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37 Wave Optics LPN NE 274 272 273 274 275 276 Young's Double-Slit Experiment Analysis Model: Waves in Interference Intensity Distribution of the Double-Slit Interference Pattern Change of Phase Due to Reflection Interference in Thin Films The Michelson Interferometer ‘An asterisk indicates a question or problem new to this edition. NSWERS TO OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 0937.1 0937.2 @ Gi) @ ii) Answer (a). If the mirrors do not move the character of the interference stays the same. Answer (c). The light waves destructively interfere so they are initially out of phase by 180°. Moving the mirror by 2/2 changes the path difference by 2(2/2) = 4, so the waves go in phase then back out of phase to their original phase relation. The ranking is b > a > c = d. The angles in the interference pattern are small, so we can make a good approximation of their values: dsin@ = mA — 0 = md/d. Thus for m=1, 0 = A/d, which we estimate in each case: (a) 0.450 pm /400 fim = 1.1 x 10~ rad (b) 0.7 pm/400 pm = 1.8 x 10” rad (c) and (d) 0.7 pm/800 pm = 0.9 x 10" rad. The ranking is b = d > a> c, Now we consider the distance Lsin@=L(mAjd) > y=mLAld y=Ltand Thus for m= 1. LAfd, which we estimate in each case: 744 122014 Cengage Learning, All Rigle Reserved, May not he seanned, copied or duplicated or pote o2 publ aceeible webs, in whale on part, Chapter 37 745 (a) (4m) (0.45 pm /400 pm) = 4.5 mm; (b) (4 m)(0.7 jzm/400 pm) =7 mm; (c) (4 m)(0.7 pm/800 pm) ~ 3.5 mm; (A) (8 m)(0.7 m/800 pm) = 7 mm. 0Q37.3 Answer (c). Underwater, the wavelength of the light decreases according to Ayauy = Auy/Menee- Since the angles between positions of light and dark bands, being small, are approximately proportional to 4, the underwater fringe separations decrease. 0937.4 (i) Answer (c). The distance between nodes is half a wavelength. (ii) Answer (d). The reflected light travels through the same path twice because it reflects, so moving the mirror one-quarter wavelength, 125 nm, results in a path change of one-half wavelength, 250 nm, which results in destructive interference. (ii) Answer (¢). The wavelength of the light in the film is 500 nm/2 = 250 nm. If the film is made 62.5 nm thicker (one-quarter wavelength in the film), the light reflecting inside the film has a path length 125 nm greater. This is half a wavelength, which reverses constructive into destructive interference. 0Q37.5 Answer (d). There are 180° phase changes occurring in the reflections at both the air-oil boundary and the oil-water boundary; thus the relative phase change from reflection is zero. The condition for constructive interference in the reflected light is where mis any integer. The minimum non-zero thickness of the oil which will strongly reflect 530-nm light is m= 1 A _/,)530nm 4-0) mn V2q 25) 037.6 Answer (a). For the second-order bright fringe, dsin0 = 2A 500x107 m. 2.00%10" m = 0.080 0 rad 0937.7 Gi)_Answer (b). Ifthe oil film is brightest where itis thinnest, then yg < Pay < act gaxe With this condition, light reflecting from both the top and the bottom surface of the oil film will undergo 180° phase changes. Then these two beams will be in phase with each other where the film is very thin. This is the condition for constructive interference as the thickness of the oil film =212 nm sin@ ©2014 Cengage Learning, All Right Reserved May not be scanned, copied or upliled or posted a3 publi secasible website in whole in past 746 Wave Optics decreases toward zero. If the oil film is dark where it is thinnest, then My, < Muy > aoyn gua’ In this case, reflecting light undergoes a 180° phase change upon reflection from the top surface but no 180° phase change upon reflection from the bottom surface of the oil. The two reflected beams are 180° out of phase and interfere destructively as the oil film thickness goes to zero. Gi) Yes. It should have a lower refractive index than both kinds of glass. (iii) Yes. It should have a higher refractive index than both kinds of glass. (iv) No. Its refractive index cannot be both greater than 1.66 and less than 1.52. 0Q37.8 Answer (b). With two fine slits separated by a distance d slightly less than 4, the equation dsin@ = 0 has the usual solution @= 0, but dsin@ =A has no solution: there is no first-order maximum. 1 However, dsin@=—2 has a solution: first-order minima flank the 2 central maximum on each side. 0Q37.9 (i) Answer (a). The angular position of the mth-order bright fringe ina double-slit interference pattern is given by dsin@,, = mA. The distance J, of the mth-order bright fringe from the center of the pattern is given by y,, = Ltan@,,, where L is the distance to the screen. The spacing between successive bright fringes is AY = Yau “Ym = L(tan,,,, - tan, ) L(sin@,,., -sind,) lee pen ant because the angles are small, and for small angles (in radians) sin@ = tan@, As L increases, the spacing Ay increases. (ii) Answer (b). From our result above, we see that as d increases, the spacing Ay decreases. 037.10 Answer (b). If the thickness of the oil film were smaller than half of the wavelengths of visible light, no colors would appear. If the thickness of the oil film were much larger, the colors would overlap to mix to white or gray. ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be seamed, copie or duplicled er pote 3 publicly secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 747 NSWERS TO CONCEPTUAL QUESTION: €Q37.1 €Q37.2 €Q37.3 €Q37.4 €Q37.5 Acamera lens will have more than one element, to correct (at least) for chromatic aberration. It will have several surfaces, each of which would reflect some fraction of the incident light. To maximize light throughout, the surfaces need antireflective coatings. The coating thickness is chosen to produce destructive interference for reflected light of a particular wavelength. Due to gravity, the soap film tends to sag in its holder, being quite thin at the top and becoming thicker as one moves toward the bottom of the holding ring. Because light reflecting from the front surface of the film experiences a 180° phase change, and light reflecting from the back surface of the film does not (see Figure 37.10 in the textbook), the film must be a minimum of a half wavelength thick before it can produce constructive interference in the reflected light. Thus, the light must be striking the film at some distance from the top of the ring before the thickness is sufficient to produce constructive interference for any wavelength in the visible portion of the spectrum. The light from the flashlights consists of many different