Nurses Notes

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Date Time Nurses Notes Signature

Sept.14,202 6:00am FOCUS:

3 Risk for fall


Received patient on bed awake, weak in

appearance with side rails down, with IVF at right
metacarpal vein of D5LR .03% 0 at IV level 270ml,
regulating 80cc/hr, flowing well.


- Encouraged the mother to be alert.

- Instructed to side rails up at all times for patient
- V/S taken and recorded.
- Bedside care done, removed unnecessary things on
bed, all bags placed at the cabinet.

- Patient asleep, comfortable and relaxed.
- No falls recorded.

Patients Name: Poliran, Princess Daniella

Date Time Nurses Notes Signature

Sept.15,202 8:00am FOCUS:

3 Activity Intolerance


- Received patient on bed asleep with her mother

and own linen used.
- Side rails down while patient sleeping.
- Patient has a newly hooked D5LR 1L regulating
80cc/hr at right metacarpal vein, flowing well.


- Instructed mother to ask another linen.

- Adviced mother to side rails up for patient safety.
- Encouraged patient/mother for techniques to
enhanced activity tolerance.
- Pt. instructed to report measurable increase in activity

- Have linen and bedside care done.
- No falls noted.
- Pt. reported increased in activity tolerance

Patients Name: Poliran, Princess Daniella

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