BCG When Will Insurers Go Agile Oct 2019 - tcm9 230882

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By Bodo von Hülsen, James Sattler, Michael Schachtner, László Juhász, Sara Codella, Simone
Schwemer, and Rob Koentopp

I t’s hard to find an insurance company

anywhere that has not piloted agile ways
of working. It’s just as tough to find insur-
BCG recently interviewed a dozen senior
insurance industry executives at companies
in Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific
ers that have adopted agile at scale—that about making the jump to agile at scale. We
is, insurers that are applying agile princi- found a clear dichotomy between the few
ples and ways of working to the operations early movers, who see greater speed, flexi-
of a full business unit or to the enterprise bility, and simplicity as competitive impera-
as a whole. (See Exhibit 1.) tives for the future, and the much larger
majority, who see only some benefits to ag-
The reasons for the experimentation are ile at scale. They argue that, among other
well documented. Companies in multiple things, working in cross-functional teams
industries that have transitioned to agile at and short, iterative sprints is not well suited
scale have accelerated new-product deliv- to the insurance industry, whose product
ery by 200% to 400%, reduced development cycles are long and customer churn is low.
costs by 15% to 25%, multiplied their return They are taking a wait-and-see attitude.
on digital investment by 200% to 300%, im-
proved customer satisfaction, and achieved Which side is more prescient? We have a
better than 90% employee engagement. point of view, but first, here’s what the ex-
ecutives had to say.
Agile has had a well-recognized impact in
banking: major institutions around the
world are pursuing large-scale operations- Maybe Someday, but…
wide transformations aimed at, for exam- Given agile’s origins in software develop-
ple, accelerating product development and ment, perhaps it is no surprise that agile
time to market. Other industries have also gains the most traction in IT. For example,
advanced much further along the road to one German multiline insurer has about 50
agile at scale. teams of some 400 people working within
Exhibit 1 | Lots of Insurers Experiment with Agile Pilots; Few Have Scaled Agile Throughout the


Purpose, strategy,
PO and priorities
Product Features
• Multidisciplinary (business Governance
and technology roles) and funding

• Autonomous
• Largely colocated Culture and Leadership
behavior and talent
• Small (< 10 members)
• End-to-end responsibility
Measurement Technological
framework enablers

Source: BCG analysis.

IT on agile projects, while another 200 ance executive said. “Banks often build a
are working with agile on special larger “NewCo” in-house to fully establish agile at
projects. scale. It’s more difficult to do this in insur-
ance because value lies so much in existing
Many insurers encounter difficulties when products,” said a German executive, adding
they try to take agile to scale in the busi- that those products tend to be built on lega-
ness units. IT managers understand that cy tariffs, systems, and processes.
they can go only so far without dedicated,
active business unit involvement in agile Another reason is distribution: because
teams and squads, but business unit man- many insurers sell through agents and bro-
agers often have other priorities. kers, their engagement with actual end us-
ers is limited. A third is talent. “I reckon
“We have a lot more squads in IT, but with- that the ability to attract talent in banking
out business participation, there is a ceiling is higher than in insurance,” said the CEO
on how much they can accomplish,” said of an Asia-Pacific (APAC) insurance group.
the executive who oversees agile for a “Banking executives tend to be more en-
North American life insurance company. gaged in tech choices than insurance exec-
“In theory there is no reason you can’t go utives. We say tech is important, but it’s
agile at scale across the business. But the mostly lip service. Insurance companies are
reality is that there’s only a handful of also less close to the customer, less transac-
businesses for which this is a priority. You tional than banks.” The CIO of a North
need a clear top-down mandate to get American commercial-property and casual-
functions to adapt.” ty insurer made the same point.

Insurance business executives cite plenty of Legacy systems and the products and proc-
reasons for this. One is the set-it-and-forget- esses that depend on them add one more
it nature of the industry’s products that dis- reason. Many companies continue to use
tinguishes insurance (especially life insur- conventional “waterfall” methods for large
ance) from banking, with which it is often projects, especially in their IT functions.
compared. Many insurers simply do not see We’ve also seen companies default to wa-
a big need for rapid innovation in either terfall approaches for compliance and regu-
product development or customer engage- latory projects that have hard deadlines or
ment. “We don’t need agile to drive in-force that involve financial penalties when they
premiums,” a North American life insur- lack confidence in agile’s ability to deliver

