Class 9th English Set 01 With Solution

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Set- 01
Annual Examination 2023-2024

Section-A (Reading)

(1) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

When Alexander Fleming was sixteen, he had to work to earn his living. He found a job in a
shipping office in London. The wages were small and the work rather uninteresting. He also worked
as a volunteer soldier on weekends and holidays. It was soon discovered that the sturdy young man
from Scotland was a fine shot and a very good swimmer.
Just afterwards, a relative died, leaving him a small but useful sum of money. His brother
Thomas advised him to give up the job at the shipping office and spend the money on his training as
a doctor. Alexander said later, "My brother Thomas pushed me into medicine."
So he joined St. Mary's hospital school. He attended lectures and watched operations, he also
swam and acted in plays. Yet he was always the top student in the examination. He won many prizes
and scholarships. It came to be known about his memory that he could remember the whole book
after reading it just once.

(i) Alexander Fleming was fond of - 1
(a) travelling (b) hunting
(c) swimming (d) singing
(ii) He had to work to earn his living when he was in - 1
(a) his teens (b) his twenties
(c) his thirties (d) his forties

(iii) What influenced Alexander Fleming's decision to leave his job at the
shipping office?
(a) desire for adventure (b) a relative's death and inheritance 1
(c) pressure from his friends (d) disinterest in the shipping industry
(iv) What does "uninteresting" mean in the context of Alexander Fleming's job
at the shipping office? 1
(a) boring (b) exciting
(c) rewarding (d) challenging
(v) Alexander Fleming joined for his medical training - 1
(a) St. Thomas' Hospital (b) St. Mary's Hospital
(b) Royal London Hospital (d) Edinburgh Medical School
(2) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity. No household can get on without it, for it is
used in cooking. Perfumes may be made from the oils of certain flowers. Soaps are made from
vegetable and animal oils. To the ordinary man, one kind of oil may be as important as another. But
when the politician or the engineer refers to oil, he almost always means mineral oil, the oil that
drives tanks, airplanes and warships, motorcars etc. This is the oil that has changed the life of the
common man. When it is refined into petrol, it is used to run engines. To it we owe the existence of
the motorcar, which has replaced the private carriage drawn by horse. To it we owe the possibility
of flying.

It has changed the method of warfare on land and sea. This kind of oil comes out of the earth.
It is used as fuel, and in some ways, it is superior to coal in this respect. Many big ships now burn oil
instead of coal. Because it burns brightly, it is used for illumination. Because it is very slippery, it is
used for lubrication. Two metal surfaces rubbing together cause friction and heat, but if they are
separated by a thin film of oil, the friction and heat are reduced. No machine would work for long if
it were not properly lubricated. The oil used for this purpose must be of the correct thickness. If it is
too thin it will not give sufficient lubrication, and if it is too thick it will not reach all parts that must
be lubricated.


(i) What is the primary use of vegetable oil, according to the passage? 1
(a) cooking (b) illumination
(c) perfume making (d) soap production

(ii) Which type of oil is often referred to by politicians and engineers? 1

(a) vegetable oil (b) mineral oil
(c) animal oil (d) flower oil

(iii) The mineral oil, when refined into petrol, has contributed to the development of- 1
(a) cooking techniques (b) private carriages
(c) motorcars (d)soap production

(iv) How has mineral oil changed the method of warfare on land and sea? 1
(a) by enhancing cooking methods (b) by replacing horses with motorcars
(c) by fueling tanks, airplanes, and warships (d) by improving soap production

(v) Why do many big ships now burn oil instead of coal? 1
(a) because it is more readily available (b) because it is brighter
(c) because it is a superior fuel (d) because it is used for lubrication
(3) Read the following passage carefully. Make notes and supply a suitable title:

When planning to go on a vacation, the tendency is to make sure that the travel plans are
hassle free, before stepping out of one’s doors. This involves booking by train, bus or even by air to
one’s chosen destination. Yet the greatest holidays can be enjoyed by going on foot and I am not
referring to trekking expeditions into the wilds. Any holiday can be made into a walking trip by opting
out of a bus ride or a train journey or a taxi drop, by selecting to go on foot. Besides, walking is a
great form of exercise and, above all, helps you to go deep into the local culture, the daily lives of
people, their food and their music.

Walking helps you enhance the adventurous streak in you. If you are out on a beach holiday,
instead of workouts at the gym, head out to the water for your exercise. Resort pools are a great way
to have fun and stay fit and are suitable for all ages. Wake up early to start your day with a swim and
you can also recruit family and friends to join in to make the activity even more interesting.

 Suitable title :- Importance of e x c e r c i s e .

 Notes :-

1. Vacation Planning: Ensure hassle-free travel plans by booking transportation in advance, such as
trains, buses, or flights.

2. Walking as a Holiday Option: Consider the alternative of making any holiday a walking trip by opting
out of traditional transportation methods.

3. Benefits of Walking: Highlight the advantages of walking, such as being a great form of exercise and
providing an opportunity to delve deep into local culture, people's daily lives, food, and music.

