BB MCKB WVB R÷ U÷-08: The Number, The Gender + Vocabulary (B)

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Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 364

Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ †U÷-08

The Number, The Gender

+ Vocabulary (B)

Number Øviv e¯‘ ev cÖvYxi msL¨v †evSvq| Number `yB cÖKvi| h_v—
o Singular Number ‡KejgvÎ GKRb e¨w³, e¯‘ ev cÖvYx‡K †evSvq|
o Plural Number – G‡Ki AwaK e¨w³, e¯‘ ev cÖvYx‡K †evSvq|
Number ‡evSvi Rb¨ Person ‡evSv cÖ‡qvRb| wewfbœ Sentence Gi Rb¨ Avgiv Person e¨envi K‡i _vwK| Avmyb †R‡b
†bB wewfbœ Person Gi Subjective Ges Objective Form mg~n|
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Sub Obj Sub Obj Sub Obj Sub Obj Sub Obj Sub Obj
I me We us You you You You He/ she Him/her They Them
It It
Any kinds of name (Salam, Rangpur etc) 3rd Person Singular Number
Third Person Singular Number
3 Person Singular Number Gi †ÿ‡Î Verb Gi mv‡_ s/es ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq| ZvB Kviv 3rd Person Singular

number ‡mUv Rvbv cÖ‡qvRb| †hgb

o ‡h †Kvb e¨w³i bvg, †`‡ki bvg, gywfi bvg, Dcb¨v‡mi bvg, MÖn-DcMÖ‡ni bvg memgq third person singular
number nq|
g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e, Gme bv‡gi gv‡S hw` s ev es A_ev and I hw` _v‡K Zvic‡iI Zvuiv singular number n‡e|
†hgb : The Arabian Nights (eB‡qi bvg), Liver Brothers (‡Kv¤úvwbi bvg), The United States of
America (‡`‡ki bvg), Baby’s Day Out (gywfi bvg)|
o wKQz wKQz noun ‡`L‡Z plural g‡b n‡jI Giv g~jZ 3rd person singular number. ‡hgb: Ethics,
Economics, Gallows, Mathematics, News, Politics, Physics, Statistics.
‡R‡b ivLyb : Dc‡ii noun ¸‡jv Øviv †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘i ‣ewkó¨/¸Y eySv‡j G‡`i c‡i plural verb e‡m| †hgb:
His mathematics are weak.
o ‡h †Kvb planet Gi bvg 3rd person singular number nq| †hgb : Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune BZ¨vw` Singular Number.
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 365
cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK cixÿvi Rb¨ evQvB Kiv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Singular & Plural Number
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Agendum Agenda Crisis (msKU) Crises Focus Foci
Alumnus Alumni Cherub Cherubim Fez Fezes/Fezzes
Analysis Analyses Commander-in- Commanders- Genus Genera
Appendix Appendices chief in-chief Goose Geese
Axis (Aÿ) Axes Datum Data Hypothesis Hypotheses
Bandit Bandits Deer Deer Hoof Hoofs
Bacterium Bacteria Erratum Errata Index Indexes/Indices
Basis (wfwË) Bases Foot Feet Locus Loci
Criterion Criteria Formula Formulae/formulas Lord-justice Lords-justice
Louse Lice Norman Normans Syllabus Syllabi
Leaf Leaves Oasis (giƒ`¨vb) Oases Step brother Step brothers
Loaf Loaves Ox Oxen Thesis Theses
Medium Media Passer-by Passers-by Terminus Termini
Memorandum Memoranda Phenomenon Phenomena Tooth Teeth
Maid-servant Maid-servants Parenthesis Parentheses Ultimatum Ultimata
Man-servant Man-servants Referendum Referenda Vertex Vertices
Mussalaman Mussalmans Radius Radii Wharf Wharfs/
Matriarch Matriarchs Sheep Sheep Wharves
Knife Knives Seraph Seraphim/ Fungus Fungi
Bureau Bureaux Seraphs Mouse Mice

