proper home.

Me in suites and power drive

Through the city

They don’t acknowledge me.

I sleep with my rags and my secret


For I don’t want the other boys to start a fight

My corner on the street is a

Memorable one,

An old lady once gave me a coin.

She knew is wasn’t one of them,

The ones that sniffs powder all day.

The gangs of the night scare me so


I hear a car alarm go off in fright.

The leader and his thugs often look

At me

Bashful I am; they have an aura

About them.

Perhaps when I’m order I’ll get a job,

Maybe even to take of that mob.

Sometimes I wish those ladies would come,

The ones who would stop and say,

“I’ll take you darling.”

My last few years have been a


perhaps maybe you can guess?

These walks have kept me in,

I wish I could run away.

But where could I stay?

I wish I had a family,

Someone to cuddle me.

I never knew my real parents,

And that is why I’m here.

Perhaps life will change sometimes,

That is why I don’t commit crime.

I hope you like this poem rhyme,

Because it took me quite some time.




Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Now little Lisa is only nine

Years old

She’s trying to figure out why

the world is so cold

why she’s all alone, and they

never met her family

mama’s always gone, and

she never met her daddy

part of her is missing and

nobody will listen

mama on drug, getting high

up in the kitchen

bringing home men at different

hours of the night

starting with some laughs,

usually ending in a fight

sneak into her room while her

mama’s knocked out

trying to have his way and

little Lisa says ‘ouch’

she tries to resist, but then all

he does is beat her

tries to tell her mom, but her

mama don’t believe her

Lisa is stuck up in the world

on her own

Forced to think that hell is a

Place called home

Nothing else to do but get

Some clothes and pack

She says she’s’ bout to run

Away and never come back

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Little Nicole is only ten years


She’s steady trying to figure

Why the world is so cold

Why she’s not pretty, and

Nobody seems to like her

Alcoholics step dad always wanna strike her

Yells and abuses, leaves her with

Some bruises

Teachers ask question; she

Making up excuse

Bleeding on the inside, crying on

The out

Its only one girl really knows

What she about

Her name is lil’ Stacy, and they

Become friends

Promise that they’ll always be

Tight till the end

Until one day lil’ Stacy gets shot

A drive-by bullet went Stacy up on

Her block

Now Nicole stuck up in the world

On her own

Forced to think that hell is a place

Called home

Nothing else to do but get her

Clothes and pack

She says she’s’ bout to run away

And never come back

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love
Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Little Erica is eleven years old

She’s steady trying to figure why

the world is so cold

So she pops Ex to get rid of all

the pain

plus she’s having sex with a boy

who’s sixteen

emotions run deep, and she

thinks she’s in love

so there’s no protection; he’s

using no glove

never thinking about the

consequences of her actions

living for today and not

tomorrow satisfaction

the days go by, and her belly

gets big

the father bails out; he ain’t

ready for a kid

knowing her mama will blow it all

outta proportion

plus she lives poor, so no money

for abortion

Erica is stuck up in the world on

her own

forced to think that hell is a place

called home

nothing else to do but get her

clothes and pack

she say she’s about to run away

and never come back

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway love

Runaway, runaway love

Don’t keep running away

I’ll runaway with you if you want me to


Yeah, I can only imagine

What you going through , ladies

Sometimes I feel like running away


So do me a favor right now

And close your eyes, and picture us

Running away together

And when we come back, everything

Is going to be okay

Open your eyes



The song runaway love by Ludacris featuring Mary J Blige was very enlightening. It explained to me that
the negligence of parents can lead to unstable homes and affect the innocence of children. The
negligence of parents in the song and the lack of love, understanding and everything that makes a
household stable are the causes of children running away.

The second piece is a poem by Estabraq Al Ahmadi name ‘’street children.’’ The poem presents the
harsh conditions that street children have to face just because their homes are not that stable like the
rest of children they witness. I noticed the admiration of the street children towards stable homes, so it
is most likely that their homes were not which caused them to run away.

The last piece selected is also a poem by Luke Waltham name, ‘’street children’’. I noticed that not all
the street children are the same. Even though they have problems, some still have positive mindset,
while some do not and just want to be delinquent.

The tone in the poem street children by like Waltham, is sad and depressing based upon the mood of
the poem. Personification is used by the poet to give us an imagery on what the poem is about. The
used of formal language, was used to even paint a prettier picture and understanding to the reader
example, ‘’my corner on the street is a memorable one’’, which made poem a lot simpler to grasp.

The tone in the poem street children by Estrsbraq AL Ahmadi is sad and depressing which is brought out
by the mood of the poem. Rhyme is used by the poet to understand and follow the message that the
poet is giving to us a quoted, ‘’ alone they are left in corners of the dark, there empty faces at them
bark!’’ Formal language, ‘’ the children hear the heavy foot falls ‘’, was understood by the reader
because of the slang in which the poem was written.