4. Adventure and Fitness: Emphasize how walking enhances the adventurous streak, and in beach
destinations, suggest opting for activities like swimming in resort pools instead of conventional workouts.

5. Incorporating Family and Friends: Encourage waking up early for a swim as a group activity,
promoting fitness and enjoyment for all ages.

(4) You are Naveen Sharma in Govt Higher Secondary School, Rewa.
Write an application to your principal requesting him to issue books from the book bank.


The Principal
Govt. Higher Secondary School,
Rewa (M.P.)

Respected Sir,

Subject: An application for the text books from the school Book-Bank.

Most humbly, I would like to say that I am a poor student of class X in your school. My father is a
poor farmer. He cannot afford to buy me my text books from the market.
I, therefore, request you to issue me the text books from the school Book-Bank.

Your Sincerely
Naveen Sharma
Class X.


Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the High School Examination.


February 11, 2024

Dear friend,
I am very happy to know that, you have passed the H.S.S.C. Examination with colors.
Your name has topped the list of merit. I am proud of you. Father and mother too become very happy
and they send their blessings.

Accept my heartiest congratulations on your brilliant success.

Rest is O.K
Your friend
(5) Write an Essay on any one of the following topics in about 150 words.

(i) Importance of Sports and Games

(ii) Importance of Trees

(iii) Wonder of Science

(iv) An Indian Festival

Wonder of Science
1- Introduction – Science is playing important role in over life. There are many wonder of
Science and the great invention of science. It is age of science. science is made over life
comfortable and easier. It has nothing but systematic way of living and the knowledge.
Alertness and curiosity and observation changes in over life happenings has give to science.

2- Scientific Inventions – Science has been invented many things and the invented small
machine big machine and the other things and observation very easy and simple events.
Idea of Railway engine is a depending on water boiling. Gravity Discovered by the Newton
form the siting of apple tree.

3- Atomic Energy – Atomic energy discovery of Science the whole world man has harnessed
an inexhaustible resources of energy.
Science greatest invention is electricity. Electricity runs trains and factories and cool our
home hot water gives us cinemas for the entertainment TV Radio and the light give the

4- Means Of Communication – Trans, Buses, Cars and the Ships are the big and the greatest
invention of science and the greatest contribution. Man can read the long distance place
within hour just because of science. Man can go to the other planet just because of science.

5- Disadvantages of Science – There are many disadvantage of science. Everything is two

sides one is dark side and second is invention production and the atom bombs. Dangerous
weapons can destroy all things within second. we can get to pure air and water is very
6- Conclusion – Our great helper is science and science has been give use many gifts. If we
use the gift properly it can make our life easy and healthier/happier. Science is called
master of the whole world.

Write a paragraph on any one of the following in about 150 words

(i) Advantages and disadvantages of Mobile Phones

(ii) Save Water

(iii) Importance of English

Importance of English
English holds immense importance as a global language, serving as a bridge across diverse
cultures and facilitating effective communication on an international scale. Proficiency in English
enhances opportunities for academic and professional success, as it is widely used in education,
business, science, and technology. Additionally, English is a key tool for accessing a wealth of
information online, making it a crucial skill in the digital age. Its prominence in literature, media,
and diplomacy further emphasizes its role in connecting people and fostering understanding.
Overall, English proficiency is an invaluable asset in the interconnected world, opening doors to
collaboration and cultural exchange.

(6) On the basis of the picture given below, write a short paragraph.

Trees play a crucial role in preserving our planet. When we plant a tree, we contribute to the
balance of nature by adding oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This
not only helps combat climate change but also ensures cleaner air for us to breathe.
Additionally, trees act as natural air conditioners, cooling our surroundings and providing shade.
Their roots help prevent soil erosion, maintaining the integrity of the land. By absorbing excess
water, trees also play a vital role in preventing floods. Moreover, many trees offer medicinal
properties, showcasing their significance in healthcare. In essence, the simple act of planting a
tree is a powerful step towards saving our Earth and creating a sustainable, healthier
Section-C (Grammar)

(7) Fill in the blanks: (any five)

(i) Hurry up! We haven’t got _ time. (many/ little/much)

(ii) Every year thousands of people die_____ cancer. (from/of/to)

(iii) My father is a teacher. (retire/retiring/retired)

(iv) We wear mask in crowded places. (should/used / ought)

(v) He is an American but his wife is European. (a/an/the)

(vi) I am not going to office I am ill. (and/so/because)
(vii) I often go to Mumbai is the commercial capital of India. (which/who/where)

(8) Do as directed: (Any five)

(i) Mohit is very weak. He cannot walk easily. (Combine the sentences using ‘so …….that’)
Ans- Mohit is so weak that he cannot walk easily.
(ii) I did my work on time. (Change into negative)
Ans- I did not work on time.
(iii) Amit ate all the sweets. (Change into interrogative)
Ans- Did Amit eat all the sweets?
(iv) If you run fast, you can catch your bus. (Use ‘unless’ in place of ‘if’)
Ans- Unless you run fast you can catch the bus.
(v) Ravi is my cousin. He is sitting at the last bench. (Combine the sentences into a relative clause)
Ans- Ravi who is sitting at the last bench is my cousin.
(vi) Children read books. (Change into passive voice)
Ans- Books are read by children.
(vii) The Rajdhani Express arrived at the platform. (Change the sentence into present perfect tense)
Ans- The Rajdhani Express has arrived at the platform.
Section-D (Textbooks)