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. What is the plural form of ÔsheepÕ? (44Zg wewmGm)
(K) sheeps (L) sheep (M) sheepes (N) sheepses D:L
01. Which of the following words is in singular form? (37Zg I 38Zg wewmGm)
K. formulae L. agenda M. oases N. radius DËi : N
02. What is the plural form of the word Ôlouse’? (38Zg wewmGm)
K. louses L. lice M. lices N. licess DËi : L
03. What is the plural form of Ôit’--- [cªv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 19]
K. its L. they M. these N. those DËi : L
me mgqB Singular nq Ggb wKQz Noun
Information (Z_¨) Furniture (AvmevecÎ) Scenery (`„k¨) Poetry (KweZv)
Machinery (hš¿cvwZ) News (Lei) Traffic (PjvPj) Money (UvKv)
Expenditure (e¨q) Advice (civgk©) Baggage (jUeni) Research (M‡elYv) Bread (iæwU, Lv`¨)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which one of the following words is not plural? [cªv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 19]
K. Men L. Feet M. Lice N. News DËi : N
02. The plural of Ôwildlife’ is
K. wildlives L. wildlifes M. wildlife N. wildlive DËi : M
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 366
e¨vL¨v : wildlife ev eb¨cÖvYx (e‡bi cï, cvwL, Dw™¢` BZ¨vw`) n‡jv Uncountable noun. ZvB GwU Singular-B
_vK‡e, Plural n‡e bv| KviY Uncountable noun memgqB Singular nq|
03. We need to buy some new--.[cªv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 19]
K. furnishers L. furniture M. furnisher N. furnitures DËi : L
04. Which one is always used as singular? [cªv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 19]
K. Horse L. Bread M. Custom N. Staff DËi : L
‡`L‡Z Plural n‡jI Singular nq Ggb wKQz Noun
Athletics (kixiPP©v) Economics (A_©bxwZ) Physics (c`v_©we`¨v) Mathematics (MwYZ)
Politics (ivRbxwZ) News (Lei) Optics (Av‡jvKwe`¨v) Ethics (bxwZkv¯¿)
Wages (gRywi) Statistics (cwimsL¨vb) Gallows (dvuwmKvô) Innings (Bwbsm)
Electronics (B‡jKUªwb·)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which one of the following word is a plural? [cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK 14]
K. news L. crises M. mathematics N. economics DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Crises kãwU Crisis kãwUi Plural. News, mathematics, economics kã wZbwU Singular. KviY
wKQz wKQz Noun Av‡Q †h¸‡jv †`L‡Z Plural n‡jI GKwU welq‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ singular nq|
‡`L‡Z Singular n‡jI Plural nq Ggb wKQz Noun
Aristocracy (AwfRvZZš¿) Clergy (cvw`ªeM©) Nobility (AvwfRvZ¨) Peasantry (Pvlxm¤úª`vq)
Government (miKvi) Gentry (f`ªm¤úª`vq) Cattle (Mevw` cï) Vermin (RNb¨ †jvK)
Perfumery (myMÜ `ªe¨mg~n) Poultry Majority (AwaKvsk) Mankind (gvbeRvwZ)
People (m¤úª`vq/RvwZ) Police Tenantry (cÖRveM©)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which of the following is Ôplural’?
K. Gallows L. Wages M. Ethics N. Majority DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Gallows, Ethics, Wages ‡`L‡Z Plural n‡jI Giv Avm‡j Singular Noun Ges Majority kãwU
†`L‡Z Singular noun n‡jI Plural noun.
wKQz noun Av‡Q hv me mgq Plural nq
Scissors Glasses Spectacles Bellows `ywU Ask wb‡q •Zwi K‡qKwU hš¿
Trousers Drawers Breeches K‡qKwU †cvkvK
Bowels Alms Ashes Assets Annals Ab¨vb¨
Fetters Proceeds Belongings Tidings
KZ¸‡jv noun i‡q‡Q hv‡`i Singular Ges Plural GKB
Deer (nwiY) Sheep (‡gl) Canon (Abykvmb) Pair (‡Rvov) Gross (¯’’j)
Apparatus (hš¿cvwZ) Swine (k~Ki) Pice (cqmv) Salmon
Species (cÖRvwZ) Troop (‡mbv`j) Stone (cv_i)
singular noun Gi †k‡l um _v‡K Zvn‡j Plural Kivi mgq um Gi cwie‡Z© Ôa’ e‡m
Singular Plural
Agendum (wePvh© welq) Agenda Ovum (wW¤^vYy) Ova
Addendum (cwiwkó) Addenda Symposium (Av‡jvPbv mfv) Symposia
Bacterium (e¨vK‡Uwiqv) Bacteria Forum (m‡¤§jb ¯’j) Fora/Forums
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 367
Datum (DcvË) Data Aquarium (Kvu‡Pi grm¨vavi) Aquaria/Aquariums
Dictum (mZ¨ evYx) Dicta Ultimatum (PigcÎ) Ultimata
Erratum (ïw×cÎ) Errata Cranium (gv_vi Lywj) Crania/Craniums
Stratum (¯Íi) Strata Gymnasium (e¨qvgvMvi) Gymnasia/Gymnasiums
Medium (gva¨g) Media Exordium (f~wgKv) Exordia / Exordiums
Memorandum Memoranda Encomium (D”P cÖksmv) Encomia/Encomiums

