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40 Introduction to Quantum Physics ICHAPTER OUTLINE 40.1 Blackbody Radiation and Planck's Hypothesis 40.2 The Photoelectric Effect 40.3 The Compton Effect 404 The Nature of Electromagnetic Waves 40.5 The Wave Properties of Particles 40.6 ANew Model: The Quantum Particle 40.7 The Double-Slit Experiment Revisited 408 The Uncertainty Principle [es a question or problem item new to this edition. NSWERS TO OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 0Q40.1 The ranking is d > a = e > b > c. The wavelength is described by 4.= h/pin all cases. For photons, the momentum is given by p= E/c, 80 (a) is the same as (e), and (d) has a wavelength ten times larger. For the particles with mass, pe = (E* - n'c')'? = ([K + me} - mc)" = (K* + 2Kme)'”. Thus a particle with larger mass has more momentum for the same kinetic energy, and a shorter wavelength. 040.2 Answer (a). The x-ray photon transfers some of its energy to the electron. Thus, its frequency must decrease. 0Q40.3 Answer (b). In Compton scattering, a photon of energy E= hf= he/A is scattered from an electron at rest. The scattering sets the electron into motion: the electron gains kinetic energy, so the photon loses energy. Because the photon has less energy, its frequency is smaller than E/hand its wavelength is larger than he/E. 895 (2008 Cengage Lesning. All RightsReserved ay not be senaed, copied o duplicted or posted to 3 publ accesible website, in whole rin pate 896 Introduction to Quantum Physics 0040.4 0940.5 0040.6 0040.7 0040.8 0040.9 (i) Answer (d). Because P = IV, the power input to the filament has increased by 8 x 2 = 16 times. The filament radiates this greater power according to Stefan’s law, so its absolute temperature is higher by the fourth root of 16: it is two times higher. (ii) Answer (4). By Wien’s displacement law, the wavelength emitted with the highest intensity is inversely proportional the temperature: the temperature is twice as large, so the wavelength is half as large. Answer (a) and (c). One form of Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation is Ax Ap, > h/2m, which says that one cannot determine both the position and momentum of a particle with arbitrary accuracy. Another form of this relation is AE At > fi/2m, which sets a limit on how accurately the energy can be determined in a finite time interval Answer: (a). The stopping potential is 1.00 V, so the maximum. kinetic energy is 1.00 eV. From Equation 40.9, Kas hf = $= hefA—o he _____1240eV- nm O+ Kyu (250 €V+1.00 eV) Answer (c). UV light has the highest frequency of the three, and hence cach photon delivers more energy to a skin cell. This explains why you can become sunburned on a cloudy day: clouds block visible light and infrared, but not much ultraviolet. You usually do not become sunburned through window glass, even though you can see the visible light from the Sun coming through the window, because the glass absorbs much of the ultraviolet and reemits it as infrared. 354m, Answer (4). Electron diffraction by crystals, first detected by the Davisson-Germer experiment in 1927, confirmed de Broglie’s hypothesis and, of the listed choices, most clearly demonstrates the wave nature of electrons. Answer (c). We obtain the momentum of the electron from K=tme=-2=eav 4 p= Vines 2 2m The de Broglie wavelength is then hk V2meAV 6.626x10™ J-s /2(9.11x10™ kg)(1.60%11 74x10" m= 0.174 nm a= )(50.0 V) (2018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be sesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole in pate Chapter 40 897 0Q40.10 The ranking is: electron, proton, helium nucleus. The comparative masses of the particles of interest are m, = 1 840m, and m,,, = 4int, Assuming each particle is classical, its wavelength is inversely proportional to its mass: = h/p = h/mv. 0Q40.11 (a) and (c). Electrons and protons possess mass, therefore they have rest energy E,= mc. Photons do not have rest energy— they are never at rest. Gi) (@) and (c). The electron and the proton have charges -¢ and +, respectively; the photon has no charge. (2), (b), and (c). The electron and proton carry energy E p'c? +(mc?)’ = K +mc*; the photon carries energy E = hf. (iv) (a), (b), and (c). The electron and proton carry momentum, p= ymu, the photon carries momentum p = E/c, where Eis its energy. (v) Answer (b). Because it is light (vi) (a), (©), and (c). Each has the same de Broglie wavelength A= hip. 0Q40.12 Answer (a). If we set K= me zg = eAV, which is the same for i both particles, then we see that the momentum is p = V2meAV, so the electron has the smaller momentum and therefore the longer h hh) elength | A —— mavens ( p vameav 0Q40.13 Answer (b). Diffraction, polarization, interference, and refraction are all processes associated with waves. However, to understand the photoelectric effect, we must think of the energy transmitted as light coming in discrete packets, or quanta, called photons. Thus, the photoelectric effect most clearly demonstrates the particle nature of light. 0Q40.14 Answer (). For the same uncertainty in speed, the particle with the smaller mass has the smaller uncertainty in momentum, 4p, = mAv,, a 2ndp, 2nmaAv, mass of the electron is smaller than that of the proton, thus its minimum possible uncertainty in position is greater than that of the proton thus greater uncertainty in its position: Ar> The (2018 Cengage Lesning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin part 898 Introduction to Quantum Physics NSWERS TO CONCEPT JUESTIONS. cQ40.1 €Q40.2 CQ40.3, cQ40.4 €Q40.5 CQ 40.6 €Q40.7 In general, a turn of wire receives energy by two energy transfer mechanisms: (1) electrical transmission and (2) absorption of electromagnetic radiation from neighboring turns. Each turn of wire emits radiation similar to blackbody radiation. For most turns, the electromagnetic radiation absorbed comes from two neighbors. The turns on the end, however, have only one neighbor so they receive less energy input by electromagnetic radiation than the others. As a result, they operate at a lower temperature and do not glow as brightly. The Compton effect describes the scattering of photons from electrons, while the photoelectric effect predicts the ejection of electrons due to the absorption of photons by a material. Any object of macroscopic size—including a grain of dust—has an undetectably small wavelength, so any diffraction effects it might exhibit are very small, effectively undetectable. Recall historically how the diffraction of sound waves was at one time well known, but the diffraction of light was not. No. The second metal may have a larger work function than the first, in which case the incident photons may not have enough energy to eject photoelectrons. The stopping potential measures the kinetic energy of the most energetic photoelectrons. Each of them has gotten its energy from a single photon. According to Planck's E = hf, the photon energy depends on the frequency of the light. The intensity controls only the number of photons reaching a unit area in a unit time. Wave theory predicts that the photoelectric effect should occur at any frequency, provided the light intensity is high enough, or provided that the light shines on the surface for a sufficient time interval so that enough energy is