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7 Minutes Fast

Focusing on the future to manifest massive amounts of

material wealth but losing love and happiness in return.

Here is a secret that almost every billionaire uses. The mega

rich set their clocks ahead a few minutes, usually between 5
and 10, with most at 7.

The super-rich do not live in present time. They are rarely in

the moment. Mostly they live in the future. This leads to
massive creative and manifesting ability, but also leads to
misery, suffering, feelings of separation, aloneness,
unfulfillment, dissatisfaction, discontentment, restlessness,
unease, anxiety, unhappiness, sadness, depression, anger and
many other “negative” emotions.

This method creates a feeling of longing, needing, emptiness,

searching, wanting, desiring, greed, envy, and more. If you
dare, try it. But just like trying crack cocaine one time, you
might get addicted and live in misery until you are “saved”.

I suggest you live in the moment, embrace the moment, live in

the present. You might not become a billionaire, but you WILL
be much happier and fulfilled.

Your friend,


5 Years From Now…

A Gift

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