wavelengths (that's why it’s white) with random time differences between the light waves. There is no coherence between the two sources. The light from the two flashlights does not maintain a constant phase relationship over time. These three equivalent statements mean no possibility of an interference pattern. Typically, a thin air film forms between the lens and the glass plate. Light reflecting from the upper surface of the air film (lower surface of the lens) can interfere with light reflecting from the lower surface of the air film (upper surface of the flat glass plate). The light reflecting from the lower surface of the air film undergoes a 180° phase change on reflection while the light reflecting from the upper surface of the air film does not. (a) Where there is negligible distance between the surfaces, at the center of the pattern you will see a dark spot because of the destructive interference associated with the 180° phase shift. (b) Colored rings surround the dark spot. If the lens is a perfect sphere and the plate is perfectly flat, the rings are perfect circles. On the fine scale of the wavelength of visible light, distorted rings reveal bumps and hollows that cause variation in the air film between the glass surfaces The waves interfere destructively at some places and interfere constructively at others. The total energy is not lost, itis just rearranged. The energy that does not go into the dark fringes is shifted into the bright fringes. ©2014 Cengage Learn, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copie or plied or posted 3 publi secasible website in whole rin past 748 Wave Optics €Q37.6 _ Every color produces its own double-slit interference pattern, so if, white light is used, the central maximum is white and the first-order maxima are full spectra running from violet to red. Each higher- order maximum is in principle a full spectrum, but it can partially overlap with the next order maximum, so the pattern for a specific color is hard to distinguish. Using monochromatic light eliminates this problem. CQ37.7_ (a). Two waves interfere constructively if their path difference is zero, or an integral multiple of the wavelength, according to 5 =m, with m=0, 1, 2,3, (b) Two waves interfere destructively if their path difference is a half wavelength, or an odd multiple of 2, described by 1 ( 5=| m+ with m=0,1,2,3 \ 2 €Q37.8 Each liquid forms a film which causes interference of light reflected off the top and bottom surfaces of the film. Since the liquids would have an index greater than that of air, light reflected off the top surface of each film would undergo a 180° phase change. When the films become sufficiently thin, the type of interference that occurs, constructive or destructive, depends on whether the reflected wave does or does not undergo a 180° phase change. If the index of one liquid is less than that of water, light reflected off the bottom surface of the film (off the water surface) will be shifted by 180°, so the overall interference will be constructive, and the film will appear bright. If the index of the other liquid is greater than that of water, light reflected off the bottom surface of the film will not be shifted, so the overall interference will be destructive, and the film will appear dark. €Q37.9 Yes. A single beam of laser light going into the slits divides up into several fuzzy-edged beams diverging from the point halfway between the slits ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be seamed, copie or duplicled er pote 3 publicly secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 749 SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTER PROBLEMS Section 27.1 Young’s Double-Slit Experiment Section 27.2. Analysis Model: Waves in Interference *P37.1 P37.2 P37.3 P37.4 122014 Cengage Learning, Al Righle Reserved, May not he scanned, copied or uplicaled or pote oa publ ecaile we The angular locations of the bright fringes (or maxima) is given by Equation 37.2: dsin = mA Solving for m and substituting 30.0° gives _dsin@ _(3.20x10* m)sin30.0¢ a 50x10" m There are 320 maxima to the right, 320 to the left, and one for m= 0 straight ahead at @=0. There are therefore [641 maxima =320 The location of the dark fringe of order m (measured from the position of the central maximum) is given by uae) where m=0, +1,+2,> Thus, the spacing between the first and second dark fringes will be A= (Yasar (Yaseen i ala} eral a) 8 30107 m)(2.00 m) 0.300 x 107 m The location of the bright fringe of order m (measured from the position of the central maximum) is dsinO=mA — m=0, 41, 42,5 or 3.53 mm| For first bright fringe to the side, m= 1. Thus, the wavelength of the laser light must be = dsin@ = (0.200 10~m)sin0.181Y = 632x107 m=[632 nm| The location of the bright fringes for small angles is given by Equation 377. AL Yacht = 750 37.5 P37.6 37.7 P37.8 Wave Optics For m=1, 3.40 x 10 m)(0.500 x 10% Yonge _(840%107 m)(0.500%107 m) _ Faas L 330m { 1 y In the equation dsin=(m+3)a, the first minimum ue is described by m= 0 and the tenth by m= 9: [ F sno=A(9+2) 954 Sa aa Se Source Also, tand =f But, for small 6, sin9 = tand. A ANS. FIG. P37.5 954 _95AL sind y Thus, d 9.5(5 890 x 10” m)(2.00 m) 7.26x10" m We use Equation 37.2, dsin@,,,y. = 1A, to find the angle for the m=1 = 154x107 m =[1.54 mm| fringe: mA _ (1)(1.00 x 107 m) =125 d 8.00 x 10° m. Sin 8ygye = The sine of the angle is greater than 1, which is impossible. Therefore, there is no m= 1 fringe on the screen whose position can be measured. In fact, there is no interference pattern at all, just a bright area of microwaves directly behind the double slit We do not use the small-angle approximation sin@ = tan@ here because the angle is greater than 10°. For the first bright fringe, m= 1, and we have dsin@ = mA=A A ROXIO 940 10" m — [240 sin@ sin 15.0Y and (a) Fora bright fringe of order m, the path difference is 5= mA, where m= 0,1,2,... At the location of the third order bright fringe, = mh =3(589X 10? m)=1.77 «10% m =[L77 =| ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be seamed, copie or duplicled er pote 3 publicly secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 751 ( (©) Fora dark fringe, the path difference is 5=| m+ 3). where m=0,1,2,... Atthe third dark fringe, m=2 and ( b-(2+3)2 589 nm) = 1.47 x 10° nm =[1.47 «m 37.9 (a) For the bright fringe, Yorse = ma, where m=1 '546.1x 107 m)(1.20 (546.1%<107 m)(1.20 m) = 2.62107 m 0.250% 107 m = [262mm ; = (b) Ifyou have trouble remembering whether = 120m the equation with m/, or the equation with Ww (ms 3 applies toa particular situation, | 7H ouree (\ 40.250 m you can