delivered to the surface to eject electrons. However, as seen in the photoelectric experiments, the light must have a sufficiently high frequency for the effect to occur, and that, electrons are either ejected almost immediately (less than 10” seconds after the surface is illuminated) or not at all, regardless of the intensity, Ultraviolet light has shorter wavelength and higher photon energy than any wavelength of visible light (2018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be sesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole in pate Chapter 40 899 CQ40.8 Our eyes are not able to detect all frequencies of electromagnetic waves. For example, all objects that are above 0 K in temperature emit electromagnetic radiation in the infrared region. This describes everything in a dark room. We are only able to see objects that emit or reflect electromagnetic radiation in the visible portion of the spectrum. €Q40.9 —_Anelectron has both classical-wave and classical-particle characteristics. In single- and double-slit diffraction and interference experiments, electrons behave like classical waves. An electron has mass and charge. It carries kinetic energy and momentum in parcels of definite size, as classical particles do. At the same time it has a particular wavelength and frequency. Since an electron displays characteristics of both classical waves and classical particles, it is neither a classical wave nor a classical particle. It is customary to call ita quantum particle, but another invented term, such as “wavicle,” could serve equally well. €Q40.10 A photon can interact with the photographic film at only one point. A few photons would only give a few dots of exposure, apparently randomly scattered. €Q40.11 The wavelength of violet light is on the order of ; xm, while the de Broglie wavelength of an electron can be 4 orders of magnitude smaller. The resolution is better (recall Rayleigh’s criterion) because the diffraction effects are smaller. CQ40.12 Light has both classical-wave and classical-particle characteristics. In single- and double-slit experiments light behaves like a wave. In the photoelectric effect light behaves like a particle. Light may be characterized as an electromagnetic wave with a particular wavelength or frequency, yet at the same time light may be characterized as a stream of photons, each carrying a discrete energy, Af. Since light displays both wave and particle characteristics, perhaps it would be fair to call light a “wavicle.” It is customary to call a photon a quantum particle, different from a classical particle. €Q40.13 Comparing Equation 40.9 with the slope-intercept form of the equation for a straight line, y = mx + b, we see (a) that the slope in Figure 40.11 in the text is Planck’s constant h and (©) that the yintercept is —9, the negative of the work function. (0) Ifa different metal were used, the slope would remain the same but the work function would be different. Thus, data for different metals appear as parallel lines on the graph. (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved. ay not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible webs, whole rin part 900 Introduction to Quantum Physics €Q40.14 The discovery of electron diffraction by Davisson and Germer was a fundamental advance in our understanding of the motion of material particles. Newton's laws fail to properly describe the motion of an object with small mass. It moves as a wave, not as a classical particle. Proceeding from this recognition, the development of quantum mechanics made possible describing the motion of electrons in atoms; understanding molecular structure and the behavior of matter at the atomic scale, including electronics, photonics, and engineered materials; accounting for the motion of nucleons in nuclei; and studying elementary particles. €Q40.15 The spacing between repeating structures on the surface of the feathers or scales is on the order of 1/2 the wavelength of light. An optical microscope would not have the resolution to see such fine detail, while an electron microscope can. The electrons can have much shorter wavelength €Q40.16 The intensity of electron waves in some small region of space determines the probability that an electron will be found in that region. €Q40.17 The first flaw is that the Rayleigh-Jeans law predicts that the intensity of short wavelength radiation emitted by a black body approaches infinity as the wavelength decreases. This is known as the ultraviolet catastrophe. The second flaw is the prediction of much more power output from a black body than is shown experimentally. The intensity of radiation from the black body is given by the area under the red 1 (A, T) vs. A curve in Figure 40.5 in the text, not by the area under the blue curve Planck's Law dealt with both of these issues and brought the theory into agreement with the experimental data by adding an exponential term to the denominator that depends on 1/2. This keeps both the predicted intensity from approaching infinity as the wavelength decreases and the area under the curve finite (©2018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole in pate Chapter 40 901 SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTER PROBLEMS Section 40.1 Blackbody Radiation and Planck’s Hypothesis P40.1 The absolute temperature of the heating element is T= 150°C +273 = 423 K The peak wavelength is, from Equation 40.2, Angas T = 2.898107 mK _2.898x107 m-K _ 2.898x10~ m-K me T 423K or 6.85 pam, which is in the infrare 40.2 (a) From Equation 40.2, n=? S985 20 im K _ pom) () The wavelength emitted at the greatest intensity is in the infrared (greater than 700 nm), and according to the graph in Active Figure 40.3, much more energy is radiated at wavelengths longer than 2,,.. than at shorter wavelengths 4, =6,85x10 m jon of the rum. 40.3. (a) For lightning, Ie _ 2.89810" m:K _ 2.898x 10 m-K aa T 10°K [~ 107 m For the explosion, 2898x1 fn 10° K (b) Lightning: ultraviolet; explosion: x-ray and gamma ray| P40.4 (a) The peak radiation occurs at approximately 560 nm wavelength From Wien’s displacement law, 10" m 0.289 8107 m-K _ 0.289 8x 107 m-K _ — 5 200K Foros 560x107 m| (b) Clearly, a firefly is not at this temperature, so this is not blackbody radiation (22018 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be senaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin part 902 Introduction to Quantum Physics P40.5 The energy of a single 500-nm photon is: B, = =e = (6626%10™ J-s)(3.00%10" m/s) a ‘500x107 m =3.98x10 J ‘The energy entering the eye each second E= PAt=IAAt =(4.00x 107" wrmt)[ (8 50x10" mm) fa 00 s) =2.27x10" J The number of photons required to yield this energy is 2.27 x10" J “E, 3.98x10™ J/photon — [5.71x 10° photons] P40.6 (i) Planck’s equation is E = hf. The photon energies are . / 2 -af_1.00 eV (a) E=hf =(6.626 x 10 J-s)(620x 10" s“} aes) = —257eV at 2 gct)( 1.00 ev (ob) E=hf =(6.626x10™ J-s)(3.10x 10" s”) as) = [1.28107 eV] (©) E=hf =(6.626 x10 J-s)(46.0x 10° s“} zs) = [191x107 eV] (ii) Wavelengths: € _ 3.0010 m/s (a) = £ = 300810 VS _ 484x107 m = [6E nm F 620x10" Hz () © _ 3.00%10" m/s _ 968x107 m= [8am F 310x10" Hz (anf - 3:00:10" mm/s f 460x100" Hz (2018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pat Chapter 40 903 (iii) Part of spectrum: (a) [visible