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EARLY ECONOMIC THEORIES Smith observed that labor becomes more

productive as each worker becomes more

A theory is defined as a well substantiated skilled at a single job.
explanation of some aspects of the natural
world. He said that the new machinery and the
An organized system of accepted division and specialization of labor would
knowledge that applies in a variety of lead to an increase in production and
circumstances to explain a specific set of greater wealth for the nation.
phenomena. He also argued that wealth was the sum of
the nations’ goods produced by labor,
Economic Theory is defined as a theory on regardless of who owned those goods.
commercial activities such as the
production and consumption of goods. Invisible Hand.

Malthusian Theory of Population growth One of Smith’s most important

contributions deals with the competition in
Thomas Robert Malthus, an English cleric the marketplace.
and scholar, examined the relationship
between population growth and resources. He argued that competition, together with
the free market system, would act as an
Example, if every member of a family tree invisible hand that would guide resources
reproduces, the tree will continue to grow to their most productive use.
with each generation.
He believed that under competitive
On the other hand, food production conditions, individuals acting naturally in
increases arithmetically, so it only increases their own self-interest, and with minimum
at given points in time. of government intervention, would bring
about the greatest good for society as a
According to Malthus, if left unchecked, whole.
populations can outgrow their resources.
Adam smith and the wealth of nations
The Wealth of Nations was ridiculed by
Adam Smith, a Scottish economist and aristocracy in Parliament at that time.
philosopher, was a pioneer in political
economy and modern economics. Business people, however, were delighted
to have a moral justification for their
His best known work, An Inquiry into the growing wealth and power.
Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
Nations, was published in 1776. Eventually, the doctrine of laissez-faire,
meaning no government intervention in
The book offers a detailed description of economic affairs, became the watchword of
life and trade in English society and also the day in Great Britain.
scientifically describes the basic principles
of economics. What is free market?

Economic ideas of adam smith The laissez-faire is a doctrine that claims

that an economic system should be free
Productivity and Wealth. from government intervention or
moderation, and be driven only by the
market forces.
Centered on the belief that human beings Changes in aggregate demand, whether
are naturally motivated by self-interest and, anticipated or unanticipated, have their
when they are not interfered – within their greatest short-run effect on real output and
economic activities, a balanced system of employment, not on prices.
production and exchange based on mutual

Keynesianism CONSUMERISM states that an increasing

consumption of goods is economically
John Maynard Keynes, a British economist, beneficial.
spearheaded a revolution in economic
thinking that overturned the then- LIBERALISM advocates free competition
prevailing idea that free markets would and a self-regulating market.
automatically provide full employment –
that is, that everyone who wanted a job MONETARISM states that variations in
would have one as long as workers were unemployment and the rates of inflation
flexible in their wage demands. are usually caused by changes in the supply
of money.
The main plank of Keynes’ Theory, which
has come to bear his name, is the assertion UTILITARIANISM bases the moral worth of
that aggregate demand – measured as the an action upon the number of people who
sum of spending by households, businesses, derive happiness or pleasure from it. It is
and the government – is the most used when making social, economic, or
important driving force in an economy. political decisions for the “betterment of
Keynesianism – the revolutionary idea
Keynes argued that inadequate overall
demand could lead to prolonged periods of Some Economic Problems
high unemployment
Unemployment - Leads to the existence
According to Keynesian economics, state
intervention is necessary to moderate the of idle resources
booms and busts in economic activity,
otherwise known as the business cycle. Economic Instability - Results to
difficulty of producers to make accurate
Keynesianism – Three principle tenets forecasts on demand and consumption
Aggregate demand is influenced by many
economic decisions – public and private. Low Levels of Growth & Development -
Therefore, Keynesian economics supports a Poor countries get caught in the vicious
mixed economy guided mainly by the
cycle of poverty
private sector but partly operated by the
Inequality in Income Distribution -
Prices, and especially wages, respond Causes pyramidal structure in the
slowly to changes in supply and demand, economy
resulting in periodic shortages and
surpluses, especially of labor. Determination of the type of economic
system - To know the manner in which
goods will be produced, the quantities
of these goods, and the distribution * monetary – control of the quantity of
process money available in an economy and the
channels by which new money is supplied.
* fiscal – use of government spending and
- The process of directing economic
taxation to influence economy.
relationships by examining economic
behavior and events and determining * trade – affects the number of goods and
the causal relationships among the data services a country exports and imports.
and activities observed.
Economic Tools
* Logic (student) - The first tool of * Economic Theory consists of sets of
economics. Inductive/Deductive principles or causal relationships among
Reasoning. the important facts or variables that
surround and permeate economic
* Statistics (analyst) - To quantitatively activity.
describe economic behavior and serve
as basis in hypothesis testing. * Look first on the constructions and
functions of sets of economic principles,
* Mathematics - Enables an analyst to then look at the overall framework of
foresee and assess a hypothesis for the economic discipline.
empirical validation.
Purposes of Economic Analysis THEORY

1. An aid in understanding how

* Any set of principles or theories must
economy operates because it explains
have a fundamental starting point,
how economic variables are related to
consisting of propositions or conditions
one another.
that are taken as given (without further
2. It permits prediction of the results of
changes in the economic variables.
* These are premises or postulates
upon which the theory is established.
3. It serves as a basis for just policy
Step 1. Specify and define the
Step 2. Observe facts concerning the
* Consists of intervention or courses of
action taken by the government or other activity about which to theorize
private institutions to manipulate the
results of economic activity. Step 3. Apply the rules of logic to the
observed facts in an attempt to
* May be monetary, fiscal, or trade for the establish causal relationship and
purpose of achieving economic welfare. eliminate irrelevant and insignificant