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. What is the plural number of Ôovum’? (39Zg wewmGm)
K. ovams L. ovumes M. ovums N. ova DËi : N
Singular noun Gi †k‡l is _v‡K, Zvn‡j is Gi cwi‡eZ© es em‡e
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Axis Axes Diagnosis Diagnoses Parenthesis Parentheses
Analysis Analyses Synopsis Synopses Oasis Oases
Basis Bases Hypothesis Hypotheses Crisis Crises
Thesis Theses

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which one of the following is the plural form of Ôhypothesis’? [÷vÛvW© e¨vsK – 2012]
K. Hypothesises L. Hypotheses M. Hypothisis N. Hypothesus DËi: L
Singular noun Gi †k‡l f ev fe _v‡K, Zvn‡j Plural G Zvi ¯’‡j Ôves’ e‡m
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Wife Wives Self Selves Half Halves
Knife Knives Thief Thieves Wolf Wolves
Leaf Leaves Loaf Loaves Sheaf Sheaves
Calf Calves Life Lives

cÖkœ mgvavb
02. Plural form of Ôwolf’ is – (mnKvix RR 10, cÖv_wgK wkÿv Awa`߇ii wnmve mnKvix 11)
K. Wolfs L. Wolfes M. Wolffier N. Wolves DËi : N
Singular noun Gi †k‡l Ôo’ _v‡K Ges Zvi c~‡e© Consonant _v‡K, Zvn‡j
kãwUi †k‡l Ôes’ ‡hvM K‡i Plural Ki‡Z nq
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Mango Mangoes Echo Echoes Hero Heroes
Mosquito Mosquitoes Buffalo Buffaloes Zero Zeroes
Potato Potatoes Tomato Tomatoes

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Echo Gi mwVK Plural ‡KvbwU? (A_© gš¿Yvj‡q Awdm mnKvix 11)
K. Echo L. Echoes M. Echoistic N. Echoed DËi : L
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 368
hw` †Kvb Singular noun Gi †k‡l Ôf’ _v‡K Ges Zvi c~‡e© vowel _v‡K,
Zvn‡j kãwUi †k‡l Ôs’ ‡hvM K‡i Plural Ki‡Z nq
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Chief Chiefs Spoof Spoofs Proof Proofs
Roof Roofs Hoof Hoofs Brief Briefs

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which of the following does not add Ôves’ in the plural form? [evsjv‡`k we`y¨r Dbœqb †ev‡W©i mnKvix
cwiPvjK (cÖkvmb) 13]
K. wife L. roof M. wolf N. shelf DËi : L

Gender Pvi cÖKvi
Masculine Gender Common Gender (Dfqwj½)—
(cyswj½)— ïay cyiæl‡K †evSvq| bvix I cyiæl Dfq‡K †evSvq|