light (blue) (b) [radio wave ( [adiowavel 40.7 From Wien’s displacement law, 2.898%10" m-K _2.898%10* m-K ~ 970x1 (a) T = [299x10° K m 2.898 x10 m-K _ 2.89810 m-K 145x107 m = [2.00 x 10* KI &) T= 40.8 Each photon has an energy E= hf = (6.626 x 10™)(99.7 x 10°) = 6.61 x10 J This implies that there are 15010" J/s_ 661x10™ J/photon [2.27 x 10" photons/s| P40.9 From Equation 40.2, Wien's displacement law, 2.898107 m-K = 5.18x10° K 560x107 m P40.10 (a) From Stefan’s law (Equation 40.1), P = eAo'T*. If the sun emits as ablack body, e= 4 T= (4) «Aa . ws 3.85 10" W 1[ 4n(6.96%10" m)"](5.67 10" W/m? K*) =|5.78x10* K| 98x 10% m 2.898x10~ m:K T 5.78x10° K =5.01x107 m =[501 nm| (22018 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin part 904 Introduction to Quantum Physics P40.11 Planck's radiation law, Equation 40.6, gives the intensity-per- wavelength (W/m’-wavelength). Because the range of the wavelengths is small, we treat the wavelength as the average 4 =(4, + 4,)/2. Taking E to be the average photon energy and nto be the number of photons emitted each second, we multiply by area and wavelength range to have energy-per-time leaving the hole: P=l(A,T)AA _ 2a he? 4 [arayer (en =En=nhf where Solving for n, 81°cd? (A, —n) G@ vay nT Substituting numerical values and suppressing units, BE (3.00x10" m/s)(0.050 0x10~ m) (1.00x10" m) (1001x107 m)* n cet 1.30x10"/s P40.12 (a) From Stefan’s law, P=eAoT* =1(20.0x10% m’)(5.67x10* W/m? -K*)(5 000 K)" =[7.09x10" W (b) From Wien’s displacement law, Aras T = An (5.000 K) = 2.898107 m-K = A,,. = B8Onm] (©2018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be senaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accsuble website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 905 (We compute: he _ (6.626x 10“ J-s)(3.00x 10° m/s) KT 1.38 10 J/K)(5 000 K) 2.8810 m ‘The power per wavelength interval is 2ahe*A P(a)= Al(a)= 7 8S __ (@) @) ‘exp(hc/AkgT)—1]" and 2mhe?A = 27(6.626x10™ J-s)(3.00% 10" m/s) (20.0x10* m?) =7.50x10-" J-m*/s 10x 107" J-m'/s (58010° m)’[exp(2.88 «m/0.580 «m)- 1.15x10" J/m-s ay 7.99 x10" W/m| (580 nm) (d(i) The other values are computed similarly: a ikl edie 4 2a A | oa), W/m (4) [00mm [28826 [796x10™" [750x10" [942x10™ © 5.00nm | 576.5 2.4010" |2.40x10" |1.00x10"” © a00nm [721 1347 732x10" |544x10™ () 700nm | 4.12 60.4 4.46x10" [7.38x10" (h) [100mm [0.00288 [0.00289 7.50x107 [0.260 @ 10.0em | 2.88x 107 [288x107 | 7.50x10-* | 2.60x 10” () We approximate the area under the P(A) versus 2 curve, between 400 nm and 700 nm, as the product of the average power per wavelength times the range of wavelength P=P(Z)Aa _ [(6.44+7.38)x10" W/m] —ensess_ es | =1.92x10' WE19K [(700-400)x 107 m ] (©2018 Cengage Lesning. Al Rights Reserved, May not be senaed, copied o duplictedo posted oa publi accesible website in whole in pats 906 Introduction to Quantum Physics P40.13 (a) The mass of the sphere is m= pV =p! far )=(786%10 kg/m[ $n(0020 0 m)'] 0.263 keg] (b) From Stefan’s law, P=oAeT' = o(4n1")eT* P= (5.67 x10" W/m’ -K*)[ 47(0.020 0 m) |(0.860)(293 K)' = [181] (©) Itemits but does not absorb radiation, so its temperature must drop according to =mcAT = aQ_ at Q=mcAT = me| aa aT, _dgyat_—P dt mc me -1.81)/s (0.263 kg)(448 J/kg -Cr) =|-0.015 3 YC /s=-0.919 YC / min (A) gg T =2.898x 10% m-K Dogg = EPBAIO™ BK _ 9.8910" m= [9.89 a] (infrared) 293K 6.626 x 10“ Js) (3.00x 10° m/s 7 fo Bang le (6825x108) (800%10' m/s) _ Fay x 9.89 107 m (f) The energy output each second is carried by photons according to P (Re at N_P 181J/s = ) NPL = [8.98% 10" phot ‘Ai E~ DOI1O™ J/photon | 28%10" photon/s: Matter is coupled to radiation quite strongly, in terms of photon numbers (©2018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be senaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accsuble website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 907 40.14 Planck's radiation law is 2mhe® (ema) For long wavelengths, the exponent hic/Ak,T’ is small. Using the series expansion 1(2, T) alex tee 23 Planck’s law reduces to 2nhe? Qnhe? __ 2nckyT B+ hejAkT +1] A (hea) A which is the Rayleigh-Jeans law, for very long wavelengths. 1(a, T P40.15 From the figure, at maximum horizontal displacement x, the bob is at height h=L— VI? —x. Then the pendulum’s total energy is E=mgh=mg(L—v =x) E=(1.00 kg)(9.80 m/s? 00 m - (1.00 m)* — (0.030 om)} =441x10° J ANS. FIG. P40.15 The frequency of oscillation is fo |e 2 Pm ogee ry 2n 2nVL 2n 1.00 m The energy is quantized: E=nhf Therefore, E 441x107 J Tf (662610 J-5)(0.498 5) =[134x10" (22018 Cengage Lesning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible webs, whole rin pate 908 Introduction to Quantum Physics *P40.16 (a) (b) © Section 40.2 “P4017 (a) () The physical length of the pulse is £=vt=(3.00x 10° m/s)(14.0x10" 4.20 mm We find the number of photons from he _ (6.626 x 10 J-s)(3.00 x 10° m/: Ae 694.3107 m ) = 2.86% 107° J Then, 3.00 J N= Seer] ~ [105% 10" photons ‘The volume of the beam is V = (4.20 mm)[x(3.00 mm)? ]= 119 mm* ‘The number of photons per cubic millimeter is 1.05 x 10"" photons 119 mm* 8.8210 mm The Photoelectric Effect The cutoff wavelength is given by Equation 40.12: he _ (6.626% 10 J-s)(2.998x10" m/s) = HE = EERO SSA ENO YS) _ F395 nm | @ A20eV)(1.602x10™ TeV) 35 nm which corresponds to a frequency of _2.998%10" m, f= 7.7 296x107 m ~LOR10" He] he We find the stopping potential from “© = 9+ eAV, a (6.626 x 10™*)(2.998 x 10°) qe0x10" = (4.20 eV)(1.602 10" J/eV) + (1.60210 )AV, Therefore, { AV, =2.69 V | (2018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pat Chapter 40 909 P40.18 (a) At the cutoff wavelength, the energy of the photons is equal to the work function (K,., = 0): hey, ote 1240 nme _ ae a z 6 431eV (b) This is the cutoff frequency: fe _ 3.0010" m/s _ A 288x107 m 1.04 x 10" Hz] (The maximum kinetic energy is the difference between the energy of the photons and the work function: Kyu, =E-@ = 5.50 eV—431 eV = [Lid eV] P40.19 (a) Einstein's photoelectric effect equation is K, = hf- 9 and the energy required to raise an electron through a 1-V potential is 1 eV, so that Kyye = €AV, = 0.376 eV ‘The energy of a photon from the mercury lamp is: ple (6.62610 J -s)(2.998x 10° sls 1eV ) 546.1x107° m 1.60210" J 1.240 eV-nm ~~ 546.1 nm Therefore, the work function for this metal is: = hf - Ky, =2.27 eV - 0.376 eV =[1.89 eV] =2.27 eV (b) For the yellow light, 2 = 587.5 nm and the photon energy is he _ 1240 eV-nm =211eV A 5875 nm if = Therefore the maximum energy that can be given to an ejected electron is Kayay = hf — 9 = 2.11 eV-1.89 eV =0.216 eV so the stopping voltage is AV, =[0.216 VI P40.20 (a) The energy of a photon with a wavelength of 400 nm is ‘he _ (6.63x10™ J-s)(3.00x10° m/s)(__1eV__) a 400x107 m 1.60107? J =3.11eV (2018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved. ay not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin part 910 40.21 40.22 Introduction to Quantum Physics The energy of a photon with wavelength 400 nm is calculated to be 3.11 eV. Now compare this energy with the given work functions. Of these metals, only lithium shows the photoelectric leffect because its work function is less than the energy of the [photon. (©) For lithium, ‘max =E=9 (6.6310 J-s)(3.00%10° may lev } 400x107 m 1.60% 10" J —2.30 eV = [0.808 eV] The maximum kinetic energy of the electrons is Koac = HM #0 