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by Tara McHugh and Peishih Liang

Realizing the Benefits of Food Irradiation

his month’s column will help us to
realize the benefits of irradiation as a
processing technology for food. Food
irradiation is a preservation technique
using ionizing radiation to lengthen shelf-
life of fresh foods and vegetables,
postpone microbial spoilage, reduce
occurrence of foodborne contamination,
and prevent infestation by insects (WHO
I wish to thank my co-author, Peishih
Liang, research agricultural engineer at
the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Agricultural Research Service, for con-
tributing to this column.

History and Market

Ionizing radiation used in food irradiation
includes gamma rays, x-rays, and elec-
tron beams. X-rays and gamma rays were
discovered in the 1890s, and research
back then showed that these forms of
Molecular biologist Chris Sommers (left) and microbiologist Glenn Boyd vacuum-seal hot dogs to get them ready for
irradiation kill bacteria. However, the irradiation. Photo by Stephen Ausmus, USDA Agricultural Research Service
efficiency of x-ray machines and the
availability of radioactive materials pro-
hibited them from being used in the food or introduce undesirable flavor in dairy Too much ionizing radiation can cause
industry. Not until the 1940s were elec- and meat products.
tron accelerators developed, and ionizing Globally, gamma rays are the most
fruits and vegetables to soften and
radiation was able to be generated at common source of food irradiation. become unacceptably mushy
much lower cost. In addition, radioactive Electron beams cannot penetrate as far
elements, such as cesium-137 and into foods as gamma rays and x-rays;
or introduce undesirable flavor
cobalt-60, were produced from atomic thus, they are used primarily for treating in dairy and meat products.
fission, representing a major scientific grains and powders. Electron beam irra-
advance that supported the industrial diation was reviewed in the January 2017 more costly and less desirable, and much
application of food irradiation. Processing column. Radioactive iso- more research has been dedicated
Since then, many studies have been topes, such as cobalt-60 and cesium-137, toward using x-rays as alternatives.
done to determine the appropriate doses are needed to produce gamma rays with The global food irradiation market
for treatment of a wide range of food sufficient energy to treat foods. X-rays was valued at $200 million in 2017 and
products. While a certain dose may be and electron beams do not require radio- was projected by Coherent Market
required to inactivate or kill foodborne active isotopes, but do require costly Insights to grow at a 4.9% combined
pathogens, spoilage microorganisms, and accelerators, making gamma ray technol- annual growth rate from 2018 to 2026.
insects, too much ionizing radiation can ogy more economical than x-rays. This projects the market size to rise to
cause fruits and vegetables to soften and National security concerns about radio- $284 million by 2026. This high growth
become unacceptably mushy (e.g., active materials in recent years have rate was envisioned due to increased
cucumbers, grapes, and some tomatoes) caused the gamma ray facilities to be consumer acceptance since the U.S.

09.19 • 63 pg

Realizing the Benefits of Food Irradiation continued...

foods are also used in hospitals and other
medical facilities for immune-compro-
mised and immune-suppressed patients
who must have bacteria-free food (IAEA

