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Unit Test 1 ( Fiction: Historical Texts)

I. Answering Questions based on details of a text.

Read the text on page 17 in the English Textbook and answer the questions.

1. What is Youmadi?
2. What is Limping Liu’s job?
3. Where does he go to work?
4. How do the children feel about taking photos?
5. Why does Sunflower leave?
6. How does Sunflower feel?

II. Explicit and Implicit Information, inferences

Decide whether the information given below is explicit or implicit.
1. Sunflower would spend the whole day by herself. (_________________)
2. If the fees were not paid, the teacher would tell the child to pick up his stool and go home.
3. It wasn’t a lot of money, but for most of the villagers the expense was significant.
4. A fierce wind picked up and a heavy rainstorm set in. (_________________)
5. He would hold his breath and listen as the rise and fall of their voices drifted over the fields.
6. Sunflower sneaked past the classrooms and vanished like a wisp of smoke into the lush
forest of bamboo behind the office. (_________________)
7. Youmadi was the only town for miles around that had a photographic studio.
8. It was always fun when Limping was in school, but Sunflower stayed in the classroom.
9. When Bronze was out grazing the buffalo, he could hear the children reading aloud in class.
10. A single class would be made up of children of very different ages. (_________________)

Guessing the Feelings of characters

Read the sentences to find implicit meanings. What could the characters be feeling in the sentences

Sentence The character could be feeling:

1 He opened the door to find a police officer
standing there.
2 When she walked into the room, everyone
clapped and cheered.
3 ‘Can I have some more to eat?’ she
4 My hand shook as I fed the elephant.
5 ‘I never want to see you again!’ he shouted.
6 ‘Hurray! I did it!’ exclaimed Sonya.
7 He was home alone, and suddenly someone
banged on the door again and again.
8 Sunflower tried to get to the boat even
though it wasn’t easy.
9 The cool breeze blew across the green
meadow while the cows were grazing.
10 ‘Did you hear that?’ said Bryan, ‘Someone
is walking on the rooftop.’
11 Sunflower sat under an old elm tree, quietly
gazing across the water.
12 Bronze climbed up onto the buffalo and
stood on its back whistling with the reed
13 Bronze saw the beautiful world around him
transform into the amazing world of

Write the inferences of the following sentences.

1. Bronze stared at the fire destroying his village.

Inference: I know ________________________________________________________
2. Bronze would hold his breath and listen as the rise and fall of their voices drifted over the
Inference: I know ________________________________________________________
3. It wasn’t a lot of money, but for most of the villagers the expense was significant.
Inference: I know ________________________________________________________
4. Keeeping low, Sunflower sneaked past the classrooms and vanished like a wisp of smoke
into the lush forest of bamboo behind the office.
Inference: I know ________________________________________________________
5. A fierce wind picked up and a heavy rainstorm set in. In the evening, when the sky calmed,
the fields of golden sunflowers were gone.
Inference: I know ________________________________________________________

III. Connectives
Complete the sentences below. Use the connectors in the box or you can use your own

While if as when because so that as soon as until

1. My mother brought us cold drinks ____________________________________________

2. My teacher would punish me ________________________________________________
3. She saw me ______________________________________________________________
4. She was reading a novel ____________________________________________________
5. I was late to work _________________________________________________________
6. We went early____________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________, we went to the hotel.
8. We will wait here __________________________________________________________

Complete the following sentences.

1. My teacher was angry with me because __________________________________________

2. When __________________________________________, I was sleeping on the sofa.
3. We waited in the train station until __________________________________________.
4. If __________________________________________, my mother will buy me a new
5. My father arrived home while __________________________________________
6. I studied hard so that __________________________________________
7. As soon as __________________________________________, I knew there was
something wrong.
8. As __________________________________________, he gained in more confidence.

IV. Character Profile

Write three adjectives that describe the characters in the text.

1. Limping Liu : ________________________________________________________

2. Sunflower : ________________________________________________________

Write three adjectives that describe the characters below.

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________

V. Quantifiers

Find quantifiers in the text.


VI. Making Questions using 5W1H based on a text.

Write a questions for each question word: Who, What, Where, When, How and Why.

1. Who ______________________________________________________________
2. What ______________________________________________________________
3. Where ______________________________________________________________
4. When ______________________________________________________________
5. How ______________________________________________________________
6. Why ______________________________________________________________
VII. Noun and Adjectives
Add adjectives to describe the settings and nouns.
1. ________________________________ house
2. ________________________________ girl
3. ________________________________ boy
4. ________________________________ bird
5. ________________________________ table
6. ________________________________ car
7. ________________________________ elephant
8. ________________________________king
9. ________________________________ witch
10. ________________________________ forest

VIII. Unstressed Syllables

Circle the unstressed syllable
1. in – ter – est

2. diff – er – ent

3. veg – e – tab – le

4. mem – or – y

5. math – e – mat – ics

6. choc – o – late

7. sep – a – rate

8. dic – tion – ar – y

9. gen -e -ral

10. fam – i – ly

IX. Antonym

Write the antonym of the following adjectives

1. cheap: __________________________

2. old: __________________________
3. lazy: __________________________
4. ugly: __________________________
5. big: __________________________
6. good: __________________________
7. fast: __________________________
8. fat: __________________________
9. thick: __________________________
10. kind: __________________________
11. wide: __________________________
12. short: __________________________
13. hot: __________________________
14. wet: __________________________
15. strong: __________________________
16. difficult: __________________________
17. full: __________________________
18. dirty: __________________________
19. quiet: __________________________
20. heavy: __________________________

X. Predicting and Planning the Ending of Historical Texts

Predict the ending of the story.


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