Boston Consulting Group | When Will Insurers Go Agile? 2

in such circumstances. “Rebuilding insur- ed with answers to adjacent or underlying
ance from scratch for new business would needs, in many cases, through ecosystems.
be great, but it is not possible due to legacy As one European executive put it, “Many
systems,” said a German executive. companies are not connecting the change
in customer expectations and digital with
A final reason—and this is a big one—com- the necessity of changing the organization.
prises industry culture and conservative They treat agile on its own and not as an
management. The CEO of a European organic part of something strategic around
full-service insurance company cited broad customer expectations. You have to provide
cultural reticence. “I’m not sure how far we a lot of different things in a digital way
will go within our company. Employees do and, for example, have them better embed-
enjoy the collaboration in agile projects. ded in the organization. Companies do not
On the other side, there is an emotional yet link digitalization with organizational
fear of cultural change.” The CEO of anoth- change.”
er European insurer put it this way: “The
culture of insurers is different and a bit Younger consumers are fueling the sharing
more old school or slower than in banks.” economy with their evolving views of buy-
The chief customer officer of an APAC ing and owning, which have big implica-
health insurance provider was more direct: tions for traditional products such as life,
“Management is dominated by actuaries homeowners, and auto insurance. These
who worry more about risk than customer changes will drive development of new
experience.” solutions. Two North American executives
pointed out that when companies become
Perhaps the conventional wisdom on agile aware of the need to get closer to the end
in insurance today is best summed up by customer, that recognition will trigger
the head of strategy and innovation for a heightened interest in agile at scale.
European property and casualty insurer:
“We don’t see much risk of falling behind, The members of the new generation that is
from a competitive perspective. Whoever entering the workplace want to work for
tries to press the old-world products and companies that understand how to use the
systems on an agile world will be busier or- technologies that they grew up with. In a
ganizing than better serving customers. world suffering from a shortage of techni-
However, if competitors build new digital cal skills, agile will be absolutely necessary
attackers with agile business models, we to winning in the war for talent: companies
will have a problem. Therefore, anything must present themselves to prospective
with a digital agenda is started in agile.” employees as being completely up-to-date.

It’s About the Customer Time to Get Started

A few insurers are singing a different tune, Along with digitization comes the need for
and it is a song about the customer. “For increased speed, flexibility, and individual-
me, it is not about agile at scale; it is more ization. Old ways of working and the ac-
about making insurance fit for the future companying organizational structures were
customer and employee needs,” said the not built for this speed or for the scale of
country CEO of a European group. “The change that is taking place. A wait-and-see
rationale for the shift is really to drive the attitude is self-destructive in the long run;
customer experience and to be more effi- competitors will evolve, and new agile in-
cient in development of a better customer surgents will enter the market. Those on
experience,” said a Japan-based life and the sidelines will be confined to managing
health insurance executive. in-force business, which is tantamount to
entering hospice care.
Customers want financial solutions woven
into their daily lives. They see no reason Agile is a journey that takes time. (See Ex-
why these solutions could not be integrat- hibit 2.) It is not uncommon for companies

Boston Consulting Group | When Will Insurers Go Agile? 3

Exhibit 2 | Scaling Agile Is a Journey

0 6 12 18 24 30 36
Deal with
the potentially
“long tail” of work
Monitor remaining in
progress and legacy model
training closely;
refine model

Scale enablers;
Decide to scale broadly
Define a scaled to the enterprise
model; establish level and define
Scale enablers a transformation blueprints

Value created
in place model
Refine the model for selected
on the basis of portfolios
Start agile pilot experience

Agile project delivery Portfolio of agile teams Agile unit Enterprise agility


Tipping point

Source: BCG analysis.

Note: The actual timing may vary significantly among companies.

to spend 18 months or more in the piloting pany. And they can select a few “light-
and experimenting phase, refining the house” pilots that address core business
model that fits their needs and building challenges to rolling out agile at scale.
out the enablers required to support the ef-
fort to scale. There’s no need for an agile In our view, the step change to agile at
“Big Bang” in which the company makes scale in the insurance industry is closer
the transition everywhere all at once. The than most company executives think. Insur-
key is the determination to embed agile ers need to increase their speed and the
principles of autonomy, collaboration, scale of their experiments with agile at
speed, and results into the DNA of the or- scale. They need to engage in developing
ganization. Adopting values, principles, and their own plans for staying competitive
behaviors can be done successfully only by and retaining, attracting, and reskilling the
shaping the context in which people work. necessary talent for the future.
Inevitably, there will be setbacks and chal-
lenges, but strong leaders have the ability An executive, whose company is aggres-
to learn, adapt, and change course when sively moving toward agile at scale, told us,
things go awry. They stay focused on the “Insurance is lagging behind banking, but
outcomes that they are trying to achieve. sometime in the next five to six years, agile
When the time comes to make the move, at scale will pick up exponentially—once
commitment is the most important factor. one competitor has visible successes.” A
few insurers are positioning themselves to
Companies that want to get started can be ready. The rest risk being left behind.
take a few steps that have proven success-
ful at other insurers. These include devel-
oping their own vision of agile at scale and
defining the key priorities they are trying
to achieve. They can sketch out a potential
agile operating model for their own com-

Boston Consulting Group | When Will Insurers Go Agile? 4

Featured Content

Taking Agile Way Do You Have the How CEOs Keep Agile Traps
Beyond Software Courage to Be an Agile Transfor-
Agile Leader? mations Moving When companies
Companies that don’t commit to
successfully implement Letting go of old Leaders who observe planning and
agile across the enter- habits is the first step five lessons keep execution, they risk
prise can create an in a successful agile transformations on falling into one of
exceptional customer transformation. track. several known traps.
experience and gain a
competitive edge.

About the Authors

Bodo von Hülsen is a managing director and partner in the Munich office of Boston Consulting. You may
contact him by email at

James Sattler is a managing director and partner in the firm’s Melbourne office. You may contact him by
email at

Michael Schachtner is a managing director and partner in BCG’s New York office. You may contact him
by email at

László Juhász is a managing director and senior partner in the firm’s Budapest office. You may contact
him by email at

Sara Codella is a partner in BCG’s Chicago office. You may contact her by email at

Simone Schwemer is a partner in the firm’s Munich office. You may contact her by email at

Rob Koentopp is a lead knowledge analyst for agile at scale in BCG’s London office. You may contact him
by email at

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Boston Consulting Group | When Will Insurers Go Agile? 5

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