11x 10"kg)(4.60 10°m/s)" = 9.64% 10 J = 0.602 eV (a) The work function is onk-K,,, = L2i0eV-nm 625 nm (b) At the cutoff frequency, the energy of the photons equals the work function: — 0.602 eV = [1.38 eV] 9 Eso 3 f o 1.38 eV (see 1) © 6.626% 10™ J-s TeV =[3.34x 10" Hz] (a) The energy needed is E = 1.00 eV = 1.60 x 10 ‘The energy absorbed in time interval At is E=PAt=IAAt So, ya E 1.60 10-" J TA “(500 J/s-m®)| 2(2.82 10m) ] = [148 days =1.28x10" s (b) [The result for part (a) does not agree at all with the experimental] observations. (2018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pat Chapter 40 911 P40.23 Ultraviolet photons will be absorbed to knock electrons out of the sphere with maximum kinetic energy K,.,, = hf ~@. As the sphere loses charge, it becomes more positive relative to V= 0 at r=, Eventually, the sphere will accumulate enough charge +Q that the potential difference between the sphere's surface and infinity reaches the stopping potential of the photoelectrons, at which point no more electrons can escape. and Therefore, Solving for Q gives _——__5.00x10" m__ © (1.602 «10-7 C)(8.99x 10" Nom? /C*) 6.626 x 10" J-s)(2.998 10° m, x 200% 107 m 470 ors) 1eV [8.34x1 40,24 (a) The energy of photons is ie 12am &V _ea7ev 150 nm. (b) The photon energy is larger than the work function. (©) KE gs =E-$=8.27 eV 6.35 eV =[192 eV] (@) Kye =eAV, > Av, = Kew MeV ee [1.92 V] (2018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved. ay not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website whole rin part, 912 Introduction to Quantum Physics Section 40.3 The Compton Effect 40.25 From the Compton shift equation, the wavelength shift of the scattered x-rays is 6.63%10™ J-s 5 = 1 £855.01) (DAD IO™ kg) (S0K TOT ma7ajt COPY) = 1.0310"? m( P40.26 Wenote that 4”— A Inccent Photon 4 ANS. FIG. P40.26 ALA, the scattering angle is 0, and At B, the scattering angle is 180° 9, and h h aw —l1- 180Y- 6)] = —[1 8] walt <0s( N= sgl e056] Therefore, Me A h 2h ‘1+ i) 1-cos6)= (1+ cas) + (1 cos) = 26668108) (9.1110 kg)(3.00x10* m/s) = [4.85x 10? m (2018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pat Chapter 40 913 *P40.27 This is Compton scattering through 180°. he _ (6.62610 J-s)(3.00x10" mys) 4, (0.110x107 m)(1.60x10" J/eV) E =11.3 keV a= (1-cos@) = (243x107 m)(1-cos1801) mc = 485x107 m =A,+AA=0.115 nm, so p= =108 kev. By conservation of momentum for the photon- Incident Photon electron system, Scattered Recoiing Photon Electron (1. =H +z} and ANS. FIG. P40.27 p= (oes. CO me) 1.60 10°” J/eV (aes ee) 0,110 10" m © 0.11510" m, 22.1 keV c By conservation of system energy, 11.3 keV = 10.8 keV + K,, so that K, = 478 eV. Check Eta pre tmbe! or (mc? +K,) =(pe) (m2) (511 keV +0.478 keV)’ = (22.1 keV)’ +(511 keV)? 2.62 10° keV? = 2.62 10° keV* h P40.28 (a) and (b) From Ad = ——(1~cos@) we calculate the wavelength of the me scattered photon. For example, at 0 = 30° we have A+ AA =120x10 m . 6.626 x10™ J-s (9.1110 kg)(2.998 x 10° m/s) =120.3x10"? m -cos30.01) (2018 Cengage Lesning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin part 914 Introduction to Quantum Physics ‘The electron carries off the energy the photon loses: Re (6.62610 J-s) (2.998 10" m/s) ~ 1.602 x10" J/eV) x ate he =27.9 eV The other entries are computed similarly. @,degrees | 0 30 60 90 120 150180 apm 120.0 1203 1212 1224 1236 1245 1248 K, ev 0 279 104 «205305 376402 (0) [180° We could answer like this: The photon imparts the greatest momentum to the originally stationary electron in a head-on collision. Here the photon recoils straight back and the electron has maximum kinetic energy. E. 40.29 With K,= E’ and K,= E,~ £7, wehave E’=E)-E’ > B= gr _ he he _ he Iso have 2°=—; therefore, 4’ = =2 =2, We also have 2’ = 77; therefore, 47 = °° = 255 = 2A, By the Compton equation, H=A,+Ac(1-cos8) > 2A, = Ay + Ac(1-cos8) Therefore, = [oor] P40.30 (a) _ To compute the Compton shift, we first determine the electron’s kinetic energy: Kad mat =3 a =8.93x10-" (9.11x10* kg)(1.40x10* m/s)" 5.58 eV (2018 Cengage Leaning. RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 915 Then, 1.240 eV-nm 2, 0.800nm =1550 eV 1240 eV-nm E’=E,-K and 2 ean 1550 eV—5.58 eV = 0.803 nm and the Compton shift is Ad= 2! — A, = 0.002 89 nm = [2.89 pm| (b) AA=A-(1-cos 6) AA cos @=1-—" 002 89 nm. .002 43 nm =-0.189 > [@=10n] P40.31 The photon has momentum p, = E,/¢= A, before scattering and momentum p’ = h/2’ after scattering. The electron momentum after scattering is p, (2) Conservation of momentum in the x direction gives Po =p’cos6+ p,cos8 or t (4+ », Joos, mM Conservation of momentum in the y direction gives 0=p’sind—p, sino which (neglecting the trivial solution @= 0) gives [2] Substituting [2] into [1] gives or A= 2A,cos@. 3] Substitute [3] into the Compton equation: h —(1-cosé) me ) (2,cos@)—A, = “a —cos6) m,¢ (22018 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible webs, whole rin part 916 Introduction to Quantum Physics Solving, (2+ A owe 2 te im mc 0.511 MeV +0.880 MeV me 8 = Ss = 0.731 (080 Fine +E, 2(0511 MeV) +0.880 MeV > 6=(43.0Y) (©) Using equation [3]: he he iE, _ 880M XT 2,(2c0s0) 2cos@ 2cos43.07 0.602 MeV ¢ I3.21x10™ kg -m/s| (0) From energy conservation K, = Ey ~ E’ = 0.880 MeV — 0.602 MeV = [0.278 MeV] From equation [2], 0.602 MeV ( ¢ \( 160x107 c 300x100 m/s} 1 MeV =[3.21x 10 kg-m/s| 40.32 The photon has momentum p, = E,/c=h/A, before scattering and momentum p’ = h/2’ after scattering. The electron momentum after scattering is p, (a) Conservation of momentum in the x direction gives Po = p'cos6 + p, cosO hy or +p, Joos ret} hh ae Conservation of momentum in the y direction gives 0= p’sin@ — p, sin@ (2018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pat Chapter 40 917 which (neglecting the trivial solution 9= 0) gives pepat p h 2h h 7098 or 2=2A,cos®. 83] Substitute [3] into the Compton equation: 4-2, =“ (1-c050) (24,c080)-2, = + (1-cos0) ne (2.+ A oso=ae (b) Using equation [3]: fe___he___E X 7,(2c0s8) 2c0s6 E,(2m,c +E,) ‘Then, 2c(m,c +E,) (©) From energy conservation: pp Fol 2mc* +E) K,=E,-E’=E,- - 2(m,2+E,) 2E,(m,c? + Ey)— E,(2m,c? +Ey) 2m. +E, (2018 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved. ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin part 918 Introduction to Quantum Physics P4033 (a) (b) © P4034 (a) () From AA = a —cos0) __88626x10"F's__(4_ 9537.01) (9.11x 107 kg)(2.998 x 10 m/s) = 4.89107" m =|4.89 x10“ nm =e 1240 eV nm 4935107 nm E 300x10° eV and M =), + AA = 4.62107 m= 4.62% 107 nm hc _ 1240 eV-nm 462x107 nm =2.68 x 10° eV =[268 keV] (31.7 keV] itis, because Compton’s equation and the conservation of vector| lmomentum give three independent equations in the unknowns 2, day and Assuming the photon is incident along the x direction, the equations are , U-hy= “ne (1-cos90.0r) > ie] and h - Ap, =0-> 5 = ym,ucos20.01 h Ap, = 0 = ym,usin 20.01 z (22018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cesaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 919 Dividing the latter two equations gives dy = tan2001 21 7 I] Substituting equation [2] into equation [1] gives a= a'tan2001+— mic h _ he m,c(1—tan20.01) _ m,c*(1—tan20.01) 1240 eV-nm (0.511x10* eV)(1- tan 20.07) =3.82x 107 nm=3.82x 10 m 82 pm| 40.35 We treat the electron non-relativistically because 2.18% 10° m/s © 3.00x10° m/s =0.007 27 <0.01 The electron’s