remember that a zero-order bright B band is in the center, and dark bands are halfway between bright bands. Thus, the ee made-up equation dsin@ = (count)A describes them all, with count = for bright bands, and with coun 15,25, ... for dark bands. i wight ark Then, for the dark bands, AL Yaa (m3) m=0,1,2,3, 2 ALI(, 1 1)|_ aL senna Hoga 546.1x10" m)(1.20 m) 0.250107 m Ay =[2.62 mm 37.10 Taking m=0 and y= 0.200 mm in Equations 37.3 and 37.4 gives 2dy _ 2(0.400x 10° m)(0.200x10" m) a 442x107 m 36.2 em = 0.362 m ©2014 Cengage Learing, All Right Reserved May not be scanned, copie or upliled or posted a3 publicly aecasible website in whole rin past 752 Wave Optics Geometric optics or a particle theory of light would incorrectly predict bright regions opposite the slits and darkness in between. But, as this example shows, interference can produce just the opposite I — en =e ANS. FIG. P37.10 340 m/s ~ 2.000 Hz, The maxima are located at dsin@ = mA: *P37.11 = 0.170 m m=Ogives 0 = OF m=1gives — @=sin™ (F)-sin (38 ™) «29.1 d 0.350 m, af22)_ 4 20170 )) = ve = == ———— }= 76.31 m=2gives 8 =sin () sin [ Co |-76 m=3 has no solution, since sin@ > 1. The minima are located at dsin@ = (m 1 3} m=Ogives — @=sin™ ()-sin ae un 120.350 m) 1 eiv 4(34)_ .[3(0.170 m) m=l1gives @=sin (B)-sn | 30350) | 28" m= 2has no solution, since sin@ > 1 We have maxima at OF, 29.11, and 76.31; minima at 14.1 and 46.81 v _ 343 m/s f 2000s" size as the slit separation d= 0.300 m, so we may treat this as a double- slit diffraction problem. P3712 The wavelength 2 = 0.171 5 m is on the same order of (a) dsind=mA so (0.300 m)sin@=1(0.1715 m) and @ (b) dsin@=mA so dsin34.91=1(0.0300m) and d=[5. (©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copie or dupliled er pote 13 publi ecaribe website whole ein pact Chapter 37 753 (©) (1.00x10* m)sin34.9¥=(1)A so A=572 nm, pee 3.00 x 10° m/s “2 572x107 m P37.13 Note, with the conditions given, the small-angle ' approximation does not work well. That is, 400. | sin 6, tan @, and @are significantly different. We 7 treat the interference as a Fraunhofer pattern. 46) 1000m (a) Atthe m=2 maximum, 5.24 10" Hz ANS. FIG. P37.13 tang = 20 _ 9.400- 0-21.81 1000 m 50 dsin@ _ (300 m)sin21.81 pss m 2 (b) The next minimum encountered is the m= 2 minimum, and at that point, asin =(m+3)a 2 which becomes dsin@ ) }-0464 0-27.71, so y=(1000 m)tan27.7¥ = 524 m. Therefore, the car must travel an additional 524 m— 400 m = [124m If we considered Fresnel interference, we would more precisely find (@ a= 3550" +1 000? m- 250? +1 000" m) 55.2 m and (b) 123 m. 37.14 Location of A = central maximum, location of B = first minimum. So, 4(o-5)-0- 342-200 m. d 2 2d Thus, (8.00 m)(150m) _ TTR, 40.0 m ©2014 Cengage Learn, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copie or plied or posted 3 publi secasible website in whole rin past 754 Wave Optics P3715 37.16 The angle 0 of the 50th-order fringe is given by dsin@=mA > @=sin7 (4) The distance x from the slit to the screen and the distance y of the mth- order fringe from the center of the central maximum are related by tano= x As the student approaches the screen at speed v, the distances x and y decrease but their ratio stays the same. Therefore, tang=4 + y=xtano x dy _de pa gqang=—vtand where dy/dt is negative because the distance y shrinks. The speed of the fringe is sotvete = [ae tan = ota] si"(™)] d Thus, the speed of the 50th-order fringe is 50(632.8x 10" m) | 0.300x 10% m | Vs morder 3.00 mio [ = [0.318 m/s| The angle 0 of the mth-order fringe is given by dsin@=mA > @=sin" (") The distance x from the slit to the screen and the distance y of the mth- order fringe from the center of the central maximum are related by tano=“. As the student approaches the screen at speed v, the x distances x and y decrease but their ratio stays the same. Therefore, tano=4 y=xtano x dy _ dx dt dt where dy/dt is negative because the distance y shrinks. Thus, the speed of the mth-order fringe is tan@ =-vtan@ a vtand= tan) sin) v, sau ff ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copie or duplicled er posted a3 publicly secarible website in whole on part, P3717 P3718 Chapter 37 755 ‘As shown in the figure to the right, the height of the radio telescope dish is h=d, sin@, and the path difference in the waves reaching the telescope is 6=4, -d,=d,(1-sina) where O+a+0=90% > a@=90%-20 If the first minimum (6 = 4/2) occurs when 6 = 25.0°, then r= 901-2 1) = 40.07, and 8 _ (250 m)/2 d,= 1-sina 1-sin40.0r = 350 m Thus, the height h = d,sin@ = 350 m sin 25.0r = [148 m_ ANS. FIG. P37.17 For a double-slit system, the path difference of the two wave fronts arriving at a screen is 6 = dsin@ and the phase difference is 2m f(y) dsing = =a % sin@ ( J 2a o==5 a L (a) For @=0.500°, dsin@ ° 2n ~ (500x107 m) 1.120 x 10 m)sin(0.500r) = [13.2 rad r 3 © oa? Qn 5.0010" =) = oon myo 12010" al 1.20 m = [6.28 rad ©2014 Cengage Learning, All Right Reserved May not be scanned, copied or upliled or posted a3 publ secasible website in whole rin past 756 Wave Optics 2ndsin@ a e=sin (3) |e m)(0.333 rad (© If 9=0.333 rad = , then 2nd 2n(0.120x 107 m) 127x107 a (@) If dsind= 7, then af 4 osin-(2 in 0=[5.97x10°1 500% 10" m 4(0.120x 10 m) P37.19 From the diagram, the path difference between rays 1 and 2 is 6=4d,—d, =dsin@, -dsin®, For constructive interference, this path difference must be equal to an integral number of wavelengths: dsin@, -dsin0, = mA sin@, ~sin@, = mm > = sin“ (sing -%4) ANS. FIG. P37.19 P37.20 (a) ¥ =50Y jeu, = 50(4.52x 10° m) = 0.226 m ) tnd (ore) 45210" m_ BEB] L 1.80 m 22.6 cm] ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be seamed, copied or duplicated er pote 3 publ secarible website in whole on part, © (a) (e) ( 37.21 (a) b) © Chapter 37 757 452x107 m 1.80 m. From (b), 6, = tan? )- 0.144¥ > sin@, =2.51x 10" ANS. FIG. P37.20 The sine and the tangent are very nearly the same, but only because the angle is small. From dsin@ ap. = 1A, for m=1 (03 x 10” m| From 6 =dsin@= mA, for the order m bright fringe, 64, = sin“ ()- sin Osind, ) = sin” [50sin(0.144Y)] = (727 Ys = Ltan@, =(1.80 m)tan(7.211) =2.26 x10? m= [228 | The two answers are close but do not agree exactly. The fringes| lare not laid out linearly on the screen as assumed in part (a), land this nonlinearity is evident for relatively large angles such jas 7.21°. The path difference 5 = dsin, and when L. >> y: _ (1.8010 m)(1.50x 10% m) LS 1.40 m =1.93x10% m=[1.93 =m 5 _ 1.93x10% m oe =3. 