Feminine Gender Neuter Gender (K¬xewj½)— bvix I cyiæl

(¯¿xwj½)— ïay bvix‡K †evSvq KvD‡K bv eywS‡q Ab¨ †Kvb A‡PZb c`v_©‡K †evSvq|

01. How many types of gender are existed? [cÖvK cÖv_wgK mnKvwi wkÿK (weUv) – 2014]
K. One type L. Two types M. Three types N. Four types DËi : N
02. ‡KvbwU cyswj½? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kir) : 2010]
K. Girl L. Goose M. Man N. Mare DËi : M
e¨vL¨v: Ackb ¸‡jvi cÖ_gwU‡Z Av‡Q Girl GKwU— Feminine gender, Goose GKwU— Feminine gender
hvi A_© ivRnsmx, Man GKwU— Masculine gender hvi Feminine gender— Women, Mare— †NvUKxÕ
†hwU Horse k‡ãi Feminine gender.
k‡ãi †k‡l ess ‡hvM K‡i Masculine gender ‡_‡K Feminine gender ‰Zwi Kiv nq|
k‡ãi †k‡l ess ‡hvM Kivi mgq g~j k‡ãi evbv‡bi wKQz cwieZ©b nq
Masculine gender Feminine gender Masculine gender Feminine gender
Actor (Awf‡bZv) Actress (Awf‡bÎx) Hunter (wkKvix) Huntress (gwnjv wkKvix)
Abbot (gvVa¨ÿ) Abbess (gvVva¨ÿv) Master (gwbe/KZ©v) Mistress (KÎx©)
Conductor (cwiPvjK) Conductress (cwiPvwjKv) Murderer (Lybx) Murderess (gwnjv Lybx)
Duke (m`©vi) Duchess (wWD‡Ki cZœx) Songster (MvqK) Songstress (MvwqKv)
Emperor (m¤ªvU) Empress (m¤ªvÁx) Tempter Temptress
Enchanter (hv`yKi) Enchantress (hv`yKix) (cyiæl cÖjyäKvix) (gwnjv cÖjyäKvix
Governor (AwffveK) Governess (AwffvweKv) Traitor (wek^vmNvZK) Traitress (ivR‡`ªvwnYx)
God (‡`eZv) Goddess (‡`ex) Tiger (evN) Tigress (evwNbx)
Waiter (cwiPviK Waitress (cwiPvwiKv) Tutor (wkÿK) Tutress (wkwÿKv)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. What is the feminine gender of ÔTiger’? (‰e‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2012)
K. Trigren L. Tigress M. Tigeri N. Tigerian DËi : L
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 369
02. The feminine form of the word ÔDuke’ – (Dc‡Rjv cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v-2010)
K. Dramatist L. Dutchman M. Duchess N. Earl DËi : M
k‡ãi †k‡l ess ‡hvM K‡i Masculine gender ‡_‡K Feminine gender ‰Zwi Kiv nq|
k‡ãi †k‡l ess ‡hvM Kivi mgq g~j k‡ãi evbv‡bi ‡Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Author (‡jLK) Authoress (‡jwLKv) Host Hostess Poet Poetess
Baron Baroness Jew Jewess Prince Princess
Count Countess Lion Lioness Shepherd Shepherdess
Giant Giantess Manager Manageress
Heir Heiress Priest Priestess
Ôess’ hy³ nq Z‡e g~j evbv‡bi mvgvb¨ cwieZ©b nq Ggb evbvb
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Abbot Abbess Governor Governess Prince Princess
Emperor Empress Master Mistress Sorcerer Sorceress
God Goddess Murderer Murderess

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. The feminine form of the word ÔAuthor’ is –. [cªv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 19]
K. Authorss L. Authoress M. Authores N. Authors DËi : L
‡Kvb wbqg gv‡b bv Ggb wKQz ¸iæZ¡c~Y© k‡ãi Masculine Gender ‡_‡K Feminine Gender
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
King (ivRv) Queen (ivbx) Drone (cys †g․gvwQ) Bee (‡g․gvwQ)
Fox (‡LuKwkqvj) Vixen (‡LuKwkqvjx) Bachelor Spinster/Maid
Beau (my`k©b cyiæl) Belle (mykÖx ¯¿x‡jvK) Boar (k~Ki) Sow (k~Kix)
Buck (nwiY) Doe (nwiYx) Bridegroom (ei) Bride (K‡b)
Dog (KzKzi) Bitch (KzKzix) Drake (cvwZnvum) Duck (cvwZnvumx)
Horse/Stallion (‡NvUK) Mare (‡NvUKx) Monk, friar (mbœ¨vmx) Nun (mbœ¨vwmbx)
Ram (‡fov) Ewe (‡fox) Wizard (hv`yKi) Witch (hv`yKix)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. What is the masculine gender of Ômare’? (34Zg wewmGm)
K. Mermaid L. Bear M. Stallion N. Dog DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : wKQz wKQz ‡ÿ‡Î Masculine Gender Ges Feminine Gender Gi evbv‡b †Kvb mv`„k¨ _v‡K bv| A_©vr
`y‡Uvi evbvb wfbœ wfbœ kã| GLv‡b Mare A_© †NvUKx| Mermaid grm¨Kb¨v, Bear fjøyK, Stallion ‡NvUK
ev †Nvov Ges Dog A_© KzKzi| cÖ‡kœ PvIqv Mare ev †NvUKxi cyswj½ Stallion ‡NvUK ev †Nvov|
02. The Feminine of `Ram’ is— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. Ewe L. Hind M. Mare N. Sow DËi : K
Compound masculine k‡ãi cyswj½ AskwU‡K cwieZ©b K‡i Feminine Gender Kiv nq
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Beggar-man Beggar-woman Boy-baby Girl-baby
Washer-man Washer-woman Bull-calf Cow-calf
Brother-in-law Sister-in-law He-goat She-goat
Step-brother Step-sister Jack-ass She-ass
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 370
Billy-goat Nanny-goat Pea-cock Pea-hen
Man-kind Woman-kind Great-uncle Great-aunt
Man-servant Maid-servant Son-in-law Daughter-in-law
Male-servant Woman-servant Godfather Godmother
Father-in-law Mother-in-law