final kinetic energy is K,= Linu 2 This is the energy lost by the photon: h K, a From the Compton equation, we have et) pI me MA= 2h a= 4, + (10080) 13] me Substitute [2] and [3] into [1] He(1—cos8) mca] 4 Pelt-coo)] mc (22018 Cengage Lesning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible webs, whole rin pate 920 Introduction to Quantum Physics Solving, h me meas (1-coso) eA coso) 2 hee m,cA3 + h(1-cos8)A,— —"(1-cos6)=0 (a) Solve for A, A(1-cos6) +, |[h(1-cos@)] — 4(m, A= ° 2m, h(1-cos6) +, |[h(1-cos6)} + A= 2m,e h(1~ cos): [ar —cosoyf «| EE (-cos0)] 4 2m, _ h(1-cos0) |, 8c? "Ome fs taal] Only the positive answer is physical: a otcerl, 1 aan 2m,c rate __(6.63x10™ J-s)(1-cos17.41) © 2(9.11% 107" kg)(3.00x 10" m/s) | __ 8(3.00x10* m/s)" x41 ft | Gea m/sPccal | (2.18x 10° m/s) (1-cos17.41) =1.01x 10"? m= [0107 nm| (b) From [3], =, +L (1-c0s0) me (2018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pat Chapter 40 921 Substituting, h(1-cos@) h Meso, [ratasa fake Be \-[matsan The electron scattering angle is ¢. By conservation of momentum, in the transverse direction: Fsino—musing > sing=T af_- “( 6.63x10" Jos } = sin sin 17.40 2(9.11x10™ kg)(2.18x10° m/s| -L-cos6) me = 1.011610" m sind 40.36 Maximum energy loss appears as maximum increase in wavelength, which occurs for scattering angle 180°. Then, (ho 2h a= cosisor)- 24 (ine mc where mis the mass of the target particle. The fractional energy loss is -E!_hejay— hej’ _X Jy _ AA __2hjme A+ Ad Ay + 2hfme ot, he —2Ey Further, 4 me? +2E, (a) For scattering from a free electron, mc = 0.511 MeV, so = 2(0.511 MeV) ~ 0.511 MeV +2(0.511 MeV) — 0.667 (b) For scattering from a free proton, mc = 938 MeV, and 2(0.511 MeV) Ey 938 MeV +2(0.511 MeV) = [0.001 09] (2018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved. ay not be cesnaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin part 922 Introduction to Quantum Physics Section 40.4 The Nature of Electromagnetic Waves 40.37 With photon energy E = hf= 10.0 eV, a photon would have E_ 10.0(1.602x10"" J) ho 6626x103 12x10" He and 3.0010" m/s f 241x110" Hz =124nm. [To have photon energy 10 eV or greater, according to this definition, lionizing radiation is the ultraviolet light, x-rays, and rays with lwavelength shorter than 124 nm; that is, with frequency higher than 12.42 x 10"° Hz. 40.38 The photon energy is hic _ (6.626x10™ J-s)(3.00x10* m/s) 633x107 m The power carried by the beam is (2.00x 10" photons/s)(3.14x 10"? J/photon) = 0.628 W =3.14x10°" J Is intensity is the average Poynting vector 0.628 W EN = 2.61 10° W/m? {2 x10° 2 (a) To find the electric field, we use Solving, Exe =(220S.rg) =[2(4x «107 T-m/A)(3.00x 10° m/s) x(261x10° W/m?)]" =140x 10" N/C=[ 14.0 kV/m (©2018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be senaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accsuble website in whole pin pate (b) © (d) Section 40.5 P4039 (a) ) 40.40 (a) (b) Chapter 40 923 1.40x10* N/C = 4.6810" T 3.00x10" m/s Each photon carries momentum ©. The beam transports c P momentum at the rate ©. It imparts momentum to a perfectly c reflecting surface at the rate 2P 2(0.628 W) BP = force = 710628 W) ¢ 3.00% 10° m/s =4.19x 10° N =[4.19 nN The block of ice absorbs energy mL = PAt melting Pat _ (0.628 W)[1.50(3 600 s)] “L 3.33x10° J/kg m =1.02x 107 kg = [10.2 g| The Wave Properties of Particles _ fh 6.63x10 Js _ A 400x107 m 1.66 10™ kg-m/s| From p=m.u, 66% 10-" kg-m/s 5 = HECK TO Ke- mS _1 82x10" m/s=[182 km, 9.11x10™ kg x10! m/s /s Blectron: = and K=Amu? = P 2 'm, so p=J2mK he 6.626x10™ J-s PmkK /2(9.11x10™ kg)(3.00)(1.6010-° J) =7.09x10™" m =[0.709 nm] and 2= Photon: ans and E=Ms0f=5, 1241 and a= Me 1240eV-nm _ E 3.00 eV [413 nm (©2018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved, May not be senaed, copied o duplicted or posted oa publi accesible website in whole in pat 924 Introduction to Quantum Physics P40.41 Since the de Broglie wavelength is 2=—, the electron momentum is: 626 x10 J-s 100x107 m (a) For electrons, the relati Suppressing units, = = 6.626 x10 kg-m/s 2 stic answer is more precisely correct. K,= pie +(e) —m.c? = (pe +(e mc? 506102 5 IMeV__)} iy sin [(se2ss00 )(2.998x10 (es5)] +(0.511) 0.511 0.014 8 MeV = [14.8 keV] lor, ignoring relativistic correction, 6.626x 10)" ( \ (s.<26x10°) *) 1keV _\ _ (57 keV) 2(9.11x10 Y q602x10" 7 602 x 107 We (b) For photons (suppressing units): E, = pe =(6.626x 10™)(2.998 x wi SS 1.602 x 10° J 124 keV P40.42 The de Broglie wavelength of the proton is gob b 6.626 x10 J-s p mu (1.67x10™ kg)(1.00x10° m/s) 3.97 x10" m P40.43 Refer to Figure P40.43 (or ANS. FIG. Electron ‘P40.43). For Bragg reflection, the angle 0 is measured from the = Scattered reflecting plane to the incident beam, a oo as shown in Figure 38.23. Angle dis ° 20° measured from the incident beam to ° the reflected (scattered) beam. The fee d law of reflection applies relative to the normal to the plane (the dashed ANS. FIG. P40.43(a) line), so the angles of incidence and reflection are equal to 4/2. The angle between the reflecting plane and (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved May not be senaed, copied o duplicated, or posted oa publ accesible website in whole pin part 40.44 Chapter 40 925 ey the normal is 90°, so 6+ 2=00r 2 From the condition for Bragg reflection, we have mh 2dsind ~2asin( 900) ANS. FIG. P40.43(b) =2cos() The vertical beam is incident along the normal to the horizontal lattice planes which contain atoms that are separated by distance a, and the reflecting lattice planes form the angle 9/2 with the horizontal planes because the normal to the reflecting planes forms the angle ¢/2 with the vertical beam. Therefore, the spacing of the reflecting lattice planes ( is d= asin( $) ‘Thus, for the first maximum, with m= 1, 1 2[rsn(2)]e(2) enn ] We know that h vam.K 6.626 x 10 J-s /2(9.11x10™ kg)(54.0 x 1.60 x 107? J) a ss i= = 1.67 x10" m Therefore, the lattice spacing is ™ 2.1810" = [0218 nmi 6.626 10™ Js 10" m more. The energy of the electron is, suppressing units, @) 2-10 m orless, so p=F~ =10°? kg-m/s or E=\posme ~ (tory (310°) +(9x10"Y (3x10°)! or E~10" J~10* eV or more (2008 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved, ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin ptt 926 40.45 40.46 Introduction to Quantum Physics so that K =E-m,c? ~10° eV -(0.5x10° eV) [10% eV] or more (b) If the nucleus contains ten protons, the electric potential energy of the electron-nucleus system would be Kqgy _ (9X 10" N-m*/C*)[ 10(1.60x 10 C) (-e) a 05x10" m ~-10" eV (0) With its K+U, ~10* eV >> 0, fhe electron could not be confined] fo the nucleu! (a) From E=ymc?, _E__ 20000 MeV me? 0.511 MeV (b) We find the momentum of the particle from 3.9110" pe=[E* ~ (me? ]" =[(20 000 Mev’ (0.511 Mev)’ ] =20.0 GeV Then, p= [20.0 GeV /e=1.07x10™ kg-m/s (9) The electron’s wavelength is ah _6.626x10"'T-s ooo mn p 107x10™ kg-m/s (a) [The wavelength is two orders of magnitude smaller than the siz of the nucleus. Given the assumption in the problem statement, for significant diffraction to occur, we must have ( ( w < 10 = w(£) = 10 +) P (imu where Uis the speed of the student as he passes through the doorway. The variable we do not know here is the speed U, so let’s solve for it uso) vi This expression will give the upper limit to the speed of the