5=3.002 Ftp 00, or m Point P will be a [ maximum | because the path difference is an integer multiple of the wavelength ©2014 Cengage Learning, All Right Reserved May not be scanned, copied or upliled or posted a3 publ secasible website in whole rin past 758 Wave Optics 37.22 Observe that the pilot must not only home in on the airport, but must be headed in the right direction when she arrives at the end of the runway. ¢ _ 3.00 10° m, Ff 30.0x108 s fa) 10.0 m e first side maximum is at an angle given sin@ =(1)a. The first sid gle given by d A. (40.0 m)sind=10.0m = @=145Y The 2.00 km is the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle with angle 6 = [500 m y= Lsin@ =(2 000 m)sin1 (©) The intent is to inform the pilot which signal corresponds to the central maximum. The signal of 10-m wavelength in parts (a) and (b) would show maxima at 0°, 14.5°, 30.0°, 48.6°, and 90°. A signal of wavelength, say, 11.23 m, would show maxima at 0°, 16.3°, 34.2°, and 57.3°. The only value in common is 0°. A strong signal for both frequencies would indicate that the airplane was traveling along the central maximum, thus, straight on the runway. If A, and 4, were related by a ratio of small integers in Ay mh fh AL, equiv. 4-4, dsin@=n, Toa Gtr equivalentto =F, then the equations dsin8 = 1,2, and dsin@ = 7,2, would both be satisfied for the same nonzero angle. The pilot could approach on an inappropriate bearing, and run off the runway immediately after touchdown. Section 37.3. Intensity Distribution of the Double-Slit Interference Pattern 37.23 We use Equation 37.14, Solving and substituting then gives (6.00 x 10% m)(1.80x10% m) (656.3 107 m)(0.800 m) 0.968 (©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copie or duplicled cr posted 3 publicly secarible website in whole on part 37.24 37.25 P37.26 Chapter 37 759 We use trigonometric identities to write E, +E, =6.00 sin (L007) +8.00 sin(100at+2/2) = 6.00 sin(1007 #) +[8.00 sin(1007#)cos(z/2) 48.00 cos(100x#)sin(7r/2)] E, +E, = 6.00 sin(100z 1) + 8.00 cos(1007 t) and E, sin(100n¢ + ¢) = E, sin(100z#)cosd +E, cos(1007#)sing The equation E, +E, = E, sin(1007t +6) is satisfied if we require or (6.00)? + (8.00)* = E,?(cos* 9+ sin? 9) —> [Ex = 1000 and tang = sing/cos@ = 8.00/6.00 = 1.33 > [6 = 53.11) We will use Equation 37.14 for intensity in a double-slit interference pattern, which is cdsin® I=1,,, cos*| © eed For small 8, from ANS. FIG. P37.25, ANS. FIG. P37.25 sino=¥ L Substituting and solving gives Next, with / = 0.7501, _ (6.00 x 107 m)(1.20m) _ y= #050510" i cos” 0.750 =[ 48.0 om ‘we can substitute a value for each variable: (a) The resultant amplitude is E, =E,sinot +E, sin(t+)+ (ot+29) where o= Basing. ©2014 Cengage Learing, All Right Reserved May not be scanned, copied or upliled or posted 3 publ secasible website in whole rin past 760 Wave Optics () ©) Expanding, E,=E,(sinwt+sinetcosd+cosmtsing + sin@tcos26 + coswtsin26) E, =E,(sinwt)(1+cos¢+2cos* -1) +E,(cosat)(sing +2singcosd) ‘9(1+2cos@)(sinwtcosg+coswtsing) =F,(1+2cos¢)sin(wt +9) Then the intensity is \ 1 Toc £2 = E3(1+2c (# = £3(1+2cos0}'(3) where we have substituted the time average of sin?(wt +4), which is ; The maximum intensity occurs at 9 = 0: I, = 3(1+2c050) (2) = fe moe lo 2° Therefore, the ratio of intensity to maximum intensity is 52 2( 1 1 EF; (1+2cos¢) (3) (1+2coso)f 1 9 mon 5 I fos +2coso)* ewe 2nd r wi aon( =) Look at the N= 3 graph in the textbook Figure 37.7. The intensity is zero at two places between the relative maxima, attained where ES 1 cos =—5. The relative secondary maximum in the middle 1, occurs at cos =-1.00, where (1-2p The larger local maximum happens where cos@= +1.00, giving I su +2] =I,,,. - The ratio of intensities at primary versus secondary maxima is [9:7 ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copie or duplicled er posted a3 publ secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 761 P3727 (a) From Equation 37.14, [1 cos (88) 0 with 9 = Zasino This gives ! cos($) Tax 2 Therefore, $= 2co% cos” 0.640 =[ 1.29 rad ndsin@ 37.28 In Lag = Tenax cos'( ) for angles between -0.3° and +0.3° we may take sin 0 = @(in radians) to find _2| (250 2m) @ | 0.546 am This equation is correct assuming Gis in radians; but we can then equally well substitute in values for @in degrees and interpret the argument of the cosine function as a number of degrees. We get the same answers for @negative and for @ positive. We evaluate Odegrees 030 |-025 |-020 1015 Lo10 00s ‘oo Wax aot foo [o082 [o4se |o.ss2 [0.096 [1.00 degrees 0.05 Jo10 [0.15 |020 (0.25 |o30 Whoo 0.096 0.652 |o.659 Jo.092 |1.00 |o.101 TABLE P37.28 Vn A. degrees ANS. FIG. P37.28 ©2014 Cengage Learing, All Rig Reserved May not be scanned, copie or upliled or posted a3 publ secasible website in whole rin past 762 37.29 Wave Optics The cosine-squared function has maximum values of 1 at 0= 0, at = 0.125°, and at @= 0.250°. It has minimum values of zero halfway, between the maximum values. The graph then has the appearance shown (a) From Equation 37.9, A Vy+D 2nyd _ 2n(0.850x10~ m)(2.50x 10% m) = [7.95 rad AD (600x107 m)(2.80 m) = cos*[(xd/A)sin@] _ cos*(¢/2) Tym €08*[(d/A)sin@,,,, | Cos? mz $ (7.95 ma) Leos? . a ~ cost 8 - cos*| Trnox 2 (>) 0.453 2 Section 37.4 Change of Phase Due to Reflection Section 37.5 Interference in Thin Films P3730 (a) With phase reversal in the reflection at the outer surface of the soap film and no reversal on reflection from the inner surface, the condition for constructive interference in the light reflected from the soap bubble is 2nt Ti ) Gary 2 where m= 0, 1, 2,.... For the lowest order reflection (m= 0), and the wavelength is 2nt__ 2(1.33)(120 nm) (0+1/2) V2 (b) [A thicker film would require a higher order of reflection, so use a] larger value of m| [638 nm] 152014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicted er posted 3 publicly secarible website in whole on part P3731 P37.32 P3733 Chapter 37 763 (©) From (a) above, for a given wavelength, the thickness would be ( 1a 1) nm m+5|—=|m+> 2)2n 2) 2(1.33) The next greater thickness of soap film that can strongly reflect 638 nm light corresponds to m= 1, giving ( 1) a ( 1)s8 nm m+>|o=[1+s 2)2n 2) 2(1.33) and the third such thickness (corresponding to m= 2) is -(m+d A -(2+2)Sean- (600 nm| 2)2n 2(1.33) The layers are air, oil, and water. Because 1 < 1.25 < 1.33, light reflected both from the top and from the bottom surface of the oil suffers phase reversal. For constructive interference we require oy tha 2 [360 nm| and for destructive interference, te [m+ (1/2) aw 1" Then, Ase =14 1 = 80M 1 25 and m=2 hin = mS nm Therefore, t= 2408") _ Sia am 2(1.25) There are a total of two phase reversals caused by reflection, one at the top and one at the bottom surface of the coating, ( 4 m+— 2)2n The minimum thickness of the