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“Cleanliness and order are not a matter of instinct; they are matters of education, and
like most great things, you must cultivate a taste for them.”

Swachh bharath abhiyan is one of the most popular and significant missions in the
history of India. Swachh Bharath Abhiyan is also known as Clean India campaign. It was
launched by the Prime Minister Narendra modi on 2 nd October 2014 in New Delhi, on the
remembrance of Mahatma Gandhi. Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had a dream of
a clean India and always strived for it. Keeping the dream of the Father of the Nation and
the overall development in mind, the government of India started this campaign.

The campaign was sighted for five years and believed in accomplishing the proposed
plans by October 2nd, 2019 which marks the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi ji. The
major objective of the Swachh Bharath Abhiyan is to spread the awareness of
cleanliness and the importance of it. The concept of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan is to
provide basic sanitation facilities like toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal systems,
village cleanliness and safe and adequate drinking water supply to every person.

To make this campaign even more effective, Modi ji chase 9 people and requested them
to add 9 more people in this series ahead of them and give them Knowledge of
cleanliness and promote cleanliness around them. It was thus intended to connect every
Indian to this series.

Through the campaign, the prime minister has emphasized that the work of cleaning
India cannot be done by one person or government functionaries alone rather it is a job
that is to be executed by the 125 crore people who are the sons and daughters of Mother
India. Prime Minister Modi urged people to realize their duty as responsible citizens
towards keeping their country clean and not litter on the Streets.
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Gandhi ji rightly said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. We students of
Vijaya Vittala institute of technology is happy to be a part of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan
which is held in Kannur Grama Panchayat, Bangalore and we had successfully
accomplished the cleaning process and pledged not to litter and throw garbage on
roadside. We will carry forward the practices of cleanliness with the same enthusiasm
and zeal and help each other by keeping our India clean and beautiful.



Apart from technical knowledge and skills, to be successful as professionals, students

should have excellent soft skills, leadership qualities and team spirit.

They should have entrepreneurial capabilities and societal commitment. In order to

match these multifarious requirements, AICTE has created a unique mechanism of
awarding Activity points.

As proposed under AICTE ruler internship program if a student complete any long terms
goal during his degree program, it will be counted us internship activities and credit
required for internship is fulfilled. Whoever, if only short terms interventions under the
programme are attempted it will be counted towards AICTE activity program programme


As a part of student activity, we reached Kannur Grama Panchayat and with the help of
authorized people we cleaned the surrounding of Panchayat office and removed the toxic
and non-biodegradable wastes.

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“A healthy mind lives in a healthy body and for a healthy body, clean environment
particularly”, keeping this quote in mind we created a hygienic surrounding near the
Panchayat office.

Through this visit we Computer Science Engineering Students got some perspective

• Swatch Bharath campaign, and

• Importance of cleanliness in our environment


1) We reached Kannur Grama Panchayat

Fig 1: At Kannur Grama Panchayat

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Fig 2: Cleaning Process

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Fig 3: Dumping waste

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Fig 4: Cleaning process

Everything present around us is our environment. It includes all living and non-living
things. A healthyenvironment contributes a lot in keeping the environment balanced. A
clean environment is essential for the existence of al living being. It our responsibility to
keep our environment clean and green. But according to today’s time, as a result of the
progress of the industrial sector, manmade pollution is distorting in many ways, which
is disturbing the balance of nature. They can be clean and saved by planting trees,
recycling, reusing, reducing pollution and creating awareness.

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Fig 5: Group cleaning

The life of humans and animals is entirely depended on environment. It nourishes us;
Environment plays a major role in giving birth to a new life, in the growth of a life,
survival of the life and the over-all well-being of any life.

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Fig 6: Cleaning process

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Fig 7: Picking all waste and making it in one corner for disposal.

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Fig 8: Departure

We humans in the search of progress have forgotten value and importance of keeping
our nature clean. We are constantly degrading and destroying it. Human activities are
the root cause of environmental imbalance. The pollution has lowered the quality of all
natural components of environment. The depletion of ozone layer, greenhouse effect,
and climate change and global warnings are the very issues with which environment is
suffering from. In last five decades human have polluted all natural resources. So save
our environment keep it neat and clean.

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As a student of VVIT college, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. We

would like to say that Swachh Bharath Abhiyan is the most significant cleanliness
campaign by Government of India. Its responsibility of entire citizens to keep their
surrounding clean. Community people were encouraged to maintain their surrounding
clean. Thus the students of Vijaya Vittala Institute of technology have initiated one step
towards cleanliness

This program played an important role to break the conventional thought that social
work can be implemented by student who holds a degree or people who have an
experience in social work. I was able to acquire a confidence to deal with problems that
arise in a Society.

During this AICTE Student activity, I have been able to see the different social work
aspects. Generally, the Activities laid sound foundation for us to start our career. I am
proud to be able to contribute towards the society. I will be definitely sensible to scale
this practice up and to replicate it in other disciplines as well.

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