Step 4. Test the formulated hypotheses

* Some hypotheses will not withstand * Ending extreme poverty
the rigors of repeated testing and must * Boosting shared prosperity
be rejected.
* Others may look promising with ECONOMY
modifications and others may be found
to hold up so they are relevant. These * Saving and Investment
are now the principles. - To ultimately allow for increased
public savings, a reduction in
Measuring the National Income unemployment which will reduce
poverty levels is needed.
- To reduce unemployment, promotion
of both domestic and foreign
- It boosts the national output, the total
investments must be done.
money value of all goods and services
produced by one country
* Diminishing Returns and Catch-up
- It directly boosts development; all
other things remain constant, as higher
- As the stock of capital increases, the
GDP would mean more to spend on
extra output produced from an
factors that are considered
additional unit of capital decreases.
- Productivity is considerably affected
minimally when the workers with a
- It means advancement of the standard
large quantity of capital they use in the
of living, e.g., education, healthcare,
production process are given extra units
innovation, environment, to name a
of capital.
- In the long run, a higher saving rate
leads to a greater level of productivity
- It is the level of consumption that
and income but not greater growth in
people enjoy, on the average, and is
these variables.
measured by the average income per
* Investment from Abroad
- An investment that is sponsored with
foreign money and operated
- It is the amount of money it takes to
domestically is called foreign portfolio
buy goods and services that a typical
family consumes.
- A rising cost of living is called inflation
- The World Bank (WB) and the
and deflation is otherwise.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
were established to ensure that there is
economic prosperity around the world
- In 2013, the World Bank Group adopted
by financing public goods and services
the twin goals to guide its work in
addressing issues concerning productivity with funds accumulated from more
and living standards: advanced economies like the United
States of America (USA).
* Education * Research and Development
- Human capital theory attributes - The products of research and
differential investments in human development (R&D) are new ideas,
capital to inequalities in income, such as goods, and services that people
those found to exist between women consume.
and men or minorities and whites.
- Government institutions allocate a
- The theory emphasizes human capital part of their yearly budget to research
as a set of economic assets. to continue improving the way things
are done, in a more efficient or totally
* Health and Nutrition distinctive way.
- A healthy population would also mean
human capital. - Essentially, R&D turning money into
knowledge and innovation is a process
- A country is capable to produce more of creating a business out of this
goods and services because they can knowledge.
maximize employment as compared to
an unhealthy population. * Population Growth
Two schools of thought:
- Other things remain fixed, healthier 1. A relatively large population means
individuals are more productive. more human resources working and
contributing to the production of the
* Property Rights and Political Stability country.
- Property rights ensure the exercise of 2. It also means more people to
rights over one’s property and these consume those goods and services.
guarantee more production of goods
and services. PRODUCTIVITY
- A stable political environment is
Productivity Factors
considered to have efficient executive,
legislative, and judiciary systems, 1. Physical Capital - Assets that
working together for the country’s are utilize to produce goods and
economic development. services.
2. Human Capital - Knowledge,
* Free Trade skills and abilities (KSA) humans
- A competitive economy that reduces
or eliminates trade restrictions
experiences economic growth after 3. Natural Resources - Refers to
benefitting from more products to be the bounty of the land and water
used as input to production. used in production.
4. Technology - Innovation and
- Outward-oriented policies give way to advances to make life easier and
developing countries’ opportunity to
more efficient production.
interact with other countries and trade
freely, thus creating more prospects to
improve production.
* Productivity means the amount of cannot be replaced by ten people who
goods and services produced from each sing the videoke.
unit of labor.
* The key factor in defining the Assumptions:
standard of living is the advances in * There is one worker for every task
productivity. (variable W)

* The level of quality is within the range of

* GDP seen in two ways: the total cost
zero to 10, with 10 being the highest quality
of expenses that a country spends on
The O-Ring Production Function is
goods and services and the economy’s “Output”, O = WX(Q1 X Q2 X … QiX … Qw)
income as its output


Proposed by economist Michael Kremer

in 1993.

Explains that production is composed of

a set of tasks, and each task must be
carried out proficiently for each one of
the tasks to have value.

The name was derived from the

devastating destruction of the
Challenger space shuttle in 1986,
resulting from a faulty little gasket or O-

Explains the discrepancy of the One of the most popular model in

developed and underdeveloped neoclassical economics used to
countries in terms of the complexity of understand long-term growth.
their production, product intricacies,
and the level of skilled workers that Originated by Robert Solow, an
they have. American economist and a Nobel Prize
winner in Economic Sciences.
A weak link in the production process
may cause a surmountable quality Developed in 1956 wherein gross
failure of the final output. domestic product per worker, capital
per worker, depreciation rate, savings
The quality of input is given more value and investment rates are factored in
that its quantity. analyzing growth.

Example, a highly skilled chef of a

It focused on capital and labor, where
restaurant cannot be replaced by two
technology is exogenously included.
or three cooks or a great opera singer
y = Af (K,L)
where y is GDP growth rate, A is the
total factor productivity, f is a function
and represents technology, K is capital,
and L is labor.
y = f (K,AL)  technology augments
y = F (AK,L)  technology augments
y = AF (K,L)  effect of A to y is called
Solow residual. It works independently
of capital and labor.

The standard Solow Model is used to

estimate that in the long run,
economies converge to the steady-state

We can use the Solow Model on the

following assumptions:

That we are analyzing with a closed

economy in mind, where savings is
equal to investment. Labor, L, and
capital, k, are sustainable for each

Capital depreciates at a fixed rate, as

well as the population, it grows at a
constant rate, there is full employment
of labor, there is diminishing return to
an individual output and the most
notable is that there is no technological
progress going on.

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