film is therefore awe(mi2)s 2 = [962 nm Treating the anti-reflectance coating like a camera-lens coating (two phase reversals caused by reflection, one at the top and one at the bottom surface of the coating), / a= mee} In > Qnt= (destructive interference) ©2014 Cengage Learning, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copie or dupliled or posted a3 publi secasible website in whole rin past 764 Wave Optics P3734 P3735 P3736 Let m=0. Then, A _ 3.00 cm — = ——__ =| 0.500 m 4050) This anti-reflectance coating could be easily countered by changing the wavelength of the radar to 1.50 cm. Then the coating would exhibit maximum reflection! (a) The film thickness is {= 1.00 x 10° cm = 1.00 x 107 m = 100 nm. Since the light undergoes a 180° phase change at each surface of the film, the condition for constructive interference is (1.38)(100 nm) _ 276 nm m m a 2t=m=, or n Therefore, the wavelengths intensified in the reflected light are, for m= 1,2, and 3: 4=[276nm, 138 nm, 92.0 nm| () [No visible wavelengths are intensified. ] Because m>1, all reflection maxima are in the ultraviolet and beyond. If the path length difference A= 2, the transmitted light will be bright. Since A=2d=A, dg, = 2 = 580m 2 2 (a) The light reflected from the top of the oil film undergoes phase reversal. Since 1.45 > 1.33, the light reflected from the bottom undergoes no reversal. For constructive interference of reflected light, we then have = [290mm ( \ 2t (ma3)# > nt (md), iS 2)n 2 2nt__ 2(1.45)(280 nm) _ 812 nm m+Y2— m+2m+1j2 or ANS. FIG. P37.36 ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er posted a3 publicly secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 765 Substituting for m gives: m=0, 4, =1 620 nm (infrared) m=1, 4, =541 nm (green) m=2, 4, =325 nm (ultraviolet) Both infrared and ultraviolet light are invisible to the human eye, so the dominant color in reflected light is [ green (6) The dominant wavelengths in the transmitted light are those that produce destructive interference in the reflected light. The condition for destructive interference upon reflection is 2t=me n 4 _2nt _ 812 nm mom or Substituting for m gives: m=1, 4, =812 nm (near infrared) m=2, 2, = 406 nm (violet) m=3, 4, =271nm (ultraviolet) Of these, the only wavelength visible to the human eye (and hence the dominant wavelength observed in the transmitted light) is 406 nm. Thus, the dominant color in the transmitted light 37.37 For destructive interference in the air, 2t=ma The first dark fringe occurs at the end where the plates meet, where destructive interference occurs because of the phase reversal caused by light reflecting from the top of the lower glass slide. For 30 dark fringes, including the one where the plates meet, m= 29 and ni. _ 29(600 nm) 2 2 =8.70x10% m= 8.70 «m ANS. FIG. P37.37 Incident ©2014 Cengage Leasing, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copie or dupliled or posted a3 publ aecasible website whole rin past 766 Wave Optics The diameter of the wire is the same as the thickness: d 8.70 «am P3738 Light waves are partially reflected and transmitted by the partially aluminized glass surfaces on the front and back surfaces of the filter. For maximum transmission, we want destructive interference between the waves reflected from the front and back surfaces of the film: the result of this interference is that most light of the H,, line is transmitted through the filter. (a) If the surrounding glass has refractive index greater than 1.378, light reflected from the front surface of the filter (glass-filter interface) suffers no phase reversal and light reflected from the back surface of the filter (filter-glass interface) does undergo phase reversal. This effect by itself would produce destructive interference, so we want the distance down and back to be one 2d whole wavelength in the film: 2f= (A _ 656.3 nm 2n 2(1.378) () The filter will undergo thermal expansion. As t increases in 2nt = 4, so does [7 increase 238 nm (©) Destructive interference for reflected light happens when 24, 1H A= nt =1.378(238 nm 328 nm | (near ultraviolet) P37.39 Reflection off the lower glass plate causes a phase reversal. The condition for bright fringes is ae m+— |= 2) a From ANS. FIG. P37.39, observe that @\ R(ry fr £=R(1-cos6) = (a- uZ) sla] 73 2t 0, 1, 2, 3, The condition for a bright fringe becomes ( 3) A m+>|— \ 2)n Thus, for fixed mand 2, nr’ = constant. 152014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er pote a3 publicly secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 767 Therefore, (1.50 em)? _ = [131 (131 em) Mga Mel? aNd Ma (100) ANS. FIG. P37.39 P3740 (a) The missing wavelength in reflected light is caused by destructive interference. The index of the coating (1.38) is greater than that of air (1.00), and the index of the glass (1.52) is greater than that of the coating; therefore, light waves reflected off the front and back surfaces of the coating undergo phase reversals. For destructive interference, m=0,1,2,3,... and n=1.38 40 nm = [973ml an 4(138) 1, (©) | Yes. Destructive interference occurs when 2nt = (n+ 5)2 \(Eq. 37.17), where m is an integer. (There is a phase change| lat both faces of the film in Figure P37.40.) Hence, for m= 1, 2, .. we obtain thicknesses of 293 nm, 489 nm, ... P37.41 For total darkness, we want destructive interference for reflected light for both 400 nm and 600 nm. With phase reversal at just one reflecting surface (the bottom glass plate), the condition for destructive interference is 2nt= mA — m=0,1,2,. The least common multiple of these two wavelengths is 1200 nm, so we get no reflected light at 2(1.00)t = 3(400 nm) = 2(600 nm) = 1200 nm, so t= 600 nm at this second dark fringe. 