student. (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved May not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 927 Substitute numerical values: ue oo x 10™ Jes) eas) - 11x00 m/s This is an extremely low velocity. It is impossible for the student to walk this slowly. At this speed, if the thickness of the wall in which the door is built is 15 cm, the time interval required for the student to pass through the door is 1.4 x 10° s, which is 10” times the age of the Universe. P4047 (a) For the electron, K=(y-1)me— and For the photon, Ey=K and y= oh POE Then the ratio is An ch yu _[7 2 (y-lme hk () For u=0.9006, Aon 1 (0.900) -iw 2 f1-(0.900)" [Vi-@ 900)" -1| (©) The ratio for a particular particle speed does not depend on the hho chang particle mass: There would b (@) For u=0.001 00¢, han 1 (0.001 00) _ 2 ~ fi-(0.001 00" [( fi-(@.001 00)"}-1] [2.00 x 10" (e) As 4-51, 7% and 7-1 becomes nearly equal to 7, Then, z 4, y 2 T= uf wy ( As => 01 ) t (2018 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be cesaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible webs, whole rin pat 928 Introduction to Quantum Physics 4, uje 2c a aRerey we P4048) (a) E=p'c + mc‘ with E= hf and Substituting, we find that Re wp ete faoe (&) No. Fora photon, £=1. The third term — in the equation ck Section 40.6 A New Model: The Quantum Particle P40.49 (a) The particle is freely moving, so we attribute no potential energy to it. Its energy is B= Kate = -(2)es)- ho For its momentum we have Then the phase speed is (me \( hh) _[u Pra FA=([S|( Ele () We see that the phase speed is only one-half of the experimentally measurable speed u at which the quantum particle transports mass, energy, and momentum. In the textbook’s Active Figure 28.17, individual wave crests would move forward more slowly than their envelope moves forward, so individual crests would appear to move backward relative to the packet containing them. (2008 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicated, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 929 40.50 Asa bonus, we begin by proving that the phase speed », a isnot the speed of the particle. cNpittmicth bP ariee nic hymu 7. =e, u(t Jes 1+ Pe SY ¥ u In fact, the phase speed is larger than the speed of light! A point of constant phase in the wave function carries no mass, no energy, and no information Now for the group speed: _ da _d(ho’ a oe ak a(ik) dp = pine tre at g pty? ay_ |_pet met + pre?) (04 2pc?)= Peano Itis this speed at which mass, energy, and momentum are transported. Section 40.7. The Double-Slit Experiment Revisited (a) p= = 8626x107 Js_ mu (1.67x10~ kg)(0.400 m/s) (b) For destructive interference in a multiple-slit experiment, = 992x107 m=[992 nm] \ dsind= (m=3 |, with m=0 for the first minimum. Also, J r ¥ =tano=sino=(1)4,s0 2)d 9.92x107 m)(10.0 y=Ltano— 44 m)(10.0 m) 2d 2(L00x107 my Ae (22018 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved. ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin pate 930 40.52 40.53 Introduction to Quantum Physics (9) [Noy there is no way to identify the slit through which the neutron passed. Even if one neutron at a time is incident jon the pair of slits, an interference pattern still develops lon the detector array. Therefore, each neutron in effect passes through both slits We find the speed of each electron from energy conservation in the firing process: 1 y +Uy = 5m? eV f2- The time of flight is E [2(1.60x 10 C)(45.0 V) SAX IO" kg 3.98x 10° m/s 0.280 m 3.9810" m/s ‘The current when electrons are 28 cm apart is, q_e¢ _160x10" C t At 7.04x10" s Consider the first bright band away from the center: 7.04x10" s =[227x10™ Al dsin@= mA 0.400 10 m 20.0x107 m (0.060 0x 10% m)sin] tan ( m And since 2= and — © 2em, 2? ‘Therefore, (6.626 10™ J-s)" 2(1.60x 10" C)(9.11x10™ kg)(1.20x10" m)" AV (2008 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicated, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 931 Section 40.8 The Uncertainty Principle a 40.54 (a) The uncertainty principle states ApAx = mAuAx >>, so h 2nJ-s Au 2——__ = —____—~_____ 5 "2 Temas Gn(2.00 kg)(100m) 22 m/s (b) The duck might move by (0.250 m/s)(5.00 s) = 1.25 m. With an original position uncertainty of 1.00 m, we can think of Ax growing to 1.00 m+ 1.25 m=[2.25 ml. P40.55 The uncertainty principle states AxAp, > g, where Ap,=mAu and f= h/2n. Both the electron and bullet have a velocity uncertainty Au = (0.000 100)(500 m/s) = 0.050 0 m/s For the electron, the minimum uncertainty in position is, 6.626 10™ J-s 1.1 ene TOT x10" kg O may em For the bullet, hk 6.626x 10 J-s AnmAu 47(0.020 0 kg)(0.050 0 m/s) =[5.28x10™ m P40.56 The momentum of the block is p = my, and if the mass is known precisely, the uncertainty in the momentum is Ap = mAv. From the uncertainty principle, Ax Ap, > h/2., so if there is an uncertainty of Ax =0.150 cm =1.50x10™ m in the position of the particle, the minimum uncertainty in its speed is _ 6.63x10" J-s a 47(0.500 kg)(1.50x10% m) 7.05% 10" m/s (22018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved ay not be cerned, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin ptt 932 Introduction to Quantum Physics P40.57 The maximum time one can use in measuring the energy of the particle is equal to the lifetime of the particle, or Af... ~2 +8. One form of the uncertainty principle is AE Af > h/2. Thus, the minimum uncertainty one can have in the measurement of a muon’s energy is, h 6,626x10™" Js F, = tt - £.626x10" Js mn An At, 4n(2x10* s) P40.58 Assume the rifle is firing horizontally and let the distance between the rifle and the target be L. The uncertainty in the vertical position of the particle as it leaves the end of the rifle is Ay = 2.00 mm. The ‘uncertainty principle will allow us to approximate the uncertainty in the vertical momentum of the particles (ignoring gravitational acceleration) A A AyAp, > = > Ap, = wap, 2 > Po 2 ony The time interval for the particle to reach the screen is, from the particle under constant velocity model, L At=— 2%, During this time interval, again from the particle under constant velocity model, the particle moves in the vertical direction by a distance (again ignoring gravitational effects) LoL Ay, = v,AE= 0, = TPs where Ay, is the vertical distance though which the particle moves when it arrives at the target and p, is the vertical momentum of the particle. Because the particles begin with zero vertical momentum, let's assume that the vertical momentum of the particles is on the order of the uncertainty in the vertical momentum. Then, AL Ay, = Yay P What we don’t know in this expression is the distance L, so let's solve forit: = 2PsAvay, h (22008 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole in pate Chapter 40 933 Substitute numerical values: 2(0.001 00 kg)(100 m/s)(0.002 00 m)(0.010 0 m) 1.055 x 10™ J-s a 4x 10" m According to Table 1.1, this distance is two orders of magnitude larger than the distance from the Earth to the most remote known quasar. In conclusion, then, for rifles fired at targets at reasonable distances away, a spread of 1.00 cm due to the uncertainty principle would be impossible. P40.59 With Av=1x10"" m, the uncertainty principle requires A _ 1.055 x 10™ J-s Ap, == or P<" 2ax2(1x 10 m) =5.3x107 kg-m/s The average momentum of the particle bound in a stationary nucleus is zero. The uncertainty in momentum measures the standard deviation of the momentum, so we take p ~5.3x10™ kg-m/s For an electron, the non-relativistic approximation p = m,u would predict u= 6x10" m/s, which is impossible because u cannot be greater than c. Thus, a better solution would be to use 2712 E=[(m.c*) +(pe)'] to find the speed (with mc = 0.511 MeV): .9 MeV = ym.c? y=194= so 4 =0.99867¢ For a proton, 5.3x 10 kg-m/s m— -167X10™ kg about one-hundredth the speed of light 3.2x10° m/s =0.011e Additional Problems 40.60 From each wavelength we find the corresponding frequency using the relation Af = c, where cis the speed of light: ¢ For A, = 588 x 10% m f 5.10 x 10" Hz (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin pat 934 Introduction to Quantum Physics For 2, = 505 x 10% m fy = 5.94 x 10" Hz 2, = 445 x 107 m f= 6.74. x 10" Hz A, L, = 399 x 107 m fy x 10" Hz. (a) We plot each point on an energy versus frequency graph, as shown in ANS. FIG. P40.60. We extend a straight line through the set of 4 points, as far as the negative y intercept. 