In the song runaway love by Ludacris featuring Mary J Blige, the tone used was sad and depressing,
quoted by the article ‘’ she’s trying to figure out why the world is so cold’’. Repetition, ‘’runaway love’’,
the artiste emphasis on the lyric to tell us the listeners, the goals of the girls, which is to run away,
because of their unstable homes. The poet used informal language so that teenagers who are going
through the same would understand quoted ‘she’s tryna figure out why the world is so cold’’.

As a student of English my English SBA assisted me in ganging new knowledge on problems that I wasn’t
aware of. It intrigued me to be on the alert about things in my society as well as teaching me a lesson
from it and being able to interact with my fellow peers.

During the process of doing SBA, I helped me to share my common views on my topics as well as learn
from what my group members have to add. It helped us to interact around each other and respect
each other’s point of views.

In addition, the SBA thought me how to properly identify different literary devices found in my artifacts
as well as providing an explanation for the use of each.
Lastly, my SBA thought me a valuable lesson about time span and that I should not take my SBA for
granted. Since there is so much, I can learn and educate others about.

The successful completions of the SBA relied on the execution of some procedures. Firstly, that various
themes were discussed together as a class. Students formed groups of four based on their choice topic.
The topic chosen by our group members was ‘’street children’’. The group members were then given
individually the tasks to choose a subtopic, pertaining to the theme which was selected. The plan of
investigation was then composed with the help of the pieces chosen individually. Reflections one and
two were written. Reflection 3 and the oral presentation would be done after the writer.

Each group member gathered 3 pieces relevant to the sub topics chosen. Each of the pieces were
carefully examined by the group and the best three pieces were chosen. The three pieces chosen were a
poem named ‘’ Grieving Daughter ‘’ by Evony Angle, a song by Ludacris featuring Mary J Blige titled’’
Runaway Love ‘’ and a song ‘’ Family Portrait’’ by Pink. The three pieces were scrutinized by the group.
The poem ‘’Grieving Daughter ‘, by Evony Angle is based upon the negligence of a parent and how it can
depress because of the rhyming words which helps to bring out the mood and set an imagery in our
minds. The poem is formal and easer to grasped because of the writer’s free word of choice.

The song ‘’Runaway love’’ by Ludacris featuring Mary J Blige was very enlightening. It explained to us
that the negligence of parents and can lead to unstable homes and affect the innocence of children. The
negligence of parent in the song and the lack of love. Understanding and everything that makes a
household stable are the causes of children running away. The tone used was sad and depressing,
quoted by the artiste,’’ she’s trying to figure out why the world is so cold’’. Repetition, ‘’Runaway love’’
the artiste emphasis on the lyrics to tell us the listeners, the goals of the girls, which is to run away,
because of their unstable homes. The songwriter used informal language for teenagers who can relate
to this song.
The song ‘’Family Portrait’’ by Pink highlighted how emotionally difficult is for a girl to understand the
challengers, problems and situation that her family face with domestic violence and how the situation is
so drastic that when she tried to get them back together it failed. It also shows that an unstable
household can affect a child’s emotion and sense of belonging and that she would rather leave home
than to minor the effects of domestic violence. The tone used by the songwriter was of sadness and
distress because she tried so hard to get her family back together but continuously failed. The mood of
the song was of commiseration, because the songwriter felt sympathy for the unfortunate situation.

In conclusion, this part of the SBA was successful with the help of each group member and our teacher.
The group members developed communication skills, as well as listening skills and was able to function
as to team to complete this part of the SBA. The group members also were able to understand the
importance of team work and how imperative each member.

The oral presentation will take is poetry. Free verse poem was chosen because it will capture the
audience attention as I deliver the topic. My inspiration for this genre is because I have a talent in
writing poems. Since poetry is popular around the world, I used this as a way to help children being
neglected and being on the street. The artifacts chosen helped me to develop a basic understanding that
I need to know about street children and what causes them being on the street like struggles and
neglect which is my main focus. Formal language was chosen because it is an easier way to express
myself and as a teenager, I know other teenagers would be able to relate to what I’m saying. Lastly, my
oral presentation will address how parental neglect leads to street children.


Dear mom, I missed you but have you missed me?

I guess you didn’t since you never sent out any search party.

Dear mom, I long for your love even though you have none for me.

But tell me, what did I do that was so wrong that you resented me?

Is it because I look do much like daddy? Please tell me?

Dear mom, I missed those big sparking diamonds that would lit up every time you saw Jeremy.

Is it because he is not daddy?

Oh, how I wish they would lit up for me!

Dear daddy, it has been so long since I have seen I have seen your face.

Why didn’t you take me away? Mom neglected me at the age of sixteen and now the pave and streets
is where I live.

Dear daddy, I see men in suits of gold passing on the streets every day and I wish my life wasn’t this way.

I beg for a dollar or two and receive saliva kissing my face.

Dear daddy, please come get me I promise I won’t be a burden to you like how I was to mummy.

I will be as sweet as the taste of honey! And kind as the princess in Disney movies for all I long for is your

Dear daddy, for what it is worth please hear my cries,

There is so much more to me! But for now, I’ll wait for the lady that comes around with the pen and

Maybe, just maybe she will rescue me.

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