00 nm _ 0.0500 mm x 10.0cm By similar triangles, © ©2014 Cengage Leasing, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copie or upliled or posted 3 publi accessible website in whole rin past 768 Wave Optics or the distance from the contact point is + pf 0.100 x=(600%10 ®\ Sppo me = [120 mm Section 37.6 The Michelson Interferometer 37.42 *P37.43 P37.44 When the mirror on one arm is displaced by Af, the path difference changes by 2A¢, A shift resulting in the reversal between dark and bright fringes requires a path length change of one-half wavelength. ‘Therefore, 2A¢= ma, where in this case, m = 250 2. _ (250)(6.328x 107 m) ne eee 4 Counting light going both directions, the number of wavelengths At= = [39.6 am 2L originally in the cylinder is m, ~~. It changes to ™, as the cylinder is filled with gas. If N is the number of bright fringes passing, N=, —m, = 2 (ee ~1), or the index of refraction of the gas is 1, NAL4, (160}(600x10 m) 2b 2(5.00x107 m Counting light going both directions, the number of wavelengths 2L 2L _ 2nb It changes to m, = as originally in the cylinder is m, 7 nh the cylinder is filled with gas. If Nis the number of bright fringes passing, N=m,—m,=24(n-1), or the index of refraction of the gas is n=|1+N4 2L 152014 Cengage Learning, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er pote 3 publicly secarible website i whole on part, Chapter 37 769 Additional Problems 37.45 The wavelength is jaf = 300210! V8 _ 5.09 on f 60.0x10' s Along the line AB the two traveling waves going in opposite directions add to give a standing wave. The two transmitters are exactly 2.00 wavelengths apart and the signal from B, when it arrives at A, will always be in phase with transmitter B. Since B is 180° out of phase with A, the two signals always interfere destructively at the position of A to form anode. The first antinode (point of constructive interference) is located at distance 5.00 m 4 = [125m] from the node at A 4 4 *P37.46 From ANS. FIG. P37.46, we note that the angle between the center line of the speakers and the corners of the room is =tan™ (22) =14.0r 60m Ss In order for no other maxima to be ANS. FIG. P37.46 heard, the m= 1 maximum must be more than 14.0° away from the central maximum. From Equation 37.2, the condition for constructive interference is Asin Opagye = 00 4 ASIN _ or a= Stee 2 mf where v= 343 m/s is the speed of sound. Solving for fand substituting m=l1and @=14.01 then gives po2e me ___(1)(848 m/s) 2 dsin@yjy, (1.0 m)sin 14.01 4x10" Hz, P37.47 The same source will radiate light into the sugar solution with wavelength 4, =. In other words, the condition for bright fringes n becomes , a dsinO = mi, > dsind = m= 0 ©2014 Cengage Learning, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copie or plied or posted a3 publi secasible website whole rin past 770 Wave Optics Also, for small angles, as is the case here sin@ ~ tan = The first side bright fringe (m = 1) is separated from the central bright fringe by distance y described by dsind=m2 + (2) 2 n L) n solving for y gives AL _ (560107 m)(1.20 m nnd (1.38)(30.0x10" m) 62x10 m 1.62 cm] 37.48 (a) Where fringes of the two colors coincide we have dsind=mA=m'd’, requiring () 2=430nm, m= 430 nm “in 510mm 51 which cannot be reduced any further. Then m= 651, m= 43. Then, 510 nm afm a] (61)(430x10" m) 7 = sin2{ ™)— gira] SUE30%107 m)) _ 6 3 8m = sin () sn [ oomxio’m | ol and Yq = Ltand,, =(1.5 m)tan61.3t=[ 2.74 m P37.49 (a) Refer to ANS. FIG. P37.49. By similar triangles, the distance x between consecutive like interference fringes (bright-to-bright, or dark-to-dark) is to the change in thickness Af of the air gap as the entire length of a plate £ (14.0 cm) is to the diameter d of the fiber (equal to the thickness of the air gap at the open end of the gap): at At od where, say, between consecutive destructive interference fringes 152014 Cengage Learning, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er pote 3 publicly secarible website i whole on part, Chapter 37 771 Combing the two relations gives xf a2 a and solving for the diameter dof the fiber then gives _ A_ (140x107 m)(650x10" m) 2x 2(0.580x 107 m) =7.84x10" m=[78.4 F108 mm iO He (©) Millimeter waves are [microwaves P37.51 Constructive interference occurs where the phases of the waves differ by integral multiples m of 27: \ (= —924mt + 2) (x 924i += 650 6) \ 650 3) =2nm 122014 Cengage Learning, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copied or dupliled or posted a3 publ secasible website whole rin part 772 Wave Optics which becomes mo), (2 (ion) 1 1 650 12 16 )-20m ols m }650, where x, and x, are in nanometers and| m= 0, 1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,3 P3752 A bright line for the green light requires, dsin0 = dtanO=m,A, dt=ma, L Similarly, a blue interference maximum requires at yA, for integers m, and m,. Thus, m, (540 nm) = m, (450 nm) m, 540 nm _ 6 m, 450mm 5 and smallest integers satisfying the equation are m, = 5 and m, = 6. Then for both, at 2-700 nm which gives =(2 700 nm) (27 A= 2 ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er posted 3 publ secarible website in whole on part, P37.62 Chapter 37 777 and for destructive interference ( — ated (m3), 3 42a 2 2 m (a) The longest wavelength that interferes constructively is, for m = 1, ya dead a) (b) The longest wavelength that interferes destructively is, for m= 1, a= Bad 2411850 m? 50.0 m = [36.0 ml = 14x -2d = 41850 m? — 2(50.0 m) [72.0 m| From Figure P37.57, observe that the distance that the ray travels from the top of the transmitter to the ground is 4) et 2 fra 2 2 Including the phase reversal due to reflection from the ground, the total shift between the two waves (transmitter-to-ground-to-receiver and transmitter-to-receiver) is 5 a 6=2x4+5 2 For constructive interference, ort dt dema > A= 2 {a) The longest wavelength that interferes constructively is, for m= 1, NAO pa = panera — 2a 2 () The longest wavelength that interferes destructively is, for m= 1, 4-24 ae 1 ©2014 Cengage Leasing, All Right Reserved May not be scanned, copie or upliled or posted o 3 publ secasible website in whole rin past 778 Wave Optics 37.63 (a) There is a phase reversal by reflection at the flat plate Constructive interference in the reflected light requires 2t ( 1), =(ms2)a \" a The first bright ring has m= 0 and the 55th has m= 54, so at the edge of the lens a 177 «am Now from the geometry in textbook Figure P37.59, we can find the distance t from the curved surface down to the flat plate by considering distances measured from the center of curvature: VR’ Solving for R gives pa Zte_ (6:00%10% my’ +(1.77.10% m) 2 2(1.77x107 m) ( n- Wake = osa0( R, R, P37.64 Reflection off the top surface of the wedge produced a phase reversal, but light reflecting off the bottom surface produces no phase change. Thus, a first dark fringe occurs at the thin end of the wedge. For bright fringes in the thin film, the thickness is given by Equation 37.17: R-t or R= -2ReeP 70.6 m 1) (med)a 2n t= The first fringe corresponds to m = 0, the second to m = 1, etc,; so the Nth fringe corresponds to N= m+1. To find how many fringes are present, we solve for m by setting t = h ,1_2nt _2nh 2(1.50)(1.00107 m. m4 4 = 2m _ 2h 2 AOR (632.8x107 m) m=4 740 =4 740 So, the number of fringes is N= m+ 1 = 4/741. This number is less than 5000, 152014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er posted 3 publ secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 779 37.65 Light reflecting from the upper interface of the air layer