(9) Answer the following questions:

(i) The bakers are known in Goa as

(a) packer (b) pader
(c) kabai (d) bread bangle

(ii)Lencho called post office employees _ _

(a) a pack of thieves (b) a bunch of crooks
(c) a team of players (d) a group of actors
(iii) What food did the seagull’s mother get for it?
(a) insect (b) crab
(c)prawn (d) fish
(iv)Anne Frank called her dairy _
(a) Margot (b) Young girl
(c) Kitty (d) Grandma

(10) (a) Read the following extract from the prose and answer the questions given

Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me.

Not only because I’ve never written anything before, but also because it
seems to me that lateron neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the
musings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I feel
like writing, and I have an even greater need to get all kinds of things off my

I. From which lesson has this text been taken?
(a) A Letter to God (b) Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
(c) Two Stories about Flying (d) From the Diary of Anne Frank

II. Who is the author of From the Diary of Anne Frank?

(a) Ruskin Bond (b) Anne Frank
(c) Liam O’ Flaherty (d) G.L. Fuentes

III. What did Anne Frank to do to take things off her chest?
(a) She would sleep a lot. (b) She would eat a lot.
(c) She would write a lot. (d) She would dance a lot.
(b) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions given below:

Listen. The glass is breaking.

The trees are stumbling forward
into the night. Winds rush to
meet them.The moon is
broken like a mirror,
its pieces flash now
in the crown,of the
tallest oak.


1. From which poem have the above lines been taken?

(a) The Trees (b) Fog
(c) Dust of Snow (d) Animals

2. The figure of speech used in the line “The moon is broken like a mirror” is
(a) Metaphor (b) Simile
(c) Oxymoron (d) Personification

3. The opposite of the word “forward” is

(a) onward (b) foreword
(c) backward (d) upward

(11) Answer the following questions (30 words): (any six)

(i) Why did the postmaster send money to Lencho? Why did he sign the
letter ‘God’?

Ans The postmaster sent money to Lencho in order to keep Lencho's faith in God
alive. He turned serious when he read Lencho's letter and wished he had the same
faith in God.

(ii) What did courage mean to Mandella?

Ans According to Mandela, courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph
over it. A brave man is not one who does not feel afraid, but one who conquers that
(iii) How did Mr. Keesing punish Anne?

Ans In The Diary of a Young Girl, Mr. Keesing punishes Anne for talking too much in
class by giving her extra homework.

(iv) Why was the otter named ‘Maxwell’s otter’?

Ans The narrator's otter, Mijbil, belongs to an unknown otter breed that was later
christened Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli by zoologists.

(v) Why didn’t Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?

Ans Valli did not want to make friends with the elderly woman because she found
her absolutely repulsive. She saw that the woman had big holes in her ear lobes and
very ugly earrings in them.

(vi) How did Gautam Buddha help Kisa Gotami to

understand that death is apart of one’s life?

Ans The Buddha asked her to find a house where no one had lost a
loved one, but Kisa was unable to find any such house. She then saw
the flickering lights of city and realised that people's lives are similar
to these lights which rise and then extinguish. In this way, she
realised that life and death is a normal process.

(vii) When would the baker come every day? Why did the
children run to meethim?
Ans The baker would come twice a day—once early in the morning
and the second time when he returned after selling his stuff.
12. Answer the following questions (30 words): (any two)

(i) What is a “dust of snow”? What does the poet say has changed his
mood? How has thepoet’s mood changed?


Dust of snow refers to fine particles of snow. While walking by a hemlock tree, a
crow on the tree shook down some particles of snow on the poet and this
changed his mood. He was having a bad day and was in a sad mood. The falling
snow changed his mood and made him feel more uplifted.

(ii) What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid ?

If Amanda were a mermaid, then she would drift slowly on a languid emerald sea. She
would be the sole inhabitant of the relaxed green sea and would move slowly on it.

(iii) Why didn’t the poet offer the boy money to buy another ball?

The poet says “I will not intrude on him” because he wants the boy to learn the
meaning of loss on his own. He does not offer him money to buy another ball because
according to him, money or another ball is worthless.

(13. )
Answer the following questions (30 words): (any two)

(i) Why did Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of surgery”?

(ii) What story did the lady tell Horace Danby to get the jewels?

(iii) How did Griffin become invisible?

(14.) Why did the seagull’s father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly? What
compelledthe young seagull to fly? (in about75 words) 3

Baking was considered an important and a profitable profession

in atraditional Goan village. Explain. (in about 75 words)
(15). According to Robert Frost, what are the two different views about the
end of the world? (in about75 words) 3
What is theme of the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?(in about 75 words)

(16.) How did Bholi’s teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?
(in about 75 words)


What would have happened to Matilda if she had confessed to

her friend thatshe had lost her necklace? (in about 75 words)

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