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Subject Name: Fundamentals of Machine Learning Subject Code: TBC- 603

Course Name: Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

1 Contact Hours: 42 L 2 T 1 P 2

2 Examination Duration(Hrs): Theory 0 3 Practical 0 2

3 Relative Weightage: CWE: 25 MTE: 25 ETE: 50

4 Credits: 0 3

5 Pre-Requisite: Understanding of programming language and fundamentals of statistics

6 Subject Area: Computer Science

7 Objective: To enable student to learn and understand the concepts of Machine Learning
and its implementation in Python.

8 Course Outcome: After completion of the course students will be able to

CO 1 Understand the fundamental Statistical concepts and Machine Learning including the three
approaches, issues, and challenges of machine learning.
CO 2 Understand the Python Programming language and implement programs which highlight the
programming structure of the language
CO 3 Contrast between Unsupervised and Supervised Machine learning approaches.
CO 4 Understand the basics of data analysis and the use of Numpy and Pandas Libraries for Data
CO 5 Explain basic Supervised learning algorithms and the concept of Data validation.

10 Details of the Course:

1 Review of Statistical Concepts: Mean, Median, Mode, Outliers, Range,
Average Deviation, Absolute Deviation, Squared Deviation, Standard 8
Deviation, Probability theory.
Review of Linear Algebra:Vectors and Matrices, Matrix operations,
Properties, Inverse and Transpose.
Introduction to Machine Learning: What is Machine Learning,
Introduction to ML's three approaches: Supervised, Unsupervised and
Reinforcement Learning?

2 Introduction to Python: • Data types and variables, Operators and operator 8

precedence • Data type conversions, Command line argument, Data input,
Comments, Import modules, Control statements.
Functions and modules in python Python built in functions, Python
Modules, File Handling.
Graphic Era Hill University, 2021, w.e.f.: 2021-22
3 UnSupervised Learning Algorithms Clustering: K-means, Silhoutte Scores, 9
Hierarchical Clustering, Fuzzy c- means, DBScan
Dimensionality Reduction: Low Variance Filter, High Correlation Filter,
Backward Feature Elimination, Forward Feature Selection, Principle
Component Analysis, Projection Methods.

4 Data Analysis and Machine Learning with Python NumPy, SciPy 8

Matplotlib, Pandas Scikit-Learn.
NumPy Basics. A Multidimensional Array Object (ndarrays ) Creating
ndarrays Data Types for ndarrays Basic Indexing and Slicing,
Getting Started with pandas Series, Data Frame and Index Objects Re
indexing Indexing, Selection and Filtering Sorting and Ranking, Loading
from CSV and other structured text formats, Normalizing data, Dealing with
missing data, Data manipulation (alignment, aggregation, and
summarization), Group-based operations: split-apply-combine Statistical
analysis, Date and time series analysis with Pandas, Visualizing data

5 Validation Techniques: Hold out, K-Fold Cross Validation, Leave one out, 9
Supervised Learning Algorithms: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression,
Decision Trees, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbours, CN2
Algorithm, Naive Bayes, Artificial Neural Networks.


11 Suggested Books:
1 John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron,"Machine Learning For 2017
2 Machine Learning using Python by U Dinesh Kumar Manaranjan 2019
Pradhan , Wiley
3 Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data 2016
Scientists by Andreas Muller
4 Python Machine Learning by Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili 2017
5 Introduction to Machine Learning by Alpaydin Ethem, PHI 2015

Graphic Era Hill University, 2021, w.e.f.: 2021-22

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