suffers no phase change, while light reflecting from the lower interface is reversed 180°. Then there is indeed a dark fringe at the outer circumference of the lens, and a dark fringe wherever the air thickness t satisfies 2t=m_, m=0,1,2, ' ' 1 R= 8m i 8 Il 1 ANS. FIG. P37.65 (a) Atthe central dark spot, m= 50 and 50k 2 = 25(589x 10% m)=1.47x10* m=[14.7 am f= (b) Inthe right triangle, R=P4(R-) (8.00 m-1.47%10 m)" + @em) —2(8.00 m)(1.47x 10% m)+2.16x10-" m’ 7? =2(8.00 m)(1.47x 10% m)- 2.1610" m* The last term is negligible. Then, 28 m)(1.47x 107 m) = 153x107 m=[153cm 1 (11) 1 ©) Ford) ROR oye (1.50- v(2- mn) f=-160m ©2014 Cengage Leasing, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copie or dupliled or posted a3 publ aecasible website whole rin past 780 Wave Optics P37.66 The shift between the waves reflecting from the top and bottom surfaces of the film at the point where the film has thickness f is 5 = 281g, +f, with the factor of 3 being due to a phase reversal at one of the surfaces. For the dark rings (destructive interference), the total shift should be 3={ m+ a with Pg m=0,1,2,3, .... This requires that ANS. FIG. P37.66 t= to find tin terms of rand R, 7 Rar +(R-tf r =2Rt4P Since tis much smaller than R, f << 2Rt, therefore P= 2Rt =2n( ma } them mAR where mis an integer. P37.67 Refer to the solution of P37.57. We may treat this as a double-slit interference problem, where d= 2h, but with maxima and minima interchanged because of phase reversal caused by the reflection off the mirror: Thus, ) dsin@ = 2hsin 9 = (m + sh bright fringe and sin@ = tand t for small angles; hence, 1) atsind=(m+2\a 2 ¥ 1) anf \=[m+—|a (E)-(m3) The spacing between consecutive fringes corresponding to mand m+1 is Ay) af ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er posted 3 publ secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 781 so jp - LA _ 2.00 m)(606x10" m) “Zay~__2(1 20x10 m) =5,05x 10% m=[ 0.505 mm’ 37.68 (a) Fora linear function taking the value n= 1.90 at y= 0 and n= 1.33 at y= 20.0 em, we write n{y) = 1.90 + (1.33 - 1.90)y/ (20.0 cm) or [n(y)=1.90— 0.0285 y/em| (b) The optical path length is Se? yay = 2" [1.90—-0.0285 y fem dy =1 soy 2005 = = 38.0 em- 5.7 cm = [32.3 cm (©) Awavefront slows down as it travels deeper into the mixture to regions of greater index of refraction, The lower part of the wavefront travels more slowly than the upper part; the result is that the wavefront bends, becoming more horizontal. The path is similar to that of a beam crossing the boundary between a medium of lesser to a medium of greater index of refraction, as, for example, from air into water: the beam tends to bend toward the normal. The difference is that the change in direction is radual rather than sudden. [The beam will continuously curvd jownward, 37.69 One radio wave reaches the receiver R directly from the distant source at an angle @above the horizontal. The other wave undergoes phase reversal as it reflects from the water at P. The distance from P to Ris the same as from P to R’, where R’ is the mirror image of the telescope. Therefore, the path difference is d. ANS. FIG. P37.69 122014 Cengage Learning, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copied or dupliled or posted a3 publ secasible website whole rin part 782 37.70 Wave Optics Constructive interference first occurs for a path difference of fil The angles gin the figure are equal because they each form part of a right triangle with a shared angle at R’. So the path difference is d =2(20.0 m)sin@ = (40.0 m)sin@ The wavelength is c 3.00 x 10° m/: = 5.00 m 60.010" Hz Substituting for dand A in equation [1], (40.0 m)sin@ = * m Solving for the angle 6, =sin'( 39 =) (358i) 3.5811 80.0 One phase reversal occurs by reflection off the front of the soap film (a) Bright bands are observed when 2n! = (m= 3} Hence, the first bright band (m= 0) corresponds to nt By similar triangles, the distance x from the top where a fringe occurs is proportional to the thickness { of the film: Thus, we have x, =x(2}-a(2}-@0 em ( Som) £86 an Li, 20nm @&) 4-4 -292 _ om an 4(1.33) t S80nm _(3eam an 4(13 i” 152014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er posted 3 publ secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 783 (9 o~tang= 1-399 _ ea rad x, 3.00cm Challenge Problems P37.71 Refer to ANS. FIG. P37.71 for the geometry of the situation. At the air- film interface, Snell’s law gives 1.00sin30.01=1.38sin@, > 6, =21.2r ANS. FIG. P37.71 Call t the unknown thickness of the film. Then, t 0821.21 a=—__ cos21.21 tan212f=£ + c=ttan21.21 sin® => > b=24(tan21.2%)(sin30.01) c The net shift for the second ray, including the phase reversal on reflection of the first, is 2an-b-* where the factor n accounts for the shorter wavelength in the film. For constructive interference, we require 2an—b. ma Nis The minimum thickness will occur when m = 0 and will be given by a 2an-b 0 Then, 4 san—y-2 th 2 ~ 2t(tan21.2")(sin 30.07) cosziay 2H (tan21.21)(sin30.01) ©2014 Cengage Leasing, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copie or upliled or posted 3 publi accessible website in whole rin past 784 Wave Optics and 590mm _[_2(1.38) _ 9 (1an91.21)(sin30.01) |} =2.57¢ 2 Leos21.27 which gives =[715 nm 37.72 The shift between the two reflected waves is 6 = 2na—b- 2 where a and bare as shown in the ray diagram in ANS. FIG. P37.72, nis the index of refraction, and the term. 4 is due to phase reversal at the top surface. For constructive interference, 5 = mi, where mhas integer values. This condition becomes ana-b=(m+3)a ul ANS. FIG. P37.72 From the figure’s geometry, b=2csin@, = Also, from Snell's law, sin@, = nsin6,. _ 2ntsin? 6, 088, Thus, = b With these results, the condition for constructive interference given in equation [1] becomes: 2 ) anf —t_)_ 2ntsin’ (mn Da cos6,) cos, 2 in? o,)=(ma 2) 2nt cos®, (i ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er pote 3 publ secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 785 2ni (izsin®6) (m3) F—sin?@, 2)” or 2nti- sin? 0, (m3 ya Using sin@,=nsin@, > sin@, =sin8,/n, we have finally ne -= 3)A, where m=0, 1,2, n 37.73 (a) Minimum: 2nt=ma, — form=0,1,2,... \ Maximum: 2nt = (wr + 5} for nm =0,1,2, Note that m and mare distinct integer values, and must be consecutive because no intensity minima are observed between 4, and A,. 