2 Konax (ev) 20 HBT Be f(TH2) ANS. FIG. P40.60 (b) Our basic equation is K,,,,= hf- 9. Therefore, an experimental value for Planck’s constant is the slope of the K-f graph, which can be found from a least-squares fit or from reading the graph as 1. Rise 1.25 eV - 0.25 eV ee Run 65x 10" Hz 4.0 x 10" Hz =40x 10% eV-s =[6.4x10™ J-s| From the scatter of the data points on the graph, we estimate the uncertainty of the slope to be about 3%. Thus we choose to show two significant figures in writing the experimental value of Planck’s constant. (©) Again from the linear equation K,.,.= hf— 9, the work function for the metal surface is the negative of the y-intercept of the graph, so 1.4 eV Based on the range of slopes that appear to fit the data, the estimated uncertainty of the work function is 5%. Gag =-(-14 eV (22008 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole in pate Chapter 40 935 *P40.61 From the circular path the electrons follow in the magnetic field, the magnetic force is centripetal, me no > mv=eBR R Fema: evB= so the maximum kinetic energy is seen to be: Lig (mp) _ e?B?R? ee ee Om, Dm, 1.602 x10” C)'(2.00x10% T)' (0.200 my? 2(9.11x107" kg) 2.25x10™ J=1.40 eV From the photoelectric equation, Thus, the work function is whe, _ 1240 eV-nm 72450 nm 40.62 From the circular path the electrons follow in the magnetic field, the magnetic force is centripetal, 9 -140 eV 6 eV F=ma: so maximum kinetic energy is seen to be: m2 2m, 2m, From the photoelectric equation, he a -o Kye = hf = 0 = ‘Thus, the work function is he 7 40.63 The condition on electric power delivered to the filament is p=ray OY) (AV)'A _ (AV) ar’ , (AV) ar’ . R pe pe pP (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible webs, whole rin ptt 936 Introduction to Quantum Physics Here P= 75.0 W, p=7.13x107Q-m, and AV = 120 V. As the filament radiates in steady state, it must emit all of this power through its lateral surface area P= oeAT! = ge2nriT* (a) We combine the conditions by substitution: (avy ar | pP. P=oe2nr po PP 20 e(AV) T* (7.13x107Q-m)(75.0 WY 2(5.67 x10 W/m*K*)(0.450)(120 V)' x*(2 900 K)* r=[1.9810" m] Ppe_\*_{ (75.0 W) (7.13x107Q-m) (0.333 m) |” =laavy | (120 Vy = [198x107 m] (AV) ar? (120 Vy’ ar? (b) f= 0.333 m| pP (7.13x 107 Q-m)(750 W) P40.64 We first isolate the terms involving @ in Equations 40.13 and 40.14, ymucos¢= cos@ musing We then square and add to eliminate ¢: (rm,ucoso)' +(ymusing) 11 mien (2008 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be cesnaed, copied o duplicated, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 937 Defining b= [1 1 _2cos@ ae me | the above equation becomes me 3 vf =o(1-/e) ye. We =a Substitute into Equation 40,12 for the cutoff wavelength, m,c(A’-A,)-h=-heos® Rearranging this gives Equation 40.11, ( ,, {h Nady = (4) —cos8) (22018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved ay not be cerned, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin ptt 938 Introduction to Quantum Physics P40.65 We use AV, -(4)r-2 eye From two points on the graph in ANS. FIG 40.65, (h é =| = |(4.1x10" Hz)-£ 0 (2 x10" Hz)-© and ANS. FIG. P40.65 sav-(2)rzx10" H)-£ € e Combining these two expressions we find: (a) 9=—7ev] o) =f Ves e (0 Atthe cutoff wavelength, “= A, = (4.2 10" V-s)(1.60x 10" C) (3.00 10° m/s) * (1.7 eV)(1.60x 10" J/eV) = (73x10? nm P40.66 Equation 40.11 states AA = a —cos@) = 2’— A, for the scattered c photon. The initial energy of a photon is E, = he/A, . Its energy after scattering is he he h he - ae WAevaa "| 2+ c(t 6089) | eh. he (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be cenaed, copied o duplicated, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 939 P40.67 (a) We use energy conservation in the daredevil-Earth system to find the speed of the daredevil just before he makes a splash Line mgy, = smu; gives u, = J2gy, = f2(9.80 m/s? )(50.0 m) =31.3 m/s The de Broglie wavelength is then [2.8210 This is too small to be observable. (b) Equation 40.26 gives us the energy-lifetime version of the uncertainty principle AEAt > A 2 substituting numerical values, 6.626x 10" J-s ae (AE 2 ——_—___=|1.05 x 10" 4n(5.00x10 s) [2.05103] (©) We find the percent error from 1.0510 J (75.0 kg)(9.80 m/s*)(50.0 m) AE E 87 x10°% 40.68 The definition of the Compton wavelength is 4. = h/m,. The de Broglie wavelength is 2 = h/p. We take the ratio of the Compton wavelength to the de Broglie wavelength, and square it: (5) From Equation 39.27, the momentum for a slowly-moving or rapidly- moving object is described by Substituting and simplifying, (J (E = miet) (2 yaa 2 (mey (ne) (2008 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved, ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin ptt 940 Introduction to Quantum Physics and 40.69 (a) We find the energy of one photon’ Mf = Kanye + ® = 3(oarx 10™ kg)(420x10° m/s)’ 16x10" \ Gator ay *) 631x10" J ‘The number intensity of photon bombardment is 1 550J/s-m*__{_1m’_)f 1 electron emitted if 631x10™ J/photon | 10" cm® {1 photon absorbed electrons) 0 = [pra ; s-em?_| (b) The density of the current the imagined electrons comprise is i-(s 72x10" secon 60x19” —o ) s-em* electron 114.0 mA/cm’ (Many photons are likely reflected or give their energy to the metal as internal energy, so the actual current is probably a small fraction of 14.0 mA. 40.70 From the uncertainty principle, agar>® > A(me*)ar=4 2 2 Therefore, an h h m= 4nc*(At)m 4n(At)E, 6.626 10™ J-s {_1Mev__\ ~ Gx (870x100 8)(135 Mei woxi0 7) =|2.81«10~ (2018 Cengage Leaning. All RightsReserved May not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accsuible website in whole in pate 40.71 Chapter 40 941 (a) To find the de Broglie wavelength of the neutron, we first determine its momentum, p=mu=2mE = 462x10™ kg-m/s Then, ht _ 6.626 x10™ J-s mu 462X10™ kg-m/s (b) [This is of the same order of magnitude as the spacing between] atoms in a crystal) (©) Because the wavelength is about the same as the spacing] diffraction effects should occur. = 143x107" m =[0.143 nm A diffraction pattern with maxima and minima at the same angles can be produced with x-rays, with neutrons, and with electrons of much higher kinetic energy, by using incident quantum particles with the same wavelength. Challenge Problems *P40.72 (a) Atthe top of