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which one is the correct masculine form of ÔBilly-goat’?
K. Nanny-goat L. He-goat M. Goat N. None DËi : K
D‡jøL‡hvM¨ kw³ ev ÿgZvi AwaKvix nIqvi Kvi‡Y wKQz kã Masculine Gender wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nq
Sun (m~h©) Summer (MÖx®§Kvj) Winter (kxZKvj) Time (mgq) Love (fvjevmv)
Death (g„Zz¨) Thunder (eRª) Danger (wec¾bK) Day (w`b)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which of the following nouns is used in the masculine form? [cjøx mÂq e¨vsK (K¨vk Awdmvi) 18]
K. Autumn L. Moon M. Peace N. Time DËi : N
‡mŠ›`h©, bgbxqZv, cweÎZv BZ¨vw` bvixmyjf ¸Y cÖKvk cvIqvq wKQz kã Feminine Gender nq
Spring (emšÍKvj) Autumn (kirKvj) Nature (cÖK…wZ) Moon (Pvu`) Earth (c„w_ex)
Liberty (¯^vaxbZv) Church Hope Justice Mercy
Modesty Night Peace Religion Truth

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which of the noun is used in the feminine form? (mnKvix wkÿK – 18)
K. Anger L. Time M. Moon N. None DËi : M
02. Which of the noun is used in the feminine form? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. anger L. time M. moon N. none DËi : M
wKQz wKQz Noun memgq Feminine Gender hv‡`i †Kvb Masculine Gender ‡bB
Amazon (wMÖK cyiv‡Y DwjøwLZ K…òmvM‡ii DcK~‡j emevmKvix iYiw½bx cÖgxjv mgvR) Blonde (¯^Y©‡Kkx)
Brunette (k¨vgvw½bx) Coquette (wQbvj †g‡q) Flirt (wQbvj) Laundress (‡avcvbx)
Nurse (‡mweKv) Prude (kvjxbZvi fv‡b fiv ¯¿x‡jvK) Siren (KznwKbx)
Termagant (KjnKvix) Shrew (KjnwcÖq ¯¿x‡jvK) Virgin (Kzgvix)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which of the following is always Ôfeminine’?
K. Blonde L. Judge M. Coward N. Knight DËi : K
wKQz wKQz Noun Av‡Q, †h¸‡jv memgq Masculine Gender nq
Squire (cÖavb f~wg gvwjK) Judge (wePviK) Parson (`jcwZ) Chairman (mfvcwZ)
Knight (exi‡hv×v) Coward (Kvcyiæl)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which of the following is always Ômasculine gender’?
K. Blonde L. Judge M. Flirt N. Brunette DËi : L
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 371
‡h mKj Noun bvix-cyiæl Dfq‡K †evSvq, Zv‡`i‡K Common Gender e‡j
Ass (cyiæl ev gv`x Mvav) Beggar (wfLvix ev wfLvwiYx) Bird (cÿx ev cwÿbx)
Child (evjK ev evwjKv) Baby (‡Q‡j ev †g‡q wkï) Cat (cyiæl/gv`x weovj)
Fowl (‡h †Kvb cvwL) Chairperson (cyiæl/gwnjv mfvcwZ) Deer (nwiY ev nwiYx)
Friend (eÜz/evÜex) Captain (cyiæl ev gwnjv AwabvqK) Enemy (cyiæl ev gwnjv kÎæ)
Monarch (ivRv/ivYx) Cousin (PvPv‡Zv/gvgv‡Zv fvB/‡evb) Foal (g`©v ev gv`x †Nvovi ev”Pv)
Parent (wcZv-gvZv) Citizen (cyiæl ev gwnjv bvMwiK) Infant (wkï/bvevjK-bvevwjKv)
Person (cyiæl ev gwnjv e¨w³) Elephant (cyiæl ev gv`x nvwZ) Pig (ïKi ev ïKix)
Student (QvÎ-QvÎx) Lawyer (cyiæl ev gwnjv AvBbRxex) Pupil (QvÎ-QvÎx)
Spouse (¯^vgx-¯¿x) Orphan (GwZg evjK ev evwjKv) Sheep (‡fov/‡fox )
Teacher (wkÿK ev wkwÿKv) Relative (AvZ¥xq ev AvZ¥xqv) Servant (PvKi ev PvKivYx)
Writer (‡jLK ev †jwLKv)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Which one is common gender? (Z_¨ Awdmvi 2005)
K. Baby L. Girl M. Boy N. Man DËi : K
02. Which one is of the following common gender? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. Teacher L. Book M. Boy N. Madam DËi : K
03. Which of the following words can be both masculine and feminine ? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK
(Lyjbv wefvM) : 2005]
K. Gander L. Spinster M. Spouse N. Actor DËi : M

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