1 Also, A, >A, a(weg}em, so m=m-1 Thus, we have 2nt =m, =| m+ 3} 2 ey 1) wa =(m—3)a 2miA, = 2m, >) =1.92 — 2 (wavelengths measured to +5nm) Minimum: 2nt = mA, 2(1.40)t=270nm) t= 264nm Maximum: 2nt =(msZ)aa(maaeZ haat 5h 2 2} 2(1.40)t= 1.5600 nm) — t=268nm Film thickness = [266 nm ©2014 Cengage Leasing, AllRighl Reserved May not be scanned, copie or duplicled or posted a3 publ secasible website whole rin past. 786 Wave Optics P37.74 The amplitude of the light from slit 1 is three times that from slit 2; therefore, the magnitude of the light arriving at the screen at some point Pis =E, +E, =3E,sin(at)+E, sin(at +6) ‘o[ 3sin wt + sin(cot +9) ] 3sin(@t)+ sin(wt +9) 3sin(ct)+[sin(wt)cos()+cos(wt)sin(6) | =sin(@t)[3+cos(9)]+cos(t)sin($) The square of this expression is ) =sin*(at)[3+cos(4) | +2sin(wt)cos(«t)[3 + cos(¢) |sin(d) +cos*(cot)sin? (9) () = sin? («t)[3~cos(¢)] +sin(2ut)[3+ cos(@)]sin(¢) +cos*(at)sin? (9) and the time average of this expression is (E.) > (E) -Ha-omto fone = 32+ 6cos(9)+cos*(¢)+sin?($)]= sho +6co0s(9)] because the time average of sin’ (at) and cos? (at) is - and the time average of sin(20t) is zero. Using the identity os(6) cos 2-2) aeos'(2)-1 } = F[10+ 6¢0s(0)] ze + 6| 2c0s! (ge ) ] (¢ a “fee(g apm (] ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er posted 3 publ secarible website in whole on part, we have 2)1+3cos* Chapter 37 787 Intensity is proportional to the time average of the square of the amplitude, so 2 2(9)) =28}] 1+3e0s"( 5)]| 25 At the central maximum, $= 0, so the maximum intensity is v 2E3[1+3cos*(0)]=2E? (4) = 8E? Thus, we have an -aee(3)] Hs ssam(4) EF 4 “~(G) P37.75 Represent the light radiated from each slit to point Pas a phasor. The two have very nearly 5 equal amplitudes E. Since intensity is a proportional to amplitude squared, we are told they add to amplitude VE. As shown in the figure, the triangle representing the sum of phasors may be divided into two right triangles whose common side that bisects the line of length V3E. From either triangle, we see that VBE/2 E Next, the obtuse angle between the two phasors is 180 - 30-30 = 120°, and so 9 = 180-1207 =60'. ANS. FIG. P37.75 cos = 6=30r The phase difference between the two phasors is caused by the path difference from S to the slits, 5 = SS: — 581, according to o__¢ - = 28L 2 then 360 6 b= Vive -L=4 pee=b2Ae , pA e 6 36 6 36 [©2014 Cengage Leasing, All Right Reserved May not be scanned, copie or upliled or posted a3 publ secasible website in whole rin past 788 Wave Optics The last term is negligible, so a4)" '2(1.2 m)(620x 10 m) a 6 0.498 mm_ ( 737.76 For bright rings the gap {between surfaces is given by 2t=[ m4 3 The first bright ring has m =0 and the hundredth has m= 99. ANS. FIG. P37.76 So, (99.5)(500x 107 m)= 24.9 «m Call r, the ring radius. From the ya shown in ANS. FIG. P37.76, =r-rfi-[2] -R+Rfi- (é) Since F, << r, we can oo in binomial series: 2) ip ip In) _ryr(i-ie jie ie ? 2R) 2, 2R ©2014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicled er pote 3 publ secarible website in whole on part, Chapter 37 789 NSWERS TO EVEN-NUMBE! PROBLEMS P37.2 P37.4 P37.6 P37.8 P3710 P37.12 P37.14 P37.16 P37.18 P37.20 P37.22 37.24 37.26 P37.28 P3730 P37.32 P3734 P37.36 P3738 P37.40 122014 Cengage Learning, All Righle Reserve, May not he scanned, copied or duplicated or pote oa publ ecaile we 3.53 mm Sam The sine of the angle for m= 1 fringe is greater than 1, which is impossible. (a) 1.77 pam; (b) 1.47 um 36.2cm (a) 34.9°; (b) 5.25 cm; (c) 5.24 x 10 Hz 113m af ma vs (*2)] (a) 13.2 rad; (b) 6.28 rad; (c) 1.27 x 10° deg; (d) 5.97 x 10° deg (a) 22.6 em; (b) 2.51 x 10%; (c) 6.03 x 10” m; (d) 7.21°; (e) 2.28 cm; (f) The two answers are close but do not agree exactly. The fringes are not laid out linearly on the screen as assumed in part (a), and this nonlinearity is evident for relatively large angles such as 7.21° {a) 10 m; (b) 500 m; (c) See P37.22(c) for full explanation, £,=10.0 and g=53.1° L ( 2ndsi @ I= (2am 9 explanation; (¢) 9:1 See ANS. FIG. P37.28. | 1+2cos| ) 3 (b) See P37.24(b) for full (a) 638 nm; (b) A thicker film would require a higher order of reflection, so use a larger value of m; (c) 360 nm, 600 nm 96.2nm (a) 276 nm, 138 nm, 92.0 nm; (b) No visible wavelengths are intensified. {a) green; (b) violet (a) 238 nm; (b) A increase; (c) 328 nm (a) 97.8 nm; (b) Yes. Destructive interference occurs when 2nt = (mada (Eq. 37.17), where mis an integer. (There is a phase change at both faces of the film in Figure P37.40.) Hence, for m = 1, 2, we obtain thicknesses of 293 nm, 489 nm, 790 37.42 37.44 P3746 37.48 37.50 P37.52 37.54 37.56 P37.58 37.60 37.62 P37.64 P37.66 P37.68 P37.70 P37.72 37.74 37.76 Wave Optics 14x 10° Hz (a) See P37.48(a) for full explanation; (b) 2.74 m (a) ~10* degree; (b) ~10" Hz; (c) microwaves 2.52 cm 20.0 x 10° °C* 1.62km 421 nm ye Hani [‘}--25 . a \@ -(n-1" ? (a) ah? +d? -2d; (b) Vai +a? a The number of fringes is N =m + 1 = 474 1. This number is less than 5000. maR 1, re a) ny) = 1.90 - 0.0285 y/cm; (b) 32.3 cm; (c) The beam will continuously curve downward. (a) 4.86 cm; (b) 78.9 nm, 128 nm; (c) 2.63 x 10° rad antyfa - S29 c See P37.74 for full explanation. 173.0 (m+ 4)A, where m=0,1,2,... 152014 Cengage Learning, All igh Reserved May not be scanned, copied or duplicted er pote a3 publ secarible website in whole on part, Diffraction Patterns and Polarization HAPTER OUTLINE 38.1 Introduction to Diffraction Patterns 382 Diffraction Patterns from Narrow Slits, 38.3 Resolution of Single-Slit and Circular Apertures 38.4 The Diffraction Grating 38.5 Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals 38.6 Polarization of Light Waves ‘An asterisk indicates a question or problem new to this edition. NSWERS TO OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 0Q38.1 Answer (a). Glare, as usually encountered when driving or boating, is horizontally polarized. Reflected light is polarized in the same plane as the reflecting surface. As unpolarized light hits a shiny horizontal surface, the atoms on the surface absorb and then reemit the light energy as a reflection. We can model the surface as, containing conduction electrons free to vibrate easily along the surface, but not to move easily out of surface. The light emitted from a vibrating electron is partially or completely polarized along the plane of vibration, thus horizontally. 0Q38.2 Answer (c). The polarization state of a light beam that is reflected by a metallic surface is not changed; therefore, a beam of light that is not polarized before it is reflected is not polarized after itis reflected by a metallic surface 0Q38.3 Answer (b). The wavelength will be much smaller than with visible light, so there will be no noticeable diffraction pattern, 791 122014 Cengage Learning, All Righls Reserve, May not he scanned, copied or uplicled or pote oa publ ecaible website in whale oi part,

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