the ladder, the woman holds a pellet inside a small region Ax,. Thus, the uncertainty principle requires her to release it with typical horizontal momentum Ap, = mAv, x Itfalls lip to the floor in a travel time given by H=0+ gt? as t the total width of the impact points is ( Ax, = Ax, + (Ao, )t = Ax, +S ) ee = Ax, aA where A= amg d(x, To minimize Ax,, we require ‘te) =0 or (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible webs, whole rin ptt 942 Introduction to Quantum Physics The minimum width of the impact points is = [ET WA L[ored 2(1.054 6x 10™ J-s) }"(2(2.00 5,00x 10“ kg 80 mj = [519x107 m 40.73 (a) [The Doppler shift increases the apparent frequency of th incident light () ev=0.280c, T+ eye in 12 " f=f, Toga 7 (700x10 Hz). AS = 9.33% 10 Hz Therefore, onnf = (6.626x 10 J-s)(9.33 x10" Ho aio = [3.86 eV () Atv=0.900¢, Ta oe ie 7.900 Leaf, Toe 7.00 x 10 He) 2 and Kou = hf 6 [( 626%10™ J-s)(3.05x 10" 1 Ae) —3.86 eV =[ 876 e P40.74 We show that if all of the energy of a photon is transmitted to an electron, momentum will not be conserved. In general, a photon of energy E, =he/A, scatters off an electron at rest, resulting in the photon having energy E’ =c/2’ and the electron having kinetic energy K, Energy conservation requires E, = E’+K,, or MMe me*(y-1) (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be cenaed, copied o duplicated, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 943 If the photon is absorbed, then E’ = he/A’ = 0, and the above equation becomes 163) Because the photon is absorbed, momentum conservation requires the momentum of the electron be in the same direction as the momentum of the original photon: 2) From [1], we find that h [3] Y Jom +1 [3] and ich) Substituting [3] and [4] into [2] reveals the inconsistency: 4, Vane fa -( ome ’ a (ime J as ym h ean) 1 femme oY (ier AymcF This is impossible, so all of the energy of a photon cannot be transmitted to an electron. 40.75 (a) Starting with Planck's law, 2nhe? Pera] the total power radiated per unit area j__2mhe Bea] I(4, T) dh he TA? Change variables by letting x= x an ; 180 dx =~ Note that as 4 varies from 0 ee, X varies from o> 0. (2018 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved ay not be cesaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible webs, whole rin pat 944 Introduction to Quantum Physics Then, Ji(a, T)da=— 2nkiT** Therefore, (b) From part (a), a 2e a(S IK) 1Sh'c? 15(6.626x 10 J-s) (3.0010" m/s) o =[5.67x10* W/m? -K* 40.76 (a) Planck's law states ewer ay! To find the wavelength at which this distribution has a maximum, compute di Al yenet |ga-sf emia? 7 a anic| A*Te' ay = as[emonr ap eat at anh fg he ett da Rf eT) Akg [eT — 1] ~ h Letting x= jer’ the condition for a maximum becomes xe 7 = 5. Wezero in on the solution to this transcendental rm equation by iterations as shown in the table on the following page. (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved May not be cenaed, copied o duplicated, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate Chapter 40 945 x xe*/(e"-1) Ix xe*/(e*-1) 4.00000 4.074.6294 1496450 |4.999.4030 4.50000 [4.505521 1496550 5.003749 5.000 00 5.033 918 3 4.965 00 4.999 889 0 4.90000 4.936 7620 4.96525 5.000 1320 4.950 00 4.985 313 0 4.965 13 5.000 0153 4.975 00 5.009 609 0 4.965 07 4.999 957 0 4.96300 4.997 9452 4.96510 4.999 986 2 4.969 00 3.776 7 4.965115 |5.000 000 8 }4.966 00 |5.000 860 9 The solution is found to be i 7 = 4965115 and AgyT = Tee (b) 5x 10™ J-s)(2.997 925x 10" m/s) 4.965 115 ( 2.897 755x107 m-K 380 658x 10 J/K) This result agrees with Wien’s experimental value of Jaga: = 2.898 x10 m-K for this constant (22018 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved. ay not be senaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website, whole rin pat 946 Introduction to Quantum Physics ETS Se ee SE eT Sst oad C0) STS TES 40.2 40.4 P40.6 P40.8 40.10 P4012 P4014 P40.16 P4018 40.20 40.22 40.24 P40.26 40.28 40.30 P4032 (a) 999 nm; (b) The wavelength emitted at the greatest intensity is in the infrared (greater than 700 nm), and according to the graph in Active Figure 40.3, much more energy is radiated at wavelengths longer than 4... than at shorter wavelengths. (a) 5 200 K; (b) This is not blackbody radiation. i: (a) 2.57 eV, (b) 1.28 x 10° eV, (c) 1.91 x 107 eV; ii: (a) 484 nm, (b) 9.68 cm, (c) 6.52 m; iii: (a) visible light (blue), (b) radio wave, (c) radio wave 2.27 x 10” photon/s (a) 5.78 x 10° K; (b) 501 nm. (a) 7.09 x 10° W; (b) 580 nm; (c) 7.99 x 10" W/m; (d-i) See table in P40.12; (j) =19 kW See P40.14 for full explanation. (a) 4.20 mm; (b) 1.05 x 10" photons; (c) 8.82 x 10° mm” (a) 288 nm; (b) 1.04 x 10" Hz; (c) 1.19 eV (a) The energy of a photon with wavelength 400 nm is calculated to be 3.11 eV. Now compare this energy with the given work functions. OfF these metals, only lithium shows the photoelectric effect because its work function is less than the energy of the photon; (b) 0.808 eV (a) 148 days; (b) The result for part (a) does not agree at all with the experimental observations. (a) 8.27 eV; (b) The photon energy is larger than the work function; (0) 192 eV; (a) 192V 4.85 x10" m (a and b) See P40.28 for full answer; (¢) 180°. We could answer like this: The photon imparts the greatest momentum to the originally stationary electron in a head-on collision. Here the photon recoils straight back, and the electron has maximum kinetic energy. (a) 2.89 pm; (b) @= 101° (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al Rights Reserved May not be senaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible website in whole pin pate 40.34 P40.36 40.38 40.40 40.42 40.44 40.46 P4048 P40.50 40.52 40.54 P40.56 40.58 40.60 40.62 40.64 40.66 40.68 40.70 40.72 40.74 40.76 Chapter 40 947 (a) Itis because Compton's equation and the conservation of vector momentum give three independent equations in the unknowns 2’, 4, and u; (b) 3.82 pm (a) 0.667; (b) 0.001 09 (a) 14.0 kV/m; (b) 46.8 2T; (¢) 4.19 nN; (4) 10.2 g, (a) 0.709 nm; (b) 413 nm 3.97 x 10% m (a) ~10° eV; (b) ~ -10° eV; (c) The electron could not be confined to the nucleus. The speed with which the student passes through the door is an extremely low velocity. It is impossible for the student to walk this slowly. At this speed, if the thickness of the wall in which the door is built is 15 cm, the time interval required for the student to pass through the door is 1.4 x 10" s, which is 10” times the age of the Universe. (a) See P40.48(a) for full explanation; (b) They will always have a different frequency from photons of the same wavelength. See P40.50 for the full explanation. 227x107 A (a) 0.250 m/s; (b) 2.25 m 7.03 x 10 m/s For the rifles fired at targets at reasonable distances away, a spread of 1.00 cm due to the uncertainty principle would be impossible. (a) See graph in ANS. FIG. P40.60 (b) 6.4x10™ J-s; (c) 14eV he e°BPR® 22m, See P40.64 for full explanation. See P40.66 for full explanation. See P40.68 for full explanation. 2.81 x 10 (a) See P40.72(a) for full explanation; (b) 5.19 x 10° m See P40.74 for full explanation. (a) See P40.76 for full explanation; (b) 2.897 755x107 m+K (22008 Cengage Leaning. Al RightsReserved ay not be cenaed, copied o duplicted, or posted to 3 publ accesible webs, whole rin ptt

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