Irradiation is one of the phytosanitation
measures used to prevent the introduc-
tion or spread of regulated pests or as a
control measure to contain outbreaks of
pests (Hallman et al. 2016). Phyto-
sanitation does not solely rely on killing
the pest insects, but also preventing the
successful development of different life
stages. For example, when insect larvae
are irradiated, they may not emerge as
adults, and when adult insects are irradi-
ated, they may become sterile and
produce non-viable offspring. Ionizing
radiation breaks chemical bonds within
DNA and other biomolecules, thereby
disrupting normal cellular function in the
About a third of spices in the United States are irradiated. © Dmitr1ch/iStock/Getty Images Plus
infesting insect. The doses required to
control insects are relatively low com-
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) shelf life of ground beef stored at 4°C pared to doses for food safety and
approved phytosanitary treatment of was extended from only one day to 10 sterilization purposes due to the larger
fresh fruits and vegetables by irradiation. days, and shelf life of refrigerated vac- amounts of DNA and more complex
The food irradiation market in Asia is also uum-packaged beef sirloin cuts doubled repair mechanisms.
growing very rapidly owing to approval of from about four weeks to 10 weeks There are currently two phytosanita-
government agencies in India and other (Niemand et al. 1981). tion facilities in mainland United States
countries. using gamma rays for fruits and vegeta-
Presently over 40 countries have Food Safety bles (e.g., guava and sweet potato) and
approved applications to irradiate over 40 Depending on the dose of radiation one in Hawaii using x-rays for tropical
different foods. More than half a million energy applied, foods may be pasteurized fruits (e.g., papaya and mango).
tons of food is irradiated around the globe to reduce or eliminate pathogens, or they
each year. About a third of the spices and may be sterilized to eliminate all microor- Industrial Equipment Manufacturers
seasonings used in the United States are ganisms, except for some viruses (IFT Key processing machinery companies in
irradiated. 1983). Irradiation creates damage in the the global food irradiation market include
genetic material of the cell by causing a but are not limited to the following com-
Extending Shelf Life lesion in the DNA or breaking both panies: Rayfresh Foods, IBA Industrial,
There are two aspects in extending the strands of DNA. DNA damage prevents Sterigenics International, Phytosan,
shelf life of foods using irradiation. One is multiplication and randomly inhibits cell Grey*Star, Nordion, Reviss Services,
to inhibit sprouting and delaying ripening functions, resulting in the death of the Sadex Corp., and Scantech Sciences.
by slowing down the speed at which cell (Lacroix and Follett 2015). Examples
enzymes change the food. This is most of microorganisms that can be eliminated Current Use of Irradiation
commonly used for potatoes, onions, from food using irradiation include E. coli The FDA has evaluated the safety of irra-
garlic, and some fruits using low-to- 0157:H7, Campylobacter, and Salmonella. diated foods for more than 30 years. They
medium doses of radiation energy. The Higher doses of radiation energy can and the World Health Organization,
other aspect is to destroy or inactivate further sterilize foods to ensure maximum Centers for Disease Control, and U.S.
organisms that could cause spoilage and shelf life and food safety. This is particu- Department of Agriculture agree that
decomposition, which is most commonly larly useful for certain groups, such as irradiated foods are safe. The FDA has
done in muscle foods. The predominant campers, hikers, and emergency relief approved irradiation for the following
food spoilage organisms are gram-nega- operations. Such foods have also been foods in the United States: wheat flour,
tive microorganisms that are very used by astronauts and armed forces in beef and pork, crustaceans, fresh fruits
susceptible to radiation. For example, different countries. In addition, sterile and vegetables, poultry, seeds for

pg 64 09.19 •
individual ingredients in multi-ingredient modified atmosphere packaging, refrig-
foods. eration, freezing, and/or heating with
irradiation offer promise, as does appli-
Future Developments in Irradiation cation of edible coatings and natural
Combinations of irradiation treatments antimicrobials in combination with
with other preservation techniques are irradiation. FT
likely to be more commonly applied com-
mercially to foods in the years ahead REFERENCES
(Lacroix and Follet 2015). Combinations Hallman, G. J., Y. M. Henon, A. G. Parker, et al. 2016.
of technologies offer the potential bene- “Phytosanitary irradiation: An overview.” Florida Entomologist
fits of reducing the energy or dose 99(2): 1–13.
The Radura is the international symbol of irradiation. requirements while still destroying bac- IAEA. 1995. “Shelf-stable foods through irradiation process-
ing.” International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
© tatadonets/iStock teria and spoilage organisms, resulting in
IFT. 1983. “Radiation preservation of foods. A Scientific
increased final product quality. Status Summary by the Institute of Food Technologists’
sprouting, shell eggs, and shellfish, as Synergistic effects of combinations of Expert Panel on Food Safety and Nutrition.” Food Technol.
well as spices and seasonings. The irra- 37(2): 55–61.
diation process is cold, and as a result, Tara McHugh, PhD, Contributing Editor Lacroix, M., and P. Follett. 2015. “Combination irradiation
• Research Leader, USDA Agricultural Research treatments for food safety and phytosanitary uses.” Stewart
most of the nutritional value of irradiated Postharvest Review 3: 4.
Service, Albany, Calif.
foods is preserved. • Niemand, J. G., H. J. Van der Linde, and W. H. Holzapfel.
The FDA requires that foods that have 1981. “Radurization of prime beef cuts.” J. Food Protect. 44:
been irradiated be labeled with the 677–681.
Radura symbol along with a statement Peishih Liang is a research agricultural engineer at the WHO. 1988. “Food irradiation: A technique for preserving
and improving the safety of food.” World Health
“treated with irradiation” or “treated by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
irradiation.” Labeling is not required for Service (

09.19 • 65 pg

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