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A Most Important Thing

The importance of controling how you respond to situations

in life.

The single most important thing that will determine what

happens in your life is how you respond and react to the things
that are happening right now. You constantly judge, evaluate,
react and respond to every person you meet; everything
anyone says or does to you; every situation you deal with;
every event that is presented to you; every external condition
you are in; and everything you experience.
This means you have thoughts, say words, do things and feel
emotions based on how you choose to respond to everything
around you as it is happening. How you choose to respond
with your thoughts, words, actions and feelings determine the
NEXT set of conditions, experiences, events and situations
that the Universe will present to you.

This is “karma”. Having a deliberate intent and desire for

something is a “wanting”. This is the creation process that you
can activate on purpose. But, for most people, the desires that
a person has (the wanting), is counteracted by the reactions
(thoughts, words, actions and feelings) that you put out in
response to what life is presenting to you in each moment.

When you can feel good about everything being presented to

you, you are in a constant state of creating “good karma” and
thus creating a wonderful next set of conditions.

Much Love,


A Message From A Student Of Kevin’s

A Powerful Element that Makes “Giving” Produce Miraculous

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