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Health - 10 Performance Task 12/08/23

10 - RUA

Republic Act No.1202

Protection and Solution Act of the Philippines against HIV / AIDS

Protection and Solution Act of the Philippines against HIV / AIDS primary goal is to highlight
the factors that causes sexually transmitted diseases like HIV / AIDS; let alone solve these
factors. As the long-term existence of HIV, the number of infected individuals continues to
increase; therefore, the nation must highlight and solve the key factors, while protecting its
citizen from catching the disease.


A. Rationale
This act is to provide protection and solution to Filipinos against sexually transmitted diseases
like HIV / AIDS, as there is no present time cure. Factors such as, lack of sex education,
awareness, protection, access to “protection”, presence of rape, and improper disposal of used
syringe helps increase the cases of HIV / AIDS; therefore, it will provide these incentives: sex
education as early as 9th grade, make contraceptions free and easy access (condoms), community
programs, discrimination free health facilities, ensure the proper disposal of used syringe, and
medical assistance / treatment for rape survivors. To end, as sharing of needles are highly
disregarded, any health officials who violates the proper disposal of used syringe will get their
license terminated and will be sued to court.

B. Definition of terms
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - is an infection that attacks the body’s immune system

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) - is the most advanced stage of HIV.

Sex Education - education to enlighten and ensure Filipinos practice safe sex.
C. Significance / Benefits
The beneficiaries will be Filipino citizens, especially the youth, queer people, and rape survivors.
Our country, the Philippines, cannot progress if we are to ignore such diseases that weakens and
kill them. No Filipinos should be left behind, this act will ensure the country that there are still
believers among all Filipinos.


Protection and Solution Act of the Philippines against HIV / AIDS should be approved as it helps
not only one, but all Filipinos across the country; this bill aims to see smiles, discrimination free
facilities, opportunities to Filipinos, and low number of cases of HIV / AIDS in the country.


Why is HIV / AIDS bad for humans?

HIV is caused by a virus, it can spread through sexual contact, illicit injection drug use or sharing
needles, contact with infected blood, or from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or
breastfeeding. It destroys our CD4 T - cells, cells that play a large role in helping your body fight
disease. A severe case would be AIDS which is caused by HIV.

How does an individual catch HIV / AIDS?

HIV is passed on through blood, semen, vaginal fluid, anal mucus and breast milk. It can be
because of not using a condom during anal or vaginal sex. Another reason is because of the
improper disposal of used syringe by some health professionals which may be used by drug

Is there a cure to HIV / AIDS?

There is no cure to HIV / AIDS, but it is controllable with HIV treatment. In this law, it is to
protect the Filipinos from catching the virus, while providing a solution on how to decrease the
cases of HIV / AIDS in the country.

SEX EDUCATION AS EARLY AS 9TH GRADE: This is to educate students of the

Philippines about the different aspects of the reproductive system, while also being educated on
how to practice safe sex. According to data, as early as 13 years old can catch the virus. The
youth is our future, therefore, if we were to not provide a solution on how to protect them, there
is no purpose of them being the future.

CONTRACEPTIONS FREE & EASY ACCESS: By contraceptions, we mean condoms.

Make condoms free and easy access in the Philippines to protect and practice safe sex

COMMUNITY PROGRAMS: Programs to provide a safe and welcoming communities to

lessen rape cases and discrimination.

DISCRIMINATION FREE HEALTH FACILITIES: The reason why queer people are afraid
to get a treatment is because they might face discrimination in hospitals, considering the awful
acceptance of the Philippines for queer people. In this law, it promises to make health facilities
welcoming in order to protect and help our Filipino queer citizens.

ENSURE THE PROPER DISPOSAL OF USED SYRINGE: There was an issue before of the
improper disposal of used syringes, as such, it paralyzed an individual. This law will ensure that
ALL hospitals will practice the proper way of disposing used syringe, because one factor that
cause HIV / AIDS is the sharing of needle. Syringes should only be a one time use.


women, especially those who were raped. It was never their choice to have sex, it was forced; as
HIV / AIDS can be transmitted to condomless anal or vaginal sex, this law will make sure that
these survivors will get treated to avoid developing the HIV virus before it gets worse and turn to

professionals will follow the proper way of disposing used syringe, any who disobey the
regulation will have their license